程序代写代做代考 Java compiler Programming Foundations FIT9131 Object creation and interaction Week 4

Programming Foundations FIT9131 Object creation and interaction Week 4

FIT9131 Week 4


Programming Foundations

Object creation and interaction

Week 4

FIT9131 Week 4


Lecture outline
•Design :

• Abstraction & modularisation
• Class and object diagrams

•Object Interactions :
• Primitive types and object types
• Creating new objects
• Passing information between objects
• Formal parameters and actual arguments
• Return values from methods
• Method overloading

• Multiple constructors

FIT9131 Week 4


Abstraction and models

• Abstraction is the ability to ignore details of
parts to focus attention on a higher level of a

• In a program, we choose the attributes and
behaviour that are relevant to the problem we
are trying to solve – and we ignore the rest.

• Using the process of abstraction we create a
model that is a simplification of the real
situation, strictly relevant to the problem to be
solved. E.g. imagine if you are booking an
movie ticket online – what information do you
need to provide to the cinema’s booking
system? What information is not needed?

FIT9131 Week 4



• Modularisation is the process of dividing a whole
entity (eg. a problem to be solved) into smaller and
well-defined parts, which can be built and examined
separately, and which interact in well-defined ways.
E.g. consider the process of designing a car – is it
better/easy to design and build the entire car at once, or
design the components individually and then
combining them?

• In programming, the techniques of Modularisation and
Abstraction are often used to deal with complexity. As
programs become larger and more complicated these
techniques become increasingly important.

FIT9131 Week 4


Example : Digital clocks

Two different designs –
but we can see some
obvious common

FIT9131 Week 4


Design : A simple digital clock

What attributes would a clock have?
What behaviour would you want for a clock?

FIT9131 Week 4


Modularising the clock display

One four-digit display?

Or, 2x two-digit

Choices :

FIT9131 Week 4


Implementation – NumberDisplay

// represents a 2-digit display
public class NumberDisplay

private int limit;
private int value;

Constructor and
methods omitted…


This example is in Chapter03 of the sample projects.

note how these
consist of 2 x int type
attributes : one to
represent the 2-digit
display, and another to
represent an upper
limit for the digit

FIT9131 Week 4


Implementation – ClockDisplay

// represents a Clock, which consists
// of 2 x 2-digit displays
public class ClockDisplay

private NumberDisplay hours;
private NumberDisplay minutes;
private String displayString;

Constructor and
methods omitted…


note how these
consist of 2 x
type attributes

FIT9131 Week 4


Class relationship diagram

So a ClockDisplay object will
contain some NumberDisplay
objects (two, to be exact)

FIT9131 Week 4


Object diagram






: NumberDisplay





: NumberDisplay








FIT9131 Week 4


Object diagram (BlueJ Inspector)

FIT9131 Week 4


Variables of primitive types vs.
object types

A primitive type is one of the Java built-in basic data
types, e.g. int, double, char, boolean. The name of the
variable is a memory location that stores the actual
value of that variable.

An object type may be pre-defined in the Java system
(e.g. String) or user-defined (e.g. NumberDisplay).
The name of the variable is a memory location that
stores the address of that object (which stores the
values of its fields). These are also called reference

FIT9131 Week 4


Primitive types vs. object types


object type
(any object
type, eg.
Student, etc)

primitive type

ObjectType a;

int a;

note : the variable
name is a reference
to the actual object

note : the variable
stores the actual value


FIT9131 Week 4


Primitive types vs. object types


ObjectType a;

int a;

ObjectType b;


int b;

Consider these 2 variables :

and compare them to these 2 :

Object Object

FIT9131 Week 4


Primitive types vs. object types

On the previous slide, we had 4 variables, 2 of
primitive types (int) and 2 of object types

What would happen if we now execute this code :

b = a;

for the primitive variables, versus for the object

FIT9131 Week 4


Results of the assignments


ObjectType a;

int a;

ObjectType b;


int b;

b = a;

Primitive type

Object (or Reference )
type assignmentObject

FIT9131 Week 4


Source code: NumberDisplay

public NumberDisplay(int rollOverLimit)

limit = rollOverLimit;
value = 0;


public void increment()

value = (value + 1) % limit;

What is
happening here?

