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Starting a

IEEE 754 Floating Point Review
°Summary (single precision):
3130 2322 0
1 bit 8 bits 23 bits
°(-1)S x (1 + Significand) x 2(Exponent-127)
• Double precision identical, except with exponent bias of 1023
°Special reserved exponents for 0, infinity, NotANumber (NaN), and denorms (small numbers not in normalized)
°Multiply/Divide on MIPS use hi, lo registers

° Compiler
° Assembler ° Linker
° Loader
° Example

Steps to Starting a Program
C program: foo.c
Assembly program: foo.s
Object(mach lang module): foo.o
Executable(mach lang pgm): a.out

°Input: High-Level Language Code (e.g., C, Java)
°Output: Assembly Language Code (e.g., MIPS)
°Note: Output may contain pseudoinstructions
• Pseudoinstructions: instructions that assembler understands but not in machine

Where Are We Now?
C program: foo.c
Assembly program: foo.s
Object(mach lang module): foo.o
Executable(mach lang pgm): a.out

°Reads and Uses Directives °Replaces Pseudoinstructions °Produces Machine Language °Creates Object File

Assembler Directives (p. A-51 to A-53)
°Give directions to assembler, but does not produce machine instructions
.text: Subsequent items put in user text (instructions) segment
.data: Subsequent items put in user data segment
.globl sym: declares sym global and can be referenced from other files
.asciiz str: Store the string str in memory and null-terminate it
.word w1…wn: Store the n 32-bit quantities in successive memory words

Pseudoinstruction Replacement
°Asm. treats convenient variations of machine language instructions as if real instructions
Pseudo (MAL): Real (TAL):
subu $sp,$sp,32 sd $a0, 32($sp)
addu $t0,$t6,1 ble $t0,100,loop
la $a0, str
mul $t7, $t6,$t6
addiu $sp,$sp,-32
sw $a0, 32($sp) sw $a1, 36($sp)
addiu $t0,$t6,1
slti $at,$t0,101 bne $at,$0,loop
lui $at,left(str)
ori $a0,$at,right(str)
mult $14, $14
mflo $15

Producing Machine Language (1/2)
°Simple instructions for Assembler
• Arithmetic, Logical, Shifts, and so on.
• All necessary info is within the instruction already.
°What about Branches?
• PC-Relative
• So once pseudoinstructions are replaced by real ones, we know by how many instructions to branch.
°So these 2 cases are handled easily.

Producing Machine Language (2/2)
° What about jumps (j and jal)? • Jumps require absolute address.
°What about references to data? •la gets broken up into lui and ori
• These will require the full 32-bit address of the data.
°These can’t be determined yet, must wait to see where this code will appear in final program.
°Two tables are used to help assembly and later resolution of addresses

1st Table: Symbol Table
°Symbol table: List of “items” in this file that may be used by this and other files.
°What are they?
• Labels: function calling
• Data: anything in the .data section; variables which may be accessed across files
°First Pass: record label-address pairs °Second Pass: produce machine code
• Result: can jump to a label later in code without first declaring it

2nd Table: Relocation Table
°Relocation Table: line numbers of “items” for this file which need the address filled in (or fixed up) later.
°What are they?
• Any label jumped to: j or jal
– Internal (i.e., label inside this file)
– external (including lib files)
• Any absolute address of piece of data
– such as used by the la pseudo-instruction: la $destination,label

Where Are We Now?
C program: foo.c
Assembly program: foo.s
Object(mach lang module): foo.o
Executable(mach lang pgm): a.out

Object File Format
°object file header: size and position of the other pieces of the object file
°text segment: the machine code
°data segment: binary representation of
the data in the source file
°relocation table: identifies lines of code that need to be “handled”
°symbol table: list of this file’s labels and data that can be referenced
°debugging information

Where Are We Now?
C program: foo.c
Assembly program: foo.s
Object(mach lang module): foo.o
Executable(mach lang pgm): a.out

Link Editor/Linker (1/2)
°What does Link Editor do? °Combines several object (.o) files into
a single executable (“linking”) °Enables Separate Compilation of files
• Changes to one file do not require recompilation of whole program
– Windows source is >50 M lines of code! And Growing!
• Code in file called a module
• Link Editor name from editing the “links” in jump and link instructions

Link Editor/Linker (2/2)
°Step 1: Take text segment from each .o file and put them together.
°Step 2: Take data segment from each .o file, put them together, and concatenate this onto end of text segments.
°Step 3: Resolve References
• Go through Relocation Table and handle
each entry using the Symbol Table
• That is, fill in all absolute addresses

Four Types of Addresses
° PC-Relative Addressing (beq, bne): never fix up (never “relocate”)
° Absolute Address (j, jal): always relocate
° External Reference (usually jal): always relocate
° Symbolic Data Reference (often lui and ori, for la): always relocate

Resolving References (1/2)
°Linker assumes first word of first text segment is at address 0x00000000.
°Linker knows:
• length of each text and data segment • ordering of text and data segments
°Linker calculates:
• absolute address of each label to be jumped to (internal or external) and each piece of data being referenced

Resolving References (2/2)
°To resolve references:
• search for reference (data or label) in all
symbol tables
• if not found, search library files
(for example, for printf)
• once absolute address is determined, fill
in the machine code appropriately
°Output of linker: executable file containing text and data (plus header)
°May not have library object files resolved if dynamically loaded

Where Are We Now?
C program: foo.c
Assembly program: foo.s
Object(mach lang module): foo.o
Executable(mach lang pgm): a.out

Loader (1/3)
°Executable files are stored on disk.
°When one is to be run, loader’s job is to load it into memory and start it running.
°In reality, loader is the operating system (OS)
• loading is one of the OS tasks

