程序代写代做代考 algorithm Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 1: The visual pathway. This is an old drawing due to the C16 Belgian anatomist Andreas
Vesalius taken from his influential 1543 textbook De Humani Corporis Fabrica. In
red are marked the retina, the optic nerves, the thalamus where they cross and the
primary visual cortex (V1). [Image from Wikipedia].



This lecture is about vision, they discuss how simple cells in V1 are modelled and how their
behavior may be explained by sparseness.

The visual pathway

The visual system starts at the eye, where photons are detected and some denoising occurs;
the optical nerve then carries the information to the thalamus, in the very center of the brain,
there it is further processed and denoised before being relayed on to the visual cortex, at the
very back of the cortex. It is processed in stages in the cortex with the information being
passed forward, as objects are recognized the information fans out and is integrated with other
signals, from memory, from other sensory modalities and other aspects of our cognition. The
basic pathway is shown in a very old drawing in Fig. 1 and is summarized in Fig. 2. One
notable aspect is that different sides of the brain deal with different sides of the visual field,
so signals from the left sides of the retina of both eyes go to the right side of the brain and
signals from the right sides so to the left side.

Light is detected at the retina, the retina is a surprising organ in that it is backwards
compared to how you’d expect it to be organized; the layer with light detectors is at the
back instead of the front. Leaving that aside though, basically light is detected in specialized
cells called photoreceptors, these don’t spike, but they do convert light into electrical activity.
There are two types of photoreceptors, the rods, which are important for vision in low light,


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

photoreceptorsganglion cells


V1 rest of the visual pathway

Figure 2: The visual pathway. This is a very rough diagram showing the visual pathway; V1
is the first visual area in the cortex.

and the cones, which are responsible for color vision and important for vision in normal lighting
conditions. The electrical activity of the photoreceptors is passed forward through bipolar cells
to ganglion cells.

Ganglion cells aggregate activity from a number of photoreptors, along with activity from
some inhibitory cells in the intermediate layer and their axons form the optic nerve, carry-
ing information to the thalamus. A sketch of the retina is given in Fig. 3 and the uneven
distribution of cones and rods across the retina is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Receptive fields

Receptive fields are often described as the stimuli giving the largest response from a neuron.
For ganglion and thalamic cells these are contrast patches, see Fig. 5, in on-cells small patches
of the visual field where an illuminated region surrounded by an unilluminated one causes
firing, different cells will respond to different locations. The width of the receptive fields vary
from the size of full stop at reading distance in the center, to the size of a page near the
periphery. In off-cells the contrast is reverse, the cell responds to an unilluminated region
surrounded by an illuminated region. In practice these patterns are the result of excitatory
and inhibitory synapses relaying information from these regions of the visual field.

– – – + + + – – –

ganglion cell

In V1 there are cells called simple cells and cells called complex cells; we will concentrate
on the simple cells, these have edge-like receptive fields; different cells respond to particular
orientations in particular locations in the visual field.

The edge-like receptive fields in V1 were first discovered by Hubel and Wiesel [2]. They used
an electrode to record from V1 neurons in anaesthetised cat; they moved an edge-like stimulus
around until they found the position that caused the highest firing rate, they observed that
the firing rate depended on orientation as well as position, see Fig. 7 and Fig. 8.

Linear models

One way to think about it is to imagine the entries in the receptive field are synapse strengths
for inputs from cells responding to illumination at points in the visual field. To formalize this


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 3: Rods, cones and nerve layers in the retina. The front of the eye is on the left. Light
(from the left) passes through several transparent nerve layers to reach the rods and
cones (far right). A chemical change in the rods and cones send a signal back to the
nerves. The signal goes first to the bipolar and horizontal cells (middle yellow layer),
then to the amacrine cells and ganglion cells (left-most purple layer), then to the
optic nerve fibres. The signals are processed in these layers. First, the signals start
as raw outputs of points in the rod and cone cells. Then the nerve layers identify
simple shapes, such as bright points surrounded by dark points, edges, and movement.
(Based on a drawing by Ramón y Cajal, 1911.) [Caption and drawing taken from
Wikipedia: Cajal derivative work: Anka Friedrich via Wikimedia Commons]

Figure 4: The distribution of rods and cones in the retina. [Image from [1]]


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 5: On and off cells respond to small contrast patches.

