School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne
Workshop exercises: Week 11
1. What is Question Answering?
(a) What is semantic parsing, and why might it be desirable for QA? Why might approaches like NER be more desirable?
(b) What are the main steps for answering a question for a QA system?
2. What is a Topic Model?
(a) What is the Latent Dirichlet Allocation, and what are its strengths? (b) What are the different approaches to evaluating a topic model?
1. In the iPython notebook 12-topic-model, we build a topic model on the Reuters news corpus.
• Explore different number of topics: qualitatively how does it change the top- ics?
• Explore different values of the document-topic α and topic-word η (β in lec- ture) priors: qualitatively how does it change the topics? What values work best for the downstream document classification task? (Note: you can also try ’auto’ where the model will try to learn these hyper-parameters automat- ically)
• Modify the classification task such that it uses bag-of-word and the topic dis- tribution as input features to the classifiers. Do you see a performance gain?