Loader (2/3)
°So what does a loader do?
°Reads executable file’s header to determine size of text and data segments
°Creates new address space for program large enough to hold text and data segments, along with a stack segment
°Copies instructions and data from executable file into the new address space

Loader (3/3)
°Copies arguments passed to the program onto the stack
°Initializes machine registers
• Most registers cleared, but stack pointer assigned address of 1st free stack location
°Jumps to start-up routine that copies program’s arguments from stack to registers and sets the PC
• If main routine returns, start-up routine terminates program with the exit system call

Dynamic Linking
°Some operating systems allow “dynamic linking”
°Both the loader and the linker are part of the operating system – so modules can be linked and loaded at runtime
°If a module is needed and already loaded, it need not be loaded again
°Called DLLs

Example:CÞ AsmÞ ObjÞ ExeÞ Run #include
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
int prod = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 100; i = i + 1) prod = prod + i * i; printf ("The product from 0 .. 100 is %d\n", prod); } Example:CÞ AsmÞ ObjÞ ExeÞ Run .text .align 2 .globl main main: sw $ra, 20($sp) sw $0, 24($sp) sw $0, 28($sp) loop: lw $t6, 28($sp) lw $t8, 24($sp) addu $t9,$t8,$t7 sw $t9, 24($sp) sw $t0, 28($sp) lw $a1, 24($sp) jal printf lw $ra, 20($sp) addiu $sp,$sp,32 j $ra .data .align 0 str: .asciiz "The product from 0 .. 100 is %d\n" addu $t0, $t6, 1 ble$t0,100, loop la $a0, str subu $sp,$sp,32 move $v0, $0 sd $a0, 32($sp) mul$t7, $t6,$t6 Example:CÞ AsmÞ ObjÞ ExeÞ Run •Remove pseudoinstructions, assign addresses 00 addiu $29,$29,-32 04 sw $31,20($29) 08 sw $4, 32($29) 0c sw $5, 36($29) 30 addiu $8,$14, 1 10 sw 14 sw 18 lw 34 sw 38 slti 3c bne 40 lui $8,28($29) $1,$8, 101 $1,$0, loop $4, l.str $4,$4,r.str $5,24($29) printf $0, 24($29) $0, 28($29) 44 ori $14, 28($29) 1c mult $14, $14 48 lw 4c jal 50 addu $2, $0, $0 54 lw $31,20($29) 58addiu$29,$29,32 5c jr $31 20 mflo $15 24 lw $24, 24($29) 28addu$25,$24,$15 2c sw $25, 24($29) Symbol Table Entries °Symbol Table •Label Address main: 0x00000000 loop: 0x00000018 str: 0x10000430 printf: 0x00000000 °Relocation Table • Address Instr. Type Dependency •0x0000004c jal printf Example:CÞ AsmÞ ObjÞ ExeÞ Run •Edit Local Addresses 00 addiu $29,$29,-32 04 sw $31,20($29) 08 sw $4, 32($29) 0c sw $5, 36($29) 30 addiu $8,$14, 1 34 sw $8,28($29) 38 slti $1,$8, 101 3c bne $1,$0, -10 40 lui $4, 0x1000 10 sw 14 sw 18 lw 1c multu $14, $14 20 mflo $15 24 lw $24, 24($29) 28addu$25,$24,$15 2c sw $25, 24($29) $0, 24($29) $0, 28($29) 44 ori $4,$4,0x0430 $14, 28($29) 48 lw $5,24($29) 4cjal0 50 addu $2, $0, $0 54 lw $31,20($29) 58addiu$29,$29,32 5c jr $31 •Next Generate object file Example:CÞ AsmÞ ObjÞ ExeÞ 0x000000 00100111101111011111111111100000 0x000004 10101111101111110000000000010100 0x000008 10101111101001000000000000100000 0x00000c 10101111101001010000000000100100 0x000010 10101111101000000000000000011000 0x000014 10101111101000000000000000011100 0x000018 10001111101011100000000000011100 0x00001c 00000001110011100000000000011001 0x000020 00000000000000000111100000010010 0x000024 10001111101110000000000000011000 0x000028 00000011000011111100100000100001 0x00002c 10101111101010000000000000011100 0x000030 00100101110010000000000000000001 0x000034 10101111101110010000000000011000 0x000038 00101001000000010000000001100101 0x00003c 00010100001000001111111111110111 0x000040 00111100000001000001000000000000 0x000044 00110100100001000000010000110000 0x000048 10001111101001010000000000011000 0x00004c 00001100000100000000000011101100 0x000050 00000000000000000001000000100001 0x000054 10001111101111110000000000010100 0x000058 00100111101111010000000000100000 0x00005c 00000011111000000000000000001000 Run Example:CÞ AsmÞ ObjÞ ExeÞ Run °Combine with object file containing “printf”. °Edit absolute addresses: in this case edit jal printf to contain actual address of printf. °Output single binary file. Things to Remember 1/3 °Stored Program concept means instructions just like data, so can take data from storage, and keep transforming it until load registers and jump to routine to begin execution °Compiler Þ Assembler Þ Linker (Þ Loader ) °Assembler does 2 passes to resolve addresses, handling internal forward references °Linker enables separate compilation, libraries that need not be compiled, and resolves remaining addresses Things to Remember (2/3) °Compiler converts a single HLL file into a single assembly language file. °Assembler removes pseudoinstructions, converts what it can to machine language, and creates a checklist for the linker (relocation table). This changes each .s file into a .o file. °Linker combines several .o files and resolves absolute addresses. °Loader loads executable into memory and begins execution. Things to Remember (3/3) C program: foo.c Compiler Assembly program: foo.s Assembler Object(mach lang module): foo.o Linker lib.o Executable(mach lang pgm): a.out Loader Memory