CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 1
National University of Singapore
School of Computing
CS1010S: Programming Methodology
Semester I, 2018/2019
Mission 0
Setting Up Python
Release date: 14 August 2018
Due: 21 August 2018, 23:59
Required Files
• mission00-template.py
The objective of this mission is to guide you in the installation and setting up of the
programming tool, called IDLE, that you will be using for the rest of the semester. Also,
we include a simple exercise to help you familiarize yourself with the basics of Python,
and also learn how to submit homework through Coursemology system.
This mission consists of only one task.
Part 1: Installing Python 3.7.0 and required packages
Before you start on your quest to master the Python programming language, you have
to install the necessary tools. Please follow the following instructions to set up your
programming environment for the class.
PIL is required to render images that will be used in the later missions. We will be
using PILLOW, which is a modern replacement for PIL. Scipy/Numpy packages are also
required in the later missions.
Note: The highest priority package to install is PILLOW, as we will be using it over the
next few weeks.
Please follow the following instructions carefully.
You can contact the CS1010S staff or check the Coursemology forum if you face any
difficulty during the setup/installation process.
Please provide the following information to help us quickly identify your problem:
1. The operating system and version that you are using. MacOS, Windows 10, 32-bit
or 64-bit, etc.
2. Which step in the instructions given below did it fail or produce an error?
3. Take a screen shot of the failure or error.
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 2
Windows Users:
You may download the appropriate .zip.exe file from the links below. Please install
the correct version (32 or 64 bit) depending on your OS.
• 32-bit: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1010s/python-installer-32-bit.zip.exe
• 64-bit: http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs1010s/python-installer-64-bit.zip.exe
You may check if your OS is 32 or 64 bit by either:
• Start menu > right-click “My Computer” or “This PC” > Properties, or
• Press WIN + Pause/Break
You should see your 32- or 64-bit version under “System Type”.
Before continuing, check that you are connected to the Internet as some
packages will be downloaded by the installer.
Run the self-executing zip file and extract the contents to an easily accessible
folder like your Desktop.
A new folder python-installer-xx-bit will be created at the extracted location and
the Python installer should automatically run. In case it does not, open this
folder and run the install-python file. Do NOT run the other files.
You will need an administrator account for a system update of the C Runtime
Library. Also, the Visual C++ 2015 redistribution will be installed for some of the
Python libraries to work.
If successful, you should not get any error along the way and see an output similar
to this:
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 3
Note the version numbers will be different but the process is similar.
If you see any red text, it means something have gone wrong somewhere. Please
check the forums for troubleshooting.
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT install both versions (32 and 64 bit) of Python in
your computer at the same time. If you need to install the other version, please
uninstall your existing Python installation first before installing the other version.
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 4
Mac Users:
You may download Python 3.7.0 from https://www.python.org/downloads. Download
and install the appropriate dmg installer for the version of your Operating System.
Be sure to install Python for “All Users”, not just the current user. Once installation
is completed, you should see that IDLE is available from your finder.
You may need to install Tcl/Tk to run IDLE, more instructions can be found at
http://www.python.org/download/mac/tcltk/. Download the newest version from the
recommended Tcl/Tk column according to your OS version.
Setting up Command Line Tools for Mac
Install the Command Line Tools (required for PILLOW installation). Follow the
instructions depending on your OS X version. You can determine the version by
clicking on the Apple Icon (in the menu bar) > About This Mac.
• Mavericks (10.9) or later
Run the following commands in your terminal. (You can find the terminal by
clicking on Finder on the dock, Go > Utilities > Terminal.)
xcode-select –install
A popup will appear, asking if you wish to install the command line developer
tools. Click on Install to begin the installation.
• Mountain Lion (10.8) and earlier
Install Xcode from the App Store. Open Xcode and go to Preferences. Click
on the Downloads tab, and you’ll see Command Line Tools. Click the Install
button to install the Command Line Tools.
Setting up Homebrew and dependencies
After installing the Command Line tools, Run the following commands in your
terminal. (You can find the terminal by clicking on Finder on the dock, Go >
Utilities > Terminal.) You will need to be connected to the Internet as the
installer will download the required files.
First, we will install Homebrew, a package manager for MacOS.
Visit https://brew.sh/ and follow the instruction on that page. Basically you should
copy and paste the given command in your Terminal prompt.
After which, enter the next two commands into the Terminal as separate lines, i.e.,
press Enter after entering each line.
brew install freetype
brew install pkg-config
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 5
Setting up PILLOW, Scipy/Numpy, Matplotlib
In the same terminal, run the following commands. This will install pip — a pack-
age manager for Python, with the following command.
