程序代写代做代考 matlab algorithm my MAT420 Lecturenotes 5 Programming

my MAT420 Lecturenotes 5 Programming
In this lecture we consider different implementations of various fondamental problems using Matlab, and compare their ease of implementation and efficiency.
5.1 Powers
Compute an for a real (possibly a matrix) and n integer
an = a · an−1 recursive algorithm
The strategy corresponds to a (1, n − 1)-split of n (one-sided). The corresponding number of operations is
Wn =1+Wn−1 =…=n−1+W1 =n−1. For example, for n = 9:
a9 =a·􏰉a8􏰈
a8 =a·􏰉a7􏰈
a7 =a·􏰉a6􏰈
a6 =a·􏰉a5􏰈 a5 =a·􏰉a4􏰈
a4 =a·􏰉a3􏰈 a3 =a·􏰉a2􏰈 a2 = a · a
requires 8 multiplications.
power recursive.m recursive power function
1 function a = power_recursive(a,n)
2 if n==1, return; end % nothing to do: output a same as input
3 a = a*power_recursive(a,n-1); % for n>1 use the recursive definition

page 5.2 􏰝5.1. POWERS
divide-and-conquer algorithm
This strategy splits n (approximately) evenly (more balanced). The number Wn of multiplications depends on n.
1. If n is even the cost Wn of computing an is the cost of computing an/2 plus one multiplication.
2. In particular, for n = 2p,
Wn =1+Wn/2 =1+1+Wn/4 =…=1+…+1+W1 =p=log2n≪n−1
􏰆 􏰅􏰄 􏰇
p times
3. If n is odd, the number of multiplications needed can be shown to be less than 2 log2 n if intermediate computations are saved and reused (dynamic program- ming). For example, for n = 9:
a9 =􏰉a4􏰈·􏰉a5􏰈 a5 =􏰉a2􏰈·􏰉a3􏰈 a4 =􏰉a2􏰈·􏰉a2􏰈 a3 =a·􏰉a2􏰈
a2 = a · a
requires 5 multiplications.
power divideconquer.m recursive power function with balanced partitioning
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
function a = power_divideconquer(a,n)
if n==1, return; end % nothing to do: output a same as input
if mod(n,2) % remainder of n/2; = 1 (True) if n odd, = 0 (False) if n even
a = power_divideconquer(a,(n-1)/2)*power_divideconquer(a,(n+1)/2); % n odd else
a = power_divideconquer(a,n/2)ˆ2; % n even end
mixed algorithm
an = 􏰘an/2 · an/2 if n even, a(n−1)/2 · a(n+1)/2 if n odd
for large n. For example, for n = 8: a8 =􏰉a4􏰈·􏰉a4􏰈
a4 =􏰉a2􏰈·􏰉a2􏰈 a2 = a · a
requires 3 multiplications.
an = 􏰘an/2 · an/2 if n even, a·an−1 if n odd
This strategy combines the recursive and divide-and-conquer approaches and can be more efficient than either one. For example, for n = 9:
a9 =a·􏰉a8􏰈
a8 =􏰉a4􏰈·􏰉a4􏰈 a4 =􏰉a2􏰈·􏰉a2􏰈
a2 = a · a

POWERS page 5.3
requires 4 multiplications.
power mixed.m recursive power function with mixed partitioning
function a = power_mixed(a,n)
if n==1, return; end % nothing to do: output a same as input
if mod(n,2) % remainder of n/2; = 1 (True) if n odd, = 0 (False) if n even
a = a*power_mixed(a,n-1); % n odd else
a = power_mixed(a,n/2)ˆ2; % n even end
symmetric) and powers of a do not grow in size. Note that the default maximum number of recursive levels is 500 in Matlab, which needs to be increased here for the first algorithm (this is risky, since it increases the memory stack needed for the computation, which can lead to Matlab (or the computer) crashing)
>> format long % more digits in output compared to default format short >> set(0,’RecursionLimit’,1021) % reset recursion limit
>> A = [1 1;1 0];
>> r = max(abs(eig(A))); % spectral radius of A
>> a = A/r; % spectral radius of a is 1, equal to 2-norm of A (symmetric) >> n = 1019;
>> tic, power_recursive(a,n), toc
ans =
0.723606797749976 0.447213595499956
0.447213595499956 0.276393202250020 Elapsed time is 0.029440 seconds.
