School of Mathematics and Statistics MAST30028 Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing Week 12
Drag and drop the folder Week12 from L: \MAST30028 to C:\…\MATLAB and include it in the path. Now MATLAB knows how to find the files in Week11.
In these exercises are you will see how to produce efficient code. You will also learn how to use Matlab to create movies to present your results.
You should start Exercise 2 after an hour if you have not already.
Exercise Set 1: Making Movies
The script MovieExample.m (in the Week 12 folder) produces the movie that you were shown in lectures.
Download and run the script. Experiment with the various settings to do with the command VideoWriter
Delete the file after watching the movie as the file is rather large, this is because it is an uncompressed movie. If you want to make the movies smaller you can use a codec such as DivX to compress the video file once it has been created or experiment with the VideoWriter options.
Exercise Set 2: Speeding up your code
Consider the PDE
with boundary conditions u(0,t) = u(1,t) = 0 and initial condition u(x,0) = sin(πx). This is known as the
unsteady heat equation. The exact solution to this is given by u(x, t) = sin(πx) exp(−π2t)
The function HeatEquation() in the Week 12 folder, solves this system using a forward Euler scheme for the temporal derivative and a second order finite difference scheme for the spatial derivative. For more details of the solution method see ”Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations” by K.W. Morton & D.F. Mayers or the subject MAST90026.
This code is currently very inefficient and can be improved. Using the techniques from lectures and the ”Writing Fast Matlab Code” guide (located on LMS) speed up the code.
The speed of the code can be assessed by running
Error = HeatEquation(100)
which has output
Error =
Elapsed time is 3.550563 seconds.
∂u = ∂2u, 0