Table of Contents
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Problem 1: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Problem 2: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
Problem 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Problem 4 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
% Academic License
% Engineering 006 Homework
% These programs, solves the 4 problems in homework 2 prompt.
% Eng 6, Spring 2016
% Name:
% Student ID: <913186040>
% Lab Section:
Problem 1:
Problem 1.1
a1 = 1:1:50;
lambda1 = 1550 / 1000; % ? in ?m
nCore1 = 1.5; % record nCore1
nCladding1 = 1.45; % record nCladding1
V1 = 2 * pi * a1 / lambda1 * sqrt(nCore1 ^ 2 – nCladding1 ^ 2); %
Calculate V
figure(1); % Initialize figure 1
plot(a1, V1); % Draw plot
hold on; % hold the figure
title(‘Problem 1.1): Plot of core radius a to frequency V’); % set
legend(‘V = 2 * pi * a / lambda * sqrt(nCore ^ 2 – nCladding ^ 2)’); %
set legend
xlabel(‘a (core radius)’); % set x-axis
ylabel(‘V’); % set y-axis
% Problem 1.2
a2 = 2.405 / 2 / pi * lambda1 / sqrt(nCore1 ^ 2 – nCladding1 ^ 2); %
Calcuate alpha2
fprintf(‘Problem 1.2):\n’); % Print with format
fprintf(‘The permissible radius design parameter for a single mode to
propagate through such a fiber is %f.\n’, a2); % Print with format
% Problem 1.3
beta2 = – 21.7 / 10 ^ 12; % Change ?2 into ps^2 / nm
c1 = 3 * 10 ^ 5; % Speed of wave
D1 = 1530:1:1570; % Dispersion parameter
lambda2 = sqrt(-2 * pi * c1 * beta2 ./ D1); % Calculate ?
figure(2) % Initialize figure 2
hold on; % hold the figure
plot(D1, lambda2); % Draw plot
title(‘Problem 1.3): Plot of Dispersion parameter D to wavelength
lambda’); % set title
legend(‘lambda = sqrt(-2 * pi * c * beta2 ./ D)’); % set legend
xlabel(‘Dispersion parameter D’); % set x-axis
ylabel(‘wavelength lambda’); % set y-axis
Problem 1.2):
The permissible radius design parameter for a single mode to propagate
through such a fiber is 1.544795.
Problem 2:
Problem 2.1
x1 = 0:0.1:2 * pi; % set list x1
y1 = 4 / pi * sin(pi * x1); % Calculate y1
sum = y1; % add y1 to sum
figure(3) % Initialize figure 3
hold on; % hold the figure
plot(x1, sum); % Draw plot
title (‘Problem 2: sine x to y plots’); % set title
legend (‘y1 = 4 / pi * sin(pi * x)’); % set legend
xlabel (‘x’); % set x-axis
ylabel (‘y’); % set x-axis
ax1 = subplot(1,1,1); % set subplot
hold(ax1,’on’); % hold the subplot
% Problem 2.2
x2 = 0:0.1:2 * pi; % set list x2
y2 = 4 / 3 / pi * sin(3 * pi * x2); % Calculate y2
sum = sum + y2; % add y2 to sum
plot(ax1, x2, sum); % Draw subplot
legend ({‘y1 = 4 / pi * sin(pi * x)’;’n=3′}); % set legend
hold(ax1,’on’); % hold subplot
% Problem 2.3
x3 = 0:0.1:2 * pi; % set list x3
y3 = 4 / 5 / pi * sin(5 * pi * x3) + 4 / 7 / pi * sin(7 * pi * x3) +
4 / 9 / pi * sin(9 * pi * x3); % Calculate y3
sum = sum + y3; % add y3 to sum
plot(ax1, x3, sum); % Draw subplot
legend ({‘y1 = 4 / pi * sin(pi * x)’;’n=3′;’n=9′}); % set legend
hold(ax1,’on’); % hold subplot
% Problem 2.4
x4 = 0:0.1:2 * pi; % set list x4
y4 = 4 / 11 / pi * sin(11 * pi * x4) + 4 / 13 / pi * sin(13 * pi * x4)
+ 4 / 15 / pi * sin(15 * pi * x4) + 4 / 17 / pi * sin(17 * pi * x4)
+ 4 / 19 / pi * sin(19 * pi * x4) + 4 / 21 / pi * sin(21 * pi * x4)
+ 4 / 23 / pi * sin(23 * pi * x4) + 4 / 25 / pi * sin(25 * pi * x4)
+ 4 / 27 / pi * sin(27 * pi * x4) + 4 / 29 / pi * sin(29 * pi * x4) +
4 / 31 / pi * sin(31 * pi * x4); % Calculate y4
sum = sum + y4; % add y4 to sum
plot(ax1, x4, sum); % Draw subplot
