Speech and Language Processing. Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin. Copyright c© 2016. All
rights reserved. Draft of August 7, 2017.
7 Logistic Regression
Numquam ponenda est pluralitas sine necessitate
‘Plurality should never be proposed unless needed’
William of Occam
We turn now to a second algorithm for classification called multinomial lo-
gistic regression, sometimes referred to within language processing as maximum
entropy modeling, MaxEnt for short. Logistic regression belongs to the family ofMaxEnt
classifiers known as the exponential or log-linear classifiers. Like naive Bayes, itlog-linearclassifier
works by extracting some set of weighted features from the input, taking logs, and
combining them linearly (meaning that each feature is multiplied by a weight and
then added up). Technically, logistic regression refers to a classifier that classifies
an observation into one of two classes, and multinomial logistic regression is used
when classifying into more than two classes, although informally and in this chapter
we sometimes use the shorthand logistic regression even when we are talking about
multiple classes.
The most important difference between naive Bayes and logistic regression is
that logistic regression is a discriminative classifier while naive Bayes is a genera-
tive classifier. To see what this means, recall that the job of a probabilistic classifier
is to choose which output label y to assign an input x, choosing the y that maxi-
mizes P(y|x). In the naive Bayes classifier, we used Bayes rule to estimate this best
y indirectly from the likelihood P(x|y) (and the prior P(y)):
ŷ = argmax
P(y|x) = argmax
P(x|y)P(y) (7.1)
Because of this indirection, naive Bayes is a generative model: a model that isgenerativemodel
trained to generate the data x from the class y. The likelihood term P(x|y) expresses
that we are given the class y and are trying to predict which features we expect to see
in the input x. Then we use Bayes rule to compute the probability we really want:
But why not instead just directly compute P(y|x)? A discriminative modeldiscriminativemodel
takes this direct approach, computing P(y|x) by discriminating among the different
possible values of the class y rather than first computing a likelihood:
ŷ = argmax
P(y|x) (7.2)
While logistic regression thus differs in the way it estimates probabilities, it is
still like naive Bayes in being a linear classifier. Logistic regression estimates P(y|x)
by extracting some set of features from the input, combining them linearly (multi-
plying each feature by a weight and adding them up), and then applying a function
to this combination.
We can’t, however, just compute P(y|x) directly from features and weights as
P(y|x) ?=
wi fi (7.3)
?= w · f (7.4)
Stop for a moment to figure out why this doesn’t produce a legal probability. The
problem is that the expression
i=1 wi fi produces values from −∞ to ∞; nothing in
the equation above forces the output to be a legal probability, that is, to lie between
0 and 1. In fact, since weights are real-valued, the output might even be negative!
We’ll solve this in two ways. First, we’ll wrap the exp function around the
weight-feature dot-product w · f , which will make the values positive, and we’ll
create the proper denominator to make everything a legal probability and sum to
1. While we’re at it, let’s assume now that the target y is a variable that ranges over
different classes; we want to know the probability that it takes on the particular value
of the class c:
p(y = c|x) = p(c|x) =
wi fi (7.5)
So far we’ve been assuming that the features fi are real-valued, but it is more
common in language processing to use binary-valued features. A feature that takes
on only the values 0 and 1 is called an indicator function. Furthermore, the featuresindicatorfunction
are not just a property of the observation x, but are instead a property of both the
observation x and the candidate output class c. Thus, in MaxEnt, instead of the
notation fi or fi(x), we use the notation fi(c,x), meaning feature i for a particular
class c for a given observation x:
p(c|x) =
wi fi(c,x)
Fleshing out the normalization factor Z , and specifying the number of features
as N gives us the final equation for computing the probability of y being of class c
given x in MaxEnt:
p(c|x) =
wi fi(c,x)
wi fi(c
) (7.7)
7.1 Features in Multinomial Logistic Regression
Let’s look at some sample features for a few NLP tasks to help understand this
perhaps unintuitive use of features that are functions of both the observation x and
the class c,
Suppose we are doing text classification, and we would like to know whether to
assign the sentiment class +,−, or 0 (neutral) to a document. Here are five potential
features, representing that the document x contains the word great and the class is
+ ( f1), contains the word second-rate and the class is − ( f2), and contains the word
no and the class is − ( f3).
