程序代写代做代考 case study distributed system compiler algorithm Java Figure 15.1 A distributed multimedia system

Figure 15.1 A distributed multimedia system

Week 3
Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation
Chapter 5
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg and Blair
Edition 5, © Addison Wesley 2011
Java RMI Tutorial, SUN Microsystems

Learning Objectives

Describe distributed object applications in terms of:
Objects and distributed objects
Remote object reference
Features of distributed object models
Interpret Remote Method Invocation (RMI) in terms of:
Remote interface
Remote Invocation Semantics
Client and server programs using RMI
Develop Java RMI applications by a case study: the computeEngine


Distributed Object Models

The discussion context
This discussion is concerned with programming models for distributed applications.
Distributed applications are composed of cooperating programs running in several different processes.
A process need to be able to invoke operations in other processes that are often running in different computers.
This discussion is based on the distributed object model, which consists of geographically distributed objects.


Distributed Object Models

The object-oriented model has the following features:
A program consists of a collection of interacting objects.
An object consists of a set of data and a set of methods.
Data encapsulated in an object should be accessed via its methods.
An object communicates with other objects by invoking their methods – passing arguments and receiving results.


Distributed Object Models

In object-oriented model, a program is logically partitioned into separate parts, each of which is associated with an object.
The distributed object model extends the logical partition to physical partition by physical distribution of objects into different computers.
In object-oriented systems, an object must have a reference to another object in order to invoke its method.

aSocket=new DatagramSocket();

Distributed Object Models

In distributed object systems, invocation among objects crosses the boundary of computers and involves network communication.
In distributed object systems, other objects can invoke the methods of a remote object if they have access to its remote object reference.
A remote object reference is an identifier that can be used throughout a distributed system to identify a remote object.


Distributed Object Models
A remote object reference has the following structure:
IP address of the host and port number of the hosting process of the remote object.
Time of creation and a local object number of the remote object.
Information about the interfaces provided by the remote object.


Internet address
port number
object number
interface of
remote object
32 bits
32 bits
32 bits
32 bits

Distributed Object Models

In distributed systems, each process contains objects, some of which can receive remote invocations.
Those that can receive remote invocations are called remote objects.
The remote interface specifies which methods can be invoked remotely.




Distributed Object Models

An interface provides a definition of a set of methods, the types of their arguments, return values and exceptions.
The remote interface specifies which methods can be invoked remotely.





of methods

Distributed Object Models

An invocation of a method can have three effects:
The state of the receiver may be changed.
New objects may be instantiated.
Further invocation may take place.






Remote Method Invocation
A client object may invoke a method on a remote object, residing in another process, on another host.
RMI layer is above TCP/UDP, providing communication between objects.
In RMI, the processes that host remote objects are servers and the processes that host their invokers are clients.
RMI uses request-reply protocol. Because of unreliable network, for all request-reply protocols, messages may get lost.


Remote Method Invocation
Solutions for lost /retransmitted messages are:
Retry request message
Duplicate filtering
Retransmission of results
In local object-oriented system, all methods are invoked exactly once per request.
In distributed object system, we need to know what has happened if we do not hear results from a remote object.
The request is lost.
The response is lost.


Remote Method Invocation
There are 3 different types of invocation semantics.


Fault tolerance measures
Retransmit request
Re-execute procedure
or retransmit reply
Not applicable
Not applicable
Re-execute procedure
Retransmit reply


Remote Method Invocation
Maybe semantics
If requests are sent in unacknowledged messages, there is no certainty that the requests ever reached the server. In this case the invocation may have taken place or not.
At-least-once semantics
If requests may be retransmitted due to communication failures (e.g. no reply) but duplicates are not filtered by the server, the retransmission of a request may result in the re-execution of the method or procedure.


Remote Method Invocation
At-most-once semantics
If the system supports retransmission of requests and duplicate filtering at the server, we can be sure that re-execution does not happen.
Java RMI uses at-most-once semantics.
The transparency of RMI aims at:
Making no distinction in syntax between a local invocation and a remote invocation.
Making objects of remote invocations be able to recover from failure.
Aborting a remote invocation to have no effect on the server.


