程序代写代做代考 game Haskell Overview Haskell Homework

Overview Haskell Homework
Software System Design and Implementation
Dr. Liam O’Connor
University of Edinburgh LFCS (and UNSW) Term 2 2020

Overview Haskell Homework
Who are we?
I am Dr. Liam O’Connor, a lecturer in Programming Languages for Trustworthy Systems at the University of Edinburgh, currently visiting UNSW to teach this course. I produce these lecture videos.
Curtis Millar, the lecturer for the interactive sessions, works on, among other things, trustworthy systems and formal methods projects at the Trustworthy Systems group at data61.
Prof. Gabriele Keller, who now works at Utrecht University, is the former lecturer of this course. Her research interests revolve around programming languages for formal methods and high performance computing. Hopefully we can maintain the high standard she set.

Overview Haskell Homework
Contacting Us
There is a Piazza forum available on the website. Questions about course content should typically be made there. You can ask us private questions to avoid spoiling solutions to other students.
I highly recommend disabling the Piazza Careers rubbish.
Administrative questions should be sent to liamoc@cse.unsw.edu.au.

Overview Haskell Homework
What is this course?
Software must be high quality: Software must developed
correct, safe and secure. cheaply and quickly

Overview Haskell
Safety-uncritical Applications
; Video games: Some bugs are acceptable, to save developer effort.

Overview Haskell Homework
Safety-critical Applications
Remember a particularly painful uni group work assignment.
Now imagine you. . .
Are travelling on a plane
Are travelling in a self-driving car
Are working on a Mars probe
Have invested in a new hedge fund
Are running a cryptocurrency exchange
Are getting treatment from a radiation therapy machine Intend to launch some nuclear missiles at your enemies
. . . running on software written by other members of that group.

Overview Haskell Homework
Safety-critical Applications

Overview Haskell Homework
What is this course?
Maths COMP3141 Software

Overview Haskell Homework
Set Theory Proofs Induction Algebra (a bit) No calculus 􏰈
What is this course?
Maths COMP3141 Software
N.B: MATH1081 is neither necessary nor sufficient for COMP3141.

Overview Haskell Homework
Programming Reasoning Design Testing Types Haskell
What is this course?
N.B: Haskell knowledge is not a prerequisite for COMP3141.
Maths COMP3141 Software

Overview Haskell Homework
This course is not:
a Haskell course
What isn’t this course?
a verification course (for that, see COMP6721, COMP4161) an OOP software design course (see COMP2511, COMP1531) a programming languages course (see COMP3161).
a WAM booster cakewalk (hopefully).
a soul-destroying nightmare (hopefully).

Overview Haskell Homework
For many of you, this course will present a lot of new topics. Even if you are a seasoned programmer, you may have to learn as if from scratch.
Class Mark (out of 100)
Two programming assignments, each worth 20 marks.
Weekly online quizzes, worth 20 marks.
Weekly programming exercises, worth 40 marks.
Final Exam Mark (out of 100)
result = class + exam 2

Haskell Homework
Lecture videos like this one are released once per week. These generally introduce new material.
Curtis will run an interactive lecture on Blackboard Collaborate to reinforce this new material and provide students an opportunity to ask questions and practice. This lecture is every Wednesday at 3pm.
You must watch recordings as they come out.
Recordings are available from the course website.
All board-work will be done digitally and made available to you.
Online quizzes are due one week after the lectures they examine, but do them early!

Overview Haskell Homework
There are no set textbooks for this course, however there are various books that are useful for learning Haskell listed on the course website.
I can also provide more specialised text recommendations for specific topics.

Overview Haskell Homework
In this course we use Haskell, because it is the most widespread language with good support for mathematically structured programming.
“of type” Codomain
f :: Int -> Bool
f x = (x > 0)
Function Name Domain Input
In mathematics, we would apply a function by writing f (x ). In Haskell we write f x. Demo: GHCi, basic functions

Haskell Homework
In mathematics, we treat log10(x) and log2(x) and ln(x) as separate functions.
In Haskell, we have a single function logBase that, given a number n, produces a function for logn(x).
log10 :: Double -> Double
log10 = logBase 10
log2 :: Double -> Double
log2 = logBase 2
ln :: Double -> Double
ln = logBase 2.71828 What’s the type of logBase?