f1(c,x) =
1 if “great” ∈ x & c =+
0 otherwise
f2(c,x) =
1 if “second-rate” ∈ x & c =−
0 otherwise
f3(c,x) =
1 if “no” ∈ x & c =−
0 otherwise
f4(c,x) =
1 if “enjoy” ∈ x & c =−
0 otherwise
Each of these features has a corresponding weight, which can be positive or
negative. Weight w1(x) indicates the strength of great as a cue for class +, w2(x)
and w3(x) the strength of second-rate and no for the class −. These weights would
likely be positive—logically negative words like no or nothing turn out to be more
likely to occur in documents with negative sentiment (Potts, 2011). Weight w4(x),
the strength of enjoy for −, would likely have a negative weight. We’ll discuss in
the following section how these weights are learned.
Since each feature is dependent on both a property of the observation and the
class being labeled, we would have additional features for the links between great
and the negative class −, or no and the neutral class 0, and so on.
Similar features could be designed for other language processing classification
tasks. For period disambiguation (deciding if a period is the end of a sentence or part
of a word), we might have the two classes EOS (end-of-sentence) and not-EOS and
features like f1 below expressing that the current word is lower case and the class is
EOS (perhaps with a positive weight), or that the current word is in our abbreviations
dictionary (“Prof.”) and the class is EOS (perhaps with a negative weight). A feature
can also express a quite complex combination of properties. For example a period
following a upper cased word is a likely to be an EOS, but if the word itself is St.
and the previous word is capitalized, then the period is likely part of a shortening of
the word street.
f1(c,x) =
1 if “Case(wi) = Lower” & c = EOS
0 otherwise
f2(c,x) =
1 if “wi ∈ AcronymDict” & c = EOS
0 otherwise
f3(c,x) =
1 if “wi = St.” & “Case(wi−1) = Upper” & c = EOS
0 otherwise
In Chapter 10 we’ll see features for the task of part-of-speech tagging. It’s even
possible to do discriminative language modeling as a classification task. In this case
the set C of classes is the vocabulary of the language, and the task is to predict the
next word using features of the previous words (traditional N-gram contexts). In
that case, the features might look like the following, with a unigram feature for the
word the ( f1) or breakfast ( f2), or a bigram feature for the context word American
predicting breakfast ( f3). We can even create features that are very difficult to create
in a traditional generative language model like predicting the word breakfast if the
previous word ends in the letters -an like Italian, American, or Malaysian ( f4).
f1(c,x) =
1 if “c = the”
0 otherwise
f2(c,x) =
1 if “c = breakfast”
0 otherwise
f3(c,x) =
1 if “wi−1 = American; & c = breakfast”
0 otherwise
f4(c,x) =
1 if “wi−1ends in -an; & c = breakfast”
0 otherwise
The features for the task of discriminative language models make it clear that
we’ll often need large numbers of features. Often these are created automatically
via feature templates, abstract specifications of features. For example a trigramfeaturetemplates
template might create a feature for every predicted word and pair of previous words
in the training data. Thus the feature space is sparse, since we only have to create a
feature if that n-gram exists in the training set.
The feature is generally created as a hash from the string descriptions. A user
description of a feature as, ”bigram(American breakfast)” is hashed into a unique
integer i that becomes the feature number fi.
7.2 Classification in Multinomial Logistic Regression
In logistic regression we choose a class by using Eq. 7.7 to compute the probability
for each class and then choose the class with the maximum probability.
Fig. 7.1 shows an excerpt from a sample movie review in which the four feature
defined in Eq. 7.8 for the two-class sentiment classification task are all 1, with the
weights set as w1 = 1.9, w2 = .9, w3 = .7, w4 =−.8.