Remote Method Invocation
Such transparency requires:
Automated marshalling and unmarshalling of arguments and return values.
Exception handling capability of distributed objects.
State consistency maintenance of distributed objects.
Middleware provides a high-level abstraction above the basic building blocks of processes and message passing.


Remote Method Invocation
Middleware consists of a programming paradigm and runtime environment, providing
Location transparency of distributed objects.
Independence of
Communication protocols
Computer hardware
Operating systems
Programming languages
Distributed object middleware includes CORBA, SUN RPC, and Java RMI etc.


Remote Method Invocation

Request reply protocol
External data representation
Operating System

RMI, RPC and events

Remote Method Invocation
The architecture of RMI consists of the following components.
The classes (codes) for the proxy, dispatcher and skeleton are generated automatically by an interface compiler.


object A
object B
proxy for B


Remote reference
reference module

for B’s class

& dispatcher



Remote Method Invocation
The Communication Module
is responsible for transmitting the requests and replies between the client and the server.
The Remote Reference Module
maintains a remote object table which has an entry for each remote object held locally, and each local proxy for a remote object.
The proxy
makes the remote invocation appear as if it were transparent.
offers a method corresponding to each method of the interface of the remote object.
marshalls an invocation into a request message and waits for the reply and unmarshalls the returning results.


Remote Method Invocation
The dispatcher
receives incoming requests from the server communication module.
selects the appropriate method in the skeleton passing on the request message which still contains the marshalled arguments.
The skeleton
unmarshalls the arguments in the request message and invokes (locally) the corresponding method in the remote object.
marshalls the result, together with any exceptions, in a reply message which is sent to the proxy.


Case Study of Java RMI
This section is based on RMI tutorial from SUN Microsystems.
The original materials are from http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/rmi/overview.html
The author of these lecture slides would like to acknowledge SUN Microsystems for using the materials.
The adoption of the above materials aims at providing a comprehensive and easy understanding case study of Java RMI.


Case Study of Java RMI
Java RMI distributed object applications comprise two separate programs:
A server program creates some remote objects, makes references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods on these objects.
A client program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them.
Java RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and the client communicate and pass information back and forth.


Case Study of Java RMI
The Architecture of Java RMI is illustrated in the following figure.


Case Study of Java RMI
The server calls the registry to associate (or bind) a name with a remote object.
The client looks up the remote object by its name in the server’s registry and then invokes a method on it.
Java RMI uses an existing web server to load class definitions, from server to client and from client to server, for objects when needed.


Case Study of Java RMI
The computeEngine application
This case study is based on a distributed object application: computeEngine.
The computeEngine is a remote object on the server that takes tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results.
The tasks are run on the machine where the server is running.
This type of distributed application can enable a number of client machines to make use of a particularly powerful machine or a machine that has specialized hardware.


Case Study of Java RMI
The computeEngine application


Case Study of Java RMI
Remote Interface
Defines methods that can be invoked remotely.
Extends the interface java.rmi.Remote.
Each method of the interface declares java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause, in addition to any application-specific exceptions.

package compute;
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
public interface Compute extends Remote {
T executeTask(Task t) throws RemoteException;

Case Study of Java RMI
The second interface needed for the computeEngine is the Task interface, which is the type of the parameter to the executeTask() method in the Compute interface.

Remote object
Objects with methods that can be invoked across Java virtual machines are called remote objects.
An object becomes remote by implementing a remote interface.

package compute;
public interface Task {
T execute();

Case Study of Java RMI
Server program
Remote objects are normally defined in a server program.
An RMI server program needs to create and install a security manager.
An RMI server program needs to create and export one or more remote objects.
An RMI server program needs to register at least one remote object with the RMI registry.


Case Study of Java RMI
package engine;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import compute.Compute;
import compute.Task;
public class ComputeEngine implements Compute {
public ComputeEngine() {
public T executeTask(Task t) {
return t.execute();

 This program continues on the next slide

Case Study of Java RMI
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
try {
String name = “Compute”;
Compute engine = new ComputeEngine();
Compute stub=(Compute)
UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(engine, 0);
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(); registry.rebind(name, stub); System.out.println(“ComputeEngine bound”);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(“ComputeEngine exception:”);
} The end of this program

Case Study of Java RMI
Client program
A client program contains invokers of the remote objects.
Two separate classes make up the client in this application.
The first class, ComputePi, looks up and invokes a Compute object.
The second class, Pi, implements the Task interface and defines the work to be done by the computeEngine.
The job of the Pi class is to compute the value of  to some number of decimal places.


