Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Abstract Machines
Dr. Liam O’Connor
University of Edinburgh LFCS UNSW, Term 3 2020
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Big O
We all know that MergeSort has O(n log n) time complexity, and that BubbleSort has O(n2) time complexity, but what does that actually mean?
Big O Notation
Given functions f , g : R → R, f ∈ O(g ) if and only if there exists a value x0 ∈ R and a coefficient m such that:
∀x > x0. f (x) ≤ m · g(x)
What is the codomain of f ?
When analysing algorithms, we don’t usually time how long they take to run on a real
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Cost Models
A cost model is a mathematical model that tries to measure of the cost of executing a program.
There exist denotational cost models, that assign a cost directly to syntax:
[·] : Program → Cost
However in this course we will focus on operational cost models.
Operational Cost Models
First, we define a program-evaluating abstract machine. We can determine the time cost by counting the number of steps taken by the abstract machine.
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Abstract Machines
Abstract Machines
An abstract machine consists of:
1 A set of states Σ,
2 A set of initial states I ⊆ Σ,
3 AsetoffinalstatesF ⊆Σ,and
4 A transition relation → ⊆ Σ × Σ.
We’ve seen this before in structural operational (or small-step) semantics.
Cost Models Control Flow
Refinement and Simulation
Is just our usual small-step rules:
The M Machine
e1 →M e1′
(Plus e1 e2) →M (Plus e1′ e2)
··· e1 →M e1′
(Ife1 e2 e3)→M (Ife1′ e2 e3)
(If (Lit True) e2 e3) →M e2 (If (Lit False) e2 e3) →M e3
e1 →M e1′
(Apply e1 e2) →M (Apply e1′ e2)
e2 →M e2′
(Apply (Recfun (f .x. e)) e2) →M (Apply (Recfun (f .x. e)) e2′ ) v∈F (Apply(Recfun(f.x.e))v)→M e[x:=v,f :=(Recfun(f.x.e))]
The M Machine is unsuitable as a basis for a cost model. Why?
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
One step in our machine should always only be O(1) in our language implementation. Otherwise, counting steps will not get an accurate description of the time cost.
This makes for two potential problems:
1 Substitution occurs in function application, which is potentially O(n) time.
2 Control Flow is not explicit – which subexpression to reduce is found by recursively descending the abstract syntax tree each time.
eval (Num n) = n
eval e = eval (oneStep e)
oneStep (Plus (Num n) (Num m)) = oneStep (Plus (Num n) e2) = oneStep (Plus e1 e2) =
Num (n + m)
Plus (Num n) (oneStep e2) Plus (oneStep e1) e2
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
The C Machine
We want to define a machine where all the rules are axioms, so there can be no recursive descent into subexpressions. How is recursion typically implemented?
f Frame s Stack ◦ Stack f ◃ s Stack
Key Idea: States will consist of a current expression to evaluate and a stack of computational contexts that situate it in the overall computation. An example stack would be:
(Plus 3 )◃(Times (Num 2))◃◦ This represents the computational context:
(Times (Plus 3 ) (Num 2))
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
The C Machine
Our states will consist of two modes:
1 Evaluate the current expression within stack s, written s ≻ e.
2 Return a value v (either a function, integer, or boolean) back into the context in s, written s ≺ v.
Initial states are those that start evaluating an expression from an empty stack, i.e. ◦ ≻ e. Final states are those that return a value to the empty stack, i.e. ◦ ≺ v. Stack frames are expressions with holes or values in them:
e2 Expr (Plus e2) Frame
v1 Value (Plus v1 ) Frame
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
There are three axioms about Plus now:
When evaluating a Plus expression, first evaluate the LHS:
s≻(Pluse1 e2) →C (Pluse2)◃s≻e1
Once it is evaluated, switch to the RHS:
(Pluse2)◃s≺v1 →C (Plusv1 )◃s≻e2
Once it is evaluated, return the sum:
(Plusv1 )◃s≺v2 →C s≺v1+v2 We also have a single rule about Num that just returns the value:
s≻(Numn)→C s≺n
Cost Models
Control Flow
Refinement and Simulation
→C →C →C →C →C →C
→C →C →C
◦ ≻ (Plus (Plus (Num 2) (Num 3)) (Num 4))
(Plus (Num4))◃◦≻(Plus(Num2)(Num3)) (Plus (Num3))◃(Plus(Num4))◃◦≻(Num2) (Plus (Num3))◃(Plus(Num4))◃◦≺2 (Plus 2)◃(Plus(Num4))◃◦≻(Num3) (Plus 2)◃(Plus(Num4))◃◦≺3
(Plus (Num4))◃◦≺5
(Plus 5)◃◦≻(Num4)
(Plus 5)◃◦≺4
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Other Rules
We have similar rules for the other operators and for booleans. For If: s≻(Ife1 e2 e3) →C (Ife2 e3)◃s≻e1
(Ife2 e3)◃s≺True →C s≻e2 (Ife2 e3)◃s≺False →C s≻e3
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Recfun (here abbreviated to Fun) evaluates to a function value:
s≻(Fun(f.x.e)) →C s≺⟨⟨f.x.e⟩⟩ Function application is then handled similarly to Plus.
s≻(Applye1 e2) →C (Apply e2) ◃ s ≺ ⟨⟨f .x. e⟩⟩ →C
(Apply⟨⟨f.x.e⟩⟩)◃s≺v →C We are still using substitution for now.
