程序代写代做代考 deep learning flex Keras School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90042

School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne COMP90042
Workshop exercises: Week 5
1. How does a neural network language model (feedforward or recurrent) handle a large vocabulary, and how does it deal with sparsity (i.e. unseen sequences of words)?
2. Why do we say most parameters of a feedforward neural network language model is in their input and output word embeddings?
3. WhatadvantagedoesanRNNlanguagemodelhaveoverN-gramlanguagemodel?
4. What is the vanishing gradient problem in RNN, and what causes it? How do we
tackle vanishing gradient for RNN?
1. In the iPython notebook 07-deep-learning:
• Can you find other word pairs that have low/high similarity? Try to look at more nouns and verbs, and see if you can find similarity values that are counter-intuitive.
• We can give the neural models more learning capacity if we increase the di- mension of word embeddings or hidden layer. Try it out and see if it gives a
better performance. One thing that we need to be careful when we increase
the number of model parameters is that it has a greater tendency to “overfit”.
We can tackle this by introducing dropout to the layers (keras.layers.Dropout), which essentially set random units to zero during training. Give this a try,
and see if it helps reduce overfitting.
• Improve the bag-of-words feed-forward model with more features, e.g. bag- of-N-grams, polarity words (based on a lexicon), occurrence of certain sym- bols (!).
• Can you incorporate these additional features to a recurrent model? How? Get ahead
• While keras is a great library for learning how to build basic deep learning mod- els, it is often not as flexible as pytorch, due to its high level of abstraction. Follow the pytorch tutorial (https://pytorch.org/tutorials/) and learn how to build a word level language model in one of its examples (https:// github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/word_language_model).