程序代写代做代考 flex FTP scheme assembly algorithm 56

Armando L. Caro Jr.
Janardhan R. Iyengar
Paul D. Amer
Sourabh Ladha
Gerard J. Heinz II
Keyur C. Shah University of Delaware
Most Internet protocol-based networks employ either the transmission control protocol (TCP) or the user datagram protocol (UDP) for data transfer. However, these two general-purpose
protocols provide disjointed services and do not ide- ally satisfy all application needs.
The general-purpose stream control transmission protocol is designed to expand the scope beyond TCP and UDP. SCTP evolved from a telephony sig- naling protocol for IP networks.1 Today it is a pro- posed Internet Engineering Task Force standard (RFC 2960).2 Like TCP, SCTP provides a reliable, full-duplex connection and mechanisms to control network congestion. Unlike both TCP and UDP, however, SCTP offers new delivery options that are particularly desirable for telephony signaling and multimedia applications.
Table 1 compares SCTP’s services and features with those of TCP and UDP. An SCTP connection, called an association, provides novel services such as multihoming, which allows the end points of a single association to have multiple IP addresses, and multistreaming, which allows for independent deliv- ery among data streams. SCTP also features a four- way handshake to establish an association, which makes it resistant to blind denial-of-service attacks and thus improves overall protocol security.
TCP provides a byte-stream data delivery service, whereas SCTP provides a message-oriented data delivery service. Figure 1 illustrates a generalization
of the SCTP packet format. The packets always begin with an SCTP common header, a minimal structure that provides three basic functions:
• Source and destination ports. Together with the IP addresses in the IP header, the port num- bers identify the association to which an SCTP packet belongs.
• Verification tags. Vtags ensure that the packet belongs to the current incarnation of an asso- ciation.
• Checksum.Thiscomputedvaluemaintainsthe entire packet’s data integrity.
The remainder of an SCTP packet consists of one or more chunks, concatenated building blocks that contain either control or data information. This for- mat differs from TCP and UDP packets, which include control information in the header and offer only a single optional data field.
SCTP control chunks transfer information needed for association functionality, while data chunks carry application-layer data. The current specification defines 14 different control chunks for association establishment, association termination, data acknowledgment (ACK), destination failure detection and recovery, explicit congestion notifi- cation (ECN), and error reporting. SCTP is exten- sible, allowing new control chunk types to be defined in the future.
Each chunk has a chunk header that identifies its length, type, and any special flags the type needs. SCTP has the flexibility to concatenate different
SCTP: A Proposed
Standard for Robust
Internet Data Transport
The stream control transmission protocol is a new standard for general- purpose transport proposed by the Internet Engineering Task Force. SCTP addresses application and security gaps left open by its predecessors, TCP and UDP.
Computer Published by the IEEE Computer Society
0018-9162/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE

Table 1. Comparison of SCTP services and features with those of TCP and UDP.
chunk types into a single data packet. The only restriction is on packet size, which cannot exceed the destination path’s maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.
Mission-critical systems rely on redundancy at multiple levels to provide uninterrupted service dur- ing resource failures. Such systems often deliver net- work redundancy by multihoming their hosts. As Figure 2 shows, a multihomed host is accessible through multiple IP addresses. If one of its IP addresses fails—possibly from an interface or link failure, severe congestion, or slow route convergence around path outages—the destination host can still receive data through an alternate source interface.
To benefit from this network-layer redundancy, SCTP supports multihoming at the transport layer. A multihomed SCTP end point can bind to multi- ple IP addresses when that end point initializes an association.
To contrast SCTP with TCP in multihomed hosts, consider the potential connections in Figure 2:
• A TCP connection uses a single IP address at each end point. Hence, four distinct TCP con- nections are possible between hosts A and B: (A1, B1), (A1, B2), (A2, B1), or (A2, B2).
