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Unemployment and the
Labor Market
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
This presentation has lots of data. Some of it is in the textbook (or updated versions of what’s in the textbook), plus some additional data, including data that supports some of the textbook’s key points about the causes of the natural rate of unemployment.
Yet, it is one of the shorter chapters. It is also less difficult than the preceding chapters. So, most professors are able to cover this material more quickly than usual.
…about the natural rate of unemployment:
what it means
what causes it
understanding its behavior in the real world
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Natural rate of unemployment
Natural rate of unemployment:
The average rate of unemployment around which the economy fluctuates.
In a recession, the actual unemployment rate rises above the natural rate.
In a boom, the actual unemployment rate falls below the natural rate.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
The natural rate of unemployment is the “normal” unemployment rate the economy experiences when it is neither in a recession nor a boom.
Actual and natural rates of unemployment, U.S., 1960–2014
Unemployment rate
Natural rate of unemployment
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Similar to Figure 7-1 in the textbook.
The actual unemployment rate fluctuates considerably over the short run. These fluctuations are the focus of Part IV of the book.
For this chapter, though, our goal is to understand the behavior of the natural rate of unemployment, essentially the long-run trend in the unemployment rate.
Source: BLS, obtained from
Unemployment data are based on seasonally-adjusted, monthly unemployment rates for the civilian non-institutional population of the U.S.
The actual u-rate for each quarter is an average of the three monthly unemployment rates in that quarter.
The natural u-rate in a given quarter is estimated by averaging all unemployment rates from 10 years earlier to 10 years later; future unemployment rates are set at 5.5%. (Therefore, estimates of the natural rate may become less accurate toward the end of the sample period.)
actual u-rate 1960 1960.08333333334 1960.16666666667 1960.25 1960.33333333334 1960.41666666667 1960.5 1960.58333333334 1960.66666666667 1960.75 1960.83333333334 1960.91666666667 1961 1961.08333333334 1961.16666666667 1961.25 1961.33333333334 1961.41666666667 1961.5 1961.58333333334 1961.66666666667 1961.75 1961.83333333334 1961.91666666667 1962 1962.08333333334 1962.16666666667 1962.25 1962.33333333334 1962.41666666667 1962.5 1962.58333333334 1962.66666666667 1962.75 1962.83333333334 1962.91666666667 1963 1963.08333333334 1963.16666666667 1963.25 1963.33333333333 1963.41666666667 1963.5 1963.58333333333 1963.66666666667 1963.75 1963.83333333333 1963.91666666667 1964 1964.08333333333 1964.16666666667 1964.25 1964.33333333333 1964.41666666667 1964.5 1964.58333333333 1964.66666666667 1964.75 1964.83333333333 1964.91666666667 1965 1965.08333333333 1965.16666666667 1965.25 1965.33333333333 1965.41666666667 1965.5 1965.58333333333 1965.66666666667 1965.75 1965.83333333333 1965.91666666667 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1998.41666666541 1998.49999999874 1998.58333333207 1998.6666666654 1998.74999999873 1998.83333333206 1998.91666666539 1998.99999999872 1999.08333333205 1999.16666666538 1999.24999999871 1999.33333333204 1999.41666666537 1999.4999999987 1999.58333333203 1999.66666666536 1999.74999999869 1999.83333333202 1999.91666666535 1999.99999999868 2000.08333333201 2000.16666666534 2000.24999999867 2000.333333332 2000.41666666533 2000.49999999866 2000.58333333199 2000.66666666532 2000.74999999865 2000.83333333198 2000.91666666531 2000.99999999864 2001.08333333197 2001.1666666653 2001.24999999863 2001.33333333196 2001.41666666529 2001.49999999862 2001.58333333195 2001.66666666528 2001.74999999861 2001.83333333194 2001.91666666527 2001.9999999986 2002.08333333193 2002.16666666526 2002.24999999859 2002.33333333192 2002.41666666525 2002.49999999858 2002.58333333191 2002.66666666524 2002.74999999857 2002.8333333319 2002.91666666523 2002.99999999856 2003.08333333189 2003.16666666522 2003.24999999855 2003.33333333188 2003.41666666521 2003.49999999854 2003.58333333187 2003.6666666652 2003.74999999853 2003.83333333186 2003.91666666519 2003.99999999852 2004.08333333185 2004.16666666518 2004.24999999851 2004.33333333184 2004.41666666517 2004.4999999985 2004.58333333183 2004.66666666516 2004.74999999849 2004.83333333182 2004.91666666515 2004.99999999848 2005.08333333181 2005.16666666514 2005.24999999847 2005.3333333318 2005.41666666513 2005.49999999847 2005.5833333318 2005.66666666513 2005.74999999846 2005.83333333179 2005.91666666512 2005.99999999845 2006.08333333178 2006.16666666511 2006.24999999844 2006.33333333177 2006.4166666651 2006.49999999843 2006.58333333176 2006.66666666509 2006.74999999842 2006.83333333175 2006.91666666508 2006.99999999841 2007.08333333174 2007.16666666507 2007.2499999984 2007.33333333173 2007.41666666506 2007.49999999839 2007.58333333172 2007.66666666505 2007.74999999838 2007.83333333171 2007.91666666504 2007.99999999837 2008.0833333317 2008.16666666503 2008.24999999836 2008.33333333169 2008.41666666502 2008.49999999835 2008.58333333168 2008.66666666501 2008.74999999834 2008.83333333167 2008.916666665 2008.99999999833 2009.08333333166 2009.16666666499 2009.24999999832 2009.33333333165 2009.41666666498 2009.49999999831 2009.58333333164 2009.66666666497 2009.7499999983 2009.83333333163 2009.91666666496 2009.99999999829 2010.08333333162 2010.16666666495 2010.24999999828 2010.33333333161 2010.41666666494 2010.49999999827 2010.5833333316 2010.66666666493 2010.74999999826 2010.83333333159 2010.91666666492 2010.99999999825 2011.08333333158 2011.16666666491 2011.24999999824 2011.33333333157 2011.4166666649 2011.49999999823 2011.58333333156 2011.66666666489 2011.74999999822 2011.83333333155 2011.91666666488 2011.99999999821 2012.08333333154 2012.16666666487 2012.2499999982 2012.33333333153 2012.41666666486 2012.49999999819 2012.58333333152 2012.66666666485 2012.74999999818 2012.83333333151 2012.91666666484 2012.99999999817 2013.0833333315 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6.54107883817427 6.54854771784232 6.55643153526971 6.56473029045643 6.57261410788382 6.57966804979253 6.58838174273859 6.59626556016597 6.60331950207469 6.61120331950207 6.61908713692945 6.62738589211618 6.63526970954357 6.64315352697095 6.65145228215768 6.65892116182572 6.6655601659751 6.67302904564316 6.6804979253112 6.68838174273859 6.6954356846473 6.70248962655601 6.70995850622407 6.71659751037344 6.72365145228216 6.73153526970954 6.73941908713693 