程序代写代做代考 algorithm scheme B tree flex c++ data structure mips 3D Polyhedral Morphing

3D Polyhedral Morphing

Collision and Proximity Queries

Dinesh Manocha


Geometric Proximity Queries
Given two object, how would you check:

If they intersect with each other while moving?
If they do not interpenetrate each other, how far are they apart?
If they overlap, how much is the amount of penetration


Proximity Queries
Geometric reasoning of spatial relationships among objects (in a dynamic environment)


Closest Points & Separation Distance

Penetration Depth
Collision Detection
Contact Points & Normals


NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Input: two objects A and B
Distance computation: compute the distance (in the workspace) between A and B

Collision detection: determine whether A and B collide or not


NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Collision detection vs. distance computation
The distance between two objects (in the workspace) is the distance between the two closest points on the respective objects.

Collision if and only if distance = 0

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Collision detection vs. distance computation
The distance between two objects (in the workspace) is the distance between the two closest points on the respective objects.

Collision if and only if distance = 0

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
How will you compute the distance?
What is the distance between two convex polygons?

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
How will you compute the distance?

What is the distance between two sets of points?

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

Collision Detection
Update configurations w/ TXF matrices

Check for edge-edge intersection in 2D
(Check for edge-face intersection in 3D)

Check every point of A inside of B &
every point of B inside of A

Check for pair-wise edge-edge intersections

Imagine larger input size: N = 1000+ ……


Classes of Objects & Problems
2D vs. 3D
Convex vs. Non-Convex
Polygonal vs. Non-Polygonal
Open surfaces vs. Closed volumes
Geometric vs. Volumetric
Rigid vs. Non-rigid (deformable/flexible)
Pairwise vs. Multiple (N-Body)
CSG vs. B-Rep
Static vs. Dynamic
And so on… This may include other geometric representation schemata, etc.


Some Possible Approaches
Geometric methods
Algebraic Techniques
Hierarchical Bounding Volumes
Spatial Partitioning
Others (e.g. optimization)


Essential Computational Geometry

Extreme Points & Convex Hulls

Providing a bounding volume
Convex Decomposition

For CD btw non-convex polyhedra
Voronoi Diagram

For tracking closest points
Linear Programming

Check if a pt lies w/in a convex polytope
Minkowski Sum

Computing separation & penetration measures


Extreme Point
Let S be a set of n points in R2. A point p = (px, py) in S is an extreme point for S iff there exists a, b in R such that for all q = (qx, qy) in S with q ≠ p we have
a px+ b py > a qx+ b qy

Geometric interpretation: There is a line with the normal vector (a,b) through p so that all other points of S lies strictly on one side of this line. Intuitively, p is the most extreme point of S in the direction of the vector v = (a,b).


Convex Hull
The convex hull of a set S is the intersection of all convex sets that contains S.
The convex hull of S is the smallest convex polygon that contains S and that the extreme points of S are just the corners of that polygon.
Solving the convex hull problem implicitly solves the extreme point problem.


Constructing Convex Hulls
Graham’s Scan
Marriage before Conquest
(similar to Divide-and-Conquer)

And, many others ……

Lower bound: O(n log H), where n is the input size (No. of points in the given set) and H is the No. of the extreme points.


Convex Decomposition
The process to divide up a non-convex polyhedron into pieces of convex polyhedral

Optimal convex decomposition of general non-convex polyhedra can be NP-hard.

To partition a non-degenerate simple polyhedron takes O((n + r2) log r) time, where n is the number of vertices and r is the number of reflex edges of the original non-convex object.

In general, a non-convex polyhedron of n vertices can be partitioned into O(n2) convex pieces.


Voronoi Diagrams
Given a set S of n points in R2 , for each point pi in S, there is the set of points (x, y) in the plane that are closer to pi than any other point in S, called Voronoi polygons. The collection of n Voronoi polygons given the n points in the set S is the “Voronoi diagram”, Vor(S), of the point set S.

Intuition: To partition the plane into regions, each of these is the set of points that are closer to a point pi in S than any other. The partition is based on the set of closest points, e.g. bisectors that have 2 or 3 closest points.