>> tic, power_divideconquer(a,n), toc ans =
0.723606797749909 0.447213595499915
0.447213595499915 0.276393202249994 Elapsed time is 0.005978 seconds.
>> tic, power_mixed(a,n), toc
ans =
0.723606797749939 0.447213595499933
0.447213595499933 0.276393202250006
Elapsed time is 0.002562 seconds.
>> tic, aˆn, toc % compare with naive power using Matlab ˆ ans =
0.723606797749908 0.447213595499914
0.447213595499914 0.276393202249994 Elapsed time is 0.000034 seconds.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The quantity a can be a scalar or a (square) matrix. We compare the 3 strategies for a=1A, A=􏰖1 1􏰗, and n=1019,
(5.1) with r = 1+√5 (Golden ratio and spectral radius of A), so that ρ(a) = ∥a∥2 = 1 (a is
􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013

page 5.4 􏰝5.1. POWERS
As expected, the mixed approach is faster than the divide & conquer approach, which is itself faster than the standard recursive strategy. The reason the command an is (much) faster is twofold: 1) it is executed as a (pre-compiled) C procedure by Matlab, so that no checking of syntax is performed during execution, and 2) it is performed using a loop inside a single call, rather that without a loop but using recursive programming. An implementation of the basic strategy using such a loop would read something like:
power direct.m power function with for loop
1 function an = power_direct(a,n)
2 an = a;
3 for k = 1:n-1
4 an = a*an;
5 end
Note that, while the recursive approach is “top-down”, i.e., starts with an in terms of an−1 in terms of an−2 . . . the direct approach is “bottom-up”, i.e, the powers of a are built from the ground up, starting with a1 = a. This is a problem when implementing a strategy like the mixed approach, because it requires advanced knowledge of the sequence of powers of a needed to be computed. This can be achieved by pre-determining odd/even steps from the top down without actually computing the powers:
power mixed direct.m power function, mixed recursive strategy, with for loop
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
function an = power_mixed_direct(a,n) steps = [];
while n>1
if mod(n,2)
n = n-1; steps = [steps, 1]; % n odd
n = 9 example steps: []
n = n/2; steps = [steps, 0]; % n even
a :an
an=a; for k =
length(steps):-1:1 if steps(k)
an = a*an; % odd step else
an = anˆ2; % even step end
>> tic, power_direct(A,n), toc ans =
0.723606797749976 0.447213595499956
0.447213595499956 0.276393202250020 Elapsed time is 0.001347 seconds.
>> tic, power_mixed_direct(A,n), toc
ans =
0.723606797749939 0.447213595499933
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􏰝5.2. RECURRENCES – FIBONACCI page 5.5 0.447213595499933 0.276393202250006
Elapsed time is 0.000340 seconds.
The corresponding timings are lower compared to the recursive strategies. On the other hand, the programing can become substantially more difficult and harder to read/maintain.
P5.1.1 Show that the matrix a from (5.1) satisfies
􏰙1+1 1􏰚
liman= 2 12√5 1 √51 n→∞ √5 2 − 2√5
(hint: determine the spectral/eigenvalue decomposition a = XDX−1 of a). Which of the above algorithms provides the best accuracy for a1019?
P5.1.2 The recursive program power recursive requires a memory stack of 1018 recursion levels (the function with n = 1019 calls the function with n = 1018, which call the function with n = 1017, and so on until the function with n = 2 calls the function with n = 1, which does not call anything). How tall is the memory stack for the power divideconquer and power mixed programs when n = 1019?
P5.1.3 Modify power mixed direct.m to obtain a direct implementation of the divide & con- quer strategy. Compare the timing for the matrix a and the value n = 1019 used in this section.
