程序代写代做代考 Java javascript ### function.combinators

### function.combinators

> Functions that are combinators.


#### always

**Signature:** `_.always(value:Any)`

**Aliases:** `_.k`

Takes `value` and returns a function that will always return `value`.

var platonicForm = _.always(“Eternal & Unchangeable”);

// => “Eternal & Unchangeable”


#### bound

**Signature:** `_.bound(obj:Object, fname:String)`

Returns function property of an object by name, bound to object.

var aristotle = {
name: “Aristotle”,
telos: “flourishing”,
stateTelos: function() {
return this.name + “‘s telos is ” + this.telos;

var stateAristotlesTelos = _.bound(aristotle, “stateTelos”);

// => “Aristotle’s Telos is flourishing”


#### comparator

**Signature:** `_.comparator(fun:Function)`

Takes a binary predicate-like function and returns a comparator function (return
values of `-1`, `0`, `1`) which can be used as a callback for `_.sort` or

var lessOrEqual = function(x, y) { return x <= y; }; var arr = [0, 1, -2]; arr.sort(_.comparator(lessOrEqual)); // => [-2, 0, 1]


#### complement

**Signature:** `_.complement(pred:Function)`

Returns a function that reverses the sense of a given predicate-like.

function isAugustine (val) {
return val === “Augustine”;

isNotAugustine = _.complement(isAugustine);

// => True


#### conjoin

**Signature:** `_.conjoin(pred:Function…)`

Composes multiple predicates into a single predicate that checks all elements
of an array for conformance to **all** of the original predicates.

function startsWithA (val) {
return val[0] === “A”;

function endsWithE (val) {
return val[val.length – 1] === “e”;

var names = [“Aristotle”, “Aquinas”, “Plato”, “Augustine”];

var startsAAndEndsE = _.conjoin(startsWithA, endsWithE);

// => [“Aristotle”, “Augustine”]


#### disjoin

**Signature:** `_.disjoin(pred:Function…)`

Composes multiple predicates into a single predicate that checks all elements
of an array for conformance to **any** of the original predicates.

function startsWithA (val) {
return val[0] === “A”;

function endsWithE (val) {
return val[val.length – 1] === “e”;

var names = [“Aristotle”, “Aquinas”, “Plato”, “Augustine”];

var startsAOrEndsE = _.disjoin(startsWithA, endsWithE);

// => [“Aristotle”, “Aquinas”, “Augustine”]


#### juxt

**Signature:** `_.juxt(fun:Function…)`

Returns a function whose return value is an array of the results of calling
each of the original functions with the arguments.

function firstChar (val) {
return val[0];

function lastChar (val) {
return val[val.length – 1];

var firstAndLastChars = _.juxt(firstChar, lastChar);

// => [“E”, “a”]


#### flip

**Signature:** `_.flip(fun:Function)`

Returns a function that works identically to `fun`, but accepts the arguments
in reverse order.

function regionCapitol (region, capitol) {
return “The capitol of ” + region + ” is ” + capitol;

capitolRegion = _.flip(regionCapitol);

capitolRegion(“Thessalonica”, “Illyrica”);
// => “The capitol of Illyrica is Thessalonica”


#### flip2

**Signature:** `_.flip2(fun:Function)`

Returns a function that works identically to `fun`, but accepts the first two
arguments in reverse order. The order of all other arguments remains the same.

function regionCapitol (region, capitol) {
return “The capitol of ” + region + ” is ” + capitol;

capitolRegion = _.flip2(regionCapitol);

capitolRegion(“Thessalonica”, “Illyrica”);
// => “The capitol of Illyrica is Thessalonica”


#### fnull

**Signature:** `_.fnull(fun:Function[, default:Any…])`

Returns a function that protects `fun` from receiving non-existy values. Each
subsequent value provided to `fnull` acts as the default to the original
`fun` should a call receive non-existy values in the defaulted arg slots.

function getLength (val) {
return val.length;

safeGetLength = _.fnull(getLength, []);

safeGetLength([1, 2, 3]);
// => 3

// => 0


#### functionalize

**Signature:** `_.functionalize(fun:Function[, default:Any…])`

Takes a method-style function (one which uses `this`) and pushes `this` into the
argument list. The returned function uses its first argument as the
receiver/context of the original function, and the rest of the arguments are
used as the original’s entire argument list.