Generalized Voronoi Diagrams
The extension of the Voronoi diagram to higher dimensional features (such as edges and facets, instead of points); i.e. the set of points closest to a feature, e.g. that of a polyhedron.


In general, the generalized Voronoi diagram has quadratic surface boundaries in it.

If the polyhedron is convex, then its generalized Voronoi diagram has planar boundaries.


Voronoi Regions
A Voronoi region associated with a feature is a set of points that are closer to that feature than any other.

The Voronoi regions form a partition of space outside of the polyhedron according to the closest feature.

The collection of Voronoi regions of each polyhedron is the generalized Voronoi diagram of the polyhedron.

The generalized Voronoi diagram of a convex polyhedron has linear size and consists of polyhedral regions. And, all Voronoi regions are convex.


Simple 2D Example
Objects A & B and their Voronoi regions: P1 and P2 are the pair of closest points between A and B. Note P1 and P2 lie within the Voronoi regions of each other.


NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Voronoi regions of points and edges
Voronoi region of a point

Voronoi region of an edge

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Voronoi Based Closest Features
Theorem: Let X and Y be a pair of features from disjoint convex polygons and let x X and y Y be the closest pair of points between X and Y. If x vor(Y) and y vor(X) , then x and y are a globally closest pair of points between the polygons.

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Critical condition: vertex-vertex

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu
Sketch of the algorithm
1: Start with a candidate feature pair (X,Y).
2: if (X,Y) satisfies the closest pair condition
3: then
return (X,Y) as the closest pair.
4: else
Update either X or Y to its neighboring
feature. Go to (2).

NUS CS 5247 David Hsu

Voronoi Marching in 3D


Linear Programming
In general, a d-dimensional linear program-ming (or linear optimization) problem may be posed as follows:

Given a finite set A in Rd
For each a in A, a constant Ka in R, c in Rd
Find x in Rd which minimize
Subject to  Ka, for all a in A .

where <*, *> is standard inner product in Rd.