5.2 Recurrences – Fibonacci
As an example of 3-term recurrence with constant coefficients, consider the Fibonacci num- bers defined by F0 = 0,
F1 = 1,
Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 forn>1
These numbers have many interpretations. For example, Fn+1 represents the number of ways to set-up a wall 2 feet high with n (2D) bricks of size 2 × 1 feet:
F1 =1 F2 =1 F3 =F2+F1 =2 F4 =F3+F2 =3 Proof. The initial values match and the recurrence follows from
is or
Fn+1 = Fn + Fn−1
(n − 1) × 2
(n − 2) × 2
The following function determines Fn recursively, but is not practical because of too many redundant computations, see P5.2.1 :
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page 5.6 􏰝5.2. RECURRENCES – FIBONACCI fibonacci recursive.m Generate Fibonacci number using slow recursion
function F = fibonacci_recursive(n) if n==0
F = 0;
elseif n==1
F = 1;
F = fibonacci_recursive(n-1)+fibonacci_recursive(n-2); end
The non-recursive implementations
fibonacci direct.m Generate Fibonacci number with for loop
Fk−1 Fk−2
function F = fibonacci_direct(n)
F = zeros(n+1,1);
F(2) = 1; % F(2) is second F value, i.e. F_1 = 1 for k = 3:n+1
F(k) = F(k-1)+F(k-2);
F = F(n+1);
F array
fibonacci direct2.m Generate Fibonacci number with for loop and low storage
function F = fibonacci_direct2(n) if n==0
F = 0;
Fn1 = 0; F = 1; for k = 2:n
Fn2 = Fn1; Fn1 = F;
F = Fn1+Fn2;
end end
F Fk−1 Fk−1
Fn1 Fk−2 Fk−1 Fk−1
Fn2 Fk−3 Fk−2 Fk−2
The later implementation requires only 3 storage values, as previously computed numbers are overwritten with new numbers.
Improved recursive implementation
􏰖Fn+1 Fn 􏰗=An with A=􏰖1 1􏰗 Fn Fn−1 10
􏰖Fn+1 Fn 􏰗=􏰖1 1􏰗􏰖 Fn Fn−1􏰗=…=􏰖1 1􏰗n􏰖F1 F0 􏰗=An􏰖F1 Fn Fn−1 1 0 Fn−1 Fn−2 1 0 F0 F−1 F0
if we introduce F−1 = F1 −F0 = 1 so that the recurrence also holds for n = 1. 􏰑BDW
F0 􏰗=An􏰖1 0􏰗=An F−1 0 1
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page 5.7
It is sufficient to consider n = 2m even. Then
􏰖F2m+1 F2m
F2m 􏰗 = A2m = (Am)2 = 􏰖Fm+1 F2m−1 Fm
Fm 􏰗2 Fm−1
Fm(Fm+1 + Fm−1)􏰗 Fm2 + Fm2 −1
(m − 1) ×2
(m − 1) ×2
2m × 2
= 􏰖 Fm2 +1 + Fm2 Fm(Fm+1 + Fm−1)
F2m+1 = Fm+1 × Fm+1 + Fm × Fm
(2m − 1) × 2
(m − 2) or ×2
(m − 1) ×2
F2m = Fm × Fm+1 + Fm−1 × Fm Note that F2m = Fm(Fm+1 + Fm−1) = (Fm+1 − Fm−1)(Fm+1 + Fm−1) = Fm2 +1 − Fm2 −1.
Thus 􏰘Fn2/2+1 − Fn2/2−1 if n even Fn= F2 +F2 ifnodd
(n+1)/2 (n−1)/2
Note that (5.2) cannot be used for n = 2 (set F2 = 1 as part of initialization). A recursive
implementation reads
fibonacci recursive2.m Generate Fibonacci number using faster recursion
function F = fibonacci_recursive2(n) if n==0
F = 0;
elseif n==1
F = 1;
elseif n==2
F = 1;
if mod(n,2)
F = fibonacci_recursive2((n-1)/2)ˆ2+fibonacci_recursive2((n+1)/2)ˆ2; else
F = fibonacci_recursive2(n/2+1)ˆ2-fibonacci_recursive2(n/2-1)ˆ2; end
Evaluation by rounding explicit expression
An explicit expression is F = 1 􏰛􏰒1+√5 􏰓n − 􏰒1−√5 􏰓n􏰜 n√52 2
(m − 1) ×2
Proof. Solutions of the recurrence of the form Fn = rn must satisfy r2 = r + 1 (characteristic equation), i.e., r = r1 = 1+√5 ≈ 2
1.618 (“golden ratio”) or r = r2 = 1−√5 ≈ −0.618. Then Fn = arn + brn with F0 = 0 = a + b and F1 = 1 = ar1 + br2, i.e., 212
a = 1 = −b, which leads to the given formula. 􏰞 r1 −r2
This formula does not evaluate to an integer for larger values of n due to round-off errors but can still be used to obtain Fn, see P5.2.4 . See the Wikipedia page for additional properties and occurences in nature of Fibonacci numbers.