6.74522821576764 6.749377593361 6.75352697095436 6.75684647302905 6.75850622406639 6.7609958506224 6.76390041493776 6.76721991701245 6.76929460580913 6.77219917012448 6.77385892116183 6.77510373443984 6.77800829875519 6.78174273858921 6.78464730290457 6.78879668049793 6.79294605809129 6.79668049792531 6.80041493775934 6.80373443983403 6.80788381742738 6.81286307053942 6.81825726141079 6.82365145228216 6.83029045643154 6.83734439834025 6.84398340248963 6.85186721991702 6.86058091286307 6.86887966804979 6.87717842323652 6.88547717842324 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6.70290456431535 6.69419087136929 6.6850622406639 6.67634854771784 6.66887966804979 6.66141078838174 6.65477178423237 6.64647302904564 6.63941908713693 6.63319502074689 6.62738589211618 6.62033195020746 6.61493775933609 6.60871369294606 6.60290456431534 6.59668049792531 6.5896265560166 6.58340248962655 6.57634854771784 6.5701244813278 6.56348547717841 6.55809128630705 6.55228215767635 6.54605809128631 6.53858921161825 6.5311203319502 6.52323651452282 6.51535269709543 6.50705394190871 6.49792531120332 6.48838174273858 6.47800829875518 6.46597510373443 6.45145228215767 6.43651452282157 6.42116182572614 6.40539419087137 6.39045643153527 6.37551867219917 6.36058091286307 6.34813278008298 6.33443983402489 6.32157676348547 6.30912863070539 6.29709543568465 6.28464730290456 6.27261410788381 6.26307053941908 6.25311203319501 6.24356846473029 6.23360995850622 6.22282157676348 6.21120331950207 6.19917012448133 6.18589211618257 6.17302904564315 6.15850622406639 6.14356846473029 6.12780082987551 6.11078838174274 6.09377593360995 6.07551867219917 6.05684647302905 6.03692946058091 6.01618257261411 5.99751037344398 5.97883817427386 5.9609958506224 5.94398340248963 5.92821576763486 5.91203319502075 5.89834024896266 5.88423236514523 5.87095435684647 5.85850622406639 5.84688796680498 5.83609958506224 5.82614107883817 5.81784232365145 5.80871369294606 5.8 5.79253112033195 5.78547717842324 5.77676348547718 5.76804979253112 5.76058091286307 5.75228215767635 5.74481327800829 5.73651452282158 5.72863070539419 5.72033195020747 5.71203319502075 5.70290456431535 5.69377593360996 5.68381742738589 5.67344398340249 5.66473029045643 5.65601659751037 5.64730290456432 5.63858921161826 5.62904564315353 5.62116182572614 5.61078838174274 5.60041493775933 5.59004149377594 5.5792531120332 5.56887966804979 5.55933609958506 5.549377593361 5.53858921161826 5.52821576763486 5.51784232365145 5.50954356846473 5.50082987551867 5.49170124481328 5.48298755186722 5.47510373443984 5.46804979253113 5.46182572614108 5.45560165975104 5.45020746887967 5.44522821576764 5.43983402489627 5.43651452282158 5.43360995850623 5.43029045643154 5.42780082987552 5.42489626556017 5.42489626556017 5.42489626556017 5.42655601659751 5.42946058091287 5.43153526970955 5.43609958506225 5.44190871369295 5.45020746887967 5.46058091286307 5.47261410788382 5.48713692946058 5.50373443983403 5.52116182572614 5.5390041493776 5.55643153526971 5.5746887966805 5.59377593360996 5.61327800829876 5.63236514522822 5.65103734439834 5.66929460580913 5.68755186721991 5.70663900414938 5.72614107883818 5.74356846473029 5.76016597510374 5.77759336099585 5.79419087136929 5.80995850622407 5.82448132780083 5.84066390041494 5.85352697095436 5.86556016597511 5.87634854771785 5.88630705394191 5.89585062240664 5.90539419087137 5.91452282157676 5.92323651452282 5.93236514522822 5.94107883817427 5.94896265560167 5.95560165975104 5.96182572614108 5.96597510373444 5.9701244813278 5.9734439834025 5.97676348547718 5.98008298755187 5.98257261410788 5.98423236514523 5.98547717842324 5.98630705394191 5.98713692946058 5.98879668049793 5.99087136929461 5.99336099585063 5.99502074688797 5.99668049792531 5.99917012448133 6.00082987551867 6.00248962655601 6.00373443983403 6.00497925311203 6.00663900414938 6.00871369294606 6.00954356846473 6.00995850622407 6.01037344398341 6.01078838174274 6.01078838174274 6.00954356846473 6.00912863070539 6.00912863070539 6.00954356846473 6.00954356846473 6.00912863070539 6.00829875518672 6.00829875518672 6.00829875518672 6.00829875518672 6.00788381742738 6.00829875518672 6.00871369294606 6.00746887966805 6.00705394190871 6.00663900414938 6.0058091286307 6.00497925311203 6.00456431535269 6.00456431535269 6.00414937759336 6.00373443983402 6.00331950207469 6.00331950207469 6.00331950207469 6.00290456431534 6.00248962655601 6.00331950207469 6.00331950207469 6.00497925311203 6.00622406639004 6.00746887966805 6.00788381742738 6.00829875518672 6.00912863070539 6.0103734439834 6.01161825726141 6.01327800829875 6.01576763485477 6.01784232365145 6.02033195020746 6.02323651452282 6.02572614107884 6.02904564315353 6.03278008298755 6.03609958506224 6.03983402489627 6.04356846473029 6.04688796680498 6.05186721991701 6.05643153526971 6.06058091286307 6.06473029045643 6.06887966804979 6.07261410788382 6.07676348547718 6.08132780082988 6.08589211618257 6.0908713692946 6.0954356846473 6.10082987551867 6.1058091286307 6.11120331950207 6.1161825726141 6.12116182572614 6.1265560165975 6.13195020746888 6.13775933609958 6.14356846473029 6.14979253112033 6.15601659751037 6.16182572614108 6.16804979253112 6.17510373443983 6.18132780082987 6.1875518672199 6.19377593360995 6.19958506224066 6.20622406639004 6.21286307053942 6.2195020746888 6.22614107883817 6.23153526970954 6.23692946058091 6.24190871369295 6.24647302904564 6.25145228215768 6.25560165975104 6.25933609958506 6.26182572614108 6.26390041493776 6.26473029045643 6.26473029045643 6.26390041493776 6.26307053941908 6.26224066390041 6.26141078838174 6.2597510373444 6.25850622406639 6.25726141078838 6.25601659751037 6.2551867219917 6.25435684647303 6.25352697095436 6.25186721991701 6.24979253112033 6.24854771784233 6.24688796680498 6.24522821576764 6.24315352697095 6.24066390041494 6.23734439834025 6.2344398340249 6.23195020746888 6.22946058091287 6.22738589211618 6.22614107883818 6.2253112033195 6.22448132780083 6.2240663900415 6.22282157676348 6.22240663900415 6.22199170124482 6.22157676348547 6.22157676348547 6.22199170124482 6.22240663900415 6.22240663900415 6.22282157676348
Percent of labor force
A first model of the natural rate
L = # of workers in labor force
E = # of employed workers
U = # of unemployed
U/L = unemployment rate
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
1. L is exogenously fixed.
2. During any given month,
s = rate of job separations,
fraction of employed workers
that become separated from their jobs
f = rate of job finding,
fraction of unemployed workers
that find jobs
s and f are exogenous
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
This slide spells out the three variables we assume to be exogenous:
the labor force, the rate of job separations, and the rate of job finding.
