Lecture 9
Lecture 5: Design Principles
Review so far…
W1: Intro
W2: Modelling with UML
W3-4: Design patterns
W5-6: Design principles & system architecture
W7-8: Testing
W9: Continuous integration
W10: Review
Today’s Plan
Quiz 5 (assessed, correctness)
Main principles: Coupling and cohesion
PI 5 (assessed, participation)….
…PI 5 (assessed, participation)
Other principles: Abstraction, flexibility, testability …
Long break
13:00-14:00 OR 14:00-15:00 in BO1028: Lab 5 Design Principles
Quiz 5
Session: 1216
It’s design principle quiz time!
Q5.1 Coupling and Cohesion
A software engineer should always aim to:
A: Increase both coupling and cohesion
B: Decrease both coupling and cohesion
C: Increase coupling and decrease cohesion
D: Decrease coupling and increase cohesion
Q5.1 Coupling and Cohesion
A software engineering should always aim to:
A: Increase both coupling and cohesion
B: Decrease both coupling and cohesion
C: Increase coupling and decrease cohesion
D: Decrease coupling and increase cohesion [correct]
Q5.2 Abstraction
A software engineer should aim to:
A: Keep the level of abstraction as high as possible
B: Keep the level of abstraction as low as possible
C: Keep a balanced level of abstraction
D: Not worry about abstraction
Q5.2 Abstraction
A software engineer should aim to:
A: Keep the level of abstraction as high as possible
– maintains flexibility and gives more options during
development [correct]
B: Keep the level of abstraction as low as possible
C: Keep a balanced level of abstraction
D: Not worry about abstraction
Q5.3 Packages
Java packages are:
A: Not useful when describing systems
B: Difficult to represent in UML
C: A key way to represent the divide and conquer
D: Only able to have a low level of cohesion
Q5.3 Packages
Java packages are:
A: Not useful when describing systems
B: Difficult to represent in UML
C: A key way to represent the divide and
conquer principle [correct]
D: only able to have a low level of cohesion
Properties of “good” design:
Increasing profit by reducing cost and increasing revenue
Ensuring that we actually conform with the requirements
Accelerating development
Increasing qualities such as
Why are design principles important?
Design principles provides a framework for talking about
design decision and making principled (rational?) decisions
(on a slightly higher level than e.g. design patterns)
You are probably already using many of these, giving these
principles the proper names/descriptions will improve your
usage of them
They can provide rationale for design decisions to make sure
you come up with a “good” design
They will improve your working practice and make your
programming, managing, teaching life easier
DESIGN Principles
Divide and Conquer
Keep the level of abstraction as high as
possible (already covered)
Increase reusability
Reuse existing designs and code
Anticipate obsolescence
Design for portability
Design for testability
Design defensively
Divide and conquer
Divide and conquer (combine)
Trying to deal with something big all at once is normally
much harder than dealing with a series of smaller things
Separate people can work on each part.
An individual software engineer can specialize.
Each individual component is smaller, and therefore easier
to understand.
Parts can be replaced or changed without having to
replace or extensively change other parts.
Coupling and Cohesion
How related things in a given class are
How dependent classes are on each other (between
Design to increase cohesion and decrease coupling
High Cohesion is Good
Functional Cohesion
Keep related functions together and keep everything
else out.
No side-effects (same result if you put in the same input
at any point, no internal states).
Benefits to the system:
Easier to understand
More reusable
Easier to replace
Layer Cohesion
Lower level layers provide services to higher level layers
via a well defined interface
Separate concerns into highly cohesive packages
Communicational Cohesion
Grouping together classes and methods for accessing
the same data
For example: Methods for reading/writing to logs, a specific
Sequential, Procedural, and
Temporal Cohesion
All relate to functionalities that work together, but all
refer to slightly different relationships.
Sequential – Order of sequence is important because
one method acts as input to the next
For example, a dialogue prompt that uses input from
prompt for following methods
Procedural – Methods are called one after another but
don’t depend on each other
For example, functions with prepare lines of a log file.
