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Microsoft PowerPoint – cluster-1 [Compatibility Mode]

High Performance Computing
Course Notes

Cluster Technologies -I

Dr Ligang He

2Computer Science, University of Warwick

History and Evolution of HPC Systems

1960s: Scalar processor

1970s: Vector processor

Later 1980s: Massively Parallel Processing (MPP)

Later 1990s: Cluster

 Connecting stand-alone computers with high-speed network
(over-cable networks)

• Commodity off the shelve computers

• high-speed network: Gigabit Ethernet, infiniband

• Over-cable network vs. on-board network

 Not a new term itself, but renewed interests

• Performance improvement in CPU and networking

• Advantage over custom-designed mainframe computers: Good

3Computer Science, University of Warwick

Why did Clusters gain popularity then?

Clustering gained new wave of interests
when 3 technologies converged:

1. Very high performance Microprocessors

• PC performance today = old time supercomputers

2. High speed communication

3. Standard tools for parallel/ distributed programming

4Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Architectures

5Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…1

• Multiple High Performance Components:
 PCs
 SMPs

• They can be based on different architectures and
running different OS

• But usually, the nodes in a cluster are
 They have same architecture and performance, and are

installed with the same os

6Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…2

• OS used in various cluster systems :

 Linux (Beowulf)
 Microsoft NT (Illinois HPVM)
 SUN Solaris (Berkeley NOW)
 HP UX (Illinois – PANDA)
 Mach (Microkernel based OS)(CMU)

7Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…3
High Performance Networks

Ethernet (10Mbps),

FDDI (100Mbps): Fibre Distributed Data Interface

Fast Ethernet (100Mbps),

Gigabit Ethernet (1Gbps)

Myrinet (10Gbps)

10 Gigabit Ethernet (10Gbps)

Infiniband (24-290Gbps)

8Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…4
Network Interfaces

Network Interface Card

 Myrinet NIC

 Ethernet NIC

 Infiniband NIC

 …

9Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…5
Communication Software

Traditional OS supported protocols (heavy weight
due to protocol processing)..

7 layer OSI reference model,
Sockets (TCP/IP), pipes, etc.

Light weight protocols (User Level)
 Active Messages (Berkeley): used in NOW system
 Fast Messages (Illinois): used in HPVM
 U-net (Cornell)
 XTP (Virginia)

Active Message:

Fast Messages:

10Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…6
Cluster Middleware

• Provide workload and resource management

• Present the single system image of the cluster

• Examples:

 Moab



 Condor

11Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…8
Development Tools

Processes: MPI, PVM, DSMs

Threads (Multicore computers)

OpenMP, POSIX Threads, Java Threads

 C/C++/Java;

Debugger for sequential programs: gdb and dbx
Debuggers for parallel programs: Buster

Performance Analysis Tools and Visualization
Tools: e.g. Vampir Trace

12Computer Science, University of Warwick

Vampir Visualizes Communication Pattern

 Output from several parallel performance profilers – e.g. VampirTrace.

 Example above shows nearest neighbor communications for a 1-D data

decomposition (Each PE sends to PE+1, and PE-1).

 Symmetrical iff equal data flow between sub-grids in both directions.

 Communication patterns can be identified from the matrix.

13Computer Science, University of Warwick

Vampir Visualizes Communication Pattern

 Output from several parallel performance profilers – e.g. VampirTrace.

 Example above shows nearest neighbor communications for a 1-D data

decomposition (Each PE sends to PE+1, and PE-1).

 Symmetrical iff equal data flow between sub-grids in both directions.

 Communication patterns can be identified from the matrix.

14Computer Science, University of Warwick

Vampir Visualizes Communication Pattern

 Communication pattern typical of a 2-D decomposition.

 Equal amount of traffic (and messages) occur in shaded
locations (in this example).

15Computer Science, University of Warwick

Vampir Visualizes Communication Pattern

 Communication pattern typical of a 2-D decomposition.

 Equal amount of traffic (and messages) occur in shaded
locations (in this example).

16Computer Science, University of Warwick

Vampir Visualizes Communication Pattern

 Communication pattern for a 3-D decomposition.

 Level of traffic in X > Y > Z (in this example).

17Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Components…9

Sequential application

Parallel / Distributed application

Scientific applications: each is computation-intensive

 Weather Forecasting

 Computational Fluid Dynamics

 Molecular Biology Modeling

 Engineering Analysis (CAD/CAM)

 ……………….

