程序代写代做代考 scheme Last time: staging basics

Last time: staging basics

.< e>.

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Staging pow

let rec pow x n =

if n = 0 then .< 1 >.
else .< .~x * .~(pow x (n - 1)) >.

let pow_code n = .< fun x → .~(pow .. n) >.

# pow_code 3;;


# let pow3 ’ = !. (pow_code 3);;

val pow3 ’ : int → int =

# pow3 ’ 4;;

– : int = 64

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The staging process, idealized

1. Write the program as usual:

val program : t_sta → t_dyn → t

2. Add staging annotations:

val staged_program : t_sta → t_dyn code → t code

3. Compile using back:

val back: (’a code → ’b code) → (’a → ’b) code
val code_generator : t_sta → (t_dyn → t)

4. Construct static inputs:

val s : t_sta

5. Apply code generator to static inputs:

val specialized_code : (t_dyn → t) code

6. Run specialized code to build a specialized function:

val specialized_function : t_dyn → t

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The staging process, idealized

1. Write the program as usual:

val program : t_sta → t_dyn → t

2. Add staging annotations:

val staged_program : t_sta → t_dyn code → t code

3. Compile using back:

val back: (’a code → ’b code) → (’a → ’b) code
val code_generator : t_sta → (t_dyn → t)

4. Construct static inputs:

val s : t_sta

5. Apply code generator to static inputs:

val specialized_code : (t_dyn → t) code

6. Run specialized code to build a specialized function:

val specialized_function : t_dyn → t

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The staging process, idealized

1. Write the program as usual:

val program : t_sta → t_dyn → t

2. Add staging annotations:

val staged_program : t_sta → t_dyn code → t code

3. Compile using back:

val back: (’a code → ’b code) → (’a → ’b) code
val code_generator : t_sta → (t_dyn → t)

4. Construct static inputs:

val s : t_sta

5. Apply code generator to static inputs:

val specialized_code : (t_dyn → t) code

6. Run specialized code to build a specialized function:

val specialized_function : t_dyn → t

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The staging process, idealized

1. Write the program as usual:

val program : t_sta → t_dyn → t

2. Add staging annotations:

val staged_program : t_sta → t_dyn code → t code

3. Compile using back:

val back: (’a code → ’b code) → (’a → ’b) code
val code_generator : t_sta → (t_dyn → t)

4. Construct static inputs:

val s : t_sta

5. Apply code generator to static inputs:

val specialized_code : (t_dyn → t) code

6. Run specialized code to build a specialized function:

val specialized_function : t_dyn → t

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The staging process, idealized

1. Write the program as usual:

val program : t_sta → t_dyn → t

2. Add staging annotations:

val staged_program : t_sta → t_dyn code → t code

3. Compile using back:

val back: (’a code → ’b code) → (’a → ’b) code
val code_generator : t_sta → (t_dyn → t)

4. Construct static inputs:

val s : t_sta

5. Apply code generator to static inputs:

val specialized_code : (t_dyn → t) code

6. Run specialized code to build a specialized function:

val specialized_function : t_dyn → t

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The staging process, idealized

1. Write the program as usual:

val program : t_sta → t_dyn → t

2. Add staging annotations:

val staged_program : t_sta → t_dyn code → t code

3. Compile using back:

val back: (’a code → ’b code) → (’a → ’b) code
val code_generator : t_sta → (t_dyn → t)

4. Construct static inputs:

val s : t_sta

5. Apply code generator to static inputs:

val specialized_code : (t_dyn → t) code

6. Run specialized code to build a specialized function:

val specialized_function : t_dyn → t

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A second example: inner product

let dot : int → float array → float array → float
= fun n l r →

let rec loop i =

if i = n then 0.

else l.(i) *. r.(i)

+. loop (i + 1)

in loop 0

Question: how can we specialize dot to improve performance?

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A second example: inner product

let dot : int → float array → float array → float
= fun n l r →

let rec loop i =

if i = n then 0.

else l.(i) *. r.(i)

+. loop (i + 1)

in loop 0

Question: how can we specialize dot to improve performance?

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Inner product: loop unrolling

Given the length in advance, we can unroll the loop:

let dot : int →
float array code → float array code → float code

= fun n l r →
let rec loop i =

if i = n then .< 0. >.
else .< ((.~l).(i) *. (.~r).(i)) +. .~(loop (i + 1)) >.
in loop 0

Unrolling in action

# .< fun l r → .~(dot 3 ....) >.;;
– : (float array → float array → float) code =
.< fun l r → (l.(0) *. r.(0)) +. ((l.(1) *. r.(1)) +. ((l.(2) *. r.(2)) +. 0.))>.