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page 5.8 􏰝5.3. POLYNOMIAL EVALUATION P5.2.1 Show that the number Wn of additions needed to determine Fn with fibonacci recursive
n n
exceeds Fn (i.e., growth exponentially with n).
P5.2.2 ThebinomialcoefficientCn isCn =􏰉n􏰈= n!
k k k k!(n−k)! a) Show that Cn = Cn−1 + Cn−1 for 0 < k < n. k k k−1 b) Write a Matlab function implementing this recurrence (initialize C0 = Cn = 1). c) Use it to evaluate 􏰉20􏰈. 10 P5.2.3 The sequence {an}n≥0 defined by a0 = 3, a1 = 2, and an = 2an−1 − 8an−2 for n > 1.
a) Determine an explicit expression for an in terms of n.
b) Write a Matlab function in the style of fibonacci direct2 to compute an. c) Compare the explicit and computed values of a40; of a60; what happens?
P5.2.4 Show that F can be obtained by rounding the quantity 1 􏰒1+√5􏰓n to the nearest n √5 2
integer for any n. Compare F70 obtained this way with the values obtained using the functions described in this section.
5.3 Polynomial evaluation
The polynomial
can be na ̈ıvely evaluated using peval.m evaluates p(x)
p(x)=a0 +a1x+…+anxn
function p = peval(a,x)
% naive evaluation of polynomial p = a(1)+a(2)*x+…+a(n+1)*xˆn n = length(a)-1;
p = 0*x+a(1);
for k = 1:n
p = p + a(k+1)*x.ˆk; % coefficientwise multiplication requires . if x is array end
The number of operations performed is
Wn =n+1+2+…+n=n+n(n+1)=n(n+3)=O(n2) 22
Horner’s rule
A more efficient way to evaluate p(x) is to write it as a nested product p(x) = (· · · (((an)x + an−1)x + an−2)x + · · · )x + a0
and evaluate it starting with an and working the way from inside-out. The resulting method is called Horner’s rule.
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􏰝5.3. POLYNOMIAL EVALUATION horner.m evaluates p(x) with Horner’s rule
function p = horner(a,x)
% Horner’s rule to evaluate p = a(1)+a(2)*x+…+a(n+1)*xˆn
n = length(a)-1;
p = 0*x+a(n+1); % adding 0*x gives p the same size as input x for k = n:-1:1
p = p.*x+a(k); % coefficientwise multiplication requires . if x is array end
The work associated to Horner’s rule is
Wn = 2n = O(n),
i.e., much less than the na ̈ıve implementation.
page 5.9
MATLAB’s polyval function
Matlab includes its own function to evaluate polynomials. A slight difference is that the
coefficient array a must be passed in reverse order (so that a(1) = an is used first).
􏰃 xk 1 1
Example 5.1 Evaluate p(x) = k2 at x = −1, − 2 , 2 , 1 with peval, horner, and polyval: k=1
>> format long
>> a = [0,1./(1:100000).ˆ2]; % a_0 = 0 >> x = [-1,-.5,.5,1];
>> tic, peval(a,x), toc
ans =
-0.822467033374095 -0.448414206923646 Elapsed time is 0.082717 seconds.
>> tic, horner(a,x), toc
ans =
-0.822467033374114 -0.448414206923646 Elapsed time is 0.030736 seconds.
>> tic, polyval(a(end:-1:1),x), toc
ans =
-0.822467033374114 -0.448414206923646 Elapsed time is 0.031449 seconds.
Horner’s rule is more efficient. Note that polyval yields similar timing and identical values! The values obtained with peval at x = ±1 are somewhat different. Since1
􏰃(−1)k π2
􏰃1 π2
k2 = −12 ≈ −0.822467033424113 and k≥1
k2 = 6 ≈ 1.644934066848226 k≥1
1The second series is the value ζ(2) of the Riemann zeta function, and was found by Euler (1737) by comparing powers of x3 in
x3 x5 􏰔 x2􏰕􏰔 x2 􏰕
(Taylor) x− 3! + 5! −…=sinx=x 1−π2 1−(2π)2 ··· (sincesinvanishesat0,±π,±2π,…)
The relation between the first and second series can be derived without knowing their value, see P5.3.2 . 􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013

page 5.10 􏰝5.4. BISECTION FOR NONLINEAR EQUATION Horner’s rule is more accurate here. This is not surprising since small numbers are added
together first, compared to larger values of ak added first in peval.