legend ({‘y1 = 4 / pi * sin(pi * x)’;’n=3′;’n=9′;’n=31′}); % set
hold on; % hold the figure
Problem 3
Problem 3.1
temperatureCityA = [56.0, 60.4, 65.8, 72.4, 70.5, 76.4, 80.6, 75.8,
70.3, 68.9, 61.5, 54.8]; % Save temperature of city A in an array
temperatureCityB = [44.3, 49.8, 56.8, 65.5, 73.1, 78.6, 79.4, 76.2,
70.5, 61.3, 54.7, 46.7]; % Save temperature of city B in an array
month = 1:1:12; % set month
figure(4); % Initialize figure 4
plot(month, temperatureCityA, ‘r’, month, temperatureCityB, ‘b’); %
Draw plot
title(‘Problem 3.1): Plot of monthly temperature of city A and B’); %
set title
legend (‘CityA’, ‘CityB’); % set legend
xlabel (‘Month’); % set x-axis
ylabel (‘Temperature’); % set y-axis
% Problem 3.2
fprintf(‘Problem 3.2:\nThe hottest month in CityA is July, the
temperature is 80.6.\n’);
logicHotterB = temperatureCityA < temperatureCityB; % Find the months have higher temperature in CityB in comparision to CityA hotterMonthsB = find(logicHotterB == 1); % Show the months with higher temperature in CityB fprintf('logicHotterB:\n'); % Print with format disp = logicHotterB; % Display logicHotterB fprintf('The months have higher temperature in CityB in comparision to CityA.\n'); % Print with format disp(hotterMonthsB) % Display hotterMonthsB % Problem 3.3 tempDiff = CityBTemp - CityATemp; % Calculate the monthly temperature difference leastDiff = min(abs(tempDiff)); % Find the minimun absolute difference leastMonth = find(leastDiff == tempDiff); % Find the month of least difference fprintf('Problem 3.3:\n'); % Print with format fprintf('The month shows the least temperature difference is %d and the temperature difference is %f\n', leastMonth, leastDiff); % Print with format Problem 3.2: The hottest month in CityA is July, the temperature is 80.6. logicHotterB: The months have higher temperature in CityB in comparision to CityA. ans = 1 1 1 1 Problem 3.3: The month shows the least temperature difference is 9 and the temperature difference is 0.200000 6 Problem 4 Problem 4.a is = inputdlg('Please enter the scores'); % Get the input string rawScores = str2float(is{:}); % Convert input string numbers in to a numeric array highestScore = max(rawScores); % Find the highest score normScores = rawScores / highestScore * 100; % Normalize these scores and put it in a new row array os = sprintf('Problem 4.a:\nThe raw scores are:\n'); % Overload output string into os disp(os); % Display the output disp(rawScores); % Display the rawScores os = sprintf('The normalized scores are:\n'); % Overload output string into os disp(os); % Display the output disp(normScores); % Display the normScores % Problem 4.b.1 sumScore = sum(normScores); % Calculate the sum of scores lengthScores = length(normScores); % Get the length of normScores array avg1 = sumScore / lengthScores; % Calculate average in first way fprintf('Problem 4.b.1:\nThe average value calculated by the first method is %f.\n', avg1); % Print the results with format % Problem 4.b.2 avg2 = mean(normScores); % Calculate average of normScores array with the built-in average function fprintf('Problem 4.b.2:\nThe average value calculated by the second method is %f.\n', avg2); % Print the results with format 7 Undefined function or variable 'str2float'. Error in CGXHW2 (line 112) rawScores = str2float(is{:}); % Convert input string numbers in to a numeric array Published with MATLAB® R2016a Table of Contents Problem 1: Problem 2: Problem 3 Problem 4