COMP110 Practical 3
Access Control, Synchronisation and Remote Access
1 Introduction
This practical is intended to familiarise you with the file access control mechanisms of the file
system used by the Department and relates to the following two module learning outcomes:
• To effectively use relevant software packages and appreciate different types of software;
• To effectively use general IT facilities including organising your file store, taking advantage of
access control and security features of operating systems.
By default, your own files can only be accessed by yourself. It is important that you understand
why this is so, how you can check who can access your files or the files of others, how you restrict
or open access to files, and how you change what can be done with a file.
In addition, we will consider how you might best synchronise the files on the Departmental
filestore with the files you have at home on a PC or laptop and how you can remotely access
Departmental computing facilities.
This document can be found at∼ullrich/COMP110/notes/practical03.pdf
While you work through the tasks below compare your results with those of your fellow students
and ask one of the demonstrators for help and comments if required.
2 File Permissions
We will use the Department’s Linux systems for most of the exercises that follow. Use MobaXterm
to connect to one of the departmental Linux systems.
2.1 Overview
Figure 1: Permissions
You have already seen that using ls -l you can get a ‘long
listing’ of the files in the current directory. If you have
completed the exercises of Practical 1, then your home di-
rectory should contain a subdirectory called year1 and files
semester1Timetable.txt and myBooks.txt in that subdirec-
tory. If you have used names different from these, then you
need to adjust the exercises accordingly. Executing the com-
I ls -l
I ls -l year1
should result in output resembling that shown in Figure 1 (remember: $ is the command prompt,
not a character that is part of the command that you need to enter; ‘l’ is the letter `, not the
number ‘1’).
As you can see, the output of ls -l consists of several columns with the right-most column
obviously containing the names of files and directories. The third column from the left, the one
containing u2uh} in Figure 1, indicates the owner. For your own files, the corresponding column
should show your used id. The fourth column from the left, the one containing 605 in Figure 1,
indicates the group. Again, the group shown for your files will be different. The left-most column,
a rather cryptic looking string of characters and dashes, shows the permissions (alternatively called
access rights) for each of the files and directories.
All modern operating systems use access control lists to control who can do what with a
particular file system object. To this end, each file system object is associated with such an access
control list that contains access control entries, each of which gives an individual user or group the
right to perform an operation such as reading, writing, or executing the file system object.
Linux, like any traditional UNIX operating system, recognises three classes of users with respect
to operations on file system objects: owner, group, and other. Operations are categorised as
read (r), write (w), and execute (x). Finally, the file system categorises file system objects into
various kinds of objects, including files and directories. Having read (r), write (w), and execute (x)
permission takes slightly different meaning for files versus directories:
Permission For a file For a directory
read (r) allowed to view file contents allowed to view directory contents
write (w) allowed to write to file allowed to remove or add new files to directory
execute (x) allowed to execute file allowed to access files in the directory
Some clarification is in order regarding permissions for directories:
• To remove or add a file to a directory, or to otherwise modify an already existing file in a
directory, you actually need both write (r) and execute/access (x) permission for the directory.
• Similarly, while read (r) permission for a directory, without execute (x) permission, does indeed
allow you to see what files are in a directory, you will get an error message for each file telling
you that you do not have access permission for the file. Furthermore, you will not be able to see
any additional information for these files, e.g. their owners or the permissions for these files.
So, what does the information shown in Figure 1, and repeated below, tell us about permissions
for the files and directories involved?
drwx–x–x. year1
-rw-r–r–. semester1Timetable.txt
-rwx——. myBooks.txt
• The first character indicates the type of the file: ‘d’ stands for ’directory’, ‘-’ for ‘regular file’,
‘l’ for link, etc.
So, year1 is a directory, while semester1Timetable.txt and myBooks.txt are regular files.
• The next block of three characters indicates the permissions that the owner of the files has.
So, ‘rwx’ for year1 and myBooks.txt means that the owner has read, write and execute permis-
sion. Remember, since year1 is a directory while myBooks.txt is a regular file, these permissions
have a slightly different meaning for each of these.
For semester1Timetable.txt, ‘rw-’ indicates that we have read and write permission, but not
execute permission.
• The next block of three characters indicates the permissions for members of the group.