P5.3.1 Write a recursive version horner recursive.m of horner.m. Test it on the polynomial p and x values from Example 5.1, but with 1, 000 terms instead of 100, 000.
􏰃 (−1)k P5.3.2 Show that k2
5.4 Bisection for nonlinear equation
Bisection is a numerical technique used to determine roots of nonlinear equations in 1D by repeatedly dividing an interval containing a root until the size of the interval is small enough.
bisect.m solves f(x) = 0 using bisection
1 function ab = bisect(f,ab,tol,alfa)
2 a = ab(1); b = ab(2); % assumes a> format long
>> f = @(x)xˆ2-2;
>> ab = [1,2]; % assumes fa*fb<0 >> tol = 1e-15;
>> tic, bisect(f,ab,tol,0.5), toc ans =
1.414213562373095 1.414213562373096
Elapsed time is 0.002212 seconds.
>> tic, bisect(f,ab,tol,0.05), toc
ans = 0
1.414213562373095 1.414213562373095 Elapsed time is 0.000828 seconds.
>> tic, bisect(f,ab,tol,0.95), toc
ans =
1.414213562373095 1.414213562373095 Elapsed time is 0.000903 seconds.
>> tic, bisect(f,ab,tol,Inf), toc
ans =
1.414213562373095 1.414213562373095 Elapsed time is 0.000691 seconds.
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􏰝5.5. SORTING ALGORITHMS page 5.11 When alfa=0.5 bisection is also known as dichotomy, and determines one binary bit in the
root at each iteration.
P5.4.1 Use the function bisect with alfa = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, Inf and an initial ab=[1,2] to solve x3 = 2. Compare the results (accuracy, timing).
5.5 Sorting algorithms
We consider three algorithms for sorting a 1D list of values in increasing order. Many other algorithms exist (e.g., see a list at the bottom of the Wiki links of each algorithm considered below):
Insertion sort
Basic strategy
for each coefficient in the list, starting with the second, con- tinue moving it up the list if the preceeding coefficient is larger.
insertion.m sorts 1D array using Insertion sort
function x = insertion(x) n = length(x);
for i = 2:n
insert value into sorted list to the left
j = i-1;
xi = x(i);
while j>=1 && xi=1 && xi1
m = fix(n/2);
x1 = mergesort(x(1:m));
x2 = mergesort(x(m+1:end)); x = merge(x1,x2);
merge.m merges 2 sorted 1D arrays
function x = merge(x1,x2) n1 = length(x1);
n2 = length(x2);
i1 = 0;
i2 = 0;
x = [x1,x2];
while i11
m = floor(n/2);
i1 = 1;
i2 = 1;
x1 = [];
x2 = [];
xm = x(m);
for i = 1:n
if i ̃=m
if x(i)> x = round(10*rand(1,10)) x=
3966197832 >> insertion(x)
ans = 1233667899
>> insertion recursive(x) ans =
1233667899 >> mergesort(x)
ans =
page 5.13
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page 5.14 􏰝5.6. KOCH FRACTALS
1233667899 >> quicksort(x)
ans = 1233667899
>> sort(x)
ans =
1233667899 >> x = rand(1,20000);
>> tic, insertion(x); toc
Elapsed time is 2.529540 seconds.
>> tic, mergesort(x); toc
Elapsed time is 0.579940 seconds.
>> tic, quicksort(x); toc
Elapsed time is 0.425170 seconds.
>> tic, sort(x); toc
Elapsed time is 0.001005 seconds.
See also the animated gifs on the Wiki links.
P5.5.1 Pick a random vector of length n = 20, 000 and sort it (e.g. using Matlab’s sort) into a vector x. Compare the timings of the insertion, mergesort, and quicksort functions on the following vectors:
a) x b) x(n:-1:1) c) x([1:2:n,2:2:n]) d) x(randperm(n))
P5.5.2 The basic strategy behind “bubblesort” is described on the Wiki page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble sort. Write a Matlab function bubblesort and compare it to the sorting methods described above on a vector of length 10 (show the sorted output), and a vector of length 20,000 (do not show the sorted output, but provide the timing).