Temporal – Methods must be called together at a
specific time
For example, a startup routine.
Utility Cohesion
Grouping modules that are re-used but don’t have a
natural home
For example: Math or ImageIO Class
Coupling review
Coupling: High Coupling is Bad
Type Use
Content Coupling
Content from one module to another is not masked, but
accessed directly
Values from one object are modified directly by another
or cached
Make your instance values private
Use getters/setters to control access
Imagine a student class with a student ID attribute.
class Student(String )
public String studentId;
Student myStudent = new Student(“12345678”);
// Option A:
myStudent.studentId = “000000000000000000”;
>> [nothing]
// Option B:
>> “Invalid ID, too long”
Content Coupling – example
Common Coupling
Global attributes shared between components
Components using the global attribute become coupled
Difficult to access control
Low Readability
Changes to the global variable affect many modules
Control Coupling
The behaviour of a module is controlled by flags
Issue: One module must know the flags and logic of another
Solution: Polymorphism,…
Control Coupling
public drawRoutine(Shape shape) {
public drawRoutine(Command command) {
if (command.equals(“Draw Circle”) {
else {
} …
Refactored using polymorphishm (introducing stamp coupling)…
Control Coupling
public runCode(String name) {
if (IGNORE_CODE) {return;}
} …
public myCode(String name) {
} …
Stamp Coupling
Stamp coupling occurs when a data type is used as a
parameter to an method.
If a module takes an object argument and only uses a very small
amount of the data contained
For example:
produceReport(Student student)
produceReport(String studentID)
Stamp Coupling
public interface Identifier
public abstract String getId();
public abstract String …
public class Student implements Identifier {…}
public class Employee implements Identifier {…}
public class Report
public void produceReport(Identifier o)
Data coupling
Data coupling occurs when many variables are given as simple
arguments – all function that uses this must parse all of them.
The more arguments a method has, the higher the coupling
(and complexity)
Stamp (object) vs Data (simple, but many) trade-off
enrollStudent(String studentName, int studentId,
Enrollment enrollmentRole)
enrollStudent(Student student)
Routine Coupling
Routine coupling occurs when several functions need to
be called together to work
Possible solution: reduce routine call coupling by writing a
single routine that encapsulates the sequence.
public void draw(Int x, Int y) {
Routine Coupling – Example
Type Use Coupling
If a class uses a data type defined in another class, this
introduces coupling
Can you implement an associations without a type
coupling ? Perhaps use interfaces in some way and a
Import and External Coupling
import coupling occurs when one module imports the
functionality provided by another
external coupling occurs when an application depends
on the configuration of the environment.
Sometimes the Façade pattern can help
PI 5
YACRS session: 1217
On which line does content coupling occur?
PI 5.1 Coupling and cohesion exam question
PI 5.1 Exam question
Routine Coupling, Lines must be called together to create intended effect, Lines 6
-7, 15-16
Solution: write a separate function to handle this, e.g. easy to change file
format etc
global variable, Lines 6-7, 15-16
Control Coupling, Some flag (could also be variables) appear to be passed in to
control this functions behaviours , Line 4. User would need to know the logic of the
Normally, mem object could e.g. contain it’s own clean-up
Line 4: Move the logic outside
Data Coupling: Many attributes or provided when arguments could be simplified,
Lines 9 to 13
Solution: Parse in object, at least only parse necessary arguments
Content Coupling: Attributes are accessed directly rather than through a defined
function or interface, Line 9-13
Solution: parse in object and ensure to get and set on private.
External: Memory structure seems to be assumed
Design principles (especially cohesion and coupling)
General principles; not rules…
Modelling techniques from W2 can help visualize and
describe a domain and inform the design
The design patterns you have seen in W3-4 can help
minimize coupling – but not necessarily required to ensure
low coupling
Lab 5 at 13:00 or 14:00 in BO1028
Next Week
Design Principles (cont.) and System Architecture
(including documentation)
Chapter 9.5 ->