LP for Collision Detection
Given two finite sets A, B in Rd
For each a in A and b in B,
Find x in Rd which minimize whatever
Subject to > 0, for all a in A
And < 0, for all b in B where d = 2 (or 3). * Minkowski Sums/Differences Minkowski Sum (A, B) = { a + b | a  A, b  B } Minkowski Diff (A, B) = { a - b | a  A, b  B } A and B collide iff Minkowski Difference(A,B) contains the point 0. * Some Minkowski Differences A B A B * Minkowski Difference & Translation Minkowski-Diff(Trans(A, t1), Trans(B, t2)) = Trans(Minkowski-Diff(A,B), t1 - t2) Trans(A, t1) and Trans(B, t2) intersect iff Minkowski-Diff(A,B) contains point (t2 - t1). * Properties Distance distance(A,B) = min a  A, b B || a - b ||2 distance(A,B) = min c  Minkowski-Diff(A,B) || c ||2 if A and B disjoint, c is a point on boundary of Minkowski difference Penetration Depth pd(A,B) = min{ || t ||2 | A  Translated(B,t) =  } pd(A,B) = mint Minkowski-Diff(A,B) || t ||2 if A and B intersect, t is a point on boundary of Minkowski difference * GJK for Computing Distance between Convex Polyhedra GJK-DistanceToOrigin ( P ) // dimension is m 1. Initialize P0 with m+1 or fewer points. 2. k = 0 3. while (TRUE) { 4. if origin is within CH( Pk ), return 0 5. else { 6. find x  CH(Pk) closest to origin, and Sk  Pk s.t. x  CH(Sk) 7. see if any point p-x in P more extremal in direction -x 8. if no such point is found, return |x| 9. else { 10. Pk+1 = Sk  {p-x} 11. k = k + 1 12. } 13. } 14. } * Large, Dynamic Environments For dynamic simulation where the velocity and acceleration of all objects are known at each step, use the scheduling scheme (implemented as heap) to prioritize “critical events” to be processed. Each object pair is tagged with the estimated time to next collision. Then, each pair of objects is processed accordingly. The heap is updated when a collision occurs. * Collide System Architecture Analysis & Response Sweep & Prune Simulation Exact Collision Detection Collision Transform Overlap Parameters * Sweep and Prune Compute the axis-aligned bounding box (fixed vs. dynamic) for each object Dimension Reduction by projecting boxes onto each x, y, z- axis Sort the endpoints and find overlapping intervals Possible collision -- only if projected intervals overlap in all 3 dimensions * Sweep & Prune b1 b2 e1 e2 b3 e3 b1 b2 e1 b3 e2 e3 T = 1 b1 b2 e1 e2 b3 e3 b3 b1 e3 b2 e1 e2 T = 2 * Updating Bounding Boxes Coherence (greedy algorithm) Convexity properties (geometric properties of convex polytopes) Nearly constant time, if the motion is relatively “small” * Methods for General Models Decompose into convex pieces, and take minimum over all pairs of pieces: Optimal (minimal) model decomposition is NP-hard. Approximation algorithms exist for closed solids, but what about a list of triangles? Collection of triangles/polygons: n*m pairs of triangles - brute force expensive Hierarchical representations used to accelerate minimum finding * Hierarchical Representations Two Common Types: Bounding volume hierarchies – trees of spheres, ellipses, cubes, axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs), oriented bounding boxes (OBBs), K-dop, SSV, etc. Spatial decomposition - BSP, K-d trees, octrees, MSP tree, R-trees, grids/cells, space-time bounds, etc. Do very well in “rejection tests”, when objects are far apart Performance may slow down, when the two objects are in close proximity and can have multiple contacts * BVH vs. Spatial Partitioning BVH: SP: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy * BVH vs. Spatial Partitioning BVH: SP: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy * BVH vs. Spatial Partitioning BVH: SP: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy * BVH vs. Spatial Partitioning BVH: SP: - Object centric - Space centric - Spatial redundancy - Object redundancy * Spatial Data Structures & Subdivision Uniform Spatial Sub Quadtree/Octree kd-tree BSP-tree * Uniform Spatial Subdivision Decompose the objects (the entire simulated environment) into identical cells arranged in a fixed, regular grids (equal size boxes or voxels) To represent an object, only need to decide which cells are occupied. To perform collision detection, check if any cell is occupied by two object Storage: to represent an object at resolution of n voxels per dimension requires upto n3 cells Accuracy: solids can only be “approximated” * Bounding Volume Hierarchies Model Hierarchy: each node has a simple volume that bounds a set of triangles children contain volumes that each bound a different portion of the parent’s triangles The leaves of the hierarchy usually contain individual triangles A binary bounding volume hierarchy: * Type of Bounding Volumes Spheres Ellipsoids Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes (AABB) Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBBs) Convex Hulls k-Discrete Orientation Polytopes (k-dop) Spherical Shells Swept-Sphere Volumes (SSVs) Point Swetp Spheres (PSS) Line Swept Spheres (LSS) Rectangle Swept Spheres (RSS) Triangle Swept Spheres (TSS) * BVH-Based Collision Detection * Collision Detection using BVH 1. Check for collision between two parent nodes (starting from the roots of two given trees) 2. If there is no interference between two parents, 3.  Then stop and report “no collision” 4. Else All children of one parent node are checked against all children of the other node 5. If there is a collision between the children 6.  Then If at leave nodes 7.  