SEMESTER 2, 2017

AABC Liaoning, China


Assignment 2 Marks 15
Due in Week 9

Part A

Public Transport Corporation (PTC) recently undertook an advertising campaign to encourage commuters to use public transport (Trains and Buses) instead of using private cars in driving to the city in a bid to reduce the traffic congestion. To assess the success of this marketing campaign, PTC conducted a sample survey. For this purpose a sample of 300 commuters to the central business district were randomly selected. Each respondent was interviewed before and after being exposed to the advertising campaign. The file Data2A_Assignment 2.xls, contains the 300 observations from a random sample of respondents (copy 100 observations and paste values onto your spreadsheet for the exercise following the instructions given below). The sample was drawn from a population of 1,550 male and 1,450 female respondents. The variables for each respondent in the file are:




1=Male, 2=Female
1= Full-time employment, 0 = Part-time employment
Age in years
Weekly income ($)
Public transport expenditure ($) in the month before the advertising exposure
Public transport expenditure ($) in the month after the advertising exposure
1=North, 2 = South, 3 = West, and 4 = East (of the capital city) 1=TV, 2=Radio, 3=Local newspaper, and 4=Social media

The respondents in the sample were asked for their responses to the statement – “The advertising campaign has influenced my use of public transport”. The responses for the variable ATTITUDE are as follows:

1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree;
3 = no view either way; 4 = agree;

5 = strongly agree.


Selection of 100 observations:

In order to choose 100 observations from the data file, follow the instructions below:

  •   Write down the last two digits of ID numbers of two group members (eg, 4520225 & 4251508, here last two digits are 25 & 08);
  •   Choose the two smaller digits (eg 08);
  •   Use this as the starting row to copy 100 observations (remember to start from row 9 as the row 1

    contains the labels).

    Use SPSS to perform the following tasks. Report your results in an MS Word document.

  1. Use Descriptive statistics to summarise the data and develop a 95% confidence interval estimate of the mean weekly income of the respondent. (You will need to use the finite population correction factor).
  2. Find the means and standard deviations of the weekly income of (a) Male and (b) Female respondents in the sample regardless of the employment status. Treat the male and female respondents as two different strata for the purposes of a Stratified Random Sample. Based on this supposition, develop 95 percent confidence interval on the mean weekly income of all respondents in the population. (The finite population correction factor is already contained in the stratified sample standard error formula – do not use it again!)
  3. Create a new variable called POSITIVE where POSITIVE = 1 if the response to Attitude was 4 or 5, OTHERWISE = 0. Attach value labels and variable labels to POSITIVE.
    1. Find the proportion of Female respondents in the sample that had a positive response to the attitudinal (positive) question and
    2. Construct a 95 percent confidence interval on the proportion of Female customers in the population with a positive response. (Remember that, given the way POSITIVE is coded, the mean is the same as the proportion that had a positive response to Attitude. You will also need to use the finite population correction factor).
  4. Check and validate whether the public transport expenditure data are distributed normally. If the public transport expenditure data is not normally distributed:
    1. Perform a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test of the null hypothesis that the distributions of transport expenditure in the month before being exposed to the advertising campaign are the same for Full-time workers and Part-time workers in the population of respondents. Perform the hypothesis test at 5% level of significance.
    2. Perform a Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test of the null hypothesis that transport expenditure in the month before the advertising exposure is the same as in the month after for the population of commuters.


5. Re-code Attitude into a new variable called ATTITUDE_1 with Agree and Strongly Agree = 1 (Positive). No View Either Way = 2 (Neutral) and Disagree and Strongly Disagree = 3 (Negative).

  1. Perform a chi-square goodness of fit test of the null hypothesis that positive, neutral and negative responses are equally likely amongst the population.
  2. Use a chi-square test of the null hypothesis that Attitudes (positive, neutral and negative responses) are independent of the method of advertising campaign that the respondents in the population are exposed to.

Part B

An experiment was conducted in a supermarket to observe the relationship between the display locations allocated to different brands of dairy products (full cream milk and low fat milk) and their weekly sales. Three different display locations namely, Lower, Middle and Upper positions are considered. And also, four different brands of dairy products namely, Highland, Dairy world, Pure Milk and Super Milk, are considered. The file Data2B_Assignment 2.xls contains 180 observations from a hypothetical random sample of one week sales of the product assigned to each display location. Download the data file and copy any 100 observations and paste (values) onto your spreadsheet. The variables are as follows:


One-week average sales ($’00s) of the products
Product display location: 1 = Lower, 2 = Middle, and 3 = Upper 1 = Highland, 2 = Dairy World, 3 = Pure Milk and 4 = Super Milk 1= Leaflet Distributions, 2 = Posters, 3 = Newspapers, and
4 = Brochures

  1. (1)  Conducting One-way ANOVA;
    1. You are required to conduct a One-way ANOVA to test the null hypothesis that means sales are the same in all three-display locations.
    2. Based on your results, find Tukey confidence intervals for the mean difference between pair of display locations. Is there any statistically significant mean difference between pair of display locations? (Report on these only where the differences are statistically significant.)
  2. (2)  Conducting Two-way ANOVA
    1. You are required to conduct a Two-way ANOVA to test the null hypothesis that means sales are the same for all products and promotion methods. Allow for the possibility of an interaction effect between the products and the promotion.
    2. Based on your results produce Tukey confidence intervals for row and column differences. (Report on these only where the differences are statistically significant.)
  3. (3)  Use a Kruskall-Wallis test of the null hypothesis that the distributions of sales are the same for all three-display locations.


(4) Is the sales data sufficiently non-normal to warrant the non-parametric test instead of one-way ANOVA? (Hint: In your answer to this question, you are expected to revisit the result obtained from Q1).

Presentation guidelines

  1. You are required to write the report to suit the academic standards.
  2. Attached an assignment declaration.
  3. All tables and figures should contain a title that clearly explains the content.
  4. SPSS tables, once copied to word file, should be formatted to suite the presentation of report.
  5. Interpretations should be precise and you are required to use the plain language.
  6. Assignments without interpretations will attract low marks.
  7. You are required to submit the electronic version to the VUC Dropbox and handover the hard

    copy to the tutor for marking.