# COMP1110 Lab 6
## Before the Lab
* Complete week 7 of your personal journal, commit and push at least 5 minutes prior to the start of your lab.
* Make sure you’ve covered module [**X01**](https://cs.anu.edu.au/courses/comp1110/lectures/javafx/) (JavaFX)
## Purpose
In this lab you will write a more advanced JavaFX program.
**It is essential that you complete this lab and have a tutor mark it off during the lab**.
## JavaFX Shapes
1. **Create a new JavaFX class.**
In the Java package `comp1110.lab6` within your labs repo, create a new Java class, `Board`, which extends `javafx.Application`, that draws a 600×519 pixel window. Set the window title to “Board”.
2. **Draw a triangle**
Create an upright 200x200x200 equilateral triangle within the scene you made in step 1. Use the `Polygon` class. Make the vertices centered around (0,0), and afterward use `setLayoutX()` and `setLayoutY()` to recenter the triangle in the middle of your window. Set the fill color of the triangle to `LIGHTGREY`.
![alt triangle](assets/lab6a.png)
*Hint: Relative to the center of the triangle, the apex of the triangle should be at (0.0, -86.6), and the right and left corners of the base should be (100.0, 86.6) and (-100.0, 86.6), where 100 = 200/2 and 86.6 = sqrt((200*200)-(100*100))/2;*
3. **Create an inner class**
Create an inner class, `Triangle`, which extends `Polygon` and has a constructor with signature `Triangle(double x, double y, double side)`. This should create an upright equilateral triangle, centered at (`x`,` y`), with sides of length `side`.
Comment out the code you wrote in step 2 (that drew the triangle with Polygon), and replace it with the creation of a `Triangle`. Set the fill color of the new triangle to `LIGHTGREY`. Don’t forget to add your triangle to the root group.
4. **Fill the board with triangles**
Fill the board with a grid of triangles, storing each triangle in an ArrayList
5. **Create a white border**
Reduce the size of each triangle to 196 pixels, while maintaining the spacing as if they were size 200. This should create the effect of a white border around each triangle.
![alt board](assets/lab6b.png)
6. **Finish up**
Commit your code, push it, close the relevant issue (#18), and show your work
to your tutor.
## Work on your group assignment
Use any spare time to work on your group assignment.