Figure 6: Simple cells in V1 respond to edges.

consider linear models of the neuron’s activity. Let Iij denote the illumination level at point
(i, j) in the visual field, i and j are discrete coordinates, for simplicity we will treat everything
discretely. Now, imagine a linear model of the activity of the neuron, with the firing rate
depending linearly on the illuminations; leaving out any messing with the firing rate having to
be positive, this means

r̃ = r0 +

wijIij (1)

where r0 is the background firing rate and wij give the receptive field. Of course the firing rate
of a neuron doesn’t satisfy a linear model but the idea is to choose the linear model which best
approximates the neuron, that is, for example, to choose wij to minimize the average square

average square error = 〈(r − r̃)2〉 (2)
between r, the observed firing rate and r̃ is the estimated firing rate from the linear model.

As an example consider

[wij ] =


0 0 0 0 0
0 −1/8 −1/8 −1/8 0
0 −1/8 1 −1/8 0
0 −1/8 −1/8 −1/8 0
0 0 0 0 0

 (3)


[Iij ] =


1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0

 (4)


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 7: Experimental results from Hubel and Wiesel; the stimulus is a slit that allows light
through from a souce, it is 0.125◦×2.5◦ and is presented during the one-second period
marked by the two bars over the plots. In the plots the vertical lines correspond to
spikes. [Image from [2]].


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 8: More experimental results from Hubel and Wiesel; here they have mapped out the
excitatory (crosses) and inhibitory (triangles) areas for a number of neurons. [Image
from [2]].


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 9: Receptive field and visual stimulus.

which is like a ganglion cell responding to an edge and is illustated in Fig. 9. If r0 = 2 say
then r̃ = 13/8.


Knowing why V1 receptive fields have the particular stucture they do is likely to tell us some-
thing about what it is that the brain does to information in the sensory pathways. One idea
is that it is related to feature extraction. To motivate this we will consider a fictitious world
of simplified creatures; imagine we are one of these creatures and wish to decide how to react
to other creatures we encounter. As in the real world, when we encounter a creature we need
to decide between what are sometimes called the three Fs: fighting, fleeing and mating. Now
imagine that the creatures all have a three by three pattern on their stomachs:

and that creatures to fight have a horizontal strip to the top or the bottom, as above, creatures
to flee from, a vertical strip on the left or right, for example

and creatures to mate with, a central line, either horizontal or vertical like:


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Now, imagine processing this information so as to rapidly decide what to do, the simplest
neural network to process the patterns would look like




Clearly this would be very hard to learn; the connection from, say the bottom middle node
is on in two of the patterns above despite these patterns corresponding to different types of

A far better strategy would be to first learn features and then learn the association between
these features and the creature type. Here the features are clearly the horizontal and vertical




features learning

In this case the problem has been split in two; first the connections summarized as ‘features’
above are learned from the data, possibly using the sort of correllation structure learning
provided for by STDP, the interpretation of these feature is then learned, this is clearly easier,
the connections summarized as ‘learning’ have a far simpler task, which is good, since it is
crucial to learn this sort of salient ecological information quickly.

Feature selection

Here we will consider what properties we would expect features to have. To do this lets imagine
that there are neurons that correspond to the features and their activity represents the image.
Say the feature=code neurons each have a receptive field and respond linearly and for simplicity
we will leave out the background firing rate: for the sth feature neuron

as =


wsijIij (5)


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

and conversely, the output can be represented by

Iij =


asW sij (6)

Confusing aside – rate versus reconstruction

The slightly confusing thing here is that we are moving between the linear model

as =


wsijIij (7)

with as the firing rate, we have changed to as rather than rs to be consistient with the papers
this is based on, and the reconstruction

Iij =


ij (8)

which estimates the image using the firing rates as.
We do this all the time with vectors:

v = v1i + v2j + v3k (9)

is the reconstruction where the corresponding project, for example

v1 − v · i (10)

is like the linear model. However, the situation in this case is more straight-forward, because
the basis vectors are orthonormal

i · j = j · k = k · i = 0 (11)

i · i = j · j = k · k = 1 (12)

the same basis vector appears in the reconstruction and the projection: the coefficent v1 of i
in the reconstruction is the projection of v onto i. However, in the case of vision the basis
elements, the W sij and w

ij are not orthonormal and therefore are not the same, working out

the relationship between involves vectorizing the matrix indices i and j, so we won’t go into
it here, morally one is the inverse transpose of the other. In fact, here we will consider an
example where the dimensions are different, where the image patches are 3 × 3 but there are
only six features,

W 1 = W 2 = W 3 =

W 4 = W 5 = W 6 =


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

where the almost-black corresponds to one and white to zero, so put another way

[W 1ij ] =

 1 0 01 0 0

1 0 0

 (13)

This means that the reconstructed image may not be equal to the original image and will just
be an approximation to it.