Case Study of Java RMI
Client program
The client program begins by installing a security manager.
The client invokes the lookup method on the registry to look up the remote object by name.
The client creates a new Pi object
The client invokes the executeTask method of the Compute remote object, which returns an object of type BigDecimal.
The program prints the result finally.


Case Study of Java RMI
The flow of messages among the client: ComputePi, the RMI registry: rmiregistry, and the server: ComputeEngine.


Case Study of Java RMI
package client;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import compute.Compute;
public class ComputePi {
public static void main(String args[]) {
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());

 This program continues on the next slide

Case Study of Java RMI
try {
String name = “Compute”;
Registry registry=
Compute comp = (Compute) registry.lookup(name);
Pi task = new Pi(Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
BigDecimal pi = comp.executeTask(task);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println(“ComputePi exception:”);
The End of this program

Case Study of Java RMI
The Pi class implements the Task interface and computes the value of  to a specified number of decimal places.
For this application, the actual algorithm of Pi is unimportant.
What is important is that the algorithm is computationally expensive.
It should be executed on a capable server.


Case Study of Java RMI
package client;
import compute.Task;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Pi implements Task, Serializable {



Case Study of Java RMI
The hierarchy of compute engine application

Classes publication directory

Classes runtime directory

Source codes directory

Case Study of Java RMI
Building Classes
Under directory: d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\src\, using the following commands to compile remote interfaces and package them into a jar file.

javac compute\Compute.java compute\Task.java
jar cvf compute.jar compute\*.class
These two interfaces comprise the interaction protocol between the client and server programs.


Case Study of Java RMI
Building Classes
Under directory: d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\src\,using the following command to compile the server program.

javac -cp .\compute.jar engine\ComputeEngine.java
Under directory: d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\src\, using the following command to compile the client program.

javac -cp .\compute.jar client\ComputePi.java

Case Study of Java RMI
Publish classes at Web servers
Configure the root directory of a web server at d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\class-server\common-classes\.
Publish Compute.class and Task.class under directory: d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\class-server\common-classes\compute\.
Configure the root directory of another web server at d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\class-server\common-classes-1\.
Publish Pi.class and Task.class under directory: d:\DistributedSystems\Week3\JRMI\class-server\common-classes-1\client\.


Case Study of Java RMI
Start RMI registry by using following command.
The registry is running at the background and has no outputs.

start rmiregistry -J-Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=false 1099

Case Study of Java RMI
Start the first Web server by using the following command from directory: d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\class-server\
The Web server can be downloaded from Week 3 block of the course site.

java -cp classServer.jar examples.classServer.ClassFileServer 2100 common-classes

Case Study of Java RMI
Start the second Web server by using the following command from directory: d:\DistributedSystems\week3\jrmi\class-server\.

java -cp classServer.jar examples.classServer.ClassFileServer 4800 common-classes-1

Case Study of Java RMI
Start the server by using the following command

java -cp classes;classes/compute.jar -Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=false -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=url:http://localhost:2100/ -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost -Djava.security.policy=server.policy engine.ComputeEngine
The security policy is defined as:

grant codeBase “file:classes/” {
permission java.security.AllPermission;

Case Study of Java RMI
Start the client by using the following command

java -cp classes;classes\compute.jar -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=url:http://localhost:4800/ -Djava.security.policy=client.policy client.ComputePi localhost 45
The security policy is defined as:

grant codeBase “file:classes/” {
permission java.security.AllPermission;

Case Study of Java RMI
The output of Web server 1

The output of Web server 2



Distributed object applications are composed of cooperating objects running in several different computers.
The distributed object model extends the logical partition to physical partition by physical distribution of objects into different computers.
In distributed object systems, other objects can invoke the methods of a remote object if they have access to its remote object reference.
Middleware provides a high-level abstraction and automated marshalling and unmarshalling of arguments and return values for remote invocation.

