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20/08/2020 Microsoft Forms
HealthEngine medical data breach
Read through the article below and answer the related questions of this section.
Reference: https://www.itnews.com.au/news/healthengine-reveals-data-breach-496175 (https://www.itnews.com.au/news/healthengine-reveals-data-breach-496175)
Even though HealthEngine has comprehensively tested its website, and used independent test teams, and automation tools, their efforts failed to allow for users accessing confidential feedback data provided by other users. Choose the Test principle that fits bests the above, and explain why.
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Having identified the client-side code error that allowed for unintended user feedback to be published, HealthEngine developers and testers will conduct white box testing and check for similar data query/display code functions. Choose the Test principle that fits bests the above, and explain why.
Can you think of how this software fail happened even when there was no compromise of HealthEngine secure data? Provide a theory.
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https://forms.office.com/Pages/DesignPage.aspx?auth_pvr=OrgId&auth_upn=ivan.sun@rmit.edu.au&origin=shell#FormId=cTYy0b7NF0S01L2yS… 1/1