The transitions between employment and unemployment
s ×E
f ×U
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Figure 7-2, p. 185
(Note: The size of the boxes containing the words “employed” and “unemployed” are not proportional to the number of people in each category.)
The steady state condition
Definition: the labor market is in
steady state, or long-run equilibrium,
if the unemployment rate is constant.
The steady-state condition is:
s ×E = f ×U
# of employed people who lose or leave their jobs
# of unemployed people who find jobs
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
In order for the unemployment rate to be constant, the number of people who become unemployed in each month must equal the number of formerly unemployed people who find jobs.
Finding the “equilibrium” U-rate
f ×U = s ×E
= s ×(L – U )
= s ×L – s ×U
Solve for U/L:
(f + s) × U = s × L
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Each month,
1% of employed workers lose their jobs
(s = 0.01)
19% of unemployed workers find jobs
(f = 0.19)
Find the natural rate of unemployment:
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Policy implication
A policy will reduce the natural rate of unemployment only if it lowers s or increases f.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Why is there unemployment?
If job finding were instantaneous (f = 1),
then all spells of unemployment would be brief, and the natural rate would be near zero.
There are two reasons why f < 1:
1. job search
2. wage rigidity
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Job search & frictional unemployment
frictional unemployment: caused by the time
it takes workers to search for a job
occurs even when wages are flexible and there are enough jobs to go around
occurs because
workers have different abilities, preferences
jobs have different skill requirements
geographic mobility of workers not instantaneous
flow of information about vacancies and job candidates is imperfect
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Sectoral shifts
def: Changes in the composition of demand among industries or regions.
example: Technological change
more jobs repairing computers,
fewer jobs repairing typewriters
example: A new international trade agreement
labor demand increases in export sectors, decreases in import-competing sectors
These scenarios result in frictional unemployment
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Sometimes the unemployment caused by sectoral shifts is severe.
Due to increasing imports of cheaper foreign-made textiles (particularly since the expiration in 2005 of long-standing quotas on textiles from China), the U.S. textile industry has been in decline for years. Tens of thousands of workers in this industry have lost jobs.
Many of these workers are in their 50s and have worked in this industry for decades. Such workers are unlikely to have the skills necessary to get jobs available in newly booming industries, and they are less likely to invest in the acquisition of the necessary skills for these jobs. Hence, such workers are at greater risk for becoming “discouraged workers.”
Structural change over the long run
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
All figures are industry shares in U.S. GDP. “Other industry” includes construction, mining, electricity, water, and gas.
From 1960 to 2012, there are huge changes in all four categories.
Manufacturing falls by over half.
Even the “tiny” category of agriculture drops by about three-fourths.
As a result of these huge structural shifts, the types of jobs available now are vastly different than just two generations ago.
Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank.
Series Name Series Code
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) NV.AGR.TOTL.ZS
Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) NV.IND.MANF.ZS
Services, etc., value added (% of GDP) NV.SRV.TETC.ZS
Agriculture Manufacturing Other industry Services 1.3 13 8 77.7
Agriculture Manufacturing Other industry Services 4.2 28 9.9 57.9
More examples of sectoral shifts
Industrial revolution (1800s):
agriculture declines, manufacturing soars
Energy crisis (1970s):
demand shifts from larger cars to smaller ones
Health care spending as % of GDP:
1960: 5.2 2000: 13.8
1980: 9.1 2010: 17.9
In our dynamic economy,
smaller sectoral shifts occur frequently, contributing to frictional unemployment.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Most of the examples on this and the previous slides are big changes that have occurred over many years. These examples give students a good idea of what sectoral shifts are. Perhaps more important for the natural rate, though, are the many smaller changes that occur more frequently. Ours is a dynamic economy: the structure of demand is shifting almost continuously, due to changes in preferences, technology, and the location of production.
As a result, there is a near-continual flow of newly frictionally unemployed workers.
Sectoral shifts are distinct from recessions (which also cause unemployment). In recessions, there is a general fall in demand across industries, and the unemployment that results is cyclical. Sectoral shifts, though, are changes in the composition of demand across industries, and lead to frictional unemployment as described above.
Source of health expenditure data:
Public policy and job search
Govt programs affecting unemployment include:
Govt employment agencies
disseminate info about job openings to better match workers & jobs.
Public job training programs
help workers displaced from declining industries get skills needed for jobs in growing industries.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
You might want to “hide” (omit) this slide from your presentation if you plan on doing the class discussion in Slide 27, which asks students to think of things the government can do to try to reduce the natural rate of unemployment.
Unemployment insurance (UI)
UI pays part of a worker’s former wages for a limited time after the worker loses his/her job.
UI increases frictional unemployment,
because it reduces
the opportunity cost of being unemployed
the urgency of finding work
Studies: The longer a worker is eligible for UI,
the longer the average spell of unemployment.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
The text includes a nice case study on unemployment insurance (p.189). It discusses evidence that unemployment insurance reduces the job finding rate.
Benefits of UI
By allowing workers more time to search,
UI may lead to better matches between
jobs and workers,
which would lead to greater productivity and higher incomes.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Why is there unemployment?
Two reasons why f < 1:
1. job search
2. wage rigidity
The natural rate of unemployment:
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Unemployment from real wage rigidity
Real wage
Amount of labor willing to work
Amount of
labor hired
If real wage is stuck above its eq’m level, there aren’t enough jobs to go around.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Figure 7-3 on p.190.
Abbreviation: “eq’m” = equilibrium
Unemployment from real wage rigidity
Then, firms must ration the scarce jobs among workers.
Structural unemployment: The unemployment resulting from real wage rigidity and
job rationing.
If real wage is stuck above its eq’m level, there aren’t enough jobs to go around.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Other texts define “structural unemployment” as unemployment that results from a mismatch between the skills or locations of workers and the skill or location requirements of job openings. This would occur, for example, if there were a decrease in demand for domestic steel (and hence steel workers) and a simultaneous increase in demand for financial consulting services (and hence employees of such firms).
However, if wages are perfectly flexible, then the decrease in demand for steel workers would simply cause their wage to fall until all were again employed, and the increase in demand for workers in financial firms would simply increase until equilibrium in that labor market was reestablished. So, the critical ingredient for structural unemployment is wage rigidity. Hence, Mankiw’s definition.
Reasons for wage rigidity
1. Minimum-wage laws
2. Labor unions
3. Efficiency wages
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
1. Minimum-wage laws
The min. wage may exceed the eq’m wage
of unskilled workers, especially teenagers.
