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Microsoft Word – CMP3110M Tutorial 2 – Parallel Patterns.docx

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

Lincoln School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln

CMP3110M/CMP9057M Parallel Computing

Parallel Patterns in OpenCL
Download the source code for Tutorial 2 from Blackboard (“Study Materials/Week B4”), unpack the
archive into a directory and open the solution file “OpenCL Tutorials.sln”. The solution consists of
two projects, the original Tutorial 1 and new Tutorial 2, and we are going to use both projects in this
session. Refer to the previous tutorial descriptions for more information about the workshops and
their structure, and for more technical details on OpenCL.

1 Kernel Execution Model
Let us now look in more detail at the inner workings of OpenCL kernel execution. As mentioned in
the previous tutorial, a “device” will run its code on “computing units” which in turn consists of
“processing elements” (see Fig. 1). Each separate kernel execution is performed on a processing
element and in OpenCL terminology it is called a “work item”. You can think about work items as
separate threads. In our basic example we have used vectors of length 10, so the kernel launch in
this case will consists of 10 work items.

Figure 1 Each OpenCL device consists of at least 1 Compute Unit, which in turn contains one or more Processing
Elements (after https://github.com/HandsOnOpenCL).

Each computing unit consists of a fixed number of processing elements which naturally limits the
number of work items which might be executed at the same time. In addition, the work items often
need to communicate between each other (e.g. share the same variable, report the intermediate
results, etc.) and therefore OpenCL introduces a concept of “work groups” which are collections of
work items executed by a single compute unit. Finally, to enable work on larger problems, the device
will launch as many work groups as possible at the same time, depending on the number of the
existing compute units. This process will be repeated until all the necessary work items associated
with the problem are completed (see Fig. 2).

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

Figure 2 The hierarchy of execution: a problem is executed on a device, a workgroup on a compute unit and a work item
on a processing element (after http://mygsoc.blogspot.co.uk/).

Let us see some examples to get a better intuition about these terms. For that purpose, we will need
to be able to inspect the inner workings of individual kernels. A simple debugging facility is provided
by the printf function which can be used to output kernel variables used by each work item. The
formatting used by this function is exactly the same is in printf used in other languages (see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf_format_string for more details). The following example shows
how to use this function for printing out the id variable from our simple vector addition kernel:

int id = get_global_id(0);
printf(“work item id = %d\n”, id);

Open the solution file, navigate to Tutorial 1 and add the code above. If you run the program, you
will see the id values for each consecutive work item being displayed. We can also now better
understand the purpose of the get_global_id function: it returns back a unique id for each work
item from 0 to N-1 where N is the total number of work items required to solve a particular problem.
Be careful with the printf function though – if you use it on larger problems the function might
interfere with the execution of kernels and even freeze your computer!

Task4U: Run the modified kernel on different devices and note the order of the execution of work
items. Is it the same for each device and each run?

In general, work items are executed in an arbitrary order so one cannot make any assumptions
which work item is executed first.

OpenCL specifies a number of functions similar to get_global_id which help to identify different
launch parameters (see https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenCL/specs/opencl-1.2.pdf#page=244
for more details). For example, get_local_id returns back a work item id within a specific work
group. The values vary from 0 to M-1 where M is the size of a work group. This size can be
determined by calling get_local_size. Now, add the following lines to your code and run the
program again and note the differences between local and global ids but also work group size for
different devices.

if (id == 0) { //perform this part only once i.e. for work item 0
printf(“work group size %d\n”, get_local_size(0));

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

int loc_id = get_local_id(0);
printf(“global id = %d, local id = %d\n”, id, loc_id); //do it for each work item

Task4U: Print out the total number of work items for a given problem (just once) and a work group id
for each work item. Note the differences between devices.

The work group size in our example varies depending on which device it is being running on. This is
due to the fact that our kernel execution command has left out the fourth parameter as empty
(cl::NullRange) which is signalling to OpenCL that this value should be set automatically. It is
possible however to define the work group size (or local size) manually when calling the kernel from
the host:

queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_add, cl::NullRange,cl::NDRange(vector_elements),

There is a requirement imposed by OpenCL 1.2 that the input data size should be divisible by the
work group size and therefore not all local sizes are permitted. There are several ways to overcome
this limitation which we will see in future workshops, but at the moment we will only work with
datasets which meet that condition.

Different kernels will have different preferred work group size (due to device architecture, memory
usage, etc.). The recommended values for the work group size can be identified by reading a kernel
property called CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE. This parameter can be accessed
in the following way in the host code:

cl::Device device = context.getInfo()[0]; //get device
cerr << kernel_add.getWorkGroupInfo
(device) << endl; //get info This value is the smallest work group size suggested, but its multiples are also possible, up to the maximum work group size specified by another kernel parameter which can be accessed in the following way: kernel_add.getWorkGroupInfo(device)

Task4U: Run the vector addition kernel on different devices for the work group size equal to the value
specified by the preferred work group size parameter and note the differences in local and group ids.
You will need to manually adjust the length of the input vector so it is divisible by the work group size.

