2018/3/3 Assignment 3
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Assignment 3 Test Adequacy via Mutation Analysis
For this project, you shall perform a mutation analysis study of an existing test suite for an open-
source software project. We shall be using the Major mutation framework for Java to perform the
actual mutation analysis.
You shall work in groups of three to four students, but the overall requirements scale with the
group size.
Selecting a Project to Analyze
The following requirements apply to the open-source project.
1. It must be hosted/sponsored/associated with an organization that is affiliated with Google
Summer of Code (in this or any prior year), or it must be present in the Open Hub
database. Exceptions to this are possible but must be approved by the instructor. (You
might look at the programs Major was tested on for ideas.)
2. The code base of the analyzed project must be at least 10,000 lines of code (10 KLoC).
The sizes of most projects can easily be found via OpenHub or via tools like sloccount.
3. A substantial test suite must exist for the project. The assignment will be easiest if the
selected project uses JUnit to manage its tests.
In finding which project to analyze, you should identify and consider the following attributes:
1. Identification of the open-source project.
2. Identification of the supporting organization.
3. Size of the code base (lines of code).
4. Proposed evaluation platform (OS, language).
5. Build time to compile and link an executable from source code.
6. Test suite infrastructure (JUnit?, Ant integration?).
7. Number of tests, lines of code, & execution time for the test suite.
Make sure to include this information in your reported results. If you have questions about
whether a particular project is a good choice, identify these attributes and ask.
A key part of this task is making sure that you can consistently compile the project and run its
test suite.
Running the Major Mutation Framework
Major provides custom versions of Java tools like javac and ant that transform a program to inject
mutations. Many mutations are injected into the program at once, but they can be enabled
individually when tests run. For Major to perform mutation analysis on a project, that project must
first be compiled using the provided version of javac, and then the test suite must be executed
using additional arguments that enable Major’s analysis and reporting. This means that you will
need to integrate Major into the build tools used by the project you select. Presently, should be
used from the command line.
Every project is a bit different, and integrating Major with your project’s test suite may involve
adapting, modifying, or otherwise changing the build system in order to use Major. For projects
that use javac and java directly or for projects that use ant to manage building and testing a
project, examples are available here and are described in section 5 of the documentation.
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Projects using Maven or other build systems are easiest to use by first exporting an ant build.xml
file and modifying it (via mvn ant:ant for Maven).
To integrate Major with an ant build.xml file, there are a few simple steps to follow:
1. Add the property definitions used by Major at the top of the ant project. You will need to
3. Similarly, find the javac task within the task that compiles the tests, e.g. compile-tests, and
add the executable=”${major}” attribute. Do not add the mutator element to this.
4. Find the junit task within the “test” target and add these attributes:
An example build.xml with these modifications is provided with Major and is also available here.
After modifying the ant built file, compile and run the tests using the modified version of ant at
to have them work for a particular project.
After running the mutation analysis with these modifications to the ant build script, several new
files are created. mutants.log contains one line for each generated mutant. Each line contains the
type of mutation, the method and line of the mutation, and the actual syntactic mutation applied.
killed.csv also contains a line for each generated mutant. Each line identifies the mutant ID from
mutants.log and the status of the mutant at the end of analysis. FAIL, TIME, and EXC mean that the
mutant was killed by an assertion failure, test timeout, or an exception. LIVE means that the
mutant was still live at the end of analysis. results.csv contains the mutation analysis for each
individual test in the test suite. Finally, summary.csv contains the complete mutation analysis
results. Other useful information can also be exported to files as described in the Major
Note: Just running mutation analysis can take a long time, even hours for some projects. Recall
from our class discussion why this is. Plan ahead to make sure you have enough time.
Group Analysis and Results
The group as a whole will perform mutation analysis for the entire project using the Major
mutation framework. In reporting your results, you should include:
The number of mutants generated
The number of mutants covered by the test suite
The number of mutants killed by the test suite
The number of live mutants
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The overall mutation score / adequacy of the test suite
Discuss and explain your methods and your observed results. Does killed + live = covered or …
= generated? Why or why not? What do the results tell you about your test suite? Does the test
suite exhibit weaknesses? How can it be improved? Does the test suite exhibit strengths? How
do you recognize them? Contrast the costs and benefits of mutation analysis and testing versus
what you might expect from other techniques. What was easy? What was difficult? What
obstacles did you face in applying mutation analysis to a real world project, and how did you
overcome them? Do you have any other interesting insights or opinions on the experience?
Note, the above points are not yes or no questions. You should present evidence and justify your
Individual Analysis and Results
Each group member shall also choose one method from the open source project and consider
the results of the mutation analysis specifically for that method. Recall that these mutants are
available to you in the mutants.log file generated by Major. Choose a complex routine that you think
is likely to have errors. If Major generated fewer than 25 mutants for the method, then either
select a different method or select additional methods until you have 25 mutants to consider.
Examine 25 of the generated mutants for your method(s). If both killed and unkilled mutants
were generated, include a mix of both. For each one, document your mutation operator. What
was the type of operator used? How was it applied to the code (how did the code change)?
Include the actual line from mutants.log in addition to your descriptive documentation.
For your individual mutants consider the following additional questions: How many mutants are
killed? How many mutants are live? Does live+killed=25? Why or why not? For every mutant that
was not killed, try to determine either (a) that it is an equivalent mutant that should not be killed,
or (b) how to add a test to kill it. For all mutants, try to determine whether they are duplicates of
each other. What are the challenges involved? Does it affect the results? Calculate and report
the mutation score / effectiveness for your particular mutants. What do these results say about
the effectiveness of the test suite and the method(s) that you condidered?
Each group shall submit a final writeup including descriptions of the selected project, the group
results, and the individual results as discussed above. Also include the mutants.log, killed.csv,
results.csv, and summary.csv files produced by the Major framework.
The assignment is due 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 7.