5.6 Koch fractals
A Koch fractal is a self-similar pattern created from an initial pattern of connected segments of lines (defined by an ordered list of points) which are iteratively replaced using a given refinement pattern.
􏰛01121􏰜 t=323
0 0 √3 0 0 6
refinement pattern
substitute each segment with refinement pattern
􏰟􏰟 􏰟􏰟􏰟􏰟
􏰟 􏰟 􏰟 􏰟
lev = 1
􏰟􏰟􏰟􏰟 􏰟􏰟􏰟􏰟 …
lev = 2
initial pattern
(connected segments)
lev = 0 p=[01]
koch.m determines vertices of Koch fractal from initial and refinement patterns 􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013

page 5.15
1 function p = koch(lev,p,t) % p is initial pattern, t is refinement pattern
2 if lev==0, return ; end
3 p = koch(lev-1,p,t); % get initial pattern from lower level
4 n = size(p,2); m = size(t,2);
5 pp = repmat(p,m,1); % initialize coordinates of inserted points
6 fork=2:n
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 end
14 p =
u = diff(p(:,[k-1,k]),1,2); % vector between consecutive points
a = angle(complex(u(1),u(2))); % angle between vector and horizontal line c = cos(a); s = sin(a);
R = [c,-s;s,c]; % rotation matrix
q = R*(t*norm(u)); % scale and rotate line segment
pp(:,k-1) = pp(:,k-1)+q(:); % shift line segment
[p(:,1),reshape(pp(3:2*m,1:n-1),2,(m-1)*(n-1))]; % delete duplicate points initial pattern refinement pattern pattern after lev=7 refinements
􏰛01121􏰜 p=[01]t=323
0 0 0 0 √3 0 0 6
􏰛011221􏰜 p=[01] t= 3333
00 001100 33
􏰛0110􏰜 􏰛01121􏰜 p=2 t=323
0 0 √3 0 0 0 √3 0 0 26
reverse column ordering
􏰛0110􏰜 􏰛01121􏰜 p=2 t=323
0 √3 0 0 0 0 √3 0 0 26
P5.6.1 Plot the Koch curve for the following initial and refinement patterns: 􏰖0110􏰗􏰖01121􏰗
a)p= 2 ,t= 3 2 3
0 0 √3 0 0 0 −√3 0 0
􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013
“Koch snowflake”

page 5.16
􏰛 􏰜
withθ =2π(k−1),1≤k≤7,andt = k 6
􏰖01121􏰗 3 2 3
0 1 1 1 0 10 2 10
b)p = cosθ1 cosθ2 …cosθ7 sinθ1 sinθ2 … sinθ7
􏰛 􏰜
c)p = cosθ1 cosθ2 …cosθ9 sinθ1 sinθ2 …sinθ9
􏰖1122􏰗 withθ =2π(k−1),1≤k≤9,andt = 0 3 3 3 3 1
􏰖011􏰗 d)p =[01],t = 2
k 8 00 1 1 00 33
00 010
2 e)p=[01]witht= 4 4 (
􏰖0131􏰗 􏰖113􏰗
􏰟 􏰟􏰟
􏰟 􏰟􏰟􏰟
) (compare both)
) or t =
44􏰟 44􏰟
4 24 00 0−110 0−1010
0122 f)p=[],t= 1 1
00 0−2√3 2√3 0
P5.6.2 Variants of koch curves can be obtaining by alternating between different refinement patterns for different segments in the current pattern. For example, consider the following strategy: use refinement pattern t1 for segments 1, 3, 5, . . . and refinement pattern t2 for segments 2, 4, 6, . . .. Write a Matlab function koch2 implementing such a strategy, and test it on the following initial
and refinement patterns (in your program you can assume that t1 and t2 have the same size): 􏰖011􏰗 􏰖011􏰗
a) p = [ 0 1 ], t1 = 2
00 0−10 010
, t2 = 2 Compare your figure to the second one obtained in 22
part e) of P5.6.1 (hint: the limit as lev→ ∞ is the “Dragon” curve) 􏰖0110􏰗 􏰖01121􏰗 􏰖01121􏰗
b)p= 2 ,t1= 3 2 3 ,t2= 3 2 3
0 0 √3 0 0 0 √3 0 0 0 0 −√3 0 0
5.7 Generic partitioning problem
Assume that a problem of size n is divided into 2 subproblems of size αn and (1 − α)n, and that the work associated to “gluing” the solutions of the two subproblems, or overhead, is given by On. Typically On = Cnβ for some constant C and β = 0, 1, or 2.