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Inner-product: eliding no-ops
Given one vector in advance, we can simplify the arithmetic:

let dot

: float array → float array code → float code =
fun l r →

let n = Array.length l in

let rec loop i =

if i = n then .< 0. >.
else match l.(i) with

0.0 → loop (i + 1)
| 1.0 → .<(.~r).(i) +. .~(loop (i + 1)) >.
| x → .<(x *. (.~r).(i)) +. .~(loop (i + 1)) >.

in loop 0

Simplification in action

# .< fun r → .~(dot [| 1.0; 0.0; 3.5 |] ..) >.;;
– : (float array → float) code =
.< fun r → r.(0) +. ((3.5 *. r.(2)) +. 0.)>.

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Binding-time analysis

Classify variables into dynamic (’a code) / static (’a)

let dot

: int → float array code → float array code → float code
= fun n l r →

dynamic: l, r
static: n

Classify expressions into static (no dynamic variables) / dynamic

if i = n then 0

else l.(i) *. r.(i)

dynamic: l.(i) *. r.(i)
static: i = n

Goal: reduce static expressions during code generation.

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Partially-static data

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Possibly-static data
Observation: data may not be entirely static or entirely dynamic

if i = n then 0 (* static result *)

else l.(i) *. r.(i) (* dynamic result *)

Problem: naive binding-time analysis turns everything dynamic

if i = n then .< 0 >.
else .< .~l.(i) *. .~r.(i) >.

Solution: possibly-static data

type ’a sd =

Sta : ’a → ’a sd
| Dyn : ’a code → ’a sd

Result: finer-grained classification, preserving staticness

if i = n then Sta 0

else Dyn .< .~l.(i) *. .~r.(i) >.

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Dynamizing possibly-static data

Possibly-static data can be made fully dynamic:

let cd : ’a sd → ’a code =
fun sd → match sd with
| Sta s →.< s >. (* (cross -stage persistence) *)
| Dyn d → d

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Possibly-static integers

module type NUM = sig

type t

val (+) : t → t → t
. . .


implicit module Num_int_sd: NUM with type t = int sd =


type t = int sd

let (+) l r = match l, r with

| Sta 0, v

| v, Sta 0 → v
| Sta l, Sta r → Sta (l + r)
| l, r → Dyn .< .~(cd l) + .~(cd r) >.


Sta 2 + Sta 3 ⇝ Sta 5
Sta 0 + Dyn .< x >. ⇝ Dyn .< x >.
Dyn .< x >. + Dyn .< y >. ⇝ Dyn .< x + y >.

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dot with possibly-static elements

dot with overloading, without staging

let dot: {N:NUM} → int → N.t array → N.t array → N.t
= fun {N:NUM} n l r →

let rec loop i =

if i = n then N.zero

else l.(i) * r.(i)

+ loop (i + 1)

in loop 0

dot instantiated with Num_int_sd:

# dot 3 [|Sta 1; Sta 0; Dyn .< 3 >.|]
[|Dyn .< 2 >.; Dyn .< 1 >.; Sta 0 |]

– : int sd =

Dyn .< 2 >.

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Partially-static data

Problem: possibly-static data is still too coarse

Sta 2 + Dyn .. + Sta 3

Dyn .<2 + x + 3>.

Solution: maintain more structure using partially-static data

trees with static shapes and dynamic labels
lists with static prefixes and dynamic tails
products with one static and one dynamic element
. . . many more!

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Partially-static integers

type ps_int = { sta : int;

dyn : int code list }

implicit module Num_ps_int: NUM with type t = ps_int =


type t = ps_int

let (+) l r =

{ sta = l.sta + r.sta; dyn = l.dyn @ r.dyn }


let dyn { sta; dyn } =

fold_left (fun x y →.< .~x + .~y >.) .< sta >. dyn

let sta x = {sta=x; dyn =[]}

let dyn x = {sta =0; dyn=[x]}

cd (sta 2 + dyn .< x >. + sta 3)

.< x + 5 >.

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let insertion

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let insertion: motivation
Problem: inserting generated code in place is not always optimal

Example: the code built by f may not depend on i:

let generate_loop f =

.< fun e → for i = 0 to 10 do print .~( f .. .. ) done >.

generate_loop (fun e →.< .~e ^ "\n" >.)

.< fun e → for i = 0 to 10 do print (e ^ "\n") (* repeated work! *) done >.

What we need: A way to insert let bindings at outer levels

.< fun e → let c = e ^ "\n" in for i = 0 to 10 do print c done >.

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let insertion: a simple implementation

let insertion as an effect

effect GenLet : ’a code → ’a code

let genlet v = perform (GenLet v)

Handling let insertion

let let_locus : (unit → ’a code) → ’a code =
fun f → match f () with
| x → x
| effect (GenLet e) k →
.< let x = .~e in .~(continue k .< x >.)>.

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let insertion in action



(fun () →
.< w + .~(genlet .< y + z >.) >.)