Studies: a 10% increase in min. wage
reduces teen employment by 1–3%
But, the min. wage cannot explain the
majority of the natural rate of unemployment,
as most workers’ wages are well above
the min. wage.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
2. Labor unions
Unions exercise monopoly power to secure higher wages for their members.
When the union wage exceeds the eq’m wage, unemployment results.
Insiders: Employed union workers whose interest is to keep wages high.
Outsiders: Unemployed non-union workers who prefer eq’m wages, so there would be enough jobs for them.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
See p.193 for more discussion about insiders and outsiders.
The theory has two implications we can confront with data:
1) Union members’ average earnings should be higher than non-union members’ average earnings.
2) The difference between union and non-union wages should be higher in industries that are more heavily unionized (and hence, in which unions have more market power) than in less heavily unionized industries.
The following slide shows recent data on union membership and wage ratios by industry in the U.S. The data are consistent with the theory.
Private sector (total)
Government (total)
Health care
Professional services
Finance, insurance
Retail trade
wage ratio
U % of total
# employed (1000s)
wage ratio = 100 × (union wage) / (nonunion wage)
Union membership and wage ratios by industry, 2013
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
The wage ratio equals the average weekly earnings of union members divided by that of non-union members. (Here, “union members” does not include non-union members who are represented by unions; however, including them in these calculations does not substantively change the results.)
For example, in Transportation, 20.4% of workers are in unions, and on average they earn 23.5% more per week than non-union members in that industry.
In 2013, 11.8% of all workers in the U.S. were members of unions. The data on this slide show two things:
union workers typically earn more than non-union workers (about 22% more on average).
2) the greater the percentage of union workers in an industry, the higher the wage ratio (the correlation is about 0.5)
Note: Due to space constraints on the slide, a few industries were omitted.
3. Efficiency wages
Theories in which higher wages increase worker productivity by:
attracting higher quality job applicants
increasing worker effort, reducing “shirking”
reducing turnover, which is costly to firms
improving health of workers
(in developing countries)
Firms willingly pay above-equilibrium wages to raise productivity.
Result: structural unemployment.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Question for Discussion
Use the material we’ve just covered to come up with a policy or policies
to try to reduce the natural rate of unemployment.
Note whether your policy targets frictional or structural unemployment.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
It is useful to pause your lecture at this point and give students an opportunity to apply what you’ve covered so far to answer this policy question.
Possible answers:
Stop raising the (nominal) minimum wage, so that its real value will gradually erode to zero.
Regulate unions (just like other monopolies are regulated) to reduce unions’ impact on wages.
Reduce the generosity of unemployment insurance benefits.
Implement government employment agencies to increase the accessibility of information about job vacancies and available workers.
Increase public funding to help retrain workers displaced from jobs in declining industries.
Suggestions for conducting the discussion:
If you ask for responses immediately after posing the question, it is likely that a small number of students will volunteer to participate - the same students that always do, the ones that are the best prepared and/or the quickest thinkers.
To elicit participation from a larger number of students, I suggest the following:
Pair students up. Allow 5-10 minutes for the students, working in their pairs, to come up with answers to the question. During this time, circulate around the room and ask the pairs if you can be of assistance, either to help them get started or give feedback on what they’re coming up with. Then, reconvene the class and ask for volunteers.
Doing this increases the quantity and quality of participation: students who would not otherwise participate are more likely to do so because they have had time to formulate their answers and have had a chance to run their answers by a classmate. Additionally, even students who don’t participate will have at least had the opportunity to discuss the question with one other student.
The Median Duration of Unemployment
The duration of unemployment typically rises in recessions—but its rise in 2008–2010 is unprecedented.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
This graph replicates Figure 7-4 on p.197. See p.198 for some nice discussion of different perspectives on the recent rise in long-term unemployment. There are good quotes from Robert Barro and Paul Krugman.
Recession 24654 24685 24716 24746 24777 24807 24838 24869 24898 249 29 24959 24990 25020 25051 25082 25112 25143 25173 25204 25235 25263 25294 25324 25355 25385 25416 25447 25477 25508 25538 25569 25600 25628 25659 25689 25720 25750 25781 25812 25842 25873 25903 25934 25965 25993 26024 26054 26085 26115 26146 26177 26207 26238 26268 26299 26330 26359 26390 26420 26451 26481 26512 26543 26573 26604 26634 26665 26696 26724 26755 26785 26816 26846 26877 26908 26938 26969 26999 27030 27061 27089 27120 27150 27181 27211 27242 27273 27303 27334 27364 27395 27426 27454 27485 27515 27546 27576 27607 27638 27668 27699 27729 27760 27791 27820 27851 27881 27912 27942 27973 28004 28034 28065 28095 28126 28157 28185 28216 28246 28277 28307 28338 28369 28399 28430 28460 28491 28522 28550 28581 28611 28642 28672 28703 28734 28764 28795 28825 28856 28887 28915 28946 28976 29007 29037 29068 29099 29129 29160 29190 29221 29252 29281 29312 29342 29373 29403 29434 29465 29495 29526 29556 29587 29618 29646 29677 29707 29738 29768 29799 29830 29860 29891 29921 29952 29983 30011 30042 30072 30103 30133 30164 30195 30225 30256 30286 30317 30348 30376 30407 30437 30468 30498 30529 30560 30590 30621 30651 30682 30713 30742 30773 30803 30834 30864 30895 30926 30956 30987 31017 31048 31079 31107 31138 31168 31199 31229 31260 31291 31321 31352 31382 31413 31444 31472 31503 31533 31564 31594 31625 31656 31686 31717 31747 31778 31809 31837 31868 31898 31929 31959 31990 32021 32051 32082 32112 32143 32174 32203 32234 32264 32295 32325 32356 32387 32417 32448 32478 32509 32540 32568 32599 32629 32660 32690 32721 32752 32782 32813 32843 32874 32905 32933 32964 32994 33025 33055 33086 33117 33147 33178 33208 33239 33270 33298 33329 33359 33390 33420 33451 33482 33512 33543 33573 33604 33635 33664 33695 33725 33756 33786 33817 33848 33878 33909 33939 33970 34001 34029 34060 34090 34121 34151 34182 34213 34243 34274 34304 34335 34366 34394 34425 34455 34486 34516 34547 34578 34608 34639 34669 34700 