COMP9318 Tutorial 4: Association Rule Mining
Wei Wang @ UNSW
Q1 I
Show that if A → B does not meet the minconf constraint, A → BC does not
Q2 I
Given the following transactional database
1 C, B, H
2 B, F, S
3 A, F, G
4 C, B, H
5 B, F, G
6 B, E, O
1. We want to mine all the frequent itemsets in the data using the Apriori
algorithm. Assume the minimum support is 30%. (You need to give the
set of frequent itemsets in L1, L2, . . . , candidate itemsets in C2, C3, . . . ).
2. Find all the association rules that involves only B, C, H (in either left or
right hand side of the rule). The minimum confidence is 70%.
Q3 I
Compute the frequent itemset of for the data in Q2 using the FP-growth