(Apply ⟨⟨f .x. e⟩⟩ ) ◃ s ≻ e2
s≺e[x:=v,f :=(Fun(f.x.e))]
Cost Models
Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
What have we done?
All the rules are axioms – we can now implement the evaluator with a simple while loop (or a tail recursive function).
We have a lower-level specification – helps with code generation (e.g. in an assembly language)
Substitution is still a machine operation – we need to find a way to eliminate that.
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
While the M-Machine is reasonably straightforward definition of the language’s semantics, the C-Machine is much more detailed.
We wish to prove a theorem that tells us that the C-Machine behaves analogously to the M-Machine.
A low-level (concrete) semantics of a program is a refinement of a high-level (abstract) semantics if every possible execution in the low-level semantics has a corresponding execution in the high-level semantics. In our case:
∀e,v.◦ ≻ e →C ◦ ≺ v ⋆
Functional correctness properties are preserved by refinement, but security properties are not (cf. Dining Cryptographers).
e →M v
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
How to Prove Refinement
We can’t get away with simply proving that each C machine step has a corresponding step in the M-Machine, because the C-Machine makes multiple steps that are no-ops in the M-Machine:
◦ ≻ (+ (+ (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))
→C (+(N4))◃◦≻(+(N2)(N3)) →C (+(N3))◃(+(N4))◃◦≻(N2) →C (+(N3))◃(+(N4))◃◦≺2 →C (+2)◃(+(N4))◃◦≻(N3) →C (+2)◃(+(N4))◃◦≺3
→C (+(N4))◃◦≺5
→C (+5)◃◦≻(N4)
→C (+5)◃◦≺4
→C ◦≺9
(+ (+ (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))
→M (+(N5)(N4))
→M (N9)
Cost Models
Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
2 3
How to Prove Refinement
Define an abstraction function A : ΣC → ΣM that relates C-Machine states to M-Machine states, describing how they “correspond”.
Prove that for all initial states σ ∈ IC , that the corresponding state A(σ) ∈ IM . Prove for each step in the C-Machine σ1 →C σ2, either:
the step is a no-op in the M-Machine and A(σ1) = A(σ2), or the step is replicated by the M-Machine A(σ1) →M A(σ2).
Prove that for all final states σ ∈ FC , that the corresponding state A(σ) ∈ FM .
In general this abstraction function is called a simulation relation and this type of proof is called a simulation proof.
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
The Abstraction Function
Our abstraction function A will need to relate states such that each transition that corresponds to a no-op in the M-Machine will move between A-equivalent states:
◦ ≻ (+ (+ (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))
→C (+(N4))◃◦≻(+(N2)(N3)) →C (+(N3))◃(+(N4))◃◦≻(N2) →C (+(N3))◃(+(N4))◃◦≺2 →C (+2)◃(+(N4))◃◦≻(N3) →C (+2)◃(+(N4))◃◦≺3
→C (+(N4))◃◦≺5
→C (+5)◃◦≻(N4)
→C (+5)◃◦≺4
→C ◦≺9
(+ (+ (N 2) (N 3)) (N 4))
→M (+(N5)(N4))
→M (N9)
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Abstraction Function
Given a C-Machine state with a stack and a current expression (or value), we reconstruct the overall expression to get the corresponding M-Machine state.
A(◦≻e) = e
A(◦≺v) = (Numv) A((Pluse2)◃s≻e1) = A(s≻(Pluse1 e2)) etc.
By definition, all the initial/final states of the C-Machine are mapped to initial/final states of the M-Machine. So all that is left is the requirement for each transition.
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Showing Refinement for Plus
s≻(Pluse1 e2) →C (Pluse2)◃s≻e1 This is a no-op in the M-Machine:
A(RHS) = = =
A((Plus e2) ◃ s ≻ e1) A(s ≻ (Plus e1 e2)) A(LHS )
Cost Models Control Flow Refinement and Simulation
Showing Refinement for Plus
(Pluse2)◃s≺v1 →C (Plusv1 )◃s≻e2 Another no-op in the M-Machine:
A(LHS) = A((Plus e2) ◃ s ≺ v1) = A(s ≻ (Plus (Num v1) e2))
= A((Plusv1 )◃s≻e2) = A(RHS )
Cost Models Control Flow
Refinement and Simulation
Showing Refinement for Plus
(Plusv1 )◃s≺v2 →C s≺v1+v2 This corresponds to a M-Machine transition:
A(LHS) =
= A(s ≻ (Plus (Num v1) (Num v2)))
→M A(s ≻ (Num v1 + v2))
= A(s ≺ v1 + v2)
= A(RHS )
Technically the reduction step (∗) requires induction on the stack.
A((Plus v1 ) ◃ s ≺ v2)