Microsoft Word – E6SQ16_Lab4_A07_Sifat.docx
ENG6 SQ 2016
Lab 4
Section A07
Monday 7:10pm – 8:00pm
Submission ends at 8:00pm sharp!
Please create a script (.m file) and save as LA#P#_ XXX.m where XXX = your initials and
# = lab number and problem number.
At the top of script file, put the following comments:
* Submit only one MATLAB script (.m), containing all problems onto Smartsite.
Create sections for different problems by using appropriate comments (e.g., %%
Problem 1).
� Use relevant and precise comments within your script to explain your steps.
� Use the function ‘disp()’ or ‘fprintf()’ to display answers or output for each task.
(Do not leave off semi-colons from your lines of code to print out answers.)
When submitting your script, make sure to:
� Submit 1 (.m file) before the end of the lab time. Your submission will
include a timestamp – any late submission will not be graded!
If your section ends at 8:00 PM, submit by 7:59 PM.
� Click the honor pledge, or else your lab will not be submitted.
Reminder: Completion of weekly reading activities (of online textbook) is part of your
lab grade.
** No discussion or online resources (except online textbook) is allowed.
Use MATLAB doc (type help with specific function name for quick review) for help.
A company rents out solar panels to its customers. The company makes money by
1) charging each customer a monthly rental fee, and
2) selling the unused electricity from each customer back to the electricity
The panels are rented out to customers according to the rules below:
1) For each customer: Total energy available for sale = total energy
generated – total energy consumed
2) The company’s monthly income (revenue): Monthly revenue = rental
fee + 80% * total energy available for sale * cost per kWh
Assume the company has 17 customers, and their energy usage as shown in table
Customer Average Energy Consumed
Each Month (kWh)
Customer Average Energy Consumed
Each Month (kWh)
1 200 11 310
2 170 12 370
3 150 13 380
4 260 14 50
5 120 15 430
6 430 16 180
7 300 17 400
8 320
9 340
10 460
Assume 400 kWh is the energy generated every month for every customer, and
each customer’s rental fee is $25 per month. Electricity is sold back to the
electricity company at 5 cents per kWh. You do not lose money if the customer
consumes too much energy – you simply don’t sell any energy back to the
electricity company on that month.
* Enter the data in the table into a vector. Use loops and conditional statements
to do following (do not calculate manually):
a) What is the company’s total monthly revenue?
The company spends an initial cost of 150,000 dollars to purchase the solar
b) Using the revenue from part a, find how long (how many months) until the
company breaks even? (hint: use while loop)
Break even is the point at which the initial cost (money spent by business owner
to get the panels) is recovered through profits.