For year1, the three characters are ‘–x’, so the group 605 has execute permission for this
directory and only execute permission. For semester1Timetable.txt, the three characters are
‘r–’, so the group 605 has read permission. Finally, for myBooks.txt, the three characters are
‘—’, so the group 605 has no rights with respect to this file.
• The next block of three characters indicates the permissions for other users.
As it happens, for the three file system objects considered here, as the third block of three char-
acters is identical to the second block of three characters, other users have the same permissions
as the group 605.
2.2 Changing File Permissions: Symbolic Notation
To change the permissions for file system objects you use the chmod command. In is simplest form,
chmod takes two arguments:
1. A description of the permissions that you want to set or a description of how you want to
change the existing permissions. This description can be given in symbolic notation or numeric
(a) In symbolic notation, you need to specify for which user or group of users you want to
change the permissions, how you want to change them, and which permissions you want
to change:
Which user? How to change the permission? Which permission?
u user/owner + add this permission r read
g group – remove this permission w write
o other = set exactly this permission x execute
a all (of the above)
For example, ‘u-x’ indicates that you want to remove the execute permission from the
owner, i.e. from yourself, while ‘a+w’ means that you want to add write permission for all
users, including yourself.
Regarding the first and third group, you can pick more than one character. For example,
‘ug+rw’ means that for both user/owner and group you want to add both read and write
2. A list of file system objects for which you want to change the permissions, with a space separating
the files system objects within the list.
Putting both together,
I chmod u-x year1/myBooks.txt
means that you want to remove execute permission from the owner of the file year1/myBooks.txt.
Figure 2: chmod (1)
Execute the command above and use
I ls -l year1
to see what the effect of the command has been. The output
from ls -l year1 should resemble that shown in Figure 2: The
permissions for the owner of the file should have changed from
‘rwx’ to ‘rw-’.
In Figure 1 we have seen that the permissions for the file
semester1Timetable.txt give read permissions to all users
(owner, group, and others). Such generous read permissions
should be avoided if at all possible as you are required to keep
your files secure from unauthorised access1.
1For example, if a file that is readable by all users would contain your work for a COMP101 assignment, then
Figure 3: chmod (2)
To restrict the read permissions for semester1Timetable.txt
use the command
$ chmod og-r year1/semester1Timetable.txt
and see what the effect is using ls -l year1 (see Figure 3).
Let us see what the default permissions are for a newly created
file. To create such a file you can use the touch command:
I touch year1/newFile.txt
will create a new file called newFile.txt in the directory year1.
Execute this command and use
I ls -l year1
to see what the permissions for newFile.txt are (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: chmod (3)
As you can see, the file is readable and writable by the owner,
i.e. yourself, but by nobody else. If you were to create a new file
under Windows, then by default the execute permission would
also be set for the owner of the file. Give it a try.
So far we have not seen an example of an executable file. Let
us create one.
Using your favourite editor, e.g. gedit, create a new file in your
home directory, called myFirstShellScript, with the following content (also see Figure 5):
Figure 5: Shell script
echo “Hello World!”
Here, the first line indicates which interpreter should be used
to execute the rest of the file, namely, the file /bin/sh, the sys-
tem’s default shell. That will be the GNU Bourne-Again SHell or
bash for short.
Check with ls -l what the permissions are for myFirstShellScript
once you have saved it. Not surprisingly, it is readable and writable
by the owner, but nothing else.
Try to execute the file by using the command
I ./myFirstShellScript
in the same directory where this file is stored. You should get
an error message telling you that you do not have permission to
execute the file. This is correct as so far nobody has execute
permission for this file.
Figure 6: Executing filesLet us change that using the command
I chmod u+x myFirstShellScript
Then try to execute myFirstShellScript again. This time you
will succeed and the script will produce the output
Hello World!
See Figure 6.
all students could potentially see what you have done and one of them could submit a copy as their own work. We
would consider that to be collusion involving both parties, i.e. yourself and the other student, not plagiarism.
Now that you know how to change the permissions of a file system object, you can check
whether what has been said on page 2 about permissions for directories is true. Do the following:
1. Change the permissions for directory year1 to ‘r——–’, i.e. read permission for the owner
only, no other permissions for the owner, no permissions for group or other.
Then use ls -l year1 to see whether you can still obtain a long listing of the contents of the
year1 directory.
2. Now give yourself execute permission for year1 in addition to read permission, i.e. set the
permissions to ‘r-x——’.
