Module: StateTreeInstances.
Used by quickcheck in the tests.
module Util.StateTreeInstances where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad
import Types
— Generate an arbitrary state tree.
arbitraryTree :: (Arbitrary v, Arbitrary a) => Int -> Gen (StateTree v a)
arbitraryTree 0 = do
x <- arbitrary
return (StateTree x [])
arbitraryTree n = do
m <- arbitrary
let n' = n `div` (m + 1)
x <- arbitrary
as <- replicateM m arbitrary
ts <- replicateM m (arbitraryTree n')
return (StateTree x (zip as ts))
-- Tell Haskell that we can generate arbitrary state trees.
instance (Arbitrary v, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (StateTree v a) where
arbitrary = sized arbitraryTree
— Describes how state trees are printed.
instance (Show v, Show a) => Show (StateTree v a) where
show (StateTree v ts) = “(StateTree ” ++ (show v) ++ ” ” ++ (show ts) ++ “)”