Microsoft PowerPoint – programmingmodel-1
High Performance Computing
Course Notes
Shared Memory Parallel
Dr Ligang He
2Computer Science, University of Warwick
OpenMP stands for Open specification for Multi-
used to assist compilers to understand and
parallelise the serial code
Can be used to specify shared memory parallelism in
Fortran, C and C++ programs
OpenMP is a specification for
a set of compiler directives,
RUN TIME library routines, and
environment variables
3Computer Science, University of Warwick
History of OpenMP
Started late 80s there was emergence of shared memory
parallel computers with proprietary directive-driven
programming environments
Poor portability, OpenMP emerges as an industry standard
OpenMP specifications include:
OpenMP 1.0 for Fortran, 1997, OpenMP 1.0 for C/C++, 1998
OpenMP 2.0 for Fortran, 2000, OpenMP 2.0 for C/C++ , 2002
OpenMP 2.5 for C/C++ and Fortran, 2005
OpenMP 3.0 for C/C++ and Fortran, 2008
OpenMP 3.1, 2011
OpenMP 4.0, 2013, OpenMP 4.5, 2015
OpenMP Architecture Review Board: Compaq, HP, IBM,
Intel, SGI, SUN
4Computer Science, University of Warwick
An implementation of thread models
Multiple threads running in parallel
Used for shared memory architecture
Fork-join model
OpenMP programming model
5Computer Science, University of Warwick
How a new process is created
Use the fork function
All three segments and
the program counter are duplicated
6Computer Science, University of Warwick
How Threads are Created?
Only the stack segment and the program counter are duplicated
7Computer Science, University of Warwick
Used to split a program into separate tasks, one per thread, that
can execute concurrently
“Light weight process”: multiple threads exist within the context of a
single process, sharing the process’s code, global information,
other resources
Threads usually communicate by processing shared global data
global shared space – global data accessed from single global
address space (heap) shared among the threads
local private space – each thread also has its own local private data
(stack) that is not shared
8Computer Science, University of Warwick
main () {
int var1, var2, var3;
Serial code
/*Beginning of parallel section. Fork a team of threads. Specify variable scoping*/
#pragma omp parallel private(var1, var2) shared(var3)
Parallel section executed by all threads
All threads join master thread and disband
Resume serial code
OpenMP code structure in C
9Computer Science, University of Warwick
Serial code …
!Beginning of parallel section. Fork a team of threads. Specify
variable scoping
Parallel section executed by all threads
All threads join master thread and disband
Resume serial code
OpenMP code structure in Fortran
10Computer Science, University of Warwick
OpenMP Directives Format
11Computer Science, University of Warwick
OpenMP directives are ignored by compilers that don’t support
OpenMP. In this case, codes are run as serial codes
Compiler directives used to specify
sections of code that can be executed in parallel
critical sections
Scope of variables (private or shared)
Mainly used to parallelize loops, e.g. separate threads to handle
separate iterations of the loop
There is also a run-time library that has several useful routines
for checking the number of threads and number of processors,
changing the number of threads, etc
OpenMP features
12Computer Science, University of Warwick
Multiple threads are created using the parallel construct
For C and C++
#pragma omp parallel
… do stuff
For Fortran
… do stuff
Fork-Join Model
13Computer Science, University of Warwick
The number of threads in a parallel region is
determined by the following factors, in order of
Use of the omp_set_num_threads() library
Setting of the OMP_NUM_THREADS
environment variable
Implementation default – the number of CPUs
on a node
Threads are numbered from 0 (master thread) to N-
How many threads are generated
14Computer Science, University of Warwick
Compiler directive specifies that loop can be
done in parallel
For C and C++:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (i=0;i++;i
main() {
int x;
x = 0;
#pragma omp parallel shared(x)
#pragma omp critical
x = x+1;
} /* end of parallel section */
Example of Critical Section
20Computer Science, University of Warwick
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int th_id, nthreads;
#pragma omp parallel private(th_id)
th_id = omp_get_thread_num();
printf(“Hello World from thread %d\n”, th_id);
#pragma omp barrier
if ( th_id == 0 ) {
nthreads = omp_get_num_threads();
printf(“There are %d threads\n”,nthreads);
return 0;
Example of Barrier in OpenMP
21Computer Science, University of Warwick
OpenMP Data Scope Attribute Clauses are used to
explicitly define how variables should be viewed by
These clauses are used in conjunction with several
directives (e.g. PARALLEL, DO/for) to control the
scoping of enclosed variables
Three often encountered clauses:
Data Scope Attributes in OpenMP
22Computer Science, University of Warwick
private(var) creates a local copy of var for each thread
shared(var) states that var is a global variable to be
shared among threads
Shared and private data in OpenMP
23Computer Science, University of Warwick
Reduction –
The exemplar op is add, logical OR (commutative
A local copy of the variable is made for each thread
The local values of the variable can be updated by the
At the end of parallel region, the local values are combined
to create global value through Reduction operation
Reduction Clause
reduction (op : var)
24Computer Science, University of Warwick
An Example of Reduction Clause
double ZZ, res=0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:res) private(ZZ)
for (i=1;i<=N;i++) { ZZ = i; res = res + ZZ: } 25Computer Science, University of Warwick Can perform a variety of functions, including Query the number of threads/thread no. Set the number of threads to be generated Query the number of processors in the computer Changing the number of threads Run-Time Library Routines 26Computer Science, University of Warwick query routines allow you to get the number of threads and the ID of a specific thread id = omp_get_thread_num(); //thread no. Nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); //number of threads Can specify number of threads at runtime omp_set_num_threads(Nthreads); Run-Time Library Routines 27Computer Science, University of Warwick Controlling the execution of parallel code Four environment variables OMP_SCHEDULE: how iterations of a loop are scheduled OMP_NUM_THREADS: maximum number of threads OMP_DYNAMIC: enable or disable dynamic adjustment of the number of threads OMP_NESTED: enable or disable nested parallelism Environment Variable 28Computer Science, University of Warwick Lab session today - Practice OpenMP - Download lab instructions and code from here: - Move down to Lab 001 and 003 29Computer Science, University of Warwick Assignment 1 - OpenMP - Use OpenMP to parallelize the deqn code - The overall objective is to achieve good speedup - Write a report - Explain in detail what you did with the sequential code - benchmark the runtime of each relevant loop and the runtime of the whole parallel program against the number of threads; present the runtimes in graph or table; analyze the results - Discuss the iteration scheduling in your program - Analyze the overhead of OpenMP - Presentation skills, spelling, punctuation and grammar - Up to four A4 pages