FIT9131 Week 4


Source code: NumberDisplay

public String getDisplayValue()

if (value < 10) return "0" + value; else return "" + value; } What is happening here? FIT9131 Week 4 20 Objects creating other objects public class ClockDisplay { private NumberDisplay hours; private NumberDisplay minutes; private String displayString; public ClockDisplay() { hours = new NumberDisplay(24); minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); updateDisplay(); } } declaring other objects as attributes initialising those attributes, by creating 2 new objects Calling the NumberDisplay constructor twice, with different values FIT9131 Week 4 21 What does this mean??? On the previous slide, we declare that two of the attributes of the class ClockDisplay are of type NumberDisplay. We then initialise those attributes by creating two NumberDisplay objects within the ClockDisplay constructor. What this mean is : whenever a ClockDisplay object is created, it actually contains 2 NumberDisplay objects (as shown on the next slide) as its attributes. FIT9131 Week 4 22 Object diagram myDisplay: ClockDisplay hours minutes displayString 00:00 : NumberDisplay limit value 24 0 : NumberDisplay limit value 60 0 ClockDisplay object NumberDisplay object NumberDisplay object FIT9131 Week 4 23 Formal Parameters versus Actual Arguments hours = new NumberDisplay(24); public NumberDisplay(int rollOverLimit) in class ClockDisplay: in class NumberDisplay: formal parameter actual argument FIT9131 Week 4 24 Creating a new object When we instantiate an object from a class, we use the new operator. Eg : new NumberDisplay(24) This statement allocates a block of memory big enough to hold a NumberDisplay object, and calls the constructor to initialise the values of its fields. The new operator returns the address of the beginning of that block of memory. 24 0 FIT9131 Week 4 25 Naming a new object Usually, we want to give an object a name so that we can refer to it afterwards. E.g : hours = new NumberDisplay(24); This statement puts aside enough memory to hold the address of a NumberDisplay object, and “name” that memory location hours. hours 24 0 We say that hours is a reference to the actual hours object. This is also called a reference variable. FIT9131 Week 4 26 Object interaction Objects communicate with each other by sending messages. There are three components of a message sent to an object: • the name of the object that is the receiver of the message • the action that the receiver is requested to take • in parentheses, any extra information the receiver needs to know In Java, the syntax for a message depends on whether it is an internal or external method FIT9131 Week 4 27 Method calling example Consider this method in ClockDisplay public void timeTick() { minutes.increment(); if(minutes.getValue() = = 0) // it just rolled over! hours.increment(); updateDisplay(); } External method call Internal method call FIT9131 Week 4 28 Method calls internal method call – when the method is called from within another method of the same class, e.g. updateDisplay(); updateDisplay() is in the same class (ClockDisplay) as timeTick() external method call – when calling a method of a different class, e.g. minutes.increment(); System.out.print(minutes.getValue()); hours.increment(); These methods are from a different class (NumberDisplay). External method calls use the dot (.) notation : object . methodName ( parameter-list ) FIT9131 Week 4 29 Passing information in a message When an object needs some extra information in order to fulfill a request, this information can be passed with the message. The extra information that is passed is called actual arguments. This information is transferred to the formal parameters defined in the method header. We have seen these many times before. FIT9131 Week 4 30 Example : Formal parameters A method has a header and a body. Consider the setValue method of the NumberDisplay class: public void setValue(int replacementValue) { if ((replacementValue >= 0) &&
(replacementValue < limit)) value = replacementValue; } This method has a formal parameter called replacementValue which is an int. When this method is called, it expects to be passed an integer value. replacementValue is called a formal parameter. It is a placeholder for a value that will be supplied when the method is invoked. ÅMethod header Method body` FIT9131 Week 4 31 Example : Actual arguments The method is called by using a NumberDisplay object and asking it to invoke the method, eg : hours = new NumberDisplay(24); hours.setValue(12); The integer values 24 & 12 are the actual arguments that were given to the methods when they are invoked. Another example : int newValue = 12; hours.setValue(newValue); The setValue method sees only the value 12. It does not see the name of the variable (ie. newValue) that contains the value of the actual argument. FIT9131 Week 4 32 Methods with multiple parameters The method setTime(…) in ClockDisplay changes the fields of a ClockDisplay object. public void setTime(int hour, int minute) { hours.setValue(hour); minutes.setValue(minute); updateDisplay(); } A call to this method would need to pass two actual arguments, e.g. aClockDisplay.setTime(13, 49); 2 formal parameters FIT9131 Week 4 33 Rules for Matching formal parameters with actual arguments The actual arguments passed to a method must match the formal parameters in all of the following: • number • type • order The compiler assumes that the first actual argument matches the first formal parameter, the second actual argument matches the second formal parameter, etc. The names of formal parameters do not have to match the names of the actual arguments. The called method does not see the names, it sees only the values being passed in. For example, on the previous slide, the parameter hour will be assigned the value 13 and minute will be assigned 49. FIT9131 Week 4 34 Passing basic data types as parameters If a parameter is of a primitive data type, when the formal parameter comes into existence it is a copy of the actual argument. Therefore, any changes made to the formal parameter inside the method will not affect the value in the caller's memory area. This kind of parameter passing is known as call-by-value. FIT9131 Week 4 35 Example : Call-by-value For example, if the setValue method is called by some other method, like this : Memory belonging to setValue newValue Memory belonging to the other (calling) method �� �� replacementValue int newValue = 12; hours.setValue(newValue); note : these are 2 separate “variables” – they just happen to have the same value as they are copies of each other FIT9131 Week 4 36 Passing objects as parameters When an object is passed as a parameter, what is passed to the method is a copy of the reference to the object. A change to the state of the formal parameter produces a change in the state of the actual argument. This kind of parameter passing is known as call-by-reference. Memory for object in calling method Reference to object in calling method Reference to object in called method note : the 2 references are “pointing” to the same object FIT9131 Week 4 37 Returning values from methods A value returned from a method replaces the call to the method. Eg : NumberDisplay aNumberDisplay = new NumberDisplay(); System.out.println(aNumberDisplay.getValue()); System.out.println(0); ClockDisplay aClockDisplay = new ClockDisplay(); if (minutes.getValue() = = 0) ... if (0 = = 0) ... if (true) ... becomes becomes becomes FIT9131 Week 4 38 Methods with no parameter and no return values Eg : this method in the ClockDisplay class: public void updateDisplay() { displayString = hours.getDisplayValue() + “:” + minutes.getDisplayValue(); } This method can be invoked by an expression like : updateDisplay(); no formal parameter no actual argument FIT9131 Week 4 39 Method signatures A method has a signature that specifies what parameters it takes when it is called. public int getAge() public String getName() public boolean setAge(int anAge) private boolean validAge(int anAge) The signature is the method name plus the parameter list. The compiler cares only about the types in the parameter list, not the names of the formal parameters. FIT9131 Week 4 40 Method Overloading It is possible to have more than one method (or constructor) with the same name, but different signatures, in a class declaration. This is called method overloading. The compiler knows which method you want to call by looking at the signature of the methods. If it can't find a signature that matches the way you have called that method, it gives you an error message. An example of overloading can be seen with the multiple constructors in the ClockDisplay class : public ClockDisplay() public ClockDisplay(int hour, int minute) FIT9131 Week 4 41 Default constructor of ClockDisplay class public ClockDisplay() { hours = new NumberDisplay(24); minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); updateDisplay(); } NB. A Default Constructor has no formal parameter(s) If you do not write a constructor for a class, Java puts one in for you. Good programming practice – always write your own constructor! FIT9131 Week 4 42 Another ClockDisplay constructor (“overloaded”) public ClockDisplay(int hour, int minute) { hours = new NumberDisplay(24); minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); setTime(hour, minute); } As long as the signatures are all different, the compiler has no problem with these. FIT9131 Week 4 43 Overloading other methods We can also overload any other methods in exactly the same way, as long as the two methods with the same name have different signatures. Eg - consider this method : public boolean setGrade(char aCharacter) { if (validGrade(aCharacter)) // check if parameter is valid { grade = aCharacter; // assume grade is an attribute return true; } return false; } FIT9131 Week 4 44 An overloaded version of setGrade public boolean setGrade(String aString) { char aCharacter = aString.charAt(0); if (validGrade(aCharacter)) { grade = aCharacter; return true; } return false; } OR, more efficiently (same result): public boolean setGrade(String aString) { char aCharacter = aString.charAt(0); return setGrade(aCharacter); } Returns the first character in the string FIT9131 Week 4 45 Which method is called? When you call the setGrade method, Java will pick one version or the other to execute, depending on what type of data is passed to it. eg : setGrade('P') will cause the first version to be executed, and setGrade("P") will cause the second version to be executed. As the two versions have different signatures, there is no confusion for the compiler. FIT9131 Week 4 46 The this keyword The this keyword is used resolve name conflicts. It means “the current object” i.e., the object that has been asked to invoke this method. It can be used to access a attribute (field) when there is a more ‘closely’ defined variable with the same name. For example, in the following constructor the three parameters have the same names as the attributes – so the code would not work : public MailItem(string from, String to, String message) { from = from; to = to; message = message; } Problem : Java cannot differentiate between the attributes and the parameters, since their names are the same FIT9131 Week 4 47 The this keyword We need something to differentiate the attributes from the formal parameters : public MailItem(string from, String to, String message) { this.from = from; this.to = to; this.message = message; } The this.from refers to the from attribute in the current object, etc. The from refers to the from formal parameter in the current method, etc. No confusions here!!! FIT9131 Week 4 48 Cleaner solution? Eg. Use different names for different things : public MailItem(string sender, String receiver, String newMessage) { from = sender; to = receiver; message = newMessage; } Even less confusions here!!! A cleaner (& recommended) solution is : use different names for the attributes and the formal parmeters – eg. we could have named the parameters above “sender”, “receiver”, “newMessage”. Then we wouldn’t need to use the this keyword at all here. FIT9131 Week 4 49 Assignment 1 Hopefully all of you have downloaded Assignment 1. Progress: - From Week 2, class skeletons can be done for all classes. - Classes with arrays can use single value attributes for now. - From Week 3, input can be accepted via the keyboard for the classes. - From this week, objects can be created within code to facilitate interaction. - Demo, if time permits.