Overview Haskell Homework
Currying and Partial Application
logBase :: Double -> (Double -> Double) (parentheses optional above)
Function application associates to the left in Haskell, so: logBase 2 64 ≡ (logBase 2) 64
Functions of more than one argument are usually written this way in Haskell, but it is possible to use tuples instead…

Overview Haskell Homework
Tuples are another way to take multiple inputs or produce multiple outputs:
toCartesian :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)
toCartesian (r, theta) = (x, y)
where x = r * cos theta
y = r * sin theta
N.B: The order of bindings doesn’t matter. Haskell functions have no side effects, they just return a result.

Overview Haskell Homework
Higher Order Functions
In addition to returning functions, functions can take other functions as arguments:
twice :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
twice f a = f (f a)
double :: Int -> Int
double x = x * 2
quadruple :: Int -> Int
quadruple = twice double

Overview Haskell Homework
[True, False, True]
[3, 2, 5+1]
[sin, cos]
[ (3,’a’),(4,’b’) ]
:: [Bool]
:: [Int]
:: [Double -> Double] :: [(Int, Char)]
Haskell makes extensive use of lists, constructed using square brackets. Each list element must be of the same type.

Overview Haskell Homework
A useful function is map, which, given a function, applies it to each element of a list:
map not [True, False, True] = [False, True, False]
map negate [3, -2, 4] = [-3, 2, -4]
map (\x -> x + 1) [1, 2, 3] = [2, 3, 4]
The last example here uses a lambda expression to define a one-use function without giving it a name.
What’s the type of map?
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

Overview Haskell Homework
The type String in Haskell is just a list of characters: type String = [Char]
This is a type synonym, like a typedef in C.
“hi!” == [‘h’, ‘i’, ‘!’]

Overview Haskell Homework
Word Frequencies
Let’s solve a problem to get some practice:
Example (First Demo Task)
Given a number n and a string s, generate a report (in String form) that lists the n most common words in the string s.
We must:
1 Break the input string into words.
2 Convert the words to lowercase.
3 Sort the words.
4 Count adjacent runs of the same word.
5 Sort by size of the run.
6 Take the first n runs in the sorted list.
7 Generate a report.

Overview Haskell Homework
Function Composition
We used function composition to combine our functions together. The mathematical (f ◦ g)(x) is written (f . g) x in Haskell.
In Haskell, operators like function composition are themselves functions. You can define your own!
— Vector addition
(.+) :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
(x1, y1) .+ (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
(2,3) .+ (1,1) == (3,4)
You could even have defined function composition yourself if it didn’t already exist:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
(f . g) x = f (g x)

Overview Haskell Homework
How were all of those list functions we just used implemented?
Lists are singly-linked lists in Haskell. The empty list is written as [] and a list node is written as x : xs. The value x is called the head and the rest of the list xs is called the tail. Thus:
“hi!” == [‘h’, ‘i’, ‘!’] == ‘h’:(‘i’:(‘!’:[]))
== ‘h’ : ‘i’ : ‘!’ : []
When we define recursive functions on lists, we use the last form for pattern matching:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

Overview Haskell
Equational Evaluation
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs We can evaluate programs equationally:
map toUpper “hi!”
≡ map toUpper (’h’:”i!”)
≡ toUpper ’h’ : map toUpper “i!”
≡ ’H’ : map toUpper “i!”
≡ ’H’ : map toUpper (’i’:”!”)
≡ ’H’ : toUpper ’i’ : map toUpper “!” ≡ ’H’ : ’I’ : map toUpper “!”
≡ ’H’ : ’I’ : map toUpper (’!’:””)
≡ ’H’:’I’:’!’ : maptoUpper”” ≡ ’H’:’I’:’!’ : maptoUpper[] ≡ ’H’:’I’:’!’ : []
≡ “HI!”

Overview Haskell Homework
Higher Order Functions
The rest of this lecture will be spent introducing various list functions that are built into Haskell’s standard library by way of live coding.
Functions to cover:
1 map
2 filter
3 concat
4 sum
5 foldr
6 foldl
In the process, we will introduce let and case syntax, guards and if, and the $ operator.

Haskell Homework
1 Get Haskell working on your development environment. Instructions are on the course website.
2 Using Haskell documentation and GHCi, answer the questions in this week’s quiz (assessed!).
3 Attend Curtis’ online lecture on Wednesday!