程序代写代做代考 Java compiler cache computer architecture Candidate Number

Candidate Number



January 2017 (A1)

Compilers and Computer Architecture

Assessment Period: January 2017 (A1)


Candidates should answer TWO questions out of THREE. If all three
questions are attempted only the first two answers will be marked.

The time allowed is TWO hours.

Each question is worth 50 marks.

At the end of the examination the question paper and any answer
books/answer sheets, used or unused, will be collected from you before
you leave the examination room.

G5035 Compilers and Computer Architecture

1. This question is about the front-end of a compiler.

(a) Explain the purpose of the lexing, parsing and type-checking phases in
a compiler. What does each phase take as input and return as output?

[10 marks]

(b) The lexer and parser of a compiler can be written “by hand”. What is
an alternative to hand-writing lexer and parser? List advantages and
disadvantages of either approach. [10 marks]

(c) Consider a Java-like language with keywords including if, then, else,
for, while, do, repeat and until. Identifiers in the language are given
by the regular expression [a− z][a− zA− Z0− 9]∗.
We assume that the token corresponding to ”if” is T Keyword If, the
token corresponding to ”then” is T Keyword Then, and likewise for the
remaining keywords. The token for identifiers is T Keyword Ident(…)
where dots stand for the identifier, e.g. ”numberOfConnections” becomes
the token T Keyword Ident(“numberOfConnections”).

i. Note that the string ”if” fits the description of identifiers in the
language. Is ”if” lexed into the token T Keyword If or into
T Keyword Identifier(“if”)? Justify your decision, and explain
what mechanism the lexer uses to achieve this effect.

ii. Assume your L compiler is lexing a string that starts as follows:
int ifthen = 1; ifthen += 1; …

Is the string ”ifthen” lexed into two consecutive tokens
T_Keyword_If T_Keyword_Then

or into a single token T Keyword Identifier(“ifthen”)? Justify
your decision, and explain what mechanism the lexer uses to
achieve this effect.

iii. Tokens like T Keyword Identifier(“ifthen”) carry two pieces of
information, namely (a) the nature of the token (in this case
Identifier) and (b) the name of the identifier (in this case ifthen).
Which of those two pieces of information is used by the parser for
checking whether the input is syntactically well-formed? Justify your

[20 marks]

(d) The lexical definitions of programming languages typically define what
counts as “whitespace”, for example containing

whitespace = (’ ’ | ’\n’ | ’\t’)+

Why is it important to specify what counts as “whitespace” when defining
the lexical level of a language? [10 marks]


Compilers and Computer Architecture G5035

2. This question is about code generation.

(a) What data-structure is the input of a code-generator? What feature of
this data-structure is designed to make the definition of code-generators
simple, and to make the execution of code-generation fast? [10 marks]

(b) Assume in the translation of a program P the compiler has a choice
between allocating the variable x on the heap or on the stack. (Choice
here means that both options generate the same observable program
behaviour.) Do you recommend stack-allocation or heap-allocation in
this case? Justify your recommendation. [10 marks]

(c) In the lectures and tutorials we used (a variant of) the following simple
programming language to explain code-generation.

E,E ′ ::= n | x | E + E ′
P,Q ::= while E > 0 do P | for i = E to E do P

| if E > 0 then P else Q | x = E

Here x ranges over variables, and n, i over integers. Design a code
generator for this language. The target machine architecture for your
code generator is the register machine with an unlimited number of
registers (as introduced in the lectures). Make sure to explain your
design appropriately. As a reminder, the commands of the machine
language for the target architecture are listed below. We assume that
the registers are named R0, R1, R2, …, and r, r′ range over registers.

[30 marks]
Command Meaning
Nop Does nothing
Pop r Removes the top of the stack and stores

it in register r
Push r Pushes the content of the register r on stack
Load r x Loads the content of memory location x into

register r
LoadImm r n Loads integer n into register r
Store r x Stores the content of register r in memory

location x
CompGreaterThan r r’ Compares the content of register r with the

content of register r’. Stores 1 in r if former
is bigger than latter, otherwise stores 0

Jump l Jumps to l
JumpTrue r l Jumps to address/label l if the content of

register r is not 0

3 Turn over/

G5035 Compilers and Computer Architecture

Command Meaning
Plus r r’ Adds the content of r and r’, stores result

in r
Minus r r’ Subtracts the content of r’ from r, stores

result in r
Times r r’ Multiplies the content of r and r’, stores

result in r
Divide r r’ Divides the content of r by r’, stores result in r
Negate r Negates the content of r and stores result in r


Compilers and Computer Architecture G5035

3. This question is about computer architecture and its effect on performance.

(a) A modern CPU uses many different forms of memory such as registers,
static RAM, dynamic RAM and flash memory. Explain why. Outline the
advantages and disadvantages of each. [10 marks]

(b) What is the meaning of data locality in the execution of a program? Give
an example of a program fragment that exhibits a high degree of data
locality. Explain why your example exhibits data locality. [18 marks]

(c) What is the purpose of caches in a CPU? How can caches affect the
performance of a program? [10 marks]

(d) Consider the following program that first executes a subprogram P and
then two identical assignments.


x = x + 1;

x = x + 1

Assume the translation of this program compiles both assignments
to the same machine code. Explain under what circumstances the
execution of this program on a modern CPU takes much longer to
execute the first assignment than the second? When do both commands
take roughly identical time to execute? [12 marks]

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