程序代写代做代考 Erlang CS511 – Concurrent Programming Exercise Booklet 7

CS511 – Concurrent Programming Exercise Booklet 7
Concurrent Programming1
Exercise Booklet 7: Erlang – Sequential Fragment
Exercise 1. What is the result of typing these two lines?
1 1> {A,B} = {2,3}.
2 2>B.
Exercise 2. What is the result of these two lines, if they’re typed after the previous two?
1 3> {A,C} = {2,5}.
2 4> {A,D} = {6,6}.
Exercise 3. What is the output of each of these lines?
1 1> A=2+3.
2 2> B=A-1.
3 3> A=B+1.
4 4> A=B.
Exercise 4. What is the output of each of these lines?
1 5> f(A).
2 6> A=B.
3 7> f().
Exercise 5. Write the following functions in Erlang (place them in a module basic.erl)
1. mult/2. Multiplies its two numeric arguments.
2. double/1. Returns the double of the numeric argument.
3. distance/2: consumes two tuples representing coordinates and returns the Euclidean distance between them.
4. my_and/2. Use if.
5. my_or/2. Use if.
6. my_not/1. Use if.
Exercise 6. Implement the following functions: 1. fibonacci/1.
2. fibonacciTR/1: tail recursive fibonacci (you might need a helper function). Exercise 7. Implement the following functions
1Some exercises are taken from Simon Thompson’s online tutorial on Erlang.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3
1. sum/1 that sums up all the numbers in a list.
2. maximum/1 that computes the maximum of a non-empty list of numbers.
3. zip/2 that zips two lists.
4. append/2 that appends two lists (you may not use ++).
5. reverse/1 that computes the reverse of a list.
6. evenL/1 that returns the sublist of even numbers in a given list of numbers. 7. take/2 such that take(N,L) returns a list with the first N elements of L.
8. drop/2 that returns the result of dropping the first N elements of L.
Exercise 8. Type this out in a file test.erl. -export([take/2]).
take(_,[]) -> [].
take_1_test () -> ?assertEqual(take(0,[]),[]).
take_2_test () -> ?assertEqual(take(0,[1,2,3]),[]).
Then type out the following in a shell and write down the output:
1> c(test). {ok,test}
2> test:test().
Exercise 9. Define in Erlang the following operations on lists:
1. map/2.
2. filter/2. 3. fold/2.
Exercise 10. Represent binary trees using tuples:
• {empty} and
• {node,Number, LSubtree,RSubtree}. Then implement:
1. sumTree/1 a tail recursive function that adds all the numbers in a tree. 2. mapTree/2
3. foldTree/2
Exercise 11. Represent general trees using tuples and lists.
• {node,Number,[GTree1,…,GTreeN]}. Then implement:
1. mapGTree/2 2. foldGTree/3
CS511 – Concurrent Programming
Exercise Booklet 7