程序代写代做代考 graph Background:

We are going to write a report about Voronoi diagram and service points of logistics company, which is, to figure out a region that each service points will be responsible for.
We are just new for MATLAB and we cannot handle too complicated coed by our own. Wish you can help us. We will provide require data for you to plot the graph. If you have any questions, feel free to email us tangamos636@gmail.com.
Provided Data:
1. code.docx (the basic Voronoi diagram and population graph overlapping based on our data. Plot with (y,x). hope you can use it.)
2. Kowloon.kmz (Google map with 17 cell center and 32population estates)
3. Coordinates.xslx (coordinates of the cell centers, only 17 data below the green line is used)
4. 深水埗、油尖旺、九龙城、黄大仙、观塘人口.xslx (35 districts population distribution and coordinates, 3 districts is no use)
5. Some image that we already create.
P.S. 3.4.5. only for you to have a reference. Requirements:
1: a MATLAB code that can generate a weighted Voronoi diagram by entering those variables: x,y coordinates of the cell centers (service points), weighting to each cell center. (data of districts population distributions are used to decide the weighting to each region and would not be used as variables)
2: using code to color the Voronoi diagram
3: combine, overlap the point of the V-diagram population graph and the real map(google map). *It will help us a lot if you can label the cell center in the image with code.
Provided link:
Weighted example code

color example code
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/283245-how-can-i-color-the-polygons-in-a-voronoi- tessellation