Use ls -l year1 again to see what the long listing of the contents of the year1 directory looks
3. Next, see whether write permission alone allows you to create a file in the the directory year1.
To do so, execute the commands
I chmod u=w year1
I touch year1/testFile
The system should deny you the permission to create testFile.
4. Adding execute permission to the directory should solve this problem:
I chmod u+x year1
I touch year1/testFile
This time creating the file testFile should succeed.
2.3 Changing File Permissions: Octal Notation
chmod also allows to change permissions using a numeric notation. For example
I chmod 640 year1/semester1Timetable.txt
will give the owner of year1/semester1Timetable.txt read and write permission, the group read
permission, and others no permissions.
In numeric notation, permissions are given by three digits: The first digit is for owner/user
permissions, the second digit for group permissions, and the third digit for the permissions of
Each digit is the sum of one or more of the following values:
4 set read permission
2 set write permission
1 set execute permission
In our example above, the first digit was 6, the sum of 4 and 2. Thus, we were instructing chmod to
set read and write permission for the owner. The second digit was 4, so the group was given read
permission. Finally, the third digit was 0, meaning other users have no permissions with respect
to the file.
Execute the command chmod 640 year1/semester1Timetable.txt and check whether the
permissions change as described above. Then, using numeric notation for permissions, set the
permissions for the file year1/semester1Timetable.txt back to ‘rw——-’.
3 Synchronisation
You may have your own PC and/or laptop that you want to use for your studies, in which case
you will have to transfer files between the Departmental filestore and your PC/laptop. You might
use a USB pen drive, but students quite often forget these, or forget to copy all the necessary files
onto the pen drive, or the pen drive gets lost or ceases to work.
An alternative is the use of rsync or of MobaXterm to transfer files between a PC or laptop
at home and the departmental computers.
3.1 rsync
rsync is a program that transfers files and directories from one location to another in a way that
minimises the amount of data that needs to be transferred. The two locations do not necessarily
have to be on the same computer. rsync has several advantages over other, simpler, file transfer
programs: (i) rsync can restrict transfers to files that have been changed instead of blindly trans-
ferring all files and (ii) even where a file has to be transferred, rsync will by default only transfer
parts of the file that have changed, not the complete file. This not only minimises the amount of
data that needs to be transferred but also minimises the time the transfer takes.
The protocol that is typically used for the transfer of files between locations on different com-
puters is SSH (Secure Shell), a cryptographic network protocol. SSH uses the client-server model
and requires that on the computer that will act as server for the transfer of files is running a
SSH daemon that accepts connections from a SSH client. This is the case for all Linux systems
in the Department, with two Linux systems specifically set up to be accessible from outside the
Department: (aka and (aka
Let us first assume that your PC/laptop at home is also using a Linux operating system. In
all likelihood rsync will already be installed, if not, use the Package Manager to install it. Let us
also assume that your Departmental username is u6xyz. Finally, assume that on the Departmental
filestore you have all currently relevant files in a subdirectory year1 of your home directory while
on your own PC/laptop the corresponding files are in ~/uni/year1/.
Then to synchronise the contents of these two directories and all their subdirectories, execute
the following command in a terminal window on your PC/laptop at home:
I rsync -auvz -e ssh ’’ ~/uni/year1/’s password:
After you have entered your Departmental password, changed files will be transferred, for example:
receiving incremental file list
sent 614 bytes received 278252 bytes 17991.35 bytes/sec
total size is 893970880 speedup is 3205.74
The options -auvz -e ssh tell rsync:
• to transfer files in archive mode (-a), which ensures that symbolic links, devices, attributes,
permissions, ownerships, etc are preserved in the transfer,
• to skip files that are newer on the receiver (-u),
• to show which files are transferred (-v),
• to compress the data that is to be transferred (-z) and
• to use ssh as network protocol (-e ssh).
Used in this way, rsync does not delete files on the receiver, i.e., your PC/laptop, that have
been deleted on the Departmental systems. In order to delete those files on the receiver, the
–delete option can be used:
I rsync –delete -auvz -e ssh ’’ ~/uni/year1/
Obviously, this operation can easily lead to the loss of files. To see which files will be deleted on
the receiver, without them being deleted right away, one can ask rsync to perform a dry run by
adding the -n option to the command:
I rsync -n –delete -auvz -e ssh ’’ ~/uni/year1/
receiving incremental file list
sent 23 bytes received 18445 bytes 7387.20 bytes/sec
total size is 417446325 speedup is 22603.76 (DRY RUN)
Finally, if you have changed files on your PC/laptop and want to transfer those files back to the
Departmental systems, you simply have to swap destination and source when using rsync:
I rsync -auvz -e ssh ~/uni/year1/ ’’
The only drawback of rsync is that you must not forget this step if you want continue to work
on those files while in the Department.