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39783 39814 39845 39873 39904 39934 39965 39995 40026 40057 40087 40118 40148 40179 40210 40238 40269 40299 40330 40360 40391 40422 40452 40483 40513 40544 40575 40603 40634 40664 40695 40725 40756 40787 40817 40848 40878 40909 40940 40969 41000 41030 41061 41091 41122 41153 41183 41214 41244 41275 41306 41334 41365 41395 41426 41456 41487 41518 41548 41579 41609 41640 41671 41699 41730 41760 41791 41821 41852 41883 41913 41944 41974 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Median unemployment duration 24654 24685 24716 24746 24777 24807 24838 24869 24898 24929 24959 24990 25020 25051 25082 25112 25143 25173 25204 25235 25263 25294 25324 25355 25385 25416 25447 25477 25508 25538 25569 25600 25628 25659 25689 25720 25750 25781 25812 25842 25873 25903 25934 25965 25993 26024 26054 26085 26115 26146 26177 26207 26238 26268 26299 26330 26359 26390 26420 26451 26481 26512 26543 26573 26604 26634 26665 26696 26724 26755 26785 26816 26846 26877 26908 26938 26969 26999 27030 27061 27089 27120 27150 27181 27211 27242 27273 27303 27334 27364 27395 27426 27454 27485 27515 27546 27576 27607 27638 27668 27699 27729 27760 27791 27820 27851 27881 27912 27942 27973 28004 28034 28065 28095 28126 28157 28185 28216 28246 28277 28307 28338 28369 28399 28430 28460 28491 28522 28550 28581 28611 28642 28672 28703 28734 28764 28795 28825 28856 28887 28915 28946 28976 29007 29037 29068 29099 29129 29160 29190 29221 29252 29281 29312 29342 29373 29403 29434 29465 29495 29526 29556 29587 29618 29646 29677 29707 29738 29768 29799 29830 29860 29891 29921 29952 29983 30011 30042 30072 30103 30133 30164 30195 30225 30256 30286 30317 30348 30376 30407 30437 30468 30498 30529 30560 30590 30621 30651 30682 30713 30742 30773 30803 30834 30864 30895 30926 30956 30987 31017 31048 31079 31107 31138 31168 31199 31229 31260 31291 31321 31352 31382 31413 31444 31472 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11.7 12.3 13.1 14.2 17.2 16 16.3 17.8 18.9 19.8 20.1 20 19.9 20.4 22.1 22.3 25.2 22.3 21 20.3 21.2 21 21.9 21.6 21.1 21.5 20.9 21.6 22.3 22 22.4 22 20.5 20.9 20.5 21 19.8 19.2 19.1 19.9 20.1 17.5 18.5 18.8 19.7 18.5 17.6 16.2 17.5 17.7 17.1 17 16.6 16.3 16.8 16.5 16.1 17 17 15.9 16.2 15.9 15.6 14.5 13.2 13.5 13.3 13.3 13.5 12.8 12.6
TREND: The natural rate rises over 1960–84, then falls over 1985–2005
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
The purpose of this slide is to establish the trend behavior of the natural rate in recent decades: rising until the early 80s, then falling from the mid-80s through the early 2000s.
(It is probably too soon to say what happened to the trend in 2008-2010, due to the steep recession and to the fact that the natural rate data used in this graph were estimated as the average of unemployment rates from 10 years before to 10 years after each date, with future unemployment rates set at 5.5 percent.)
The following slides will show that the theories in this chapter are (mostly) consistent with the trend behavior of the natural rate.
The graph on this slide is similar to Figure 7-1 (near the beginning of this PowerPoint presentation), with modifications to the vertical scale and colors to highlight the trend behavior.
UNRATE 21916 22007 22098 22190 22282 22372 22463 22555 22647 22737 22828 22920 23012 23102 23193 23285 23377 23468 23559 23651 23743 23833 23924 24016 24108 24198 24289 24381 24473 24563 24654 24746 24838 24929 25020 25112 25204 25294 25385 25477 25569 25659 25750 25842 25934 26024 26115 26207 26299 26390 26481 26573 26665 26755 26846 26938 27030 27120 27211 27303 27395 27485 27576 27668 27760 27851 27942 28034 28126 28216 28307 28399 28491 28581 28672 28764 28856 28946 29037 29129 29221 29312 29403 29495 29587 29677 29768 29860 29952 30042 30133 30225 30317 30407 30498 30590 30682 30773 30864 30956 31048 31138 31229 31321 31413 31503 31594 31686 31778 31868 31959 32051 32143 32234 32325 32417 32509 32599 32690 32782 32874 32964 33055 33147 33239 33329 33420 33512 33604 33695 33786 33878 33970 34060 34151 34243 34335 34425 34516 34608 34700 34790 34881 34973 35065 35156 35247 35339 35431 35521 35612 35704 35796 35886 35977 36069 36161 36251 36342 36434 36526 36617 36708 36800 36892 36982 37073 37165 37257 37347 37438 37530 37622 37712 37803 37895 37987 38078 38169 38261 38353 38443 38534 38626 38718 38808 38899 38991 39083 39173 39264 39356 39448 39539 39630 39722 39814 39904 39995 40087 40179 40269 40360 40452 40544 40634 40725 40817 40909 5.1 5.2 5.5 6.3 6.8 7 6.8 6.2 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.5 5.8 5.7 5.5 5.6 5.5 5.2 5 5 4.9 4.7 4.4 4.1 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.6 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.2 5.8 5.9 5.9 6 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.4 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.6 6.6 8.3 8.9 8.5 8.3 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.5 7.1 6.9 6.7 6.3 6 6 5.9 5.9 5.7 5.9 6 6.3 7.3 7.7 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 8.2 8.8 9.4 9.9 10.7 10.4 10.1 9.4 8.5 7.9 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.3 7.2 7 7 7.2 7 6.8 6.6 6.3 6 5.8 5.7 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.7 6.1 6.6 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.4 7.1 7.1 6.8 6.6 6.6 6.2 6 5.6 5.5 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.2 5 4.9 4.7 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.1 4 3.9 4 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.8 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.7 5.9 5.9 6.1 6.1 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.1 5 5 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.7 4.8 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35796 35886 35977 36069 36161 36251 36342 36434 36526 36617 36708 36800 36892 36982 37073 37165 37257 37347 37438 37530 37622 37712 37803 37895 37987 38078 38169 38261 38353 38443 38534 38626 38718 38808 38899 38991 39083 39173 39264 39356 39448 39539 39630 39722 39814 39904 39995 40087 40179 40269 40360 40452 40544 40634 40725 40817 40909 4.58170731707317 4.56219512195121 4.55731707317073 4.5719512195122 4.5926829 2682927 4.62195121951218 4.65731707317072 4.69024390243903 4.71951219512195 4.75121951219512 4.78292682926828 4.80975609756097 4.83536585365854 4.86219512195121 4.8890243902439 4.91463414634145 4.93170731707317 4.93048780487805 4.92804878048781 4.93536585365854 4.97195121951219 5.02317073170732 5.07317073170732 5.12439024390243 5.1670731707317 5.21097560975609 5.25365853658537 5.29878048780488 5.34024390243903 5.37926829268293 5.41341463414634 5.44390243902439 5.46097560975609 5.45731707317073 5.44024390243903 5.42317073170732 5.41707317073171 5.41585365853658 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Percent of labor force
The minimum wage
The real minimum wage and natural u-rate have similar trends.
minimum wage in current dollars
minimum wage in 2012 dollars
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
The trend in the real minimum wage rises until the mid to late 1970s, then falls. This is fairly similar to the trend of the natural rate of unemployment.