partition.m partitions a problem into 2 subproblems
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
function x = partition(n,alfa,beta) if n>1
m = round(alfa*(n-1)+1-alfa); % 1 <= m <= n-1 partition(m,alfa,beta); partition(n-m,alfa,beta); end overhead(n,beta); % O(nˆbeta) work overhead.m determines steps needed to glue the 2 subproblems 􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013 overhead(n) 􏰝5.7. GENERIC PARTITIONING PROBLEM page 5.17 1 function overhead(n,beta) 2 s = 0; 3 for k = 1:nˆbeta 4 s = s+(1/k)ˆ2; 5 end % O(nˆbeta) operations Wn = Wm + Wn−m + On, On = work for gluing subproblems = overhead(n) =Wαn+W(1−α)n+Cnβ, with 0<α:=m<1, β=0,1,2 n = Wα2n +2Wα(1−α)n +W(1−α)2n +Cnβ(1+r), r := αβ +(1−α)β β2 for any p > 0. Because max αp−k(1 − α)k occurs for k = (1 − α)p (not necessarily integer) 0≤k≤p
the first sum is bounded by (assuming Wn is increasing function of n) 􏰃p 􏰔kp􏰕Wααp(1−α)(1−α)pn ≤ 􏰃p 􏰔kp􏰕W1 = 2pW1 = O(n)
k=0 k=0
α (1−α)n
p−1 =􏰃 k Wαp−k(1−α)kn+Cnβ􏰃rk
= Wα n =…
α(1−α) n
(1−α) n
+Cn (1+r+r )
p 􏰔p􏰕
k=0 k=0
The second sum is a truncated power series
ααp(1−α)(1−α)pn≤1 ⇔ p≥ −lnn =O(lnn). α ln α+(1−α) ln(1−α)
􏰃p−1 k=0
rk =
    2 p − 1
C = O(n)  2−1
Cnp = O(nlnn)  2rp−1 Cn2
if β = 0 (r = 2), if β = 1 (r = 1),
Cn2 2
Cn r−1 ≤1−r=2α(1−α)=O(n) ifβ=2(r=α +(1−α) <1). 2 2 Thus the second term dominates the total computation. Thus: 􏰐 when On = O(1) the total work is Wn = O(n): if the cost of overhead is small the cost of the partitioning strategy scales with the size of the problem (overheads add up) 􏰐 When On = O(n2) the total work is Wn = O(n2): if the cost of overhead is large the cost of the partitioning strategy is the same as the cost of overhead for the same problem size. 􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013 page 5.18 􏰝5.7. GENERIC PARTITIONING PROBLEM 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 α β=0 β=1 β=2 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 10 −4 10 β= β=0 β=1 2 1234 10 10 10 10 n Figure 5.1: Left: Wn as a function of n for β = 0,1,2 and α = 1. Little to noo difference can be 2 seen between the O(n) and O(n ln n) behaviors associated to β = 0 and β = 1, respectively. Right: Wn as a function of α for n = 256 and β = 0,1,2. The increase in cost for small α(1−α) and β = 2 is consistent with the bound given in the text. 􏰐 partitioning in equal size subproblems typically leads to the most efficient strategy when the overhead is large (On = O(n2)). P5.7.1 Suppose a task of size n is recursively divided into 3 sub-tasks of equal size n/3, with gluing work of order O(n2). What is the total amount of work required to complete the task? Illustrate your answer numerically. 􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013 Wn Wn withn=28 􏰝5.8. LINEAR TRIDIAGONAL SYSTEMS page 5.19 5.8 Linear tridiagonal systems Consider the system 2−1 −1 2−1 u1 1 u2 1 u3 1  −1 Au:=  2 −1 −1 2−1 u4=1:=b −1 2 −1 u5 1 −12−1u6 1 −12u7 1 This system arises in the numerical approximation of the boundary value problem −u′′(x)=64 for0> n = 7;
>> e = ones(n,1);
>> A = spdiags([-e,2*e,-e],[-1,0,1],n,n); >> b = e;
>> [solve_direct(A,b),
ans =
>> n = 2ˆ10-1; % larger example
>> e = ones(n,1);
>> A = spdiags([-e,2*e,-e],[-1,0,1],n,n); >> b = e;
>> tic, solve_direct(A,b); toc
Elapsed time is 0.270187 seconds.