The manual page for rsync provides lots of additional information including a description of
all the options of rsync.
To experiment with rsync right now, do the following:
1. Create directories ~/uni/ and ~/uni/year1.
2. Execute the command
I rsync -auvz -e ssh ’’ ~/uni/year1/
replacing u6xyz with your own user id and making adjustments to the directory names as
3. Inspect the contents of ~/uni/year1. Does it now contain all the files and subdirectories of
~/year1? Compare the file permissions and modification times of those files and subdirectories
with those of the sources files and subdirectories.
4. Change the modification time of ~/year1/myBooks.txt and add a new file to ~/year1/comp110/
by executing the commands
I touch ~/year1/myBooks.txt
I ls -l ~/year1/ > ~/year1/modules.txt
5. Execute the command
I rsync -auvz -e ssh ’’ ~/uni/year1/
again, with the necessary modifications. See what files are transferred.
6. Create a file ~/uni/year1/coursework.txt by executing the command
I cp ~/uni/year1/myBooks.txt ~/uni/year1/coursework.txt
Figure 7: Grsync for Windows
7. Use a dry-run of rsync to see what were to happen if you sync ~/uni/year1 back to ~/year1:
I rsync -n -auvz -e ssh ~/uni/year1/ ’’
8. Finally, use another dry-run of rsync to see what were to happen if you sync ~/year1 with
~/uni/year1 with the –delete option:
I rsync -n –delete -auvz -e ssh ’’ ~/uni/year1/
You should see that ~/uni/year1/coursework.txt would be deleted.
9. Delete the directory ~/uni/ directory and its contents.
Let us now assume that your PC/laptop at home is using MS Windows. Then you first need to
install rsync. There are various ports of rsync to MS Windows. We will use Grsync for Windows
in the following. The installation file for Grsync is available for download at
Grsync provides a graphical user interface for rsync. After the installation of Grsync has been
completed, it can be started from the Start Menu, and it presents itself as shown in Figure 7.
Grsync provides two input fields that are used to specify source and destination. The syntax for the
specification of remote sources is the same as for rsync. So, as in our examples for the use of rsync
on Linux systems, in order to transfer files from subdirectory year1 in your home directory on the
Departmental systems, you would specify the source as To
specify the destination directory, simply click on the ‘Browse’ button to the right of the destination
input field and navigate to the desired directory in the file selector window that opens. In order
the specify whether permissions and ownership should be preserved and whether files present on
the destination but not on the source should be deleted, Grsync provides check boxes. Make sure
that the right options are set, in particular, that ‘Skip newer’ is set.
The graphical user interface will invoke rsync once you press the ‘Execute’ button, pressing the
‘Simulation’ will start a dry run. Two additional windows will open, one showing the progress of
the synchronisation process, another asking you to enter your password for the Departmental sys-
tems. Once the password has been entered and accepted, the progress window will show diagnostic
output by rsync.
Note that Grsync is also available for Linux systems. Again, if Grsync is not already installed
on your PC/laptop, use the Package Manager to do so.
For further help on the use of both the Windows and the Linux port of Grsync it is best to
refer to the manual pages for rsync.
(a) Download file (b) Upload file
Figure 8: Transferring files using MobaXterm
3.2 MobaXterm
We have already mentioned in the last practical that MobaXterm also allows you to transfer files.
Let us quickly see how that works. First, create two new files using the commands
I ls -1 $HOME > ~/year1/fileUni.txt
I ls -1 $HOME > ~/uni/year1/fileHome.txt
We want to transfer fileUni.txt to ~/uni/year1/ using MobaXterm. To do so, in the file browser
in the left pane of MobXterm, find the directory year1, double-click on it to open the directory
in the file browser. Then right-click on the file fileUni.txt. This opens a menu (Figure 8a) in
which you select “Download”. Another file browser opens which allows you to select the directory to
which you want to download the file to. Use the file browser to select the directory ~/uni/year1/.