• SCTP, on the other hand, allows a single asso- ciation to span all of the IP addresses at each end point. Hence, an SCTP association be- tween hosts A and B could consist of two sets of IP addresses: ({A1, A2}, {B1, B2}).
Currently, SCTP uses multihoming only for redun- dancy, not for load balancing. Each end point chooses a single primary destination address for sending all new data chunks during normal trans- mission. An end point sends retransmitted data chunks to an alternate address under the assump- tion that alternate paths increase the probability of the chunks reaching the peer end point. Continued failure to reach the primary address ultimately results in failure detection, at which point the end point transmits all chunks to an alternate destination until the primary destination becomes reachable again.
If B1 in Figure 2 is the primary destination for host A and becomes unreachable, multihoming keeps the SCTP association alive by allowing host A to send data to alternate destination B2. SCTP’s built-in failure detection and recovery system per- forms failover and allows end points to dynami- cally send traffic to an alternate peer IP address. In this example, the SCTP association would redirect
Full-duplex data transmission Connection-oriented
Reliable data transfer Partially reliable data transfer Ordered data delivery Unordered data delivery
Flow and congestion control
Explicit congestion notification support Selective acks
Preservation of message boundaries
Path maximum transmission unit discovery Application data fragmentation/bundling Multistreaming
Protection against SYN flooding attack Half-closed connections
yes yes
yes yes
yes yes optional no
yes yes
yes no
yes yes
yes yes
yes optional yes no
yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes no no yes
Destination port
yes no no no no yes no no no yes no no no no n/a n/a
SCTP common header
Chunk 1 (control or data)
Chunk n (control or data)
Source port
Verification tag Checksum
Chunk data
Chunk data
Figure 1. SCTP packet format. The common header is followed by one or more concatenated chunks containing either control or data information.
A1 A2
Host A
Host B
Figure 2. Multihomed hosts. A1 and A2 represent two IP addresses for the end point host A. B1 and B2 represent two IP addresses for host B.
traffic to B2 until B1 becomes reachable again, potentially transparent to the application.
SCTP keeps track of each destination address’s reachability through two mechanisms: ACKs of data chunks and heartbeat chunks—control chunks that periodically probe a destination’s status. Currently in RFC 2960,2 if six consecutive time- outs occur on either data or heartbeat chunks to the same destination, the sender concludes that that
November 2003

Researchers in the University of Delaware’s Protocol Engineering Labora- tory (www.cis.udel.edu/) are investigat- ing innovative transport protocols in current projects that apply to SCTP.
Retransmissions on multihomed hosts
SCTP’s policy specifying an alternate peer IP address for retransmissions assumes that packet loss is due to con- gestion and that retransmitting the chunks increases the probability that they will reach the peer end point. Under certain conditions, however, the round- trip time (RTT) measurements to alter- nate destinations are insufficient to determine appropriate retransmission time-outs. The result is an overly con- servative RTT that decreases through- put. Furthermore, a retransmission sent to an alternate destination cannot credit the primary destination’s congestion window, even though the primary desti- nation receives most of the data trans- ferred. Again, the result is decreased throughput.
Mechanisms that either increase the number of RTT measurements to the alternate destinations or reduce the number of time-outs might provide bet- ter performance with SCTP’s current retransmission policy, but these solu- tions do not address the congestion win- dow issue. The work at PEL shows that changing the retransmission policy to retransmit lost chunks to the same des- tination as the original transmission addresses both issues.1 This research also suggests a retransmission policy for avoiding performance degradation dur- ing failure.
Adaptive failover mechanism
SCTP’s current failover mechanism is static, whereas network dynamics vary greatly and applications also have differ- ent failover requirements. For example, telephony signaling applications require that failovers take no longer than 800 ms, but a file transfer may be more concerned with time taken to complete delivery. In the first case, failover must occur sooner but at the potential expense of perform- ing failover when no failure has occurred and possibly degraded throughput.
