程序代写代做代考 prolog // This program converts one representation of abstract syntax trees

// This program converts one representation of abstract syntax trees
// to a different representation. Currently, the conversion goes
// from a Prolog term to a Schem list

// #include “tokenizer.h”

using namespace std;

int state; // record the state of the tokenizer
char ch; // the next character in the input stream

bool alphanum(char ch) {
// Alphanumeric characters
return (isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch));

bool single(char ch) {
// These are the single character tokens
return (/* (ch == ‘!’) ||*/ (ch == ‘{‘) || (ch == ‘}’) || (ch == ‘,’) ||
(ch == ‘*’) || (ch == ‘(‘) || (ch == ‘)’) || (ch == ‘+’) || (ch == ‘%’) ||
(ch == ‘-‘) || /* (ch == ‘/’) || */ (ch == ‘;’) || (ch == ‘?’) ||
(ch == ‘:’) || (ch == ‘#’) || (ch == ‘.’) || (ch == ‘”‘) ||
(ch == ‘[‘) || (ch == ‘]’));

void transition() {
// the standard transitions if
if (single(ch)) {
state = 0;
} else if (ch == ‘=’ || ch == ‘>’ || ch == ‘!’) {
state = 1;
} else if (ch == ‘<') { state = 2; } else if (ch == '/') { state = 3; } else if (ch == '&') { state = 4; } else if (ch == '|') { state = 5; } else if (isalpha(ch)) { state = 6; } else if (isdigit(ch)) { state = 7; } else if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') { state = 8; } else { state = 9; } } string getToken(istream & ins) { // find and return the next token // leading blanks are skipped string messagePart = ""; ins.peek(); // to set the eof flag if (! ins.eof()) { transition(); switch (state) { case 0: messagePart = ch; break; case 1: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); if (ins.eof()) break; if (ch == '=') messagePart += ch; else return messagePart; break; case 2: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); if (ins.eof()) break; if (ch == '=' || ch == '<') messagePart += ch; else return messagePart; break; case 3: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); if (ins.eof()) break; if (ch == '/') while (! ins.eof() && ch != '\n') { messagePart += ch; ins.get(ch); } else return messagePart; break; case 4: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); if (ins.eof()) break; if (ch == '&') messagePart += ch; else return messagePart; // not sure if I like this break; case 5: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); if (ins.eof()) break; if (ch == '|') messagePart += ch; else return messagePart; break; case 6: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); while (! ins.eof() && (alphanum(ch) || ch == '_')) { messagePart += ch; ins.get(ch); } return messagePart; break; case 7: messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); while (! ins.eof() && isdigit(ch)) { messagePart += ch; ins.get(ch); } return messagePart; break; case 8: // transition(); messagePart = ch; ins.get(ch); while (! ins.eof() && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n')) { messagePart += ch; ins.get(ch); } return messagePart; break; case 9: break; } ins.get(ch); } return messagePart; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { cerr << "usage: ast.exe \n”;

ifstream ins;
if (ins == 0) {
cerr << "invalid file: " << argv[1] << endl; exit(0); } string prevToken = ""; string nextToken = getToken(ins); cout << "(define ptree (quote"; while (!ins.eof()) { if (nextToken == "(") { cout << nextToken << prevToken << " "; prevToken = getToken(ins); } else { if (prevToken == "[") cout << "(" << " "; else if (prevToken == "]") cout << ")" << " "; else if (prevToken != ",") cout << prevToken << " "; prevToken = nextToken; } nextToken = getToken(ins); } if (prevToken == "]") cout << ")" << " "; else cout << prevToken; cout << "))\n"; return 0; }