The work groups play an important role in applications which require work items to communicate
with each other. We will see such examples in the following tutorial sessions.

2 Parallel Pattern – Map
Parallel programming patterns define standard abstract components from which larger algorithms
and programs can be built. One of the most straightforward parallel patterns is the Map (see Fig. 3).

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

Figure 3 The Map parallel pattern (after http://parallelbook.com/sites/parallelbook.com/files/

The map pattern describes the same computation performed on different data without the need for
communication between work items. So far in these workshops, we have been working solely with
the map pattern, even if we have not mentioned that explicitly. Let us now see how to apply the
map pattern to solve practical problems.

For this purpose, we will use some simple applications in digital image processing due to the fact
that the results of operations on digital images can be easily visible and provide instant feedback.
This is however not, by any means, a tutorial on digital image processing and we will only use these
examples as illustrations to generic problems in parallel processing.

The second project in the solution folder called Tutorial 2 is setup to enable I/O operations involving
digital images. The framework is based on one of the OpenGL implementations called Glut
(https://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/) to enable simple visualisation and interaction
with the user, and the “lodepng” library (http://lodev.org/lodepng/) to handle reading and writing of
digital images from/to files in a png format. A digital image in our project is represented as a 1D byte
array (vector) with each pixel being represented by 4 consecutive bytes storing
the intensity level for each colour channel (RGB) and transparency level (A). Each RGBA component
can assume values from 0 to 255. The image has also its width and height defining rows and

To build the code, you need to switch the active project to Tutorial 2 (right-click on the project in the
Solution Explorer/Set as Start-up Project). The code is very similar to Tutorial 1 with additional
functions for image loading and display, and changes to variables. This time instead of input and
output vectors we have two images: image_before which is our input and image_after – our
output. Before running the code, study it first and note the differences to the host program from
Tutorial 1. The provided kernel code demonstrates a simple copy operation so the output image is
exactly the same as the input after the execution of the program. There are two images provided
with the code: smaller version called “test.png” which is good for development and testing and
“test_large.png” for evaluation and analysis.

The identity kernel uses a special OpenCL data type for our input and output arguments called
uchar4 which is simply a collection of 4 bytes. This data type will make it easier to work on individual
pixels. The uchar4 type has additional convenience methods and functions. The xyzw fields give
access to individual bytes and in our case they are equivalent to RGBA pixel components. For
example, to set the intensity value of a green channel to a maximum, one has to perform the
following operation:

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

uchar4 pixel;
pixel.y = 255; //set the maximum value for the second field of uchar4 –
//green channel

More details on other vector data types similar to uchar4 can be found here:

Task4U: Write a kernel code called filter_r which will perform colour channel filtering. The output
image should only contain values for red colour component and all other components (GB) should be
set to 0. Leave the transparency component unaffected. Try out the filter for other colour channels

Task4U: Write a kernel code called invert which will invert the intensity value of each pixel (e.g. 255
becomes 0, 0 becomes 255, 100 becomes 155, etc.). Leave the transparency component unaffected.

Task4U: Profile the image inversion code on a large image (i.e. test_large.png) for at least three
different work group sizes. Compare the results to those obtained with the default settings used by
OpenCL. Which configuration produced the best results?

Task4U: Write a kernel function called rgb2grey which would convert an input colour image into
greyscale. Keep the RGBA format of the output image (it is necessary for displaying purposes) but set
each RGB channel to the same value of Y = 0.2126R + 0.7152G + 0.0722B.

3 Parallel Pattern – Stencil
A stencil pattern takes multiple data inputs from a pre-defined neighbourhood and combines them
into a single value. Similarly to the map pattern, each task/work item is independent. This pattern
has several important applications in signal processing such as noise filtering, image
blurring/sharpening, etc.

Figure 4 The Stencil parallel pattern (after http://parallelbook.com/sites/parallelbook.com/files/

3.1 1D Stencil
Let us go back to our project Tutorial 1 so we can have a look at a simple 1D example first. In the
kernel file, you can find a kernel function called avg_filter which performs an averaging operation
in a local window of size 3 (or range 1). The result is an average of values at the central position and
the immediate neighbours to the left and right. This operation is equivalent to a simple smoothing
filter which can be applied to filter out noise from data (e.g. audio signal). First, adapt the host code
so it can run the kernel and then test its operation on different input values.

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

Task4U: Modify the code such it uses a window of size 5 (or range 2). How does this larger window
affect the smoothness of the signal?