… there are virtually no surprises, and the
writing is second-rate. So why did I enjoy it
so much? For one thing, the cast is great.
.9- +
Figure 7.1 Some features and their weights for the positive and negative classes. Note the
negative weight for enjoy meaning that it is evidence against the class negative −.
Given these 4 features and the input review x, P(+|x) and P(−|x) can be com-
puted with Eq. 7.7:
P(+|x) =
e1.9 + e.9+.7−.8
= .82 (7.8)
P(−|x) =
e1.9 + e.9+.7−.8
= .18 (7.9)
If the goal is just classification, we can even ignore the denominator and the
exp and just choose the class with the highest dot product between the weights and
ĉ = argmax
= argmax
i=1 wi fi(c,x)
c′∈C exp
i=1 wi fi(c
= argmax
wi fi(c,x)
= argmax
wi fi(c,x) (7.10)
Computing the actual probability rather than just choosing the best class, how-
ever, is useful when the classifier is embedded in a larger system, as in a sequence
classification domain like part-of-speech tagging (Section ??).
Note that while the index in the inner sum of features in Eq. 7.10 ranges over
the entire list of N features, in practice in classification it’s not necessary to look at
every feature, only the non-zero features. For text classification, for example, we
don’t have to consider features of words that don’t occur in the test document.
7.3 Learning Logistic Regression
How are the parameters of the model, the weights w, learned? The intuition is to
choose weights that make the classes of the training examples more likely. Indeed,
logistic regression is trained with conditional maximum likelihood estimation.
estimation This means we choose the parameters w that maximize the (log) probability of the y
labels in the training data given the observations x.
For an individual training observation x( j) in our training set (we’ll use super-
scripts to refer to individual observations in the training set—this would be each
individual document for text classification) the optimal weights are:
ŵ = argmax
logP(y( j)|x( j)) (7.11)
For the entire set of observations in the training set, the optimal weights would
then be:
ŵ = argmax
logP(y( j)|x( j)) (7.12)
The objective function L that we are maximizing is thus
L(w) =
logP(y( j)|x( j))
wi fi(y
( j),x( j))
wi fi(y
′( j),x( j))
wi fi(y
( j),x( j))
wi fi(y
′( j),x( j))
Finding the weights that maximize this objective turns out to be a convex opti-
mization problem, so we use hill-climbing methods like stochastic gradient ascent,
L-BFGS (Nocedal 1980, Byrd et al. 1995), or conjugate gradient. Such gradient
ascent methods start with a zero weight vector and move in the direction of the gra-
dient, L′(w), the partial derivative of the objective function L(w) with respect to the
weights. For a given feature dimension k, this derivative can be shown to be the
difference between the following two counts:
L′(w) =
( j),x( j))−
P(y′|x( j)) fk(y′( j),x( j)) (7.13)
These two counts turns out to have a very neat interpretation. The first is just the
count of feature fk in the data (the number of times fk is equal to 1). The second is
the expected count of fk, under the probabilities assigned by the current model:
L′(w) =
Observed count( fk)−Expected count( fk) (7.14)
Thus in optimal weights for the model the model’s expected feature values match
the actual counts in the data.
7.4 Regularization
There is a problem with learning weights that make the model perfectly match the
training data. If a feature is perfectly predictive of the outcome because it happens
to only occur in one class, it will be assigned a very high weight. The weights for
features will attempt to perfectly fit details of the training set, in fact too perfectly,
modeling noisy factors that just accidentally correlate with the class. This problem
is called overfitting.overfitting
To avoid overfitting a regularization term is added to the objective function inregularization
Eq. 7.13. Instead of the optimization in Eq. 7.12, we optimize the following:
ŵ = argmax
logP(y( j)|x( j))−αR(w) (7.15)
where R(w), the regularization term, is used to penalize large weights. Thus a setting
of the weights that matches the training data perfectly, but uses lots of weights with
high values to do so, will be penalized more than than a setting that matches the data
a little less well, but does so using smaller weights.