Early work at PEL argued for network fault tolerance to cope with dynamic net- work conditions and varying application needs.2 Subsequent work developed and formally specified a two-level threshold failover mechanism,3 which serves as a generic framework for an adaptive SCTP failover algorithm.
Robust changeover
SCTP provides for application-initiated changeover by letting the sending appli- cation change the sender’s primary desti- nation address, thus moving outgoing traffic to a different path. PEL researchers identified a problem in the current SCTP specification that results in unnecessary retransmissions and overgrowth of the sender’s congestion window during cer- tain changeover conditions. They have proposed algorithms for making SCTP robust to the negative effects of a single changeover.4
Concurrent multipath transfer
Currently, multihomed SCTP end points may only transmit new data to a single destination at any time. PEL researchers are currently working on
mechanisms to simultaneously send data across multiple end-to-end paths to accomplish end-to-end load balancing, or concurrent multipath transfer.5 This work identified three negative side effects of reordering introduced by CMT that must be managed to achieve the full per- formance gains of parallel transfer. The PEL work proposed algorithms to counter these side effects and is now investigating CMT’s effects on network congestion and failover performance. s
1. A. Caro et al., “Retransmission Policies with Transport Layer Multihoming,” to be published in Proc. 11th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Networks (ICON 2003), IEEE Press, 2003.
2. A.Caroetal.,“UsingSCTPMultihom- ing for Fault Tolerance and Load Bal- ancing,” ACM Computer Comm. Rev., July 2002, p. 17.
3. A.Caroetal.,“ATwo-LevelThreshold Recovery Mechanism for SCTP,” Proc. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI 2002), vol. X, Int’l Inst. Informatics and Systemics, 2002.
4. J. Iyengar et al., “Making SCTP More Robust to Changeover,” presented at the Int’l Symp. Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Sys- tems (SPECTS 2003), sponsored by the SCS Society for Simulation and Model- ing Int’l, 2003; www.cis.udel.edu/~iyen- gar/ publications/2003.spects.iyengar.pdf.
5. J.Iyengaretal.,“ConcurrentMultipath Transfer Using SCTP,” tech. report TR2004-02, Computer and Informa- tion Sciences Dept., Univ. of Delaware, 2003.
destination is unreachable and chooses an alternate destination IP address dynamically.
The “Related SCTP Multihoming Research” side- bar describes current research projects at the Uni- versity of Delaware’s Protocol Engineering Labora- tory that study retransmission policies and refine mul- tihoming mechanisms to support adaptive failover mechanisms and concurrent multipath transfer.
Multistreaming is another novel service SCTP includes at the transport layer. An SCTP stream is a unidirectional logical data flow within an SCTP
association. The SCTP end points negotiate appli- cation-requested streams during association setup that exist for the life of the association.
The “Related SCTP Multistreaming Research” sidebar describes current research at the University of Delaware’s Protocol Engineering Laboratory to enhance and exploit SCTP multistreaming capa- bilities for different applications.
Figure 3 shows a multistreamed association between hosts A and B. During this example’s asso- ciation setup, host A requested three streams to host B (numbered 0 to 2), and host B requested only one stream to host A (numbered 0).

ated SCTP
SCTP streams are independent, so research is under way to support their adaptation to specific application require- ments.
FTP over multistreamed SCTP
The classic file transfer protocol (FTP), defined in IETF RFC 959, uses one TCP connection for control information and a separate, nonpersistent TCP connection for each file transfer or directory listing. This out-of-band signaling approach increases latency and creates problems when interacting with network address translators and firewalls.
Protocol Engineering Lab researchers are investigating a single persistent mul- tistreamed association that supports both data and control channels.1 One stream is dedicated to the control channel, while other streams are used for data transfers.
SCTP multistreaming distinguishes between FTP control and data informa- tion in a single SCTP association. Results indicate that SCTP multistreaming sig-
eaming Research
nificantly improves throughput for mul- tiple file transfers—more than 50 percent, with loss rates between 3 and 10 percent.