The U.S. Department of Labor has lots of good information on the minimum wage, at:
[Two sources of data on the federal minimum wage are slightly different in the late 1960s. These small differences have no significant impact on the trend, or the message of this graph.]
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9.07268846815835 9.02608219178082 8.97995229982966 8.88909274873525 8.84434899328859 8.78538666666667 8.75619933554817 8.71278016528926 8.66978947368422 8.62722094926349 8.59907340946166 8.5571948051948 8.50198709677419 8.46104654895667 9.68640510366826 9.64027936507935 9.57945741324921 9.50450078247261 9.41608682170543 9.34365538461538 9.27232977099235 9.21604855842185 9.1328962406015 9.05123099850969 8.99759407407407 8.944 58910162003 9.7026802919708 9.60453179190751 9.50834907010014 9.41407365439093 9.30859383753502 9.20545152354571 9.1045698630137 9.01809497964722 8.93324731182796 8.83821276595743 8.74517894736841 8.64282964889467 9.10859487179487 8.99329620253165 8.86979275905119 8.78208158220025 8.69608812729498 8.61176242424241 8.60133656174334 8.53930769230769 8.46806197854589 8.38808028335301 8.2998878504673 8.22303703703704 8.80466055045872 8.72461818181815 8.66553498871332 8.61690684624018 8.55926867335563 8.48360662983426 8.39088961748634 8.32718438177874 8.24668528464017 8.22019700214132 8.18514285714286 8.15904782146653 8.13311864406778 8.10735374868003 8.10735374868003 8.08175157894737 8.0059 0615224193 7.9151175257732 7.87452717948718 7.85840736949845 7.85840736949845 7.82636493374108 7.83435102040816 7.85840736949845 7.84235342185904 7.83435102040816 7.82636493374108 7.77091497975707 7.73958064516129 7.72400804828973 7.6930501002004 7.66999400599401 7.64707569721115 7.61673015873016 7.59412858555885 7.5716607495069 7.51974926542605 7.48310331384016 7.46128668610301 7.4323949661181 7.41803285024155 7.40372613307618 7.37527761767531 7.35408429118773 7.33301241642789 7.30510371075167 7.29122886989554 7.27740663507109 7.2636367076632 7.22263781749764 7.18882397003744 7.17538691588785 7.16199999999999 7.14201302325581 7.12875023212627 7.11553660797033 7.10237187789083 7.0761880 1843318 7.04372844036697 7.01156529680365 6.98604549590537 6.99878213309025 7.03727222731439 7.06316835326587 7.04372844036697 7.01797440585009 7.01156529680365 7.00516788321168 6.97969454545455 6.96702722323048 6.95440579710145 6.92929963898917 6.89197845601436 6.86732021466904 6.84283778966132 6.81247914818101 6.79439292035398 6.76446167400881 6.74662917398946 6.71711636045493 6.69369136878814 6.67622956521739 6.6530883882149 6.64157785467128 6.61867586206896 6.60728399311532 6.590269527897 6.55090784982934 6.53418212765957 6.50649491525424 6.47904135021097 6.45181848739496 6.42482343096234 6.40338949124271 6.38209808811305 6.3609478044739 6.33470627062705 6.31386842105263 6.282867430 4419 6.23693257514216 6.20668067906225 6.18667526188558 6.1667983935743 6.1667983935743 6.15197435897435 6.12253907496013 6.0982239872915 6.07891053048297 6.02169725490196 5.99817499999999 5.97018973561431 6.75639410395655 6.74592718822618 6.70438183217859 6.6735570881226 6.61777507598783 6.5728241509434 6.52847976011994 6.51383096484667 6.48956184798808 6.46547290274685 6.4606765578635 6.4606765578635 7.20971132494449 7.18312684365781 7.16199999999999 7.15148311306902 7.13054172767204 7.10972262773723 7.09935860058309 7.06844702467344 7.04798842257597 7.04289226319594 7.0276479076479 7.00238677210639 6.98731707317073 6.97231209735147 6.95240542469665 6.93261209964413 6.91784090909091 6.90313253012048 6.87390261115032 6.85455313159746 6.8449191848208 6.82095238095238 6.80665269042628 6.79715282623865 6.77351877607789 6.75472954230236 6.75004851004851 6.74070588235294 6.72674033149171 6.71746206896551 6.68978021978022 6.67145205479452 6.65777170198223 6.65777170198223 6.63961826857532 6.62156356220258 6.6170652173913 6.60360677966102 6.58574712643678 6.56355795148247 6.53712751677852 6.52399196249163 6.51962516733601 6.50221628838451 6.48922051965357 6.47197342192691 6.45481776010602 6.44201058201058 6.41654808959157 6.40389217619987 6.39128608923884 6.38290956749671 6.37038587311969 6.36206401045069 6.34548534201954 6.3372283669486 6.32899285250162 6.29626373626374 6.28407741935484 6.26387138263666 6.23979500320308 6.22782608695652 6.21590299936184 6.204025477707 6.19613231552163 6.17648700063412 6.88131479140329 6.85963453056081 6.84238843494657 6.82951066499373 6.81668127739511 6.81241551939923 6.80815509693558 6.80815509693558 6.79540574282147 6.78693266832918 6.77004975124378 7.32194540942928 7.30834427244582 7.2993048855906 7.29479357231149 7.28578765432099 7.28578765432099 7.28578765432099 7.27680394574599 7.25890282902828 7.24998525798524 7.23221568627451 7.2233635250918 7.21894556574924 7.20132763880415 7.19255088360755 7.17942579075426 7.16634851244687 7.16634851244687 7.16199999999999 7.11451235684145 7.11022650602409 7.11022650602409 7.08036952609478 7.06342070616397 7.0339547079857 7.02140154669839 7.00889311163896 6.99228436018957 6.97163378617839 6.94292705882353 6.90232514619883 6.90636395552955 6.89426168224299 6.85422531939604 6.8343810075275 6.8343810075275 6.79894930875576 6.78722024151811 6.77553157290471 6.76000916380298 6.7215125284738 6.70623636363637 6.70242816581488 6.69102947845805 6.65706486181612 6.64207990996061 6.6533122886133 6.6533122886133 6.62716226838853 6.64581981981981 6.64956394366197 6.6533122886133 6.64207990996061 6.63088539325843 6.61231148459384 6.58280870050195 6.57547409470752 6.57181291759466 6.55720888888889 6.53904487534626 6.52819469026548 6.51378366445916 6.50301707988981 6.49228602860286 6.46384227820372 6.42863616557734 6.41814899401849 6.44267248908298 6.45324002186988 6.44619115237575 6.42513663581927 6.39727696476965 6.37654024851432 6.38343753380206 6.37998702702703 6.36279029649594 6.33546752549651 6.32189394750937 6.30837840726884 6.29827961579509 6.27150690754517 6.24826680783484 6.24165838180857 6.23835940803383 6.21863856691254 6.18604612159329 6.15700365153886 6.15700365153886 6.1602171189979 6.13460291060291 6.11236457793888 6.09343107898813 6.09657851239669 6.09343107898813 6.05591380194971 6.01885568587455 5.9371106639839 5.92816474133601 5.95808985360929 5.95808985360929 5.922215755143 5.91924573721164 5.91035353029544 5.8809048330842 5.86337605563835 5.84884836471754 5.81713947757515 5.79145044160942 5.82000788954634 