程序代写代做代考 1-01 Introduction to Swift and Playgrounds.key

1-01 Introduction to Swift and Playgrounds.key

Unit 1—Lesson 1:
Introduction to Swift and Playgrounds

A little history

A modern language


A safe language

• Explicit object “types”

• Type inference

• Optionals

• Error handling

Open Source

Hello, world


print(“Hello, world!”)

Hello, world

1. Open Terminal

2. Type swift and press Enter

3. Type print(“Hello, world!”) and press Return

4. Type :quit and press Return

5. Quit Terminal


Hello, world

1. Open Xcode

2. Choose File > New > Playground

3. Select iOS, select the Blank template and click Next

4. Name the playground “Hello, world!”

5. Click Create to save the playground

6. Add print(“Hello, world!”)

7. Replace “Hello, world!” with str

Unit 1—Lesson 1

Open and complete the exercises in Lab – Introduction.playground

Unit 1—Lesson 2:
Constants, Variables, and Data Types

Constants and variables

Associate a name with a value

Defining a constant or variable

• Allocates storage for the value in memory

• Associate the constant name with the assigned value


Defined using the let keyword

let name = “John”

Defined using the let keyword

let pi = 3.14159

Can’t assign a constant a new value

let name = “John”

name = “James” Cannot assign to value: ‘name’ is a ‘let’ constant!


Defined using the var keyword

var age = 29

Can assign a new value to a variable

var age = 29

age = 30

let defaultScore = 100

var playerOneScore = defaultScore

var playerTwoScore = defaultScore



playerOneScore = 200





Footnote here. If there is no footnote, delete this text box.

Starting location


Current location

Distance traveled

Remaining distance

Constant or variable?

Naming constants and variables

No mathematical symbols

No spaces

Can’t begin with a number

let π = 3.14159

let 一百 = 100
let ! = 6

let mañana = “Tomorrow”

let anzahlDerBücher = 15 //numberOfBooks

Best practices
Naming constants and variables

1. Be clear and descriptive

2. Use camel case when multiple words in a name

✓⨯ n firstName

firstname firstName✓⨯


// Setting pi to a rough estimate
let π = 3.14

/* The digits of pi are infinite,
so instead I chose a close approximation.*/
let π = 3.14


struct Person {

let firstName: String

let lastName: String

func sayHello() {

print(“Hello there! My name is \(firstName) \(lastName).”)



struct Person {

let firstName: String

let lastName: String

func sayHello() {

print(“Hello there! My name is \(firstName) \(lastName).”)



let aPerson = Person(firstName: “Jacob”, lastName: “Edwards”)

let anotherPerson = Person(firstName: “Candace”, lastName: “Salinas”)



Hello there! My name is Jacob Edwards.

Hello there! My name is Candace Salinas.

Most common types

Symbol Purpose Example

Integer Int Represents whole numbers 4

Double Double Represents numbers requiring decimal points 13.45

Boolean Bool Represents true or false values true

String String Represents text “Once upon a time…”

Type safety

let playerName = “Julian”

var playerScore = 1000

var gameOver = false

playerScore = playerName

var wholeNumber = 30

var numberWithDecimals = 17.5

wholeNumber = numberWithDecimals

Cannot assign value of type ‘String’ to type ‘Int’!

Cannot assign value of type ‘Double’ to type ‘Int’!

Type inference

let cityName = “San Francisco”

let pi = 3.1415927

Type annotation

let cityName: String = “San Francisco”

let pi: Double = 3.1415927

let number: Double = 3



Three common cases
Type annotation

1. When you create a constant or variable before assigning it a value

let firstName: String


firstName = “Layne”

Three common cases
Type annotation

2. When you create a constant or variable that could be inferred as two or more
different types

let middleInitial: Character = “J”

var remainingDistance: Float = 30

Three common cases
Type annotation

3. When you add properties to a type definition

struct Car {

let make: String

let model: String

let year: Int


Required values

var x Type annotation missing in pattern!

Required values

var x: Int

Required values

var x: Int

print(x) Variable ‘x’ used before being initialized!