Other applications can also exploit SCTP multistreaming benefits. For instance, Web transfers using HTTP may benefit from aggregating multiple trans- fers in a single SCTP association.
Priority stream scheduling
In other PEL work, researchers are investigating the theoretical and practical implications of adding a priority stream scheduling scheme to SCTP.2
Priorities allow the sending end point to give precedence to data specified as critical during periods of increased net- work delay or decreased throughput. Priority schemes can help applications adapt to periods of heavy network con- gestion or poor quality of service.
Preferential treatment
Researchers at Telcordia Technologies are investigating ways for applications
to indicate QoS per stream. They have modified mechanisms to introduce preferential treatment among streams. These mechanisms use the IP-layer type-of-service header bits to take advantage of QoS support in the under- lyingnetwork.3 s
1. S.LadhaandP.Amer,ImprovingMultiple File Transfers Using SCTP Multistream- ing, tech. report TR2003-06, Computer and Information Sciences Dept., Univ. of Delaware, 2003.
2. G. Heinz, Priorities in SCTP Multi- streaming, master’s thesis, Computer and Information Sciences Dept., Univ. of Delaware, May 2003.
3. S. Samtani, J. Iyengar, and M. Fecko, “SCTP Multistreaming: Preferential Treat- ment among Streams,” to be published in Proc. Military Communications Conf. (MILCOM 2003), ACM Press, 2003.
Within streams, SCTP uses stream sequence num- bers (SSNs) to preserve the data order and reliability for each data chunk. Between streams, however, no data order is preserved. This approach avoids TCP’s head-of-line blocking problem, in which successfully transmitted segments must wait in the receiver’s queue until a TCP sending end point retransmits any previously lost segments. TCP’s blockage delays delivery of received data to the receiving application until it receives the retransmitted segments, which is unnecessary and sometimes unacceptable in signaling and some multimedia applications.
In SCTP, if data on Stream 1 is lost, only Stream 1 is blocked at the receiver while awaiting retrans- missions. The SCTP receiving end point can imme- diately deliver data arriving without loss on other streams to the application.
While SCTP manages ordering and packet deliv- ery on a per-stream basis, it manages congestion control on a per-destination basis and flow control on a per-association basis. In other words, an SCTP sending end point maintains a separate congestion window for each destination and a single receiver window for the association. A congestion window (or cwnd) constrains the amount of data that an SCTP sender can send, thus controlling the sending rate to avoid congestion in the network. A receiver window (or rwnd) prevents an SCTP sender from sending data too fast to a slower SCTP receiver.
Multistreaming and multihoming are orthogo-
Host A
Send queues
Receive queues
Stream 0 Stream 1 Stream 2
Stream 0
Host B
Receive queues
Send queues
Figure 3. SCTP multistreamed association. Streams are unidirectional logical data flows that the SCTP end points negotiate during association setup.
nal services. An end point’s multiple streams are logically independent from its multiple interfaces. Data from any stream can potentially travel over any path to any destination address.
A congestion manager is an alternative approach for managing multiple streams.3 In the CM approach, the transport layer (TCP or UDP) man- ages separate connections between end points, but a sublayer between the transport and network lay- ers aggregates congestion control across these con- nections. The CM solution, however, still requires end points to open multiple end-to-end connections for handling multiple flows, whereas SCTP uses a single multistreamed association.
November 2003

Researchers are investigating mechanisms that exploit SCTP to improve performance in wireless and mobile environments.
As a connection-oriented protocol, an SCTP association has three phases: associa- tion establishment, data transfer, and associ- ation shutdown.
Association establishment
When a TCP server receives a SYN request to establish a connection during the three- way handshake, the server allocates memory resources, stores state for the SYN received, and replies with a SYN/ACK to the sender. The receiving server maintains this state until it receives an ACK for the SYN/ACK, estab-
Data transfer
SCTP data chunks are indivisible units. For pur- poses of reliability, congestion control, and flow control, SCTP assigns each chunk a transmission sequence number. A TSN is unique within an asso- ciation—until the 32-bit number wraps around— and independent of the stream on which the chunk is being sent. Since a chunk is atomic, TSNs only need to be associated with data chunks—as opposed to TCP, which associates a sequence num- ber with each data byte and hence wraps around faster. SCTP peers exchange starting TSN values during association establishment.