5.84595146111937 5.84305742574258 5.81141112752339 5.80178433618269 5.77936991372304 5.74947196134212 5.73227134975523 5.70867742013494 5.69548240153642 5.68535907477252 6.45613602546384 6.42889324708578 6.409132367704 6.35915649278579 6.34078081770672 6.31899478729721 6.30375340288781 6.28127881263821 6.26677510727206 6.22990966878554 6.16530812138157 6.12159111663075 6.86430655265443 6.85844195598441 6.91792529781791 7.04261821320835 7.10108515690782 7.08315930034492 7.05745139982605 7.06442598649379 7.05731868421176 7.04694914140324 6.98894361934913 6.99102670379926 7.7123349346701 7.69747198428619 7.67443385725304 7.64882108693851 7.64484441929265 7.64066106885674 7.64822256284206 7.64632198982996 7.64382452524657 7.64653311796189 7.64702579561406 7.63325477657263 7.62152542061904 7.61213298454743 7.58631017605377 7.5683416536093 7.53768196809066 7.51569101057526 7.49082122119234 7.45255320580386 7.41593173135288 7.38751011479739 7.38514600648918 7.36671203663884 7.34729757814537 7.33028049092529 7.32746812723527 7.31537052690898 7.31675569039997 7.29834055150967 7.28324084545319 7.26432681041568 7.25 7.25950263015327 7.26137441276085 7.26283443847555 7.2257862510437 7.19032741057442 7.17275913870806 7.18709286733854 7.18992293346142 7.18302272599548 7.14355607719723 7.15968544651514 7.17105654986685 7.15817407937136 7.13554925706433 7.12355735427777 7.11803386839049 7.1085936263332 7.10740775594357 7.09978507304525 7.08280689190687 7.07258665236472 7.06548907381499 7.05136649125785 7.03304071042184 7.00844851802955
Dollars per hour
Union membership
Since early 1980s, the natural rate and union membership
have both fallen.
But, from 1950s
to about 1980,
the natural rate rose while union membership fell.
Union membership
selected years
year percent of labor force
1930 12.0
1945 35.0
1954 35.0
1970 27.0
1983 20.1
2013 11.3
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
A table on an earlier slide showed a positive correlation between the union wage premium and union members’ share of the labor force across industries.
We would expect a similar relationship over time in the aggregate data: as the ratio of union members to all workers rises (falls), the union wage premium and hence natural rate of unemployment should also rise (fall).
The data since the early 1980s are consistent with this expectation. However, the data from the 1950s to the early 1980s are not: the natural rate rose, but union membership declined.
Does the inconsistency from the 1950s to the early 1980s mean the theory is irrelevant? Not necessarily, as other determinants of the natural rate were not constant during the period.
AFL-CIO website,
and Current Population Survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Sectoral shifts
1970–1986: volatile oil prices create jarring sectoral shifts
1986–2005: oil prices less volatile, so fewer sectoral shifts
oil price volatility increases –
will the natural u-rate rise again?
Price per barrel of oil,
in 2011 dollars
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Earlier in the chapter, we learned that sectoral shifts are a source of job separations and lead to frictional unemployment. One would expect that a decrease in the frequency and magnitude of sectoral shifts would be associated with fewer job separations, less frictional unemployment, and a lower natural rate of unemployment.
Unfortunately, there is no single “index of sectoral shifts.” However, we know that large changes in oil prices are one important source of sectoral shifts. A significant fall in the price of oil causes a decrease in demand for workers at oil fields in Oklahoma and Texas, and an increase in demand for workers at factories that produce SUVs. A significant increase in oil prices would do the opposite.
The graph shows data on the price of oil since 1965.
During 1970-1985, the real price of oil fluctuated between $20 and $100.
Also during this time, the natural rate of unemployment was rising.
During 1986-2002, the real price of oil was in the $20-40 range except for a brief spike during the Gulf War. Also during this time, the natural rate of unemployment was falling.
The data are roughly consistent with the notion that sectoral shifts contribute to the natural rate.
Note the recent increase in oil prices: from about $22 to $70 during 2002-2006:1. This represents a sectoral shift and may contribute to an increase in the natural rate of unemployment. Or maybe not, as oil consumption per dollar of GDP is lower today than in the 1970s and 1980s.
source: Dow Jones & Company
obtained from:
Real oil prices 1965 1965.25 1965.5 1965.75 1966 1966.25 1966.5 1966.75 1967 1967.25 1967.5 1967.75 1968 1968.25 1968.5 1968.75 1969 1969.25 1969.5 1969.75 1970 1970.25 1970.5 1970.75 1971 1971.25 1971.5 1971.75 1972 1972.25 1972.5 1972.75 1973 1973.25 1973.5 1973.75 1974 1974.25 1974.5 1974.75 1975 1975.25 1975.5 1975.75 1976 1976.25 1976.5 1976.75 1977 1977.25 1977.5 1977.75 1978 1978.25 1978.5 1978.75 1979 1979.25 1979.5 1979.75 1980 1980.25 1980.5 1980.75 1981 1981.25 1981.5 1981.75 1982 1982.25 1982.5 1982.75 1983 1983.25 1983.5 1983.75 1984 1984.25 1984.5 1984.75 1985 1985.25 1985.5 1985.75 1986 1986.25 1986.5 1986.75 1987 1987.25 1987.5 1987.75 1988 1988.25 1988.5 1988.75 1989 1989.25 1989.5 1989.75 1990 1990.25 1990.5 1990.75 1991 1991.25 1991.5 1991.75 1992 1992.25 1992.5 1992.75 1993 1993.25 1993.5 1993.75 1994 1994.25 1994.5 1994.75 1995 1995.25 1995.5 1995.75 1996 1996.25 1996.5 1996.75 1997 1997.25 1997.5 1997.75 1998 1998.25 1998.5 1998.75 1999 1999.25 1999.5 1999.75 2000 2000.25 2000.5 2000.75 2001 2001.25 2001.5 2001.75 2002 2002.25 2002.5 2002.75 2003 2003.25 2003.5 2003.75 2004 2004.25 2004.5 2004.75 2005 2005.25 2005.5 2005.75 2006 2006.25 2006.5 2006.75 2007 2007.25 2007.5 2007.75 2008 2008.25 2008.5 2008.75 2009 2009.25 2009.5 2009.75 2010 2010.25 2010.5 2010.75 2011 2011.25 2011.5 2011.75 2012 2012.25 2012.5 2012.75 2013 20.7245343560243 20.5929082248333 20.5322698920305 20.4242733858268 20.2349886104784 20.0535201162755 19.9971187724193 20.058225526868 20.1418451785119 20.0873458558205 20.1992451641791 20.131175775829 19.9351616959064 19.7429279240147 19.4795008571428 19.241456551802 19.3801341065603 20.4200765789256 20.1436290038719 19.8390573333333 19.5266312335958 19.257232159035 18.8323083032306 19.0281325 19.7981929732301 19.6178967741936 