程序代写代做代考 kernel graph ECON6300/7320/8300 Advanced Microeconometrics Non-Parametric methods

ECON6300/7320/8300 Advanced Microeconometrics Non-Parametric methods
Christiern Rose 1University of Queensland
Practical 10 May 2019

􏰉 This class will review: 􏰉 Histograms
􏰉 Kernel density
􏰉 Non-parametric regression – Lowess/K-nearest neighbours
􏰉 We begin with a demonstration from Chapter 9 of Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications.
􏰉 We move on to a practical in which we estimate non-parametric Engel curves.

Practical (1)
􏰉 We have the same World Bank data as last week
􏰉 Thus far we have assumed log-linear Engel curves
􏰉 Now we look more closely at the functional form
􏰉 We focus on regressions of log-medical expenditure on log-total expenditure with no controls.

Practical (2)
1. Load, describe and summarise the data.
2. Estimate a histogram and kernel density of log-medical expenditure using Silberman’s optimal bandwidth and the Epanechnikov kernel.
3. Estimate a linear Engel curve for log-medical expenditure on log-total expenditure
4. Use a parametric approach to estimate a non-linear Engel curve.
5. Perform a hypothesis test of non-linearity in your parametric specification. What do you conclude?
6. Estimate a non-parametric Engel curve.
7. Plot the linear, parametric non-linear, and non-parametric
Engel curves on the same graph.
8. Based on your analysis so far, is linearity a reasonable assumption?