程序代写代做代考 Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus

Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus

Figure 1: The hippocampus. This is a modified image originally due to Cajal, proba-
bly from his 1911 book, the inset shows the approximate connectivity. [From
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CajalHippocampus (modified).png]


These notes are about the hippocampus.

Anatomy of the hippocampus

The hippocampus is situated at the edge of the cortex and is divided into two main areas. The
hippocampus complex is distinctive in shape and these are named for the shape

• Cornu Ammonis (CA) – meaning the horn of Ammon, an Egypian god of ferility with
curved horns. The CA is usually divided into four regions, labelled CA1 through to CA4.

• Dentate Gyrus (DG)- gyrus is the name given to the ridges in the cortex, dentate means
with teeth. The dentate gyrus is one of the few areas of the adult brain that exhibits

In addition, the main input to the hippocampus comes from the

• Entorhinal Cortex (EC) – entorhinal means near the smell processing area.

and in this discussion this will be treated along with the hippocampus since it partiticipates
in hippocampal processing.

The role of the hippocampus

The role of any brain region is complex and the hippocampus is no exception. It may play a
role in olefaction for example, however, it is widely believed that its principle role is in memory
and in constructing spatial maps. Studying patients with hippocampal damage shows that it
is involved in declarative memory, that is the sort of memory that can be described in words.
It does not play a role in procedural memory, the memory process which allows us to learn
new motor skills. It appears, again from patients with hippocampal damage, that some long
term memories are stored outside the hippocampus.


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus





Figure 2: Connectivity of the hippocampus. A rough diagram showing the major connections
between the areas of the connectivity. The set of axons running from EC to DG,
CA3 and CA1 is called the perforant pathway, the mossy fibres run from DG to CA3
and the Schaffer collateral fibers go from CA3 to CA1. The loop on CA3 is supposed
to represent the high level of recurrent connections in that regio.

The best studied function of the hippocampus is spatial memory. There are cells in rat
CA1 known as place cells which fire in response to specific location, an example is shown in
Fig. 3. These were first discovered in 1971 [1] and show both that the hippocampus has a role
in spatial memory and that the memory encoding is very sparse. Another, striking, example
was discovered in 2005 in humans [2]. Recordings were taken from electrodes implanted for
medical reasons in patients with focal epilepsy, these patients are required as part of an in-
vestigation into their epilepsy to spend time with the electrodes implanted; during this time
many generously agree to take part in scientific investigations. They were shown many images
while the activity of individual cells were monitored. It was found that some cells respond to
very specific stimuli and that this stimulus can be quite abstract. In the most quoted exam-
ple a cell in hippocampus in one patient was found which responded to pictures of Jennifer
Aniston. It did this irrespective of how she appeared, but did not respond to other famous
and non-famous faces, or curiously to pictures of Jennifer Aniston with Brad Pitt, her spouse
at that time. Again, this demonstrates a role in memory, but one that involves very sparse

Auto-associative memory

The standard paradigm for memory in the hippocampus is auto-associative memory. Auto-
associative memories are patterns representing memories along with some dynamics that com-
plete partial patters. Imagine a sequence of on-off neurons

where the filled circles correspond to on. Recall occurs when the network is presented with a
partial pattern and evolves into the complete patterns.


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus

Figure 3: Place cells. This shows the firing activity of eight different cells in CA1
of a rat moving along a path, the dots correspond to spikes. [From
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Place cell]

The idea is that the hippocampus implements a network which performs auto-associative

A model of CA3

Here a highly simplified model of CA3 is presented [4]. In this model CA3 is all-to-all connected
and made up of McCulloch-Pitts neurons [3]. We will consider the dynamics of these neurons
shortly, for now it is enough to note that they are binary neurons with on and off states, this
would correspond, biologically, to firing and not firing and obviously abstracts away all the
details of firing along with the possibility of there being different firing rates. We will call the
on state ‘1’ and the off state ‘0’. Now let N be the number of neurons, xi the activity of neuron
i and wij the strength of the connection for i to j. The sparseness, the average proportion of
neurons active at any one time is a, this is believed to be very small in actual neurons. For
this simple model wij = wji.

During learning the patterns are activated and plastic changes are made to the synapse
strength according to a simple correlation based Hebbian plasticity rule.

∆wij = η(xi − a)(xj − a) (1)

where η is the learning rate, often a small number, but, in hippocampus were memories need
to be learned quickly, possibly during a single presentation, η is large. Since a is very small too
for real networks there will be a large increase for the connection between two neurons that
are active at the same time, a tiny increase for pairs neurons that are inactive at the same
time and a medium size decrease for pairs of neurons where one is active and one inactive. See
Fig. 4.

During recall some of the neurons are held in the active state and the rest of the network
evolves according to a threshold input rule. That means each neuron has an input given by

hi =

wijxj (2)

and is set in the active state if hi > θ where θ is a threshold which is set to different values for
different networks. The idea is that after learning the pattern {0, 2, 5}


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus

Figure 4: Learning in the associate network. The pattern has been imposed and connection
strengths are changed. The red links increase by η(1− a)2 and the gray by η(−a)2,
the yellow links decrease by ηa(1− a).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

the connections between these nodes will be strong, so if the network has nodes {0, 5} activated

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

the value h2 = w12+w52 will be larger than threshold and the subsequent dynamics will switch
neuron 2 on. However, in this network, if a different initial set of neurons are activated, the
activity will die away because the hi will all be sub-threshold.