Then report “collision” 8. Else go to Step 4 9. Else stop and report “no collision” * Evaluating Bounding Volume Hierarchies   Cost Function: F = Nu x Cu + Nbv x Cbv + Np x Cp   F: total cost function for interference detection Nu: no. of bounding volumes updated Cu: cost of updating a bounding volume, Nbv: no. of bounding volume pair overlap tests Cbv: cost of overlap test between 2 BVs Np: no. of primitive pairs tested for interference Cp: cost of testing 2 primitives for interference * Designing Bounding Volume Hierarchies The choice governed by these constraints: It should fit the original model as tightly as possible (to lower Nbv and Np) Testing two such volumes for overlap should be as fast as possible (to lower Cbv) It should require the BV updates as infrequently as possible (to lower Nu) * Observations Simple primitives (spheres, AABBs, etc.) do very well with respect to the second constraint. But they cannot fit some long skinny primitives tightly. More complex primitives (minimal ellipsoids, OBBs, etc.) provide tight fits, but checking for overlap between them is relatively expensive. Cost of BV updates needs to be considered. * Trade-off in Choosing BV’s increasing complexity & tightness of fit decreasing cost of (overlap tests + BV update) AABB OBB Sphere Convex Hull 6-dop * Building Hierarchies Choices of Bounding Volumes cost function & constraints Top-Down vs. Bottum-up speed vs. fitting Depth vs. breadth branching factors Splitting factors where & how * Sphere-Trees A sphere-tree is a hierarchy of sets of spheres, used to approximate an object Advantages: Simplicity in checking overlaps between two bounding spheres Invariant to rotations and can apply the same transformation to the centers, if objects are rigid Shortcomings: Not always the best approximation (esp bad for long, skinny objects) Lack of good methods on building sphere-trees * Methods for Building Sphere-Trees “Tile” the triangles and build the tree bottom-up Covering each vertex with a sphere and group them together Start with an octree and “tweak” Compute the medial axis and use it as a skeleton for multi-res sphere-covering Others…… * k-DOP’s k-dop: k-discrete orientation polytope a convex polytope whose facets are determined by half-spaces whose outward normals come from a small fixed set of k orientations For example: In 2D, an 8-dop is determined by the orientation at +/- {45,90,135,180} degrees In 3D, an AABB is a 6-dop with orientation vectors determined by the +/-coordinate axes. * Choices of k-dops in 3D 6-dop: defined by coordinate axes 14-dop: defined by the vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (1,1,1), (1,-1,1), (1,1,-1) and (1,-1,-1) 18-dop: defined by the vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (1,1,0), (1,0,1), (0,1,1), (1,-1,0), (1,0,-1) and (0,1,-1) 26-dop: defined by the vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1), (1,1,1), (1,-1,1), (1,1,-1), (1,-1,-1), (1,1,0), (1,0,1), (0,1,1), (1,-1,0), (1,0,-1) and (0,1,-1) * Building Trees of k-dops The major issue is updating the k-dops: Use Hill Climbing (as proposed in I-Collide) to update the min/max along each k/2 directions by comparing with the neighboring vertices But, the object may not be convex…… Use the approximation (convex hull vs. another k-dop) * Building an OBB Tree Recursive top-down construction: partition and refit * \ Building an OBB Tree Given some polygons, consider their vertices... \ * \ Building an OBB Tree … and an arbitrary line \ * Project onto the line Consider variance of distribution on the line Building an OBB Tree * Different line, different variance Building an OBB Tree * Building an OBB Tree Maximum Variance * Building an OBB Tree Minimal Variance * Building an OBB Tree Given by eigenvectors of covariance matrix of coordinates of original points * Building an OBB Tree Choose bounding box oriented this way * Building an OBB Tree: Fitting Covariance matrix of point coordinates describes statistical spread of cloud. OBB is aligned with directions of greatest and least spread (which are guaranteed to be orthogonal). * 835.unknown Fitting OBBs Let the vertices of the i'th triangle be the points ai, bi, and ci, then the mean µ and covariance matrix C can be expressed in vector notation as: where n is the number of triangles, and * Building an OBB Tree Good Box * Building an OBB Tree Add points: worse Box * Building an OBB Tree More points: terrible box * Building an OBB Tree Compute with extremal points only * “Even” distribution: good box Building an OBB Tree * Building an OBB Tree “Uneven” distribution: bad box * Building an OBB Tree Fix: Compute facets of convex hull... * Building an OBB Tree Better: Integrate over facets * Building an OBB Tree … and sample them uniformly * Building an OBB Tree: Summary OBB Fitting algorithm: covariance-based use of convex hull not foiled by extreme distributions O(n log n) fitting time for single BV O(n log2 n) fitting time for entire tree * Tree Traversal Disjoint bounding volumes: No possible collision * Overlapping bounding volumes: split one box into children test children against other box Tree Traversal * Tree Traversal * Tree Traversal Hierarchy of tests * Separating Axis Theorem L is a separating axis for OBBs A & B, since A & B become disjoint intervals under projection onto L * Separating Axis Theorem Two polytopes A and B are disjoint iff there exists a separating axis which is: perpendicular to a face from either or perpedicular to an edge from each * Implications of Theorem Given two generic polytopes, each with E edges and F faces, number of candidate axes to test is: 2F + E2 OBBs have only E = 3 distinct edge directions, and only F = 3 distinct face normals. OBBs need at most 15 axis tests. Because edge directions and normals each form orthogonal frames, the axis tests are rather simple. * OBB Overlap Test: An Axis Test s h a b a L h b s h h + >
L is a separating axis iff:


Box centers project to interval midpoints, so
midpoint separation is length of vector T’s image.

OBB Overlap Test: Axis Test Details



OBB Overlap Test: Axis Test Details
Half-length of interval is sum of box axis images.



OBB Overlap Test

Typical axis test for 3-space.

Up to 15 tests required.

s = fabs(T2 * R11 – T1 * R21);
ha = a1 * Rf21 + a2 * Rf11;
hb = b0 * Rf02 + b2 * Rf00;
if (s > (ha + hb)) return 0;


OBB Overlap Test
Strengths of this overlap test:

89 to 252 arithmetic operations per box overlap test
Simple guard against arithmetic error
No special cases for parallel/coincident faces, edges, or vertices
No special cases for degenerate boxes
No conditioning problems
Good candidate for micro-coding


OBB Overlap Tests: Comparison

Benchmarks performed on SGI Max Impact,
250 MHz MIPS R4400 CPU, MIPS R4000 FPU (1996)


Parallel Close Proximity
Q: How does the number of BV tests increase as the gap size decreases?
Two models are in parallel close proximity when every point on each model is a given fixed distance (e) from the other model.

In order to quantify the performance of the various BV types, we consider an easily parameterized configuration: parallel close proximity. When the models are concentric, every point on one model is a fixed distance (epsilon) from the other model, and vice-versa. This is our definition of transverse contact.
This means the two models are offset surfaces of one another, and the offset is the gap size (epsilon).
As epsilon decreases, we will have to descend the hierarchies more and more deeply in order to bound the models apart. How far will we have to go? That depends on the specific shape of the bounding volumes.


Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence


Consider two bounding volumes covering opposing parallel segments. We will call the distance between the segments one unit.

Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence


When the separation is cut in half, we have to BVs half as big, which means we have to use twice as many. On each successive halving of the gap, we double the number of BV required. At each successive level, each sphere covers half the length of segment as the level above, and each sphere sticks out half as far away from the segment. Because the length covered and the amount extended from the segment diminish proportionally, we say spheres have linear convergence.

Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence

For AABBs, the reasoning is the same. Consider the two line segments, and the AABBs which bound them. If the segments were themselves axis-aligned, then the AABBs would fit perfectly. Let us assume the segments are tilted some arbitrary amount. Then, let us define the closest distance they can get without the AABBs touching to be one unit.

Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence


Now, keeping the tilt angle the same, but cutting the gap size in half results in a doubling of the number of required AABBs. This is true regardless of the angle of the line. As with spheres, with each successive level of the hierarchy, the amount the AABB extends outward from the segment diminishes at the same rate as does the amount of segment covered, so AABBs have linear convergence.

Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence

OBBs are different. First of all, any straight segment of any tilt angle would be bounded perfectly by a well-fitted OBB, so we will assume we are working with parallel arcs of low curvature. Given the arcs of specific curvature, position them as closely as possible without letting the OBBs touch.
Note, the longer the radius of curvature relative to the size of the OBBs, the tighter the fit will be.

Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence


If the curvature is low, then will be able to reduce the gap by approximately a factor of four, and still bound the arcs apart by only doubling the number of OBBs. Each additional factor of four reduction in gap size doubles the number of OBBs.
One way of thinking about this is that the radius of curvature stays fixed, but since the OBBs are getting smaller, the radius curvature is increasing relative to the OBBs, and hence, the fit is getting progressively tighter.
The amount the OBB extends away from the arc is proportional to the SQUARE of the arc length covered.