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | sudo python3
Follow up with the next 3 commands:
sudo pip3.7 install PILLOW
sudo pip3.7 install scipy numpy
sudo pip3.7 install matplotlib
Note: You may be prompted to enter your Mac password when you run the above
commands. It is normal for nothing (not even *) to appear in the Terminal as
you key in your password. Just type it in and press Enter.
Linux Users:
If you are *really* using Linux, then you are 1337 and do not need any help in-
stalling Python. 🙂
Just kidding. You would probably have to find the TA for help as the tutors might
not be 1337 enough.
Editing Python Files
The default behaviour of double clicking on the Python file executes the content of the
Python file. You should see the a command line window briefly opens, and close when
Python has finish executing the file.
In order to make changes to the Python file, you will need to edit the file using the IDLE
• Windows User: Right click on the Python file > Edit with IDLE
• Mac Users: Right click on the Python file > Open With > IDLE
The content of the Python file should now appear in the IDLE program. You can then
make changes to the file, and execute it.
To execute the Python file, go to Run > Run Module. The output of your Python file
should then appear in the Shell Window.
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Part 2: The Task
Consider the following Python expressions. Your job is to predict the output when each
expression is evaluated in IDLE.
Before checking your answers with IDLE, write down briefly your guess of what the
interpreter would display when the expressions are evaluated sequentially as listed. If
you do not expect any output, you may write “no output” and if you expect an error, you
may write “error”.
Now, run the code by removing the # in the front of the respective lines in the template
file. You should comment out error-causing definitions by adding # to the front of such
definitions to allow IDLE to skip processing them. (Or by choosing the area that you
would like to comment out and then pressing IDLE’s hot-key alt+3 for windows, control+3
for macOS)
After you have checked your answers, if any expression has evaluated differently from
your expected answer, write down what it evaluated to below your expected answer.
Please note that you will be graded only on your final answer (If you have no
corrections to make, your initial answer will be your final answer).
However, if any expression would generate error message after running, please specify
the type of error (such as TypeError) together with the error message in your final
answer. You do not need to include the full error output. The wanted answer is usually
the last line of the error output only.
Please use the template file provided in mission00-template.py instead of copying from
this PDF file.
Reminder: Lines that begin with a # are comments (text that do not affect the Python
execution). To execute a particular expression, ensure it does not begin with a #.
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(“the force!”)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(“Hello World”)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print “Hello World”
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(6 * 9)
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 7
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(2 + 3)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(2 ** 4)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(15 > 9.7)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print((5 + 3) ** (5 – 3))
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(1 / 2)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(1 / 3)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(1 / 0)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(7 / 3 == 7 / 3.0)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(3 * 6 == 6.0 * 3.0)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(11 % 3)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 8
print(2 > 5 or (1 < 2 and 9 >= 11))
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(3 > 4 or (2 < 3 and 9 > 10))
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(“2” + “3”)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(“2” + “3” == “5”)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(“2” <= "5")
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print("2 + 3")
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print("May the force" + " be " + "with you")
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print('daw' in 'padawan ')
# expected answer:
# final answer:
a, b = 3, 4
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
a, b = b, a
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 9
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(red == 44)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
red , green = 44, 43
print(red == 44)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(red = 44)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print("red is 1") if red == 1 else print("red is not 1")
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(red - green)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
purple = red + green
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(red + green != purple + purple / purple - red % green)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(green > red)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(“green bigger”) if green > red else print(“red equal or bigger”)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
print(green + 5)
# expected answer:
# final answer:
CS1010S, Semester I, 2018/2019—Mission 0 10
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# The following questions are to ensure that you have installed
# PILLOW , matplotlib , scipy , and numpy correctly.
# Do not worry about the syntax – just run the line and observe the output
# (if any)
from PIL import *
# expected answer:
# final answer:
# Please check with your tutor if you still encounter errors for the
# following statements. This is only required for Side Quest 8.1
from matplotlib import *
# expected answer:
# final answer:
from numpy import *
# expected answer:
# final answer:
from scipy import integrate
# expected answer:
# final answer:
To submit your work to Coursemology, complete mission00-template.py and copy the
contents from the file into the box that says “Your answer” on the mission page, and
click “Save.” You can continue to make changes to your submission if you wish.
Once you are satisfied with your solution, click “Finalize Submission.” Note that once
your submission is finalized, it is considered to be submitted and cannot be changed.
If you need to undo this action, you will have to email your tutor or the lecturer. You
will not be allowed to undo your finalized submission, or a penalty might be imposed.
Please do not finalize your submission until you are sure that you want to submit your
solutions for grading.