Captured continuation

.< w + .~( - ) >.

let generation

| effect (GenLet e) k →
.< let x = .~e in .~(continue k .< x >.)>.


.< let x = y + z in w + x >.

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Where to insert let?

Sometimes there are several possible insertion points for let

For example, consider the following program:

.< fun y → y + .~(genlet e) >.

We could insert let beneath the binding for y

.< fun y → let x = .~e in y + x >.

Or above:

.< let x = .~e in fun y → y + x >.

We typically want the highest point where e is well-scoped.

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let insertion at the outermost valid point
Is e well-scoped at this point in the program?

let is_well_scoped e =

try ignore .< (.~e; ()) >.; true
with _ → false

genlet defaults to insertion-in-place

let genlet v =

try perform (GenLet v)

with Unhandled → v

let_locus searches the stack for the highest suitable handler

let let_locus body =

try body ()

with effect (GenLet e) k when is_well_scoped e →
match perform (GenLet e) with

| v → continue k v
| exception Unhandled →
.< let x = .~e in .~(continue k .< x >.)>.

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let rec insertion

Question: how can we generate (mutually) recursive functions?

let rec evenp x = x = 0 || oddp (x – 1)

and oddp x = not (evenp x)

Difficulty: constructing binding groups of unknown size

Observation: n-ary operators are difficult to abstract!

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Recursion via references (Landin’s knot)

let evenp = ref (fun _ → assert false)
let oddp = ref (fun _ → assert false)

evenp := fun x → x = 0 || !oddp (pred x)
oddp := fun x → not (!evenp x)

What if evenp and oddp generated in different parts of the code?

Plan: use let-insertion to interleave bindings and assignments.

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let rec insertion with references

letrec via genlet

val letrec : ((’a → ’b) code → (’a → ’b) code) →
(’a → ’b) code

let letrec k =

let r = genlet (.< ref (fun _ → assert false) >.) in
let _ = genlet (.<.~r := .~(k .< ! .~r >.) >.) in
.< ! .~r >.

letrec in action

let fib = let_locus @@ fun () →
letrec (fun f →

.< fun x → if x = 0 then 1 else x * .~f (x - 1) >.)


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Staging generic programming

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Generic programming recap

Type equality

val eqty : {A:TYPEABLE} → {B:TYPEABLE} →
(A.t, B.t) eq option

Generic shallow traversals

type ’u genericQ = {D:DATA} → D.t → ’u
val gmapQ : ’u genericQ → ’u list genericQ

Generic recursive schemes

let rec gshow {D:DATA} (v : D.t) =

“(“^ constructor_ v ^ concat ” ” (gmapQ gshow v) ^ “)”

gshow in action

gshow [1;2;3] ⇝ “(1 :: (2 :: (3 :: ([]))))”

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Generic programming vs hand-written code

Generic show

let rec gshow {D:DATA} (v : D.t) =

“(“^ constructor_ v ^ concat ” ” (gmapQ gshow v) ^ “)”

Hand-written show

let rec show_list: (’a→ string)→’a list→ string =
fun f l →

match l with

| [] → “[]”
| h::t → “(“^ f h ^” :: “^ show_list f t ^”)”

Performance difference: an order of magnitude

Plan: turn gshow into a code generator

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Generic programming vs hand-written code

Generic show

let rec gshow {D:DATA} (v : D.t) =

“(“^ constructor_ v ^ concat ” ” (gmapQ gshow v) ^ “)”

Hand-written show

let rec show_list: (’a→ string)→’a list→ string =
fun f l →

match l with

| [] → “[]”
| h::t → “(“^ f h ^” :: “^ show_list f t ^”)”

Performance difference: an order of magnitude

Plan: turn gshow into a code generator

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Generic programming vs hand-written code

Generic show

let rec gshow {D:DATA} (v : D.t) =

“(“^ constructor_ v ^ concat ” ” (gmapQ gshow v) ^ “)”

Hand-written show

let rec show_list: (’a→ string)→’a list→ string =
fun f l →

match l with

| [] → “[]”
| h::t → “(“^ f h ^” :: “^ show_list f t ^”)”

Performance difference: an order of magnitude

Plan: turn gshow into a code generator

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Generic programming: binding-time analysis

gshow {Data_list{Data_int }} [1; 2; 3]

Type representations are static Values are dynamic.

We’ve used type representations to traverse values.

Now we’ll use type representations to generate code.

Goal: generate code that contains no Typeable or Data values.

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Generic programming, staged

Type equality (unchanged)

val eqty : {A:TYPEABLE} → {B:TYPEABLE} →
(A.t, B.t) eq option

Generic shallow traversals

type ’u genericQ = {D:DATA} → D.t code → ’u code
val gmapQ : ’u genericQ → ’u list genericQ

Generic recursive schemes

let gshow = gfixQ_ (fun self {D:DATA} v →
.< "("^ .~(constructor_ v) ^ concat " " .~(gmapQ_ self v) ^")" >.)

gshow in action

instantiate gshow ⇝ .< let rec show = ... >.