Unlike TCP’s byte-stream service, SCTP pre- serves the boundaries of application-layer mes- sages, similar to UDP. When an application has a message larger than the destination path MTU, SCTP fragments the message into multiple data chunks, which can be sent in separate packets.
To assist a receiver in the reassembly process, SCTP assigns the same SSN to all the data chunks associated with a single application message. However, each data chunk has a different TSN, assigned incrementally, to maintain reliability and proper function of the flow and congestion control algorithms.
The data chunk header includes begin and end bits to delimit the fragmented message. Thus, SCTP can fragment a single application message into mul- tiple chunks at the sender for transmission and reassemble them into a single message at the receiver for delivery to the application.
Inversely, SCTP can bundle messages that are smaller than the path MTU into a single packet and unbundle them at the receiver. Since chunks them- selves cannot be refragmented, SCTP preserves the original fragmentation boundaries upon retrans- mission. This differs from TCP, which can con- catenate and fragment the previously transmitted data byte stream with different boundaries.
Like TCP, SCTP maintains reliability through acks, retransmissions, and an end-to-end checksum. SCTP uses the CRC-32 checksum to verify packet integrity, as opposed to the 16-bit 1’s-complement sum that both TCP and UDP use. SCTP acks carry cumulative (CumAck) and selective (GapAck) infor- mation, the latter being similar to TCP’s selective ack (SACK) extension. The CumAck indicates the TSNs received in sequence thus far, and the receiver sets the CumAck to the last TSN successfully received in sequence. The GapAck blocks indicate TSNs received out of order beyond the CumAck.
Fast retransmit and time-out mechanisms han- dle packet loss detection and recovery. SCTP’s con-
lishing the connection, or until the SYN/ACK expires with no ACK.
When a malicious user orchestrates a coordi- nated SYN attack, many other malicious hosts flood a predetermined TCP server with SYNs, caus- ing the server to allocate its full resources to respond. The server then cannot accept valid con- nection requests. Such SYN attacks are a primary security concern with TCP’s three-way handshake.
SCTP uses a four-way handshake in which a cookie mechanism establishes an association that pre- vents blind SYN attacks. If host A initiates an asso- ciation with host B, the following process ensues:
1. Host A sends an INIT chunk to host B.
2. When host B receives the INIT, it returns an INIT-ACK to host A. This INIT-ACK contains a cookie composed of information that only B can verify. The cookie helps check if host A is legitimate. At this point, host B does not allo- cate any memory to maintain state for the requested association. Note that TCP is forced to maintain state at this point in the handshake,
making it prone to a blind SYN attack.
3. When host A receives the INIT-ACK, it replies with a COOKIE-ECHO chunk. This chunk may contain A’s first data, and—as the name indicates—it echoes the cookie that host B sent.
4. On receiving the COOKIE-ECHO chunk, host B checks the cookie’s validity. A valid cookie
establishes host A’s legitimacy.
Only at this point does SCTP establish the associ- ation and allocate resources at host B.1
In this approach, host A—which initiated the association—must maintain state before host B does. Although this four-way handshake avoids blind SYN attacks, SCTP does not provide security against an attacker capable of sniffing and replay- ing traffic between hosts A and B.

Host A
Host B
gestion control algorithms are derived from TCP’s, with changes to allow for multihoming. For exam- ple, the SCTP sender maintains a separate set of congestion control parameters per destination address.