Draft August 22, 2013
solve_recursive(A,b), solveRB_recursive(A,b), A\b]

page 5.23
>> set(0,’RecursionLimit’,1025)
>> tic, solve_recursive(A,b); toc Elapsed time is 0.131214 seconds. >> tic, solveRB_recursive(A,b); toc Elapsed time is 0.001779 seconds. >> tic, A\b; toc
Elapsed time is 0.000044 seconds.
P5.8.1 Determinethesolutionof−u′′(x)=1for0> x = (0:7)’;
>> [dft_direct(x), dft_recursive(x)] ans =
+ 9.656854249492378i
+ 3.999999999999999i
+ 1.656854249492378i
– 0.000000000000003i
– 1.656854249492386i
– 4.000000000000004i
– 9.656854249492381i
+ 9.656854249492380i
+ 4.000000000000000i
+ 1.656854249492380i
– 1.656854249492380i
– 4.000000000000000i
– 9.656854249492380i
Draft August 22, 2013

page 5.25
>> fft(x) % compare
ans =
with Matlab’s fft
+ 9.656854249492380i
+ 4.000000000000000i
+ 1.656854249492381i
– 1.656854249492381i
– 4.000000000000000i
– 9.656854249492380i
>> n = 2ˆ10;
>> x = rand(n,1);
>> tic, dft_direct(x); toc Elapsed time is 2.121869 seconds. >> tic, dft_recursive(x); toc Elapsed time is 0.143788 seconds. >> tic, fft(x); toc
Elapsed time is 0.005137 seconds.
P5.9.1 VerifythatF−1=1F. nnn
P5.9.2 Write and test an implementation of the direct DFT matrix-vector multiplication based on Matlab’s polyval function instead of explicitly building the matrix Fn as in dft direct.m.
P5.9.3 [Inverse FFT] Show that the matrix G := F−1 (n = 2p) satisfies nn
Gn = 1PnT 􏰙Gn/2 􏰚􏰖I I 􏰗. 2 Gn/2Dn/2 I −I
Write a function idft recursive which implements this recursive formula.
P5.9.4 [Discrete Haar wavelet transform] Consider the matrix Zn of dimension n = 2p
defined recursively by
Z n = P nT 􏰖 I I 􏰗 􏰖 Z n / 2 􏰗 , w i t h Z 1 = [ 1 ] I−I I
(in this formula I represents the identity of dimension n/2). a) Verify that (blanks are 0s)
b) Explicitly determine Z8.
c) Let W := Z−1. Show that nn
1 −1 1 −1 1 1−1 −1
Wn = 1 􏰖Wn/2 􏰗􏰖I I 􏰗Pn. 2 II−I
􏰖􏰗 111 Z2=1 1 andZ4=1 1−1 .
Draft August 22, 2013

page 5.26
 x1  x2 x1  x3  x4 x2
Ifxodd= . andxeven=.forx=.,showthat xn−1 xn xn
Wn/2 􏰔 xodd + xeven 􏰕 W n x =  2  .
d) Implement (5.3) in a Matlab function dwt recursive. Use it to verify the result of W8x from c).
e) Write a non-recursive Matlab function dwt direct. Use it to verify the result of W8x from c).
f) What is the relation between Wn and Hn := ZnT ? The matrix Hn is known as Haar matrix. 5.10 Conclusions
􏰐 Do not program recursively when the recursion is arithmetic (i.e., transforms a problem of size n into a problem of size n − 1). Use direct programing instead (usually involves loop).
􏰐 Do program recursively when the recursion is geometric (i.e., transforms a problem of size n into two subproblems of size n/2) and the cost of overhead is not too large.
( 5 . 3 ) Multiplication of a vector by Wn is known as discrete (Haar) wavelet transform. What is W8x for
xodd − xeven 2
xk =sin2πk,1≤k≤8? 8
􏰑BDW Draft August 22, 2013