Question 1.
Write the following program and compile it:
% Program: ROYAL
parent(queenmother,elisabeth). parent(elisabeth,charles).
parent(elisabeth,andrew). parent(elisabeth,anne).
parent(elisabeth,edward). parent(diana,william).
parent(diana,harry). parent(sarah,beatrice).
parent(anne,peter). parent(anne,zara).
parent(george,elisabeth). parent(philip,charles).
parent(philip,andrew). parent(philip,edward).
parent(charles,william). parent(charles,harry).
parent(andrew,beatrice). parent(andrew,eugene).
parent(mark,peter). parent(mark,zara).
parent(william,georgejun). parent(kate,georgejun).
parent(william,charlotte). parent(kate,charlotte).
parent(phillip,anne). parent(william,louis).
Define the following predicates on the persons in the program ROYAL.
(1a) the royal females/1 (the argument is a list of all female members of the Royal
(1b) the royal males/1 (the argument is a list of all male members of the Royal
(2) the royal family/1 (use (1a) and (1b))
(3) mother/2
(4) ancestor/2
(5) sibling/2
(6) brother/2
Translate the following questions into Prolog queries and try them out:
(7) Who is an ancestor of Louis?
(8) Who is a grandchild of Queenmother? (Define a predicate grandmother to
answer this question.)
(9) Who are the common descendants of Anne and Edward? (Define a predicate
common anchestors.)
(10) Who has a brother who is grand dad? (Define a predicate
has brother who is granddad.)
[10 marks]
Question 2. Define the following predicates on lists:
a) Write a predicate nth elt(N,L,E,R) which selects the Nth element, E from a
list L leaving list R. Also define nth elt with test(N,L,E,R) which also checks
that N is >0 and ≤ length of L.
b) Write a predicate sort(L,LS that sorts a list (L). [Note, an experienced logic
programmer would use a library function for that, it is nevertheless a good
exercise to program that on your own.]
c) Finally use a) and b) to define median(L,M) which finds the median M of a list
[10 marks]
Question 3. An example of a recursive predicate and a tail recursive version using
an accumulating parameter.
a) The square of the Euclidean distance between two vectors xi and yi is Σ
yi) ∗ (xi − yi). Write a recursive predicate euclidsqr(X,Y,ED) which returns
the value in ED when X and Y are lists representing vectors of the same length.
b) Now write a tail recursive predicate euclidsqr acc(X,Y,A,ED) to compute the
same function using the accumulating parameter A to store intermediate calcu-
lations. (Look at sum a to be discussed in lectures).
[10 marks]
Question 4. (Backtracking Solution of Sujiko Puzzle)
As the caption says, the aim is to place distinct digits from 1-9 in the empty cells so
that all the digits are used (including the given digits) and the numbers in the circles
are the sum of the four surrounding digits.
You are to write a generate and test backtracking program in Prolog to solve these
two puzzles as follows:
a) Define the predicate member rem(E,L,R) which chooses an element E from list
L leaving remainder R.
Figure 1: Sujiko Puzzles, moderate and hard
b) Using the above define gen list(N,L,D) which generates a list L of N distinct
elements from the list D where the length of D is ≥ N.
c) Write two predicates solve sujiko1([X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X7]) and
solve sujiko2([X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X7]) which solve the two puzzles given above,
where X1 – X7 will be the values of the digits placed in the empty cells (left to
right, top to bottom order). This is done by generating a possible solution and
then testing if all the constraints of the puzzles are satisfied.
Include an example run of your puzzles as comment.
d) Write an improved generalized version
new solve sujiko2([X11,X12,X22,X23,X31,X32,X33])
that avoids generating all possible solutions, but solves the puzzle step-by-step.
[10 marks]
Quality of Work, Programming Style, Presentation of code and comments, Adherance
to instructions, Elegance.
[10 marks]