Association shutdown
SCTP’s association shutdown, illustrated in Figure 4, is a three-way handshake, as opposed to TCP’s four-way handshake. This three-way process does not allow half-closed connections, in which one end point shuts down while the other end point contin- ues sending new data. SCTP’s authors decided that half-closes were not used often enough in practice to warrant the extra complexity in the SCTP shut- down procedure. Either one of the end points engaged in the association can initiate the shutdown.
Many companies and universities are working with SCTP. At least 26 implementations currently exist, and the IETF Transport Area is considering several extensions to SCTP. Current research also addresses wireless and multimedia issues.
Kernel implementations of SCTP exist for many mainstream operating systems, including FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, Solaris, AIX, and HP- UX. User-space implementations exist for a larger number of operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, and proprietary platforms from Cisco, Nokia, Siemens, and other vendors.
In addition, SCTP modules exist for network simulation tools—ns-2 (http://pel.cis.udel.edu) and Opnet4—and for packet-sniffing utilities—tcpdump (www.tcpdump.org) and Ethereal (www.ethereal. com).
Nontelephony applications. Finally, several nontele- phony user applications now run SCTP, including the Mozilla Web browser and the Apache Web server (www.sctp.org). Other ported applications include the BSD FTP client and server, an MPEG- 4 streamer and player,5 and a live video streaming application (http://netlab.cis.temple. edu/sctpcam).
Interoperability testing. Since June 2000, six con- formance interoperability testing workshops, known as SCTP Interops, have tested implemen- tations. Inconsistencies and ambiguities from the tests are documented in the “SCTP Implementer’s Guide,” a working draft of changes that the IETF Transport Area working group will merge with RFC 2960 when SCTP moves to draft standard status.
Association established
Association closed
Figure 4. Association establishment and shutdown. SCTP uses a cookie mechanism in a four-way handshake to establish an association. The shutdown process is a three-way handshake.
Proposed extensions
The IETF Transport Area working group is con- sidering two significant extensions to SCTP.
Dynamic address reconfiguration (draft-ietf- tsvwg-addip-sctp) lets SCTP end points reconfig- ure IP address information on an existing association and set a peer’s primary destination. This functionality provides a graceful method for adding IP addresses and deleting them from exist- ing associations—say, for platforms that hot swap network interface cards, or mobile environments that dynamically allocate IP addresses when hosts change IP domains.
Partial reliability (draft-stewart-tsvwg-prsctp) lets a user specify a reliability level on a per-message basis. The reliability level defines how persistent an SCTP sender should be in attempting to communi- cate a message to the receiver—for example, never retransmit, retransmit up to k times, retransmit until lifetime expires, or retransmit until the asso- ciation aborts. Partially reliable SCTP (PR-SCTP) introduces the flexibility to provide intermediate reliability levels, in addition to the two extremes that UDP and TCP currently provide.
Wireless and mobile environments
Researchers are investigating mechanisms that exploit SCTP’s novel features to improve perfor- mance in wireless and mobile environments.
Fixed network with roaming hosts. Current research comparing the performance of SCTP and two vari- ants of the TCP protocol—TCP Reno and TCP
November 2003

IETF research efforts have transformed SCTP into a general-purpose Internet protocol.
Reno with Eifel—in wireless mobile environ- ments shows that SCTP, like TCP, suffers from spurious time-outs when delay spikes occur.6
University of Oklahoma researchers have also shown that when an end point uses mobile IP,7 SCTP outperforms TCP Reno and TCP SACK during handoffs.8 Since losses are common during handoff, a robust loss recov- ery mechanism is a key to improving perfor- mance during handoffs. Although the SACK mechanisms of both TCP and SCTP improve
throughput, SCTP allows a larger number of SACK blocks and thus outperforms TCP SACK.
Researchers from Siemens AG have submitted an Internet draft for mobile SCTP (draft-riegel- tuexen-mobilesctp), which uses the proposed SCTP extension for dynamic address reconfiguration to manage mobility at the transport layer and avoid some of the performance and deployment draw- backs of the IETF’s mobile IP. Mobile SCTP allows a mobile host to maintain SCTP associations with- out using mobile IP. Instead, a mobile host dynam- ically adds and deletes IP addresses to existing SCTP associations as needed.