There are two common regularization terms R(w). L2 regularization is a quad-L2regularization
ratic function of the weight values, named because is uses the (square of the) L2
norm of the weight values. The L2 norm, ||W ||2, is the same as the Euclidean
R(W ) = ||W ||22 =
w2j (7.16)
The L2 regularized objective function becomes:
ŵ = argmax
logP(y( j)|x( j))−α
w2i (7.17)
L1 regularization is a linear function of the weight values, named after the L1L1regularization
norm ||W ||1, the sum of the absolute values of the weights, or Manhattan distance
(the Manhattan distance is the distance you’d have to walk between two points in a
city with a street grid like New York):
R(W ) = ||W ||1 =
|wi| (7.18)
The L1 regularized objective function becomes:
ŵ = argmax
logP(y( j)|x( j))−α
|wi| (7.19)
These kinds of regularization come from statistics, where L1 regularization is
called ‘the lasso’ or lasso regression (Tibshirani, 1996) and L2 regression is called
ridge regression, and both are commonly used in language processing. L2 regu-
larization is easier to optimize because of its simple derivative (the derivative of w2
is just 2w), while L1 regularization is more complex (the derivative of |w| is non-
continuous at zero). But where L2 prefers weight vectors with many small weights,
L1 prefers sparse solutions with some larger weights but many more weights set to
zero. Thus L1 regularization leads to much sparser weight vectors, that is, far fewer
Both L1 and L2 regularization have Bayesian interpretations as constraints on
the prior of how weights should look. L1 regularization can be viewed as a Laplace
prior on the weights. L2 regularization corresponds to assuming that weights are
distributed according to a gaussian distribution with mean µ = 0. In a gaussian
or normal distribution, the further away a value is from the mean, the lower its
probability (scaled by the variance σ ). By using a gaussian prior on the weights, we
are saying that weights prefer to have the value 0. A gaussian for a weight w j is
(w j−µ j)2
If we multiply each weight by a gaussian prior on the weight, we are thus maxi-
mizing the following constraint:
ŵ = argmax
P(y( j)|x( j))×
(wi−µ j)2
which in log space, with µ = 0, and assuming 2σ2 = 1, corresponds to
ŵ = argmax
logP(y( j)|x( j))−α
w2i (7.22)
which is in the same form as Eq. 7.17.
7.5 Feature Selection
The regularization technique introduced in the previous section is useful for avoid-
ing overfitting by removing or downweighting features that are unlikely to generalize
well. Many kinds of classifiers, however, including naive Bayes, do not have regu-
larization, and so instead feature selection is used to choose the important featuresfeatureselection
to keep and remove the rest. The basis of feature selection is to assign some metric
of goodness to each feature, rank the features, and keep the best ones. The number
of features to keep is a meta-parameter that can be optimized on a dev set.
Features are generally ranked by how informative they are about the classifica-
tion decision. A very common metric is information gain. Information gain tellsinformationgain
us how many bits of information the presence of the word gives us for guessing the
class, and can be computed as follows (where ci is the ith class and w̄ means that a
document does not contain the word w):
G(w) = −
P(ci) logP(ci)
P(ci|w) logP(ci|w)
P(ci|w̄) logP(ci|w̄) (7.23)
Other metrics for feature selection include χ2, pointwise mutual information,
and GINI index; see Yang and Pedersen (1997) for a comparison and Guyon and
Elisseeff (2003) for a broad introduction survey of feature selection.
While feature selection is important for unregularized classifiers, it is sometimes
also used in regularized classifiers in applications where speed is critical, since it
is often possible to get equivalent performance with orders of magnitude fewer fea-
7.6 Choosing a classifier and features
Logistic regression has a number of advantages over naive Bayes. The overly strong
conditional independence assumptions of Naive Bayes mean that if two features are
in fact correlated naive Bayes will multiply them both in as if they were independent,
overestimating the evidence. Logistic regression is much more robust to correlated
7.7 • SUMMARY 9
features; if two features f1 and f2 are perfectly correlated, regression will simply
assign half the weight to w1 and half to w2.
