程序代写代做代考 —

title: “Example 2”
author: “sheng huo”
date: “April 4, 2018”
output: html_document

setwd(“/Users/NOAH/Desktop/CSC 495/week2/ex2/ex2”)
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## Working with different types of data

### Step 1: Load the necessary libraries and data

“`{r C1, results=”hide”, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE}


Loading the Southern Women network (Davis data). GraphML format.

“`{r C2}

### Step 2: Examine the bipartite network
Verify that it is bipartite.

“`{r C3}


Plot using bipartite layout (better if rotated)
“`{r C4}


Look at labels and types

“`{r C5}


So, FALSE is people

### Step 3: Create projection

Create person-person projection

“`{r C6}


Plot the projected graph
“`{r C7}


Plot the distribution of edge weights
“`{r C8}


### Step 4: Filtered version of the network

Create a new network removing the edges of weight 1 and 2.

“`{r C9}


Plot the weighted degree distribution of the new network
“`{r C10}


### Step 5: Ego networks

Extract the ego networks for Laura and Sylvia

“`{r C11}


Plot side-by-side use layout_as_star
“`{r C12}


Compare the two ego networks by weighted degree. First create data frame with the right structure.

wdeg, ego
10, Laura
24, Sylvia
34, Laura

“`{r C13}


Then plotting with ggplot is straightforward.

“`{r C14}


### Step 6: New example: loading edge and attribute data

Load CSV files for edges and attributes. stringAsFactors is
false because we can’t use factors as node attributes.

“`{r C15}


Convert to a graph from the two data frames. Note that the
names of the vertices in the edge data frame have to match the
first column of the vertices data frame.

“`{r C16}


“`{r C17}