Required values

var x: Int

x = 10



Numeric literal formatting

var largeUglyNumber = 1000000000

var largePrettyNumber = 1_000_000_000

Lab: Constants and Variables.playground
Unit 1—Lesson 2

Open and complete the exercises in Lab – Constants and

Unit 1—Lesson 3:


Assign a value

Use the = operator to assign a value

var favoritePerson = “Luke”

Use the = operator to modify or reassign a value

var shoeSize = 8
shoeSize = 9

Basic arithmetic

You can use the +, -, *, and / operators to perform basic math functions

var opponentScore = 3 * 8
var myScore = 100 / 4

You can also use the value of other variables

var totalScore = opponentScore + myScore

Or you can use the current variable you’re updating

myScore = myScore + 3

Basic arithmetic

Use Double values for decimal point precision

let totalDistance = 3.9
var distanceTravelled = 1.2
var remainingDistance = totalDistance – distanceTravelled


Basic arithmetic

let x = 51
let y = 4
let z = x / y


Using Double values
Basic arithmetic

let x: Double = 51
let y: Double = 4
let z = x / y


Compound assignment

var myScore = 10
myScore = myScore + 3

myScore += 3
myScore -= 5
myScore *= 2
myScore /= 2

Order of operations

1. ( )

2. * /

3. + –

var x = 2
var y = 3
var z = 5

print(x + y * z)
print((x + y) * z)


Numeric type conversion

let x = 3
let y = 0.1415927
let pi = x + y Binary operator ‘+’ cannot be applied to operands of type ‘Int’ and ‘Double’!

Numeric type conversion

let x = 3
let y = 0.1415927
let pi = Double(x) + y

Lab: Operators
Unit 1—Lesson 3

Open and complete the exercises in Lab-Operators.playground

Unit 1—Lesson 4:
Control Flow

Conditional flow


Logical operators

Operator Description

== Two items must be equal

!= The values must not be equal to each other

> Value on the left must be greater than the value on the right

>= Value on the left must be greater than or equal to the value on the right

< Value on the left must be less than the value on the right <= Value on the left must be less than or equal to the value on the right && AND—The conditional statement on the left and right must be true || OR—The conditional statement on the left or right must be true ! Returns the opposite of the conditional statement immediately following the operator if statements if condition { code } let temperature = 100 if temperature >= 100 {
print(“The water is boiling.”)

The water is boiling

if-else statements

if condition {
} else {

let temperature = 100
if temperature >= 100 {
print(“The water is boiling.”)
} else {
print(“The water is not boiling.”)

Boolean values

let number = 1000
let isSmallNumber = number < 10 let speedLimit = 65 let currentSpeed = 72 let isSpeeding = currentSpeed > speedLimit

Boolean values

var isSnowing = false
if !isSnowing {
print(“It is not snowing.”)

It is not snowing.

Boolean values

let temperature = 70
if temperature >= 65 && temperature <= 75 { print("The temperature is just right.") } else if temperature < 65 { print("It's too cold.") } else { print("It's too hot.") } The temperature is just right. OR Boolean values var isPluggedIn = false var hasBatteryPower = true if isPluggedIn || hasBatteryPower { print("You can use your laptop.") } else { print("!") } switch statement switch value { case n: code case n: code case n: code default: code } let numberOfWheels = 2 switch numberOfWheels { case 1: print("Unicycle") case 2: print("Bicycle") case 3: print("Tricycle") case 4: print("Quadcycle") default: print("That's a lot of wheels!") } Multiple conditions switch statement let character = "z" switch character { case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u" : print("This character is a vowel.") default: print("This character is not a vowel.") } Ranges switch statement switch distance { case 0...9: print("Your destination is close.") case 10...99: print("Your destination is a medium distance from here.") case 100...999: print("Your destination is far from here.") default: print("Are you sure you want to travel this far?") } switch challenge Rewrite the following using a switch statement: let temperature = 70 if temperature >= 65 && temperature <= 75 { print("The temperature is just right.") } else if temperature < 65 { print("It's too cold.") } else { print("It's too hot.") } Hint: The smallest possible value for an integer is Int.min Solution switch challenge let temperature = 76 switch temperature { case Int.min...64: print("It's too cold.") case 65...75: print("The temperature is just right.") default: print("It's too hot.") } Lab: Control Flow Unit 1—Lesson 4 Open and complete the exercises in Lab - Control Flow.playground Unit 1—Lesson 8: Interface Builder Basics Common system views Custom view hierarchy Tab bar view Assembled views Navigation view Window Storyboards Interface Builder Create a new project Hello Project options Hello Default project Hello Hello Hello Complete the greet function Hello @IBAction func greetButtonTouched(_ sender: Any) { greetingLabel.text = "Hello, " + nameTextField.text! } Interface Builder Basics Unit 1—Lesson 8 Learn how to navigate through Interface Builder, add elements onto the canvas, and interact with those elements in code. Lab: Use Interface Builder Unit 1—Lesson 8 1. Create an Xcode project 2. Create a simple view with Interface Builder 3. Use the Assistant Editor to connect your view © 2017 Apple Inc. This work is licensed by Apple Inc. under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/legalcode