var militaryUnits = {
centuria: “80 men”,
cohort: “480 men”,
getDescription: function (unitName) {
return this[unitName];

var getDescription = _.functionalize(militaryUnits.getDescription);

var rulers = {
Leonidas: “King of Sparta”,
Augustus: “First Roman Emperor”

getDescription(rulers, “Augustus”);
// => “First Roman Emperor”


#### mapArgs

**Signature:** `_.mapArgs(fun:Function)`

Takes a target function and returns a new function which accepts a mapping
function, which in turn returns a function that will map its arguments before
calling the original target function.

function doubleNum (x) { return 2 * x; }

function squareNum (x) { return x * x; }

var squareThenDouble = _.mapArgs(doubleNum)(squareNum);

// => 18


#### mapArgsWith

**Signature:** `_.mapArgs(mapFun:Function)`

Takes a mapping function and returns a new combinator function which will take
a target function and return a new version which maps its arguments with the
mapping function before executing the body of the target function.

function doubleNum (x) { return 2 * x; }

function squareNum (x) { return x * x; }

var squareArgs = _.mapArgsWith(squareNum);

var squareThenDouble = squareArgs(doubleNum);

// => 18


#### methodize

**Signature:** `_.methodize(func:Function)`

Takes a function and pulls the first argument out of the argument list and into
`this` position. The returned function calls the original with its receiver
(`this`) prepending the argument list. The original is called with a receiver
of `null`.

function describe (obj) {
return obj.name + “: ” + obj.description;

var democritus = {
name: “Democritus”,
description: “originator of the atomic hypothesis”,
describe: _.methodize(describe)

// => “Democritus: originator of the atomic hypothesis”


#### pipeline

**Signature:** `_.pipeline(func:Function[, func2:Function…])` or `_.pipeline(funcArr:Array)`

**Aliases:** `_.t`

Takes a list of functions, either as an array or as individual arguments
and returns a function that takes some value as its first argument and runs it
through a pipeline of the original functions given.

function halveNum (x) { return x / 2; };
function squareNum (x) { return x * x; };
function doubleNum (x) { return 2 * x; };

var halveSquareDouble = _.pipeline(halveNum, squareNum, doubleNum);

// => 0.5

var doubleSquareHalve = _.pipeline([doubleNum, squareNum, halveNum]);

// => 2


#### splat

**Signature:** `_.splat(fun:Function)`

Takes a function expecting one or more arguments and returns a function
that takes an array and uses its elements as the arguments to the original
function. This roughly corresponds to the [spread operator][spread] in
ECMAScript 6.

function listTwoNames (a, b) {
return a.name + ” & ” + b.name;

var listTwoNamesFromArray = _.splat(listTwoNames);

listTwoNamesFromArray([{ name: “Zeno” }, { name: “Parmenides”}]);
// => “Zeno & Parmenides”


#### unsplat

**Signature:** `_.unsplat(fun:Function)`

**Aliases:** `_.unsplatr`

Takes a function expecting an array as its *last* argument and returns a function
which works identically, but takes a list of trailing arguments instead. Roughly
corresponds to [rest parameters][rest] in ECMAScript 6.

function joinWith (joiner, arr) {
return arr.join(joiner);

var joinArgsWith = _.unsplat(joinWith);

joinArgsWith(” & “, “Plutarch”, “Proclus”);
// => “Plutarch & Proclus”


#### unsplatl

**Signature:** `_.unsplatl(fun:Function)`

Similar to [unsplat](#unsplat), but takes a function expecting an array as its
*first* argument and returns a function which works identically, but takes a
list of leading arguments instead. Roughly corresponds to
[rest parameters][rest] in ECMAScript 6.

function joinWith (arr, joiner) {
return arr.join(joiner);

var joinArgsWith = _.unsplat(joinWith);

joinArgsWith(“Olympiodorus”, “Syrianus”, ” & “);
// => “Olympiodorus & Syrianus”