When many patterns are stored it is likely that there will be interference between them. This is
illustrated in Fig. 5. Although the figure shows how a single neuron fails to participate in two
patterns, for larger networks some overlap is possible, but too much overlap prevents retrieval.
In fact the capacity is proportional to the number of neurons, N . A hand-waving argument
goes like this: the number of connections is roughly N2 and the amount of information in a
pattern is N so the number of patterns that can be stored is N2/N = N [4].

The capacity is also larger if there is sparseness; one way to think of this is to observe the
weight decrease between an active and inactive connection is ∆wij = −ηa(1−a) so the smaller
a is the smaller the amount these links are decreased. Links are decreased if, in the pattern,
one neuron is active and one inactive, they are strengthened if both neurons are active, the
increase is η(1 − a)2. Hence, it takes 1/a patterns where a connect is weakened to wipe out
the strengthening that results if the connect is part of a pattern. In fact, it is estimated that
the capacity of a network is

P =

N (3)

where k is constant which has been found to be about k ≈ 0.035, this is reduced to

P = c

N (4)

if there is missing connections, where c stands for the fraction of pairs that are connected.
The actual sparseness of the brain needs to balance this advantage, the increased capac-

ity, along with a metabolic advantage and more abstract computational advantage which says


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 5: Interference in an associate network. Neuron 5 is involved in two patterns and, as
a consequence, some of its connections are strengthen for one pattern and weakened
for the other, if these strengthening and weakening effects are similar in size it makes
it unlikely that either pattern will be accurately retrieved.

that a sparse coding for information involves object recognition or segmentation against the
disadvantages, most obviously the vulnerability of the pattern to the loss of neurons or con-
nections and, perhaps more importantly, a sparse code involves fewer elements and so may be
less useful for retrieval. It is hard to actually estimate sparseness in practice since neurons are
not, in reality, on-off units. A figure of a = 0.025 is given in [5] but, most importantly, the
hippocampus seems to sparser than other parts of the brain.

Correlated patterns

The estimates above assume that the patterns are all independent. If they aren’t the capacity
is reduced. If patterns share some fragments or subpatterns then the connections in these sub-
patterns become very strong, perhaps dominating other elements in the patterns, the elements
that make them different. Consider the four patterns

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The connection between neurons 0 and 1 will become very strong because this connection is
present in three patterns out of four. It is likely that this will result in this erroneous completion

or even


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus

This means that auto-associative networks are not able to effectively store anything except
random patterns! This is why they have never proved useful for machine learning; we will
see later, when looking at cortical memory, that if there are multiple presentations, the mem-
ory system would have the opportunity to learn different, similar, memories. The goal here,
however, is to learn the memory quickly after a small number of presentations.

In the case of hippocampus it has been proposed, [6], that this problem is solved through the
EC-DG-CA3 pathway and that the role of the dentate gyrus is to randomize the connectivity
between EC and CA3. In short, during learning neurons in EC and CA3 are matched via DG
and that the connections from EC to DG and from DG to EC are essentially random. This
reduces overlap through a k-winner takes all mechanism. Roughly, this supposed that local
inhibition ensures that the k most active neurons in the DG layer ‘win’and supress the activity
of the other neurons [6]. The way this might reduce overlap is shown in this cartoon where
k = 1 and two similar patters result in a different neuron being active:






with the idea being that this randomization might be repeated in the subsequent connection
between DG and CA3. This mechanism may explain why neurons in DG are being born all
the time, perhaps their role is to create these random connections.

Models of the whole hippocampus

We are now almost in a position to consider models of the hippocampus as a whole; so far
CA1 hasn’t been mentioned. It has been suggested that the role of CA1 is to relay patterns
back to EC. In learning, according to the standard model, a pattern is presented by EC:


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus




Connections, possibily random, between EC and DG and between DG and CA3, along with
the ‘k-winner takes all’ mechanism, causes activity in CA3.




This representation is then learned by Hebbian plasticity between EC and CA3.




Hebbian learning also stregthens links to map the pattern to CA1 and link that to EC.


Computational Neuroscience – 9 hippocampus




Now, during retrieval, part of the pattern is presented to EC.




Because of the connections from EC to CA3 and the recurrent connections in CA3, this excites
the pattern in CA3:




This memory is sent back to EC via CA1, and recall has occurred!






This doesn’t explain how the hippocampus switches between the learning and retrieval phase.
One suggestion is just that the level of stimulus is different, that larger activity during learning
excites the pathway that goes via DG [6], another is that the neuromodulator acetylcholine [7]
or dopamine [8] is important.


[1] O’Keefe J, Dostrovsky J. (1971) The hippocampus as a spatial map. Preliminary evidence
from unit activity in the freely-moving rat. Brain Research 34: 171–5.

[2] Quian Quiroga R, Reddy L, Kreiman G, Koch C, Fried I. (2005) Invariant visual repre-
sentation by single neurons in the human brain. Nature 435: 1102–7.

[3] McCulloch W, Pitts W. (1943). A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous
activity. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 7: 115–33.

[4] Amit D. (1992) Modeling Brain Function: The World of Attractor Neural Networks.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge England.

[5] O’Reilly RC, Munakata Y (2000) Computational explorations in cognitive neuroscience:
Understanding the mind by simulating the brain. MIT press, Cambridge MA.

[6] O’Reilly RC, McClelland JL (1994) Hippocampal conjunctive encoding, storage, and re-
call: Avoiding a tradeoff. Hippocampus 4: 661–82.

[7] Hasselmo ME. (2006) The role of acetylcholine in learning and memory. Current Opinion
in Neurobiology 16: 710–71

[8] Lisman JE, Grace AA. (2005) The hippocampal-VTA loop: controlling the entry of infor-
mation into long-term memory. Neuron, 46: 703–713.