19.4250918918919 19.2829570731707 19.1276036097065 19.0048375 18.85391553192 18.6607793801779 18.3719759254526 17.9956124098058 20.125909375 20.8381880129754 47.4676255813953 46.2293057014022 44.9646263993752 48.1551603940389 47.1474811193333 46.5864969924812 45.6705113604953 44.8441500352832 46.7319369767442 47.9202381205674 49.4038571204189 53.1006158292192 52.1435489864865 51.2492836152939 52.8513617338332 53.2198291025869 52.3197872542953 51.1559891107078 49.9927713856928 48.85738 49.7976855924855 55.0003215266106 77.088833880597 90.0577618534056 100.689038844533 107.369895960832 100.9445148 79915 94.2979922984328 95.9708186915038 92.3599463834147 86.6490077709257 83.6831433979972 73.4715270930233 80.5706601540113 78.6567228293711 76.7603785240929 67.1970263979592 68.4093734982297 70.0181142857143 65.5253864490603 65.4088315079046 65.1603388599032 61.9098392337164 57.852317654321 56.5296559609286 57.691705939403 57.1992353012048 59.4784609816514 34.460988783119 28.3523307622463 28.0584771194166 30.9153942987498 36.2100008139535 38.0335354789638 39.6184411509885 35.9499443350992 31.9343766916452 32.6430647970943 28.2973435042017 27.0999145469659 33.6184094454536 36.5703846141403 34.3153048715891 35.8754264978111 37.6777864925449 30.7389625908739 44.7423346232504 52.882118811067 35.8923378794512 33.9965145426247 35.2058619692532 35.0484722107266 30.2848831373001 33.6711134377706 34.17934609375 32.0204166707737 30.7738065032467 30.4530259541985 27.2998534472635 25.0290930758322 22.4243778254942 26.759425911491 27.5876108999328 26.1823292380831 27.0218417745431 28.2424332478632 25.9361169317119 26.2347976772934 28.3135794849968 30.8936879987212 31.6571990909091 34.5252805750408 31.7051011382358 27.63079158125 27.3220700062189 27.3596184935701 21.8377683333333 20.0213100539583 19.2081403833087 17.3730715943777 17.5888541640109 23.6306924870607 28.8715982236842 32.3863285520058 37.6098163021752 37.28628593678 40.5942440289017 40.7620050162713 36.3734848777714 34.95 80753275787 33.255652947369 25.5271990816901 26.9512441384423 32.5074544623802 34.8688880082912 34.4803648484848 41.323332333517 35.2248516827172 36.3800015561206 37.4144210378483 41.9380787520086 45.2379432631652 51.4365488179039 56.0500013218391 57.3844830610239 60.8246959833115 71.2550524923703 67.1867512308939 70.5281495836404 77.8231496966716 77.0002559323118 65.9575716615678 63.183446653974 69.8272409754587 80.6340537369132 95.8519509240344 102.238587615735 127.724944450631 119.717750796167 60.6163752460849 44.9106957958509 61.9408188840277 70.3351058384837 77.845953498553 80.3174054552563 79.6103337168629 77.5886023255812 85.9692282228141 94.0020106563616 101.417708400686 88.0841 951471848 92.0356211894912 100.102837209608 90.7177687564728 89.0806822153632 84.6538334551208 90.2781088008339
The Baby Boomers were young.
Young workers change jobs more frequently (high value of s).
Late 1980s through today:
Baby Boomers aged. Middle-aged workers change jobs less often (low s).
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
For more details on this, see the book.
Unemployment in Europe, 1960–2013
Percent of labor force
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Figure 7-6 on p.203.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics,
France 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 19 85 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2.5 2.8 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.6 4 4.5 4.6 5.2 5.6 6.6 6.9 7.3 8.5 9 9 9.2 8.9 8.3 8 8.2 9.1 10.2 10.8 10.2 10.7 10.8 10.4 10.1 8.6 7.8 8 8.6 9 9 8.9 8.1 7.5 9.2 9.4 9.3 10 Germany 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.6 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 2.9 2.8 4 5.6 6.9 7.1 7.2 6.6 6.3 6.3 5.7 5 5.6 6.7 8 8.5 8.2 9 9.9 9.3 8.5 7.8 7.9 8.6 9.3 10.3 11.2 10.3 8.7 7.6 7.8 7.1 6 5.5 Italy 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 3.2 3.3 3.8 3.7 3.1 3.4 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.4 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.9 5.9 6 7.5 7.9 7.9 7.8 7 6.9 7.3 9.8 10.7 11.3 11.3 11.3 11.4 11 10.1 9.1 8.6 8.5 8.1 7.8 6.9 6.2 6.8 7.9 8.5 8.5 10.8 United Kingdom 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 4.2 4.4 3.7 3.7 4.5 5.4 5.6 5.5 5.4 6.9 9.7 10.8 11.5 11.8 11.4 11.4 10.5 8.6 7.3 7.1 8.9 10 10.4 9.5 8.7 8.1 7 6.3 6 5.5 5.1 5.2 5 4.8 4.9 5.5 5.4 5.7 7.6 7.9 8.1 8
Why unemployment rose in Europe
but not the U.S.
Technological progress has shifted labor demand from unskilled to skilled workers in recent decades.
Effect in United States
An increase in the “skill premium” – the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers.
Effect in Europe
Higher unemployment, due to generous govt benefits for unemployed workers and strong union presence.
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
Percent of workers covered by collective bargaining, selected countries
United States 13%
United Kingdom 31
Switzerland 49
Spain 73
Sweden 91
Germany 61
France 92
Greece 65
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
A subset of Table 7-1 (p.193), focusing on European countries.
Source: Same as the textbook.
1. The natural rate of unemployment
definition: the long-run average or “steady state” rate of unemployment
depends on the rates of job separation and job finding
2. Frictional unemployment
due to the time it takes to match workers with jobs
may be increased by unemployment insurance
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
3. Structural unemployment
results from wage rigidity: the real wage remains above the equilibrium level
caused by: minimum wage, unions, efficiency wages
4. Duration of unemployment
most spells are short term
but most weeks of unemployment are attributable to a small number of long-term unemployed persons
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
5. Behavior of the natural rate in the U.S.
rose from 1960 to early 1980s, then fell
possible explanations:
trends in real minimum wage,
union membership, prevalence of sectoral shifts, and aging of the Baby Boomers
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
6. European unemployment
has risen sharply since 1970
probably due to generous unemployment benefits, strong union presence, and a technology-driven shift in demand away from unskilled workers
CHAPTER 7 Unemployment and the Labor Market
005, or 5%