Task4U: Currently, the kernel is not handling the boundary conditions. In our case, the leftmost and
rightmost vector elements (i.e. id = 0, id = length-1) have one neighbour less and require different
treatment. Add the boundary handling to the kernel and compare the results with the original

3.2 2D Stencil
So far we have only worked with one dimensional arrays. In certain applications, however, it is more
convenient to specify the problem in more dimensions. For example, when dealing with digital
images it is easier to refer to pixel x and y coordinates rather than their location in a 1D array. Kernel
dimensionality is specified within a kernel execution command. In 2D case, the first parameter of the
NDRange function specifies the number of columns (width) and the second one the number of rows
(height). For example, to call a 2D kernel with data arranged into a 5×2 array, the following
modification to the host code is required:

queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_add, cl::NullRange, cl::NDRange(5, 2),

The kernel code also needs to be modified. The global indices are now arranged into two dimensions
and the get_global_id(d) function will return the number of elements along the dth dimension. In
our example, for d=0 this value is 5 and for d=1 it is 2. These indices can be combined into a global
linear index as it is demonstrated in the kernel code called add2D.

Task4U: Modify the host code in Tutorial 1 to run the 2D kernel add2D. Run the kernel in a 5×2
arrangement and see if the results are exactly the same as in 1D case. Inspect global indices and sizes
along both dimensions.

Task4U: Modify the host code in Tutorial 2 to run the 2D kernel identity2D. Run the kernel in a 2D
arrangement with image width and height specifying values for 2 dimensions. See if the results are
exactly the same as in 1D case.

3.2.1 Averaging filter
Let us now look at an averaging filter in 2D. The kernel code avg_filter2D in Tutorial 2 performs a
similar function to the 1D averaging filter developed in the previous task. The filter calculates an
average of 9 pixels in a 3×3 local window. This operation results in a blurred version of the input

Task4U: Adjust the host code such that the 2d averaging filter kernel can be run on the input image.
Specify image_width and image_height as values for kernel dimensions. Inspect the kernel code
(note how 2D indices are used in the loop), run the code and visually test the results.

Task4U: Modify the kernel code such it uses a window of size 5×5 (or range 2). How does this larger
window affect the results?

3.2.2 Convolution filter

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

The averaging filter can also be implemented as a generic image convolution operation. Image
convolution uses a rectangular mask of weighting values (also called a convolution kernel) applied to
every pixel and its neighbourhood. The result of this operation is a weighted sum of pixel values in
the local neighbourhood. Each pixel is multiplied by the corresponding mask value and added
together (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(image_processing) for an illustrative example).
Our averaging filter can be simply expressed as a 3×3 mask with all entries equal to 1/9. The result of
such a convolution operation is exactly the same as for the avg_filter2D. There are many other
combinations of mask values which result in different image processing operations including
sharpening, soft blurring, edge detection, etc. There are several examples of such masks listed in the
following Wikipedia entry: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(image_processing). Tutorial 2
has a simple implementation of a 3×3 convolution filter provided in the kernel file. You will notice
that the mask is provided as an additional input argument and initialised in the host code. To run the
convolution example, you need to modify the host code by uncommenting the respective code lines
responsible for allocating and transferring the mask values to the device.

Task4U: Study the averaging convolution kernel and run the code. Compare the blurring results with
those obtained from the avg_filter2D kernel. You may want to use screenshots to perform direct
visual comparison.

Task4U: Try out other convolution masks such as those specified in the mentioned Wikipedia article.

4 ** Additional Tasks
The following tasks are designed for those eager students who finished all tasks and would like an
extra challenge – the instructions provided are deliberately sparse! These tasks are optional and not
necessary to progress further in the following tutorials.

Task4U: Write a 1D averaging filtering kernel avg_filter which will accept an additional parameter
defining the radius. Make sure that boundary conditions are correctly considered for different radius
size. Compare the results to the original fixed radius implementations from Task 3.1.

Task4U: Write a kernel function brightness which in addition to input and output images will also
accept a separate integer parameter called beta. This value should be added to the intensity value of
each colour component. This is a simple brightness adjustment function. Don’t forget to convert
types and clamp the output range to 0-255 for which you might want to use conversion functions
such as convert_uchar4_sat (see for example: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?
p=1732873&seqNum=8). Test your program on a larger test image for different values of the
brightness parameter.

Task4U: Write a kernel function called contrast which will adjust the contrast of an input image.
The contrast value should be specified as a float parameter which then should be multiplied by each
colour component. Try different values of the parameters on your input image.

Task4U: Modify the kernel function avg_filter2D such it accepts an additional parameter called
range defining the size of the averaging window. As an additional challenge, add proper handling of
boundary conditions.

CMP3110M/CMP9057M, Parallel Computing, Tutorial 2

Task4U: Modify the kernel function convolution2D such it accepts an arbitrary mask size specified by
an additional parameter called mask_size. Try the new functionality with larger convolution masks.

5 Additional Information
If you would like to use this project at home, you may need Glut’s run-time libraries (glut32.dll). The
files are provided in the Graphics/Bin directory.