Satellite networks. Research sponsored by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration to evaluate the performance of SCTP in satellite networks showed that the protocol performs bet- ter than TCP SACK.9
Boeing researchers investigated the performance of single-homed SCTP, multihomed SCTP, plain TCP SACK, and TCP SACK with an optimized satellite gateway.10
For small file transfers, the Boeing researchers found that SCTP’s larger packet overheads caused plain TCP SACK to perform better than single- homed SCTP, but multihomed SCTP outperformed TCP SACK even with an optimized satellite gate- way—unless the probability of a path outage was greater than 60 percent.
For large file transfers, single-homed SCTP per- formed better than TCP SACK without an opti- mized gateway, but worse than TCP SACK with an optimized gateway. Multihomed SCTP had the poorest performance for large file transfers, which the researchers attributed to SCTP’s current pol- icy of always using an alternate peer IP address for retransmissions. The “Related SCTP Multihoming Research” sidebar describes research on alterna- tive retransmission policies.
Ad hoc networks. City University of New York researchers have shown that SCTP suffers from the same problems as TCP when used in multihop wire- less networks.11 They found that well-known hid-
den and exposed node problems cause performance to degrade when the number of hops increases.
MPEG-4 streaming over PR-SCTP
Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, used ns-2 simulations to investigate the PR-SCTP extension for streaming video applica- tions.12 Their results demonstrated the merits of applying different reliability levels to different com- ponents of an MPEG-4 video stream. Using PR- SCTP for MPEG-4 video streaming improved video quality and consistency.
Cisco Systems researchers modified existing video streaming client (Cisco MPEG4IP Player) and server (Apple Darwin Streaming Server) applica- tions on FreeBSD machines to use the real-time transport protocol (RTP) over PR-SCTP instead of over UDP.5 They used video streams of low (200 Kbps) and medium quality (700 Kbps) at loss rates of 0.4 to 12.5 percent.
Preliminary results showed that RTP/PR-SCTP provides a higher peak signal-to-noise ratio than RTP/UDP at lower loss rates. However, RTP/PR- SCTP performs worse than RTP/UDP at higher loss rates—perhaps because RTP/PR-SCTP’s conges- tion control mechanisms respond to loss by reduc- ing the streaming rate at higher loss rates. On the other hand, RTP/UDP is unresponsive to loss and continually streams at a constant rate, which improves application performance at the cost of possibly increased network congestion.
Although SCTP is an evolving protocol, efforts within the IETF have transformed it into a general-purpose Internet protocol that expands transport layer possibilities beyond what TCP and UDP offer. SCTP is expected to have a large deployment base in the telephony world, but its novel features and increasing application sup- port hold the key for larger deployment in nontele- phony communities. With support from companies such as Cisco, Nokia, Siemens, IBM, and HP, and implementations for more than a dozen operating systems, SCTP has a promising future. s
This article stems from our collaborative partic- ipation in the Communications and Networks Consortium sponsored by the US Army Research Laboratory under the Collaborative Technology Alliance Program, Cooperative Agreement DAAD19-01-2-0011. The US government is

authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for government purposes notwithstanding any copy- right notation thereon.
1. R. Stewart and Q. Xie, Stream Control Transmis- sion Protocol (SCTP): A Reference Guide, Addison- Wesley, 2001.
2. R. Stewart et al., “Stream Control Transmission Pro- tocol,” IETF RFC 2960 (standards track), Oct. 2000; www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2960.txt.
3. H. Balakrishnan, H.S. Rahul, and S. Seshan, “An Integrated Congestion Management Architecture for Internet Hosts,” Proc. ACM SIGComm., ACM Press, 1999; www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm99/ papers/session5-2.html.