Thus when there are many correlated features, logistic regression will assign a
more accurate probability than naive Bayes. Despite the less accurate probabilities,
naive Bayes still often makes the correct classification decision. Furthermore, naive
Bayes works extremely well (even better than logistic regression or SVMs) on small
datasets (Ng and Jordan, 2002) or short documents (Wang and Manning, 2012).
Furthermore, naive Bayes is easy to implement and very fast to train. Nonetheless,
algorithms like logistic regression and SVMs generally work better on larger docu-
ments or datasets.
Classifier choice is also influenced by the bias-variance tradeoff. The bias ofbias-variancetradeoff
bias a classifier indicates how accurate it is at modeling different training sets. The vari-
ance of a classifier indicates how much its decisions are affected by small changesvariance
in training sets. Models with low bias (like SVMs with polynomial or RBF kernels)
are very accurate at modeling the training data. Models with low variance (like naive
Bayes) are likely to come to the same classification decision even from slightly dif-
ferent training data. But low-bias models tend to be so accurate at fitting the training
data that they overfit, and do not generalize well to very different test sets. And
low-variance models tend to generalize so well that they may not have sufficient ac-
curacy. Thus any given model trades off bias and variance. Adding more features
decreases bias by making it possible to more accurately model the training data, but
increases variance because of overfitting. Regularization and feature selection are
ways to improve (lower) the variance of classifier by downweighting or removing
features that are likely to overfit.
In addition to the choice of a classifier, the key to successful classification is the
design of appropriate features. Features are generally designed by examining the
training set with an eye to linguistic intuitions and the linguistic literature on the
domain. A careful error analysis on the training or dev set. of an early version of a
system often provides insights into features.
For some tasks it is especially helpful to build complex features that are combi-
nations of more primitive features. We saw such a feature for period disambiguation
above, where a period on the word St. was less likely to be the end of sentence if
the previous word was capitalized. For logistic regression and naive Bayes these
combination features or feature interactions have to be designed by hand.featureinteractions
Some other machine learning models can automatically model the interactions
between features. For tasks where these combinations of features are important
(especially when combination of categorical features and real-valued features might
be helpful), the most useful classifiers may be such classifiers,including Support
Vector Machines (SVMs) with polynomial or RBF kernels, and random forests.SVMs
random forests See the pointers at the end of the chapter.
7.7 Summary
This chapter introduced multinomial logistic regression (MaxEnt) models for clas-
• Multinomial logistic regression (also called MaxEnt or the Maximum Entropy
classifier in language processing) is a discriminative model that assigns a class
to an observation by computing a probability from an exponential function of
a weighted set of features of the observation.
• Regularization is important in MaxEnt models for avoiding overfitting.
• Feature selection can be helpful in removing useless features to speed up
training, and is also important in unregularized models for avoiding overfit-
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
Maximum entropy modeling, including the use of regularization, was first applied to
natural language processing (specifically machine translation) in the early 1990s at
IBM (Berger et al. 1996, Della Pietra et al. 1997), and was soon applied to other NLP
tasks like part-of-speech tagging and parsing (Ratnaparkhi 1996, Ratnaparkhi 1997)
and text classification Nigam et al. (1999). See Chen and Rosenfeld (2000), Good-
man (2004), and Dudı́k et al. (2007) on regularization for maximum entropy models.
More on classification can be found in machine learning textbooks (Hastie et al. 2001,
Witten and Frank 2005, Bishop 2006, Murphy 2012).
Exercises 11
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Potts, C. (2011). On the negativity of negation. In Li, N. and
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Tibshirani, R. (1996). Regression shrinkage and selection via
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Yang, Y. and Pedersen, J. O. (1997). A comparative study
on feature selection in text categorization. In ICML, pp.
Logistic Regression
Features in Multinomial Logistic Regression
Classification in Multinomial Logistic Regression
Learning Logistic Regression
Feature Selection
Choosing a classifier and features
Bibliographical and Historical Notes