数据结构算法代写 COMP9024

COMP9024 18s2 Assignment 2
Partial Order Graphs
Data Structures and Algorithms

Change Log

We may make minor changes to the spec to address/clarify some outstanding issues. These may require minimal changes in your design/code, if at all. Students are strongly encouraged to check the change log regularly.

18 September

  • Linked list ADT added to admissible ADTs.

16 September

  • Images modified to make clear which edges are included in a partial order graph.
  • Requirements for stages 1 & 2 clarified.

Version 1: Released on 14 September 2018


The assignment aims to give you more independent, self-directed practice with

  • advanced data structures, especially graphs
  • graph algorithms
  • asymptotic runtime analysis


Marks 2 marks for stage 1 (correctness)
3 marks for stage 2 (correctness)
3 marks for stage 3 (correctness)
4 marks for stage 4 (correctness)
2 marks for complexity analysis
1 mark for style
Total: 15 marks
Due 23:59 on Monday 8 October (week 11)
Late 2.25 marks (15%) off the ceiling per day late
(e.g. if you are 25 hours late, your maximum possible mark is 10.5)


partially ordered set (“poset”) is a set S together with a partial order ≼ on the elements from S.

partial order graph for a finite poset (S,≼) is a directed graph (“digraph”) with

  • the elements in S as vertices
  • a directional edge from s to t if, and only if, s ≼ t and s ≠ t



  • S = {1, 11, 13, 143}
  • s ≼ t iff s is a divisor of t

monotonically increasing sequence of length k over a poset (S,≼) is a sequence of elements from S,

s1 ≺ s2 ≺ … sk-1 ≺ sk
such that si ≼ si+1 and si ≠ si+1, for all i=1…k-1. Examples:

  • 1 ≺ 11 ≺ 143 and 1 ≺ 13 ≺ 143 are monotonically increasing sequences of length 3 over the poset from above.
  • 1 ≺ 143 121 is a monotonically increasing sequence of length 2 over this poset.


Your task is to write a program poG.c for computing a partial order graph from a given specification and then find and output all longest monotonically increasing sequences that can be constructed over this poset.

Your program should:

  • accept a single positive number p on the command line;
  • compute the set Sp of all (positive) divisors of p;
  • Task A:
    • build and output the partial order graph over Sp corresponding to a specific partial order (see below);
  • Task B:
    • output all longest monotonically increasing sequences over this partial order.

Your program should include a time complexity analysis, in Big-Oh notation, for

  1. your implementation for Task A, depending on the number n of divisors of p and the length m of the decimal p;
  2. your implementation for Task B, depending on the number n of divisors of p.


You may assume that

  • the command line argument is correct (a number p ≥1);
  • p is at most 2,147,483,647 (the maximum 4-byte int);
  • p will have no more than 1000 divisors.

If you find any of the following ADTs from the lectures useful, then you can, and indeed are encouraged to, use them with your program:

You are free to modify any of the four ADTs for the purpose of the assignment (but without changing the file names). If your program is using one or more of these ADTs, you should submit both the header and implementation file, even if you have not changed them.

Your main program file should start with a comment: /* … */ that contains the time complexity of your solutions for Task A and Task B, together with an explanation.


Stage 1 (2 marks)

For stage 1, you should demonstrate that you can build the underlying graph correctly from all divisors of input p and the following partial order:

x ≼ y iff x is a divisor of y
All you need to do for Task B at this stage is to output all nodes of the graph in ascending order.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 1 test:

./poG 121
Partial order:
1: 11 121
11: 121

Longest monotonically increasing sequences:
1 < 11 < 121

Hint: The only tests for this stage will be with numbers p for which the above order is identical to the stricter partial order for stages 2–4, and such that all of the divisors of p together form a monotonically increasing sequence.


Stage 2 (3 marks)

For stage 2, you should extend your program for stage 1 such that it puts an additional constraint on the partial order of the divisors of p:

x ≼ y iff

  • x is a divisor of y, and
  • all digits in x also occur in y

For example, 11 ≺ 143 since 1 is also contained in 143, but 16 ⊀ 128 since 6 is not a digit in 128.

All you need to do for Task B at this stage is to find and oputput the path that starts in 1 and always selects the next neighbour in ascending order until you reach a node without outgoing edge.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 2 test:

./poG 9481
Partial order:
1: 19 9481
19: 9481
499: 9481

Longest monotonically increasing sequences:
1 < 19 < 9481


Hint: All tests for this stage will be such that the only longest monotonically increasing sequence is the unique path from 1 to p obtained by always moving to the next neighbour in ascending order.


Stage 3 (3 marks)

For stage 3, you should demonstrate that you can find a single longest monotonically increasing sequence.

All tests for this stage will be such that there is a unique longest sequence.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 3 test:

./poG 125
Partial order:
1: 125
5: 25 125
25: 125

Longest monotonically increasing sequences:
5 < 25 < 125


Stage 4 (4 marks)

For stage 4, you should extend your program for stage 3 such that it outputs, in ascending order, all monotonically increasing sequences of maximal length.

Here is an example to show the desired behaviour of your program for a stage 4 test:

./poG 143
Partial order:
1: 11 13 143
11: 143
13: 143

Longest monotonically increasing sequences:
1 < 11 < 143
1 < 13 < 143



  • It is required that the sequences be printed in ascending order.



We have created a script that can automatically test your program. To run this test you can execute the dryrun program for the corresponding assignment, i.e. assn2. It expects to find, in the current directory, the program poG.c and any of the admissible ADTs (Graph,WGraph,stack,queue,list) that your program is using, even if you use them unchanged. You can use dryrun as follows:

~cs9024/bin/dryrun assn2

Please note: Passing the dryrun tests does not guarantee that your program is correct. You should thoroughly test your program with your own test cases.


For this project you will need to submit a file named poG.c and, optionally, any of the ADTs named Graph,WGraph,stack,queue,list that your program is using, even if you have not changed them. You can either submit through WebCMS3 or use a command line. For example, if your program uses the Graph ADT and the queue ADT, then you should submit:

give cs9024 assn2 poG.c Graph.h Graph.c queue.h queue.c

Do not forget to add the time complexity to your main source code file poG.c.

You can submit as many times as you like — later submissions will overwrite earlier ones. You can check that your submission has been received on WebCMS3 or by using the following command:

9024 classrun -check assn2


This project will be marked on functionality in the first instance, so it is very important that the output of your program be exactly correct as shown in the examples above. Submissions which score very low on the automarking will be looked at by a human and may receive a few marks, provided the code is well-structured and commented.

Programs that generate compilation errors will receive a very low mark, no matter what other virtues they may have. In general, a program that attempts a substantial part of the job and does that part correctly will receive more marks than one attempting to do the entire job but with many errors.

Style considerations include: readability, structured programming and good commenting.


Group submissions will not be allowed. Your program must be entirely your own work. Plagiarism detection software will be used to compare all submissions pairwise (including submissions for similar projects in previous years, if applicable) and serious penalties will be applied, particularly in the case of repeat offences.

  • Do not copy ideas or code from others
  • Do not use a publicly accessible repository or allow anyone to see your code, not even after the deadline

Please refer to the on-line sources to help you understand what plagiarism is and how it is dealt with at UNSW:


See FAQ for some additional hints.

Finally …

Best of luck and have fun! Michael