Service applications: high arrival rate of service requests

 Google

 Ebay

 amazon

18Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Architectures

19Computer Science, University of Warwick

What is Single System Image (SSI) ?

A single system image is the illusion, created by Cluster
management software (middleware), that presents a
collection of resources as a single powerful resource.

Single Entry Point
ssh cluster.my_institute.edu √
ssh node1.cluster. institute.edu ×

20Computer Science, University of Warwick

Benefits of SSI or Middleware

 Simplified system management

 Use system resources transparently

 Users need not be aware of the detailed resource

information and underlying system architecture to use

these machines effectively

 Transparent load balancing and process migration

across nodes.

 Improved reliability and availability

 Improved system-oriented performance

• Global view of middleware and local view of a user

21Computer Science, University of Warwick

Cluster Management Software

 Goal: Help the allocation of resources to jobs, given jobs’
resource requirements and local policy restrictions

 Three parties in a cluster environment
 Users: supplying the job and job requirements
 Administrators: describing local use policies
 Cluster management software: monitoring the state of the cluster,

scheduling the jobs and tracking the resource usage

 Typical activities performed by cluster management
 Queuing
 Scheduling
 Monitoring
 Resource management
 Accounting

22Computer Science, University of Warwick


 Job submission usually consists of two primary parts:
 Job description (e.g. job name, the location of the required

input files)
 Resource requirements (e.g. the amount of memory, the

number of CPUs needed)

 Once submitted, the jobs are held in the queue until
the job is at the head of the queue and the matching
resources are available

23Computer Science, University of Warwick


 Determining at what time a job should be put into
execution on which resources

 There are a variety of metrics to measure scheduling

 System-oriented metrics (e.g. throughput, utilisation, average
response time of all jobs)

 user-oriented metrics (e.g. response time of a job submitted by
a user)

 They can contradicts each other and balance needs to be made

24Computer Science, University of Warwick


 Providing information to administrators, users and the

Cluster manager on the status of jobs and resources

 The method of collecting the info may differ between

different cluster management systems, but the general

purpose is the same

25Computer Science, University of Warwick

Resource management

 Handling the details of

 Starting the job execution on the resources

 Stopping a job

 Cleaning up the temporary files generated by the jobs
after the jobs are completed or aborted

 Removing or adding resources

 For the batch system, the jobs are put into execution
in such a way that the users don’t have to be present
during execution

 For interactive systems, the users have to be present
to supply arguments or information during the
execution of the jobs.

26Computer Science, University of Warwick


 Accounting for which users are using what resources for
how long

 Collecting resource usage data (e.g. job owner, resources
requested by the job, resource consumption by the job)

 Accounting data can be used for:

 Producing system usage and user usage reports

 Tuning the scheduling policy

 Anticipating future resource requirements by users

 Calculating future resource allocations

 Determining the area of improvement within the cluster

27Computer Science, University of Warwick

Schedule Polices

The simplest policy:

First-Come First-Served

Jobs are run in the same order as they are submitted.

Does not require prior knowledge about jobs (e.g.

Problems: jobs can block other jobs from starting,
despite there being no performance benefit to either user.

28Computer Science, University of Warwick

First-Come First-Served

29Computer Science, University of Warwick


 The problem with FCFS is that idle time (sum of unused
processing intervals) can be significant.

 One improvement is to “backfill”.

 Allows a job to start if it does not delay the execution of
the first job in the queue.

30Computer Science, University of Warwick


31Computer Science, University of Warwick


 Advantages:

• Utilisation is improved.

 Disadvantages:

• Information about the job execution time is required.

• User estimation are usually inaccurate.

• It is a policy decision to decide what to do if a job overruns;
many administrators choose to terminate a job if it exceeds
its allocated execution time otherwise some users may
deliberately underestimate the job length to get an earlier job
start time.

32Computer Science, University of Warwick


A problem if predicted runtime is wrong:

33Computer Science, University of Warwick

Schedule Polices

Increasingly user-based quality of service (QoS) is an
important scheduling metric.
In addition to normal scheduling, reservation services can
be used to plan resource allocation.
Users are able to
 set up a reserved block of processing capability that

they are able to use at some point in the future.
 reserve a part of resources in the cluster to be

dedicated to a certain group of users