The question now is what principle to use to select these features. In considering the mythical
creatures we decided that features should be horizonal and vertical lines since that’s the pattern
that the creatures have. The question is how to find these features in general.

One idea, due to [3, 4], is to use sparseness. Continuing with the example with creatures
with patterned bellies, looking at flee-from animal, for example, three dots are black so among
neurons that code for individual dots three would be active, but among neurons coding for
vertical or horizontal lines, only one would be active.

Of course this is a very artificial made-up example, nonetheless it is thought that ‘sparseness’
is a good way to define features [3, 4]. Very roughly, the fewer neurons needed to reconstruct
an image, the more of the image each neuron is coding for; for this to work without having a
vast number of neurons covering every possible combination of pixels, the neurons must code
for features, pieces of image that occur regularly. The assumption, in short, is that all the
images are mostly made of the same few building blocks.

The idea is as follows, let I be a image and Ĩ an approximation to that image formed using

Ĩij =


ij (14)

Now W s could be under-complete, like above, or over-complete, as it may be in the visual
system, or the dimensions could be chosen to match. Either way, even if the basis is not
under-complete, Ĩ is an approximation because the as are not just chosen to give an accurate
reconstruction, but to do so in a sparse way; they are chosen to minimize

E =


(Iij − Ĩij)2 + β


f(as) (15)

This has two terms, the first measures the square error between I and Ĩ, the second is intended
as a measure of sparseness, there are different choices possible, one example would be

f(x) = log2(1 + x
2) (16)

Now, just looking at two dimensions (1, 0) gives∑

f(as) = log2 (2) + log2(1) = 1 (17)

whereas the less sparse (1/

2, 1/

2), which as a vector is the same length, gives∑

f(as) = 2 log2(3/2) = 1.17 (18)


Computation Neuroscience – 7 vision

Figure 10: Sparse filters; the optimal features W sij using 16 × 16 image patches cut from a
corpus of pictures of the American northwest. [From [3]].

which is larger. The β here determines the trade-off between accuracy and sparseness, if β is
small the square error is more important, if β is big the sparseness is.

The idea now is to take a corpus of image patches and find the best features, the ones
that on average give the lowest values of E. The algorithm proceeds in two stages, for each
image patch the as are chosen to minimise E basically by numerically solving the system of
differential equations


= 0 (19)

Next, using the results of this calculation for all the images in the corpus, the features W sij are

W sij →W
ij − η

∂W sij


where η is a learning rate and 〈E〉 this average error. This should reduce the average error
in the next run through the corpus. This is repeated until the best features are found. The
details of how E is minimized over possible choices of the as and how to adjust the W

ij can be

found in [3, 4]. The results are shown in Fig. 10 and, ignoring the complication that these are
not actually the receptive fields, they do clearly resemble the receptive fields measured from

As described, none of this seems very biological, the sparse filters were discovered using nu-
merical optimization routines. However, there are biologically plausible implementations using
Hebbian learning, see for example [5]. There are other approaches which parallel sparseness as
a way of distinguishing features, for example, Infomax, which examines the informativeness of



putative features [6].


[1] Wandell, Brian A. Foundations of vision. (Sinauer Associates, 1995)

[2] Hubel DH, Wiesel TN. (1962) Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional ar-
chitecture in the cat’s visual cortex. The Journal of Physiology 160: 106.

[3] Olshausen BA, Field DJ (1996) Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by
learning a sparse code for natural images. Nature, 381: 607–609.

[4] Olshausen BA, Field DJ (1997) Sparse coding with an overcomplete basis set: A strategy
employed by V1?. Vision Research 37: 3311–3325.

[5] O’Reilly RC, Munakata Y (2000) Computational explorations in cognitive neuroscience:
Understanding the mind by simulating the brain. MIT Press.

[6] Bell AJ, Sejnowski TJ (1995) An information-maximization approach to blind separation
and blind deconvolution. Neural Computation 7: 1129–1159.