4. R. Brennan and T. Curran, “SCTP Congestion Con- trol: Initial Simulation Studies,” Proc. 17th Int’l Tele- traffic Congress, Elsevier Science, 2001; www.eeng. dcu.ie/~opnet/.
5. M. Molteni and M. Villari, “Using SCTP with Partial Reliability for MPEG-4 Multimedia Streaming,” Proc. European BSD Conf., 2002; http://bsdconeurope. org/papers/.
6. S. Fu, M. Atiquzzaman, and W. Ivancic, “Effect of Delay Spike on SCTP, TCP Reno, and Eifel in a Wire- less Mobile Environment,” Proc. Int’l Conf. Com- puter Communications and Networks, IEEE Press, 2002, pp. 575-578.
7. C. Perkins, “IP Mobility Support,” IETF RFC 2002 (standards track), Oct. 1996; www.ietf.org/rfc/ rfc2002.txt.
8. S. Fu and M. Atiquzzaman, “Improving End-to-End Throughput of Mobile IP using SCTP,” Proc. 2003 Workshop High Performance Switching and Rout- ing, IEEE Press, 2003; www.cs.ou.edu/~atiq/papers/ 03-hpsr-fu-sctp-mip.pdf.
9. R.Alamgir,M.Atiquzzaman,andW.Ivancic,“Effect of Congestion Control on the Performance of TCP and SCTP over Satellite Networks,” 2002; www. cs.ou.edu/~atiq/papers/congestioncontrol-2.pdf.
10. M. Duke et al., “Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP) Performance over the Land Mobile Satellite Channel,” to be published in Proc. Military Commu- nications Conf. (MILCOM 2003), ACM Press, 2003.
11. G. Ye, T. Saadawi, and M. Lee, “SCTP Congestion Control Performance in Wireless Multihop Networks,” Proc. Military Communications Conf. (MILCOM 2002), 2002; http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/ye02sctp.html.
12. A. Balk et al., “Investigation of MPEG-4 Video Streaming over SCTP,” Proc. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics (SCI 2002), vol. X, Int’l Inst. of Informatics and Sys-
temics, 2002; http://www.cs.ucla.edu/NRL/hpi/tcpw/ tcpw_papers/2002-sci-0.ps.
Armando L. Caro Jr. is a PhD candidate in the Computer and Information Sciences Department at the University of Delaware. His research inter- ests include transport layer services and protocols, network fault tolerance, mobility, and multimedia communication systems. Caro received an MS in CIS from the University of Delaware. He is a stu- dent member of the IEEE and the ACM. Contact him at acaro@acm.org.
Janardhan R. Iyengar is a PhD candidate in the Computer and Information Sciences Department at the University of Delaware. His research inter- ests include end-to-end services and currently focus on concurrent multipath transfer at the transport layer. Iyengar received an MS in CIS from the Uni- versity of Delaware. He is a student member of the ACM. Contact him at iyengar@cis.udel.edu.
Paul D. Amer is a professor of computer science at the University of Delaware. His research focuses on innovative transport layer services and proto- cols and multimedia data compression. Amer received a PhD in CIS from Ohio State University. He is a member of the ACM and an associate mem- ber of the IEEE. Contact him at amer@udel.edu.
Sourabh Ladha is a graduate student in the Com- puter and Information Sciences Department at the University of Delaware. His research focuses on transport- and application-layer protocols in com- puter networks. Sourabh received a BS in computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Contact him at ladha@cis.udel.edu.
Gerard J. Heinz II is an MS student in the Com- puter and Information Sciences Department at the University of Delaware. His research interests include application design and development, com- puter networking, and graphics design. Heinz received a BA in CIS from Temple University. Con- tact him at heinz@cis.udel.edu.
Keyur C. Shah is an MS student in the Computer and Information Sciences Department at the Uni- versity of Delaware. His research interests include computer networking, specifically transport layer protocols. Shah received a BE in computer engi- neering from the University of Mumbai, India. Contact him at shah@cis.udel.edu.
November 2003