UML代写 HOMEWORK 3 – An Activity Diagram

HOMEWORK 3 – An Activity Diagram (2 marks)

Construct an activity diagram representing the following process:

At a university, students enrol in courses each semester by choosing them from a “Course Enroller” software package. If a student selects a course, the Course Enroller first contacts the university’s Student Records system to make sure that the student has satisfied the needed prerequisite courses. It will then enrol the student if the prerequisites are satisfied.

In a situation where a student has not satisfied the prerequisites for a course, the student can obtain permission from the lecturer of that course by sending a request to them directly via the Course Enroller (and including reasons why they should be given permission). This request will be routed to the Lecturer via the email system. If the Lecturer agrees that the student can take that course, then they can reply to the student and provide a “permission code” to enrol in that particular course. The next time the student uses Course Enroller to enrol in the course, they can provide this permission code and enrolment will be completed.

Construct an activity diagram for the above process where the systems of interest are: Student, Course Enroller, Lecturer, Student Records, Email system. Use swim-lanes in your activity diagram.


Draw your activity diagram and convert it to a PDF file. It is fine if you hand-draw your diagram. But if you do hand-draw the diagram and take a photo of it, you will need to read the image into Word (or similar) and covert the file to PDF. If you find it hard to fit the entire diagram into one figure then you can split it up, but you must only submit one PDF document.

Upload this PDF to Turnitin by 5pm on Monday 20 August.

To get full marks for this homework, your diagram needs to be clear and any text annotations must be legible.