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Staging gmapQ

The type of staged gmapQ

type ’u genericQ = {D:DATA} → D.t code → ’u code
val gmapQ : ’u genericQ → ’u list genericQ

Implementing staged gmapQ

implicit module rec DATA_list {A:DATA}

: DATA with type t = A.t list =


let gmapQ q l =

.< match .~l with | [] → [] | h :: t → [.~(q .< h >.); .~(q .< t >.)] >.

(* . . . *)

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Fixpoint operators

Problem: we can’t overload / redefine let rec

let rec gshow {D:DATA} (v : D.t) =

“(“^ constructor_ v

^ concat ” ” (gmapQ gshow v) ^ “)”

Solution: rewrite gshow using a fixpoint combinator

let rec gfixQ :

(u genericQ → u genericQ) → u genericQ =
fun f {D:DATA} x → f {D} (gfixQ f) x

let gshow = gfixQ (fun self {D:DATA} v →
“(“^ constructor_ v

^ concat ” ” (gmapQ self v) ^ “)”)

New problem: stage gfixQ

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gfixQ: cyclic static structures

type tree =

Empty : tree

| Branch : branch → tree
and branch = tree * int * tree





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gfixQ: cyclic static structures





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gfixQ: cyclic static structures





gshow tree

gshow branch

gshow tree

. . .

gshow intgshow tree

. . .

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Background: memoization

Recursive functions can be inefficient

let rec fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

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Background: memoization

Recursive functions can be inefficient

let rec fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

fib 4

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Background: memoization

Recursive functions can be inefficient

let rec fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

fib 4

fib 2fib 3

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Background: memoization

Recursive functions can be inefficient

let rec fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

fib 4

fib 2

fib 0fib 1

fib 3

fib 1fib 2

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Background: memoization

Recursive functions can be inefficient

let rec fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

fib 4

fib 2

fib 0fib 1

fib 3

fib 1fib 2

fib 0fib 1

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Background: memoization
Recursive functions can be inefficient — use memoization

val memoize : ((’a → ’b) → (’a → ’b)) → ’a → ’b

let memoize f n =

let table = ref [] in

let rec f’ n =

try List.assoc n !table

with Not_found →
let r = f f’ n in

table := (n, r) :: !table;


in f’ n

let open_fib fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

let fib = memoize open_fib

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Background: memoization

Recursive functions can be inefficient — use memoization

let open_fib fib = function

0 → 0
| 1 → 1
| n → fib (n – 1) + fib (n – 2)

let fib = memoize open_fib

fib 4

fib 3

fib 2

fib 0fib 1

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Memoizing generic functions

A lookup table for heterogeneous code values

type _ t =

Nil : ’a t

| Cons : {T.TYPEABLE} * (T.t → ’a) code * ’a t → ’a t

val new_map : unit → ’a t ref

val add :

{T:TYPEABLE} → (T.t → ’a) code → ’a t ref → unit

val lookup :

{T:TYPEABLE} → ’a t → (T.t → ’a) code option

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A staged generic fixpoint operator

let gfixQ (f : ’v genericQ → ’v genericQ) =
let tbl = empty () in

let rec result {D: DATA} x =

match lookup !tbl with

| Some g →.< .~g .~x >.
| None → let g = letrec

(fun self →
add tbl self;

.< fun y → .~(f result ..) >.)
in .< .~g .~x >.

in result

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Staged gshow

gshow, staged

let gshow = gfixQ_ (fun self {D:DATA} v →
.< "("^ .~(constructor_ v) ^ concat " " .~(gmapQ_ self v) ^")" >.)

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Generated code for gshow

let show_list = ref (fun _ → assert false) in
let show_int = ref (fun _ → assert false) in
let _ = show_int :=

fun i →
“(“^ string_of_int i ^ String.concat ” ” [] ^”)” in

let _ = show_list :=

(fun t →
“(“^(( match t with [] → “[]”

| _ :: __ → “::”) ^
(( concat ” ”

(match t with

| [] → []
| h :: t → [! show_int h;

!show_list t])) ^”)”))) in


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Staging generic programming: summary

Bad news: the generated code is pretty poor

Better news: the performance is fairly good!

typically 10× the speed of generic code;
typically 0.5-1× the speed of handwritten code

Best news: the staging can be improved

with better let / let rec insertion
with partially-static data
with match insertion
with match elimination
. . . and many other such techniques

until it is as fast as handwritten code (& sometimes faster!)

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Next time: super-advanced functional programming

data Vec (A : Set) : N → Set

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