程序代写代做代考 scheme android database Java Untitled



The objective of this CA is to test your understanding and practical
programming in Android.
Please ensure you read the entire document before you begin
the assessment.

1. Task Specification

You will develop a weather forecast app in this task. The
design of the app is as follows.

• On the main screen, display the forecast information
for today’s weather, and a list of forecast information
for next few days, such as Saturday (tomorrow), Sunday,
Monday and so on. You only need to display the
forecast information for up to 5 days
(including today).

• Click on one of the forecast, it brings up a detailed view
of the weather information on that specific day, e.g.,
wind, humidity.

• There are settings to change the location.

• Create a database to store the latest weather information
and display that when there is no Internet connection.

• Use the free API service from www.openweathermap.org to
get the weather data.

2. Deliverables

The deliverables are a report and a complete implementation.


The report is a maximum 4—-page report in PDF format with
minimum 2.5cm margins and 11—point text. It should include
a UML class diagram and a description of the design and
rationale for your app outlining how you implement it.

The complete implementation is the implementation of a working
app, and should consist of an Android Studio project with
EVERYTHING necessary to build the app supplied in ZIP file,
including all Java and XML source files plus any additional
resources (graphics, text, etc.).

3. Submission

1. The submission of report
• You should hand in a paper report, using BART, to

the Education Office (Student

Service Desk) of the Harrison Building by 12 noon on
the 28th of March 2018;

2. The submission of complete implementation

• You should submit a copy of your finished program
electronically, using electronic submission at
empslocal.ex.ac.uk/submit, to the folder 2018—-03—

Hu, in a ZIP file, no later than 12 noon on the
28th of March 2018.

4. Marking Criteria

Marking Scheme

Description Mark

Structure and

of the report

The report is well structured and

presented. The design is well
explained, matches the specification

provided and the implemented



Code comments Code comments are useful and

informative, and at the appropriate




The code is well structured and

written, with a coherent design,

e.g., design reusable functions, classes

are organised into meaningfully



named packages, computation is

offloaded from the UI thread.

The app starts successfully, screen

is rendered properly, no start—-up
crashes, compiles out of the box.


App works properly irrespective of
screen size and under configuration

changes such as device rotation.


Overall project quality, including

the complete UI (operation and

interaction, cosmetics, overall
design), features and components as

specified in the task specification,

and successful implementation of

additional useful features at your



1. Task Specification
2. Deliverables
3. Submission
4. Marking Criteria