程序代写代做代考 chain Squishy Maps for Soft Body Modelling Using Generalised Chain Mail

Squishy Maps for Soft Body Modelling Using Generalised Chain Mail

KIT308/408 (Advanced) Multicore Architecture and Programming

Crash Course – Raytracing
Dr. Ian Lewis
Discipline of ICT, School of TED
University of Tasmania, Australia

Need a complex and interesting problem for the assignments
Just like the Mandelbrot set, don’t really need to know how this works completely to be able to do the assignments
Lots of other similarities with Mandelbrot
Generating an image
Working with different coordinates for the image and where it’s calculated from


Raytracing Basics

Semester 2


Trace a bunch of “rays” from the position of the camera (/eye) and see what they hit
The opposite of what happens in the real world where light bounces off things and hits our retinas (/camera light sensor)
When a ray intersects with an object
Work out whether it is lit by any lights in the scene
Calculate the effect each light generates
Shadows appear when lights aren’t direction visible from the intersection


View plane
Camera/Eye position
view plane

For each sample:
Construct ray from eye position through view plane
Find first surface intersected by ray through pixel
Compute colour sample based on lighting


Samples on
view plane
Eye position
view plane

Code loops over the width and height of the image to be generated
Calculates a ray from the fixed camera point proportional to current pixel
Image RayCast(Camera camera, Scene scene, int width, int height)
Image image = new Image(width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { Ray ray = ConstructRayThroughPixel(camera, i, j); Intersection hit = FindIntersection(ray, scene); image[i][j] = GetColor(hit); } } return image; } 6 Pseudocode: Rays Intersections with geometric primitives Spheres Boxes Others are possible, but tried to limit the size of the code Image RayCast(Camera camera, Scene scene, int width, int height) { Image image = new Image(width, height); for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { Ray ray = ConstructRayThroughPixel(camera, i, j); Intersection hit = FindIntersection(ray, scene); image[i][j] = GetColor(hit); } } return image; } 7 Pseudocode: Intersections Ray: P = P0 + tV Sphere: |P - C|2 - r2 = 0 Substituting for P, we get: |P0 + tV - C|2 - r2 = 0 Solve quadratic equation: at2 + bt + c = 0 where: a = |V|2 = 1 b = 2 V • (P0 - C) c = |P0 - C|2 - r2 Ignoring the maths, there are either 0, 1, or 2 solutions We want the closest one to the camera origin (P0) 8 Ray-Sphere Intersection First, intersect ray with six planes Ensure hits are within bounds of other planes Find out which one is closest hit 9 Ray-(Axis Aligned Bounding)Box Intersection First, intersect ray with plane Easier maths Then, check if point is inside triangle Harder maths 10 Ray-Triangle Intersection P P0 V Find closest intersection primitive Intersection FindIntersection(Ray ray, Scene scene) { min_t = infinity min_primitive = NULL For each primitive in scene { t = Intersect(ray, primitive); if (t > 0 && t < min_t) then min_primitive = primitive min_t = t } } return Intersection(min_t, min_primitive) } 11 Pseudocode: Intersections A B C D E F Assignment Code 12 main() Read command line arguments Render image A number of times if requested (for timing) Report times Save .BMP file render() Loop through pixels Loop through subsamples Generate ray through pixel Raytrace Store (averaged) value in image traceRay() Check for object intersections Apply lighting Do reflection or refraction if needed And loop again Return calculated colour value for this sample calculateRefraction() Bend the ray through object calculateReflection() Bounce the ray off object 13 Raytracer.cpp isSphereIntersected() Check to see if ray hits specified sphere Return true if so, Stores result in t parameter isBoxIntersected() Check to see if ray hits specified box Return true if so Stores result in t parameter objectIntersection() Check to see if ray hits any sphere or box Return true is so Stores point of intersection in intersect parameter calculateIntersectionResponse() Calculate normal at point of intersection Store material of object intersected with Work out if ray is inside object (for refractioin) 14 Intersection.cpp applyLighting() Calculate all lighting for a given intersection point Accumulates light from all light sources Only adds lighting if not in shadow Adds both diffuse and specular lighting isInShadow() Checks to see if any object between light and intersection point (i.e. is point in shadow) applyDiffuse() Applies texture and basic diffuse lighting applySpecular() Applies shininess 15 Lighting.cpp applyCheckerboard() Calculate colour based on basic checkboard texture applyCircles() and applyWood() Calculate colour based on mathematically defined texture All textures are 3D textures Rather than wrapping a 2D texture around the object, it’s like they are carved out of a solid block of material Simpler approach than UV-mapping, but textures harder to create 16 Texturing.cpp Helpers for Loading the scene Saving the .BMP image Dealing with the nitty gritty of Scene IO 1. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8f/11/19/8f1119326013d817b5e62df789bc2033.jpg 17 Scene.cpp, ImageIO.cpp, and Config.cpp Defines the entire Colour struct Functions for Converting to/from pixel formats Accumulating colour Other colour arithmetic operators 1. https://coloursenseandstyle.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/aspergers.jpg 18 Colour.h Constants for Maximum image buffer size Mathematical constants Raytracing limits // maximum size of image const int MAX_WIDTH = 2048, MAX_HEIGHT = 2048; // math constants const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846f; const float PIOVER180 = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886f; // a small value (used to make sure we don't get stuck detecting collision of the same object over and over) const float EPSILON = 0.01f; // maximum ray distance const float MAX_RAY_DISTANCE = 2000000.0f; //** maybe should be maxfloat?! // the maximum number of rays to cast before giving up on finding final ray destination const int MAX_RAYS_CAST = 10; // default refractive index (of air effectively) const float DEFAULT_REFRACTIVE_INDEX = 1.0f; 19 Constants.h Definitions for structs Point Vector Ray And their arithmetic operators 1. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/50/44/2e504410643b8a7a2079d3e8e89ddbc4.gif 20 Primitives.h Definitions for structs Material Sphere Box Light 1. http://payload.cargocollective.com/1/2/86419/2064565/triangle_o.gif 21 SceneObjects.h Timer class Cross-platform CPU timing Supports Cell (SPU and PPU) and Windows So not really that many platforms 1. http://lifepalette.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/In-the-tech-industry-timing-is-everything_Link.jpg 22 Timer.h “Ray Casting” Aaron Bloomfield, CS 445: Introduction to Graphics, Fall 2006 23 References