To upload the file fileHome.txt to the directory ~/year1/, first select this directory in the
file browser of MobaXterm. Then click on the upward arrow above the file browser pane. Again,
another file browser opens which allows you to select the file or files that you want to upload. Use
the file browsers to select the file fileHome.txt, then click on “Open” (Figure 8b). MobaXterm
will then transfer the file. Explore the other options that MobaXterm offers you: You can create
directories on the remote system. delete files, and create new files.
4 Remote access
The two Linux systems (aka and
(aka also provide you with a possibility to remotely access Departmental
computing facilities.
If your own PC/laptop is running Linux and has SSH installed, then executing the command
I ssh
in a terminal window will establish a secure terminal session to ssh1. MacOS also comes with its
own implementation of SSH and the command shown above should also work under MacOS.
If your own PC/laptop is running MS Windows, you will first have to download and install an
SSH client. Two alternatives are MobaXterm and PuTTY, with MobaXterm being the preferred
alternative. You can find these at
After installing a SSH client, follow the instructions at
network/ssh/ssh.html on how to establish a remote terminal session to ssh1 or ssh2.
apropos aspell bash cat cd chsh clear cp date
diff diffpp egrep enscript find history kill ln mv
quota rename sort ssh tail tar tcsh time top
uptime vim zile zip
Table 1: Useful Linux commands
Also, only low impact jobs should be run on the two externally-visible systems ssh1 and ssh2.
Anything that might run for a long time or might require significant memory, should be run on
linux01 to linux08. These servers can be reached via SSH from ssh1 and ssh2, that is, once you
have established an SSH session with one of ssh1 or ssh2, you can use the command ssh linux01
within the MobaXterm or PuTTY terminal to connect to linux01. Analogously for all other Linux
systems within the department.
Note also that if you are using MobaXterm at home, you can interact with the Linux system
that you are connected to from a laptop or PC at home in the same way as you can from a Windows
system within the department. So, you can remotely edit files or upload files that you have created
at home and you can execute commands on the departmental Linux systems.
The best way of working remotely will depend on the speed and reliability of your internet
connection. If your connection is fast enough, then you might be able to open an editor with
graphical user interface on ssh1 or ssh2 and edit files directly on our systems. With a slower
connection you might want to use a command line editor instead. Note that you can have more
than one connection / terminal open at the same time. So, you can have one terminal with a
command line editor and other terminal to execute commands such as compiling and running
programs. The third alternative would be to just use the connection to transfer files that you
create on your system.
5 Further Study
This concludes our short introduction to Windows and Linux. There is obviously still a lot to
learn, even about the commands that you have used in these practicals.
To explore the possibilities of Linux further you can first of all take advantage of the manual
pages that are available for almost every Linux command. In a terminal, manual pages can be
read using the command man. In its simplest form man takes a single argument, namely, the name
of the manual page that you would like to read; the name of the manual page is typically identical
to that of the corresponding command or program. So, for example,
I man chmod
will show you the manual page for the command chmod. To display this manual page, man uses
less -s by default. So, you can use the key bindings for less to navigate through a manual page.
Of course, you can use
I man less
to learn what those key bindings are. Table 1 lists a number of other commands that you should
explore by reading their manual pages and experimenting with them.
To learn more about the Linux command line and shell scripting you can refer to the following
e-book available from the library:
W. E. Shotts: The Linux command line: A complete introduction.
No Starch Press, 2012.∼S8
[last modification 16 December 2012, accessed 02 October 2015]
For the Gnome Desktop additional help is available via ‘System > Help’ in the tool bar at the
top of the desktop. Gnome tools will typically also have a ‘Help’ button in their tool bar that
allows you to access the manual pages for that specific tool.
Longer term you should aim to be able to install and set up an XAMPP stack (Apache HTTP
Server, MariaDB or MySQL, PHP, Perl) on a Linux Virtual Machine under Windows 7/10 as
well as directly on a Windows 7/10 system. You will not be taught how to do this, but by the
beginning of the final year you should have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills through
self-study. VirtualBox, a free and open-source hypervisor for x86 computers, is installed on our
Windows 10 PCs and ready-to-use virtual machines can be found at https://virtualboxes.
org/. Alternatives are Hyper-V and VMware Workstation Player, each with their advantages and
File Permissions
Changing File Permissions: Symbolic Notation
Changing File Permissions: Octal Notation
Remote access
Further Study