Parallel Close Proximity: Convergence



Now, notice what quartering the gap does with each BV type. It quadruples the number of BVs required by spheres and AABBs, but it only doubles the number required by OBBs. This means that for every quartering of the gap, we descend additional two levels of the sphere and AABB trees, but only one additional level of the OBB tree.

Performance: Overlap Tests





Spheres & AABBs


OBBs asymptotically outperform AABBs and spheres
Log-log plot
Gap Size (e)
Number of BV tests
Parallel Close Proximity: Experiment

We verify this in the plot of BV tests versus gap size. This log-log plot shows gap size for concentric spheres on the x-axis, and number of BV tests for that configuration — the experiment was repeated for each BV type. For extremely large gap sizes, on the right, we have a unit size sphere model inside a very large sphere model — and there is some minimum number of BV tests required to determine non contact. Then, as we reduce the gap size, we start seeing an increase in the number of BV tests needed — but the rate of increase of the AABB and sphere tests is greater than the rate of increase of the OBB tests. In fact, the slopes are different — the AABB and sphere slopes are approximately twice that of the OBB slope. On a log-log plot, only monomial functions are straight lines, and the slope is the degree of the monomial. This means the slope -2 of the AABBs and sphere indicates v = O(1/e^2) and the -2 slope for OBBs means v = O(1/e). So indeed, the former is the square of the latter.

Example: AABB’s vs. OBB’s

of a Torus


Implementation: RAPID
Available at: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~geom/OBB

Part of V-COLLIDE: http://www.cs.unc.edu/~geom/V_COLLIDE

Thousands of users have ftp’ed the code

Used for virtual prototyping, dynamic simulation, robotics & computer animation


Hybrid Hierarchy of
Swept Sphere Volumes

[Larsen et al. 1999]


Swept Sphere Volumes (S-topes)




SSV Fitting
Use OBB’s code based upon Principle Component Analysis
For PSS, use the largest dimension as the radius
For LSS, use the two largest dimensions as the length and radius
For RSS, use all three dimensions


Overlap Test
One routine that can perform overlap tests between all possible combination of CORE primitives of SSV(s).

The routine is a specialized test based on Voronoi regions and OBB overlap test.

It is faster than GJK.


Hybrid BVH’s Based on SSVs
Use a simpler BV when it prunes search equally well – benefit from lower cost of BV overlap tests

Overlap test (based on Lin-Canny & OBB overlap test) between all pairs of BV’s in a BV family is unified


deciding which BV to use either dynamically or statically


PQP: Implementation
Library written in C++

Good for any proximity query

5-20x speed-up in distance computation over prior methods

Available at http://www.cs.unc.edu/~geom/SSV/



Interactive Collision Detection, by P. M. Hubbard, Proc. of IEEE Symposium on Research Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1993.

Evaluation of Collision Detection Methods for Virtual Reality Fly-Throughs, by Held, Klosowski and Mitchell, Proc. of Canadian Conf. on Computational Geometry 1995.

Efficient collision detection using bounding volume hierarchies of k-dops, by J. Klosowski, M. Held, J. S. B. Mitchell, H. Sowizral, and K. Zikan, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 4(1):21–37, 1998.


OBB-Tree: A Hierarchical Structure for Rapid Interference Detection, by S. Gottschalk, M. Lin and D. Manocha, Proc. of ACM Siggraph, 1996.

Rapid and Accurate Contact Determination between Spline Models using ShellTrees, by S. Krishnan, M. Gopi, M. Lin, D. Manocha and A. Pattekar, Proc. of Eurographics 1998.

Fast Proximity Queries with Swept Sphere Volumes, by Eric Larsen, Stefan Gottschalk, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha, Technical report TR99-018, UNC-CH, CS Dept, 1999. (Part of the paper in Proc. of IEEE ICRA’2000)






Test Method

Separating Axis





 
nTT 


nRnRnR  

Test Method Speed(us)
Separating Axis 6.26
GJK 66.30
LP 217.00

