import CYKParse
import Tree
requestInfo = {
‘name’: ”,
‘time’: ”,
‘location’: ”
haveGreeted = False
# Given the collection of parse trees returned by CYKParse, this function
# returns the one corresponding to the complete sentence.
def getSentenceParse(T):
sentenceTrees = { k: v for k,v in T.items() if k.startswith(‘S/0’) }
completeSentenceTree = max(sentenceTrees.keys())
#print(‘getSentenceParse’, completeSentenceTree)
return T[completeSentenceTree]
# Processes the leaves of the parse tree to pull out the user’s request.
def updateRequestInfo(Tr):
global requestInfo
lookingForLocation = False
lookingForName = False
for leaf in Tr.getLeaves():
if leaf[0] == ‘Adverb’:
requestInfo[‘time’] = leaf[1]
if lookingForLocation and leaf[0] == ‘Name’:
requestInfo[‘location’] = leaf[1]
if leaf[0] == ‘Preposition’ and leaf[1] == ‘in’:
lookingForLocation = True
lookingForLocation = False
if leaf[0] == ‘Noun’ and leaf[1] == ‘name’:
lookingForName = True
if lookingForName and leaf[0] == ‘Name’:
requestInfo[‘name’] = leaf[1]
# This function contains the data known by our simple chatbot
def getTemperature(location, time):
if location == ‘Irvine’:
if time == ‘now’:
return ’68’
elif time == ‘tomorrow’:
return ’70’
return ‘unknown’
return ‘unknown’
# Format a reply to the user, based on what the user wrote.
def reply():
global requestInfo
global haveGreeted
if not haveGreeted and requestInfo[‘name’] != ”:
print(“Hello”, requestInfo[‘name’] + ‘.’)
haveGreeted = True
time = ‘now’ # the default
if requestInfo[‘time’] != ”:
time = requestInfo[‘time’]
salutation = ”
if requestInfo[‘name’] != ”:
salutation = requestInfo[‘name’] + ‘, ‘
print(salutation + ‘the temperature in ‘ + requestInfo[‘location’] + ‘ ‘ +
time + ‘ is ‘ + getTemperature(requestInfo[‘location’], time) + ‘.’)
# A simple hard-coded proof of concept.
def main():
global requestInfo
T, P = CYKParse.CYKParse([‘hi’, ‘my’, ‘name’, ‘is’, ‘Peter’], CYKParse.getGrammarWeather())
sentenceTree = getSentenceParse(T)
T, P = CYKParse.CYKParse([‘what’, ‘is’, ‘the’, ‘temperature’, ‘in’, ‘Irvine’, ‘now’], CYKParse.getGrammarWeather())
sentenceTree = getSentenceParse(T)