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%matplotlib notebook
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# loading standard modules
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import img_as_ubyte
from skimage.color import rgb2grey
# loading custom module (requires file in the same directory as the notebook file)
from asg1 import Figure, KmeansPresenter
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class MyKmeansApp:
def __init__(self, img, num_clusters=2, weightXY=1.0):
self.k = num_clusters
self.w = weightXY
self.iteration = 0 # iteration counter = np.infty # energy – “sum of squared errors” (SSE)
num_rows = self.num_rows = img.shape[0]
num_cols = self.num_cols = img.shape[1] = img
self.means = np.zeros((self.k,5),’d’) # creates a zero-valued (double) matrix of size Kx5
self.no_label = num_clusters # special label value indicating pixels not in any cluster (e.g. not yet)
# mask “labels” where pixels of each “region” will have a unique index-label (like 0,1,2,3,..,K-1)
# the default mask value is “no-label” (K) implying pixels that do not belong to any region (yet)
self.labels = np.full((num_rows, num_cols), fill_value=self.no_label,
self.fig = Figure()
self.pres = KmeansPresenter(img, self)
self.xco = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
self.yco = np.zeros((num_rows, num_cols))
for i in range(num_rows):
self.yco[i, :] = i
for i in range(num_cols):
self.xco[:, i] = i
def run(self):
def init_means(self):
self.iteration = 0 # resets iteration counter = np.infty # and the energy
poolX = range(self.num_cols)
poolY = range(self.num_rows)
# generate K random pixels (Kx2 array with X,Y coordinates in each row)
random_pixels = np.array([np.random.choice(poolX,self.k),np.random.choice(poolY,self.k)]).T
for label in range(self.k):
self.means[label,:3] =[random_pixels[label,1],random_pixels[label,0],:3]
self.means[label,3] = random_pixels[label,0]
self.means[label,4] = random_pixels[label,1]
# This function compute average values for R, G, B, X, Y channel (feature component) at pixels in each cluster
# represented by labels in given mask “self.labels” storing indeces in range [0,K). The averages should be
# saved in (Kx5) matrix “self.means”. The return value should be the number of non-empty clusters.
def compute_means(self):
labels = self.labels
non_empty_clusters = 0
# Your code below should compute average values for R,G,B,X,Y features in each segment
# and save them in (Kx5) matrix “self.means”. For empty clusters set the corresponding mean values
# to infinity (np.infty). Report the correct number of non-empty clusters by the return value.
for k in range(self.k):
self.means[labels == k, :3] = np.mean([labels == k])
self.means[labels == k, 3] = np.mean(self.xco[labels == k])
self.means[labels == k, 4] = np.mean(self.yco[labels == k])
self.means[labels == self.k] = np.infty
non_empty_clusters = sum(labels != self.k)
return non_empty_clusters
# The segmentation mask is used by KmeanPresenter to paint segments in distinct colors
# NOTE: valid region labels are in [0,K), but the color map in KmeansPresenter
# accepts labels in range [0,K] where pixels with no_label=K are not painted/colored.
def get_region_mask(self):
return self.labels
# This function computes optimal (cluster) index/label in range 0,1,…,K-1 for pixel x,y based on
# given current cluster means (self.means). The functions should save these labels in “self.labels”.
# The return value should be the corresponding optimal SSE.
def compute_labels(self):
shape = (self.num_rows,self.num_cols)
opt_labels = np.full(shape, fill_value=self.no_label, # HINT: you can use this array to store and update
# currently the best label for each pixel.
min_dist = np.full(shape, fill_value=np.inf) # HINT: you can use this array to store and update
# the (squared) distance from each pixel to its current “opt_label”.
# use ‘self.w’ as a relative weight of sq. errors for X and Y components
# Replace the code below by your code that computes “opt_labels” array of labels in range [0,K) where
# each pixel’s label is an index ‘i’ such that self.mean[i] is the closest to R,G,B,X,Y values of this pixel.
# Your code should also update min_dist so that it contains the optmail squared errors
opt_labels = np.random.choice(range(self.k),shape)
min_dist = np.random.choice(range(100),shape)
# update the labels based on opt_labels computed above
self.labels = opt_labels
# returns the optimal SSE (corresponding to optimal clusters/labels for given means)
return min_dist.sum()
# The function below is called by “on_key_down” in KmeansPresenter”.
# It’s goal is to run an iteration of K-means procedure
# updating the means and the (segment) labels
def compute_k_means_clusters(self):
self.iteration += 1
# the main two steps of K-means algorithm
energy = self.compute_labels()
num_clusters = self.compute_means()
# computing improvement and printing some information
num_pixels = self.num_rows*self.num_cols
improve_per_pixel = ( – energy)/num_pixels
energy_per_pixel = energy/num_pixels = energy, -8, # text location
‘iteration = {:_>2d}, clusters = {:_>2d}, SSE/p = {:_>7.1f}, improve/p = {:_>7.3f} ‘.format(
self.iteration, num_clusters, energy_per_pixel, improve_per_pixel),
bbox={‘facecolor’:’white’, ‘edgecolor’:’none’})
return improve_per_pixel
Notes about K-means implementation:¶
1. press ‘i’-key for each (i)teration of K-means
2. press ‘c’-key to run K-means to (c)onvergence (when energy improvement is less than given threshold)
3. press ‘v’-key to run K-means to convergence with (v)isualization of each iteration
4. press ‘r’-key to start over from (r)andom means
5. press ‘s’-key to change to a random (s)olid color-palette for displaying clusters
6. press ‘t’-key to change to a random (t)ransparent palette for displaying clusters
7. press ‘m’-key to change to the (m)ean-color palette for displaying clusters
In [6]:
img = plt.imread(‘images/rose.bmp’)
app = MyKmeansApp(img, num_clusters=80, weightXY=2.0)

In [7]:
img = plt.imread(‘images/tools.bmp’)
app = MyKmeansApp(img, num_clusters=3, weightXY=0.0)

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