CS计算机代考程序代写 GMM algorithm “””

CSCC11 – Introduction to Machine Learning, Winter 2021, Assignment 4
B. Chan, S. Wei, D. Fleet

import numpy as np

from functools import partial

class GMM:
def __init__(self, init_centers):
“”” This class represents the GMM model.

TODO: You will need to implement the methods of this class:
– _e_step: ndarray, ndarray -> ndarray
– _m_step: ndarray, ndarray -> None

Implementation description will be provided under each method.

For the following:
– N: Number of samples.
– D: Dimension of input features.
– K: Number of Gaussians.
NOTE: K > 1

– init_centers (ndarray (shape: (K, D))): A KxD matrix consisting K D-dimensional centers, each for a Gaussian.
assert len(init_centers.shape) == 2, f”init_centers should be a KxD matrix. Got: {init_centers.shape}”
(self.K, self.D) = init_centers.shape
assert self.K > 1, f”There must be at least 2 clusters. Got: {self.K}”

# Shape: K x D
self.centers = np.copy(init_centers)

# Shape: K x D x D
self.covariances = np.tile(np.eye(self.D), reps=(self.K, 1, 1))

# Shape: K x 1
self.mixture_proportions = np.ones(shape=(self.K, 1)) / self.K

def _e_step(self, train_X):
“”” This method performs the E-step of the EM algorithm.

– train_X (ndarray (shape: (N, D))): A NxD matrix consisting N D-dimensional input data.

– probability_matrix_updated (ndarray (shape: (N, K))): A NxK matrix consisting N conditional probabilities of p(z_k|x_i) (i.e. the responsibilities).
(N, D) = train_X.shape
probability_matrix = np.empty(shape=(N, self.K))

# ====================================================
# TODO: Implement your solution within the box

# ====================================================

assert probability_matrix.shape == (train_X.shape[0], self.K), f”probability_matrix shape mismatch. Expected: {(train_X.shape[0], self.K)}. Got: {probability_matrix.shape}”

return probability_matrix

def _m_step(self, train_X, probability_matrix):
“”” This method performs the M-step of the EM algorithm.

NOTE: This method updates self.centers, self.covariances, and self.mixture_proportions

– train_X (ndarray (shape: (N, D))): A NxD matrix consisting N D-dimensional input data.
– probability_matrix (ndarray (shape: (N, K))): A NxK matrix consisting N conditional probabilities of p(z_k|x_i) (i.e. the responsibilities).

– centers (ndarray (shape: (K, D))): A KxD matrix consisting K D-dimensional means for each Gaussian component.
– covariances (ndarray (shape: (K, D, D))): A KxDxD tensor consisting K DxD covariance matrix for each Gaussian component.
– mixture_proportions (ndarray (shape: (K, 1))): A K-column vector consistent the mixture proportion for each Gaussian component.
(N, D) = train_X.shape

centers = np.empty(shape=(self.K, self.D))
covariances = np.empty(shape=(self.K, self.D, self.D))
mixture_proportions = np.empty(shape=(self.K, 1))
# ====================================================
# TODO: Implement your solution within the box
# ====================================================

assert centers.shape == (self.K, self.D), f”centers shape mismatch. Expected: {(self.K, self.D)}. Got: {centers.shape}”
assert covariances.shape == (self.K, self.D, self.D), f”covariances shape mismatch. Expected: {(self.K, self.D, self.D)}. Got: {covariances.shape}”
assert mixture_proportions.shape == (self.K, 1), f”mixture_proportions shape mismatch. Expected: {(self.K, 1)}. Got: {mixture_proportions.shape}”

return centers, covariances, mixture_proportions

def train(self, train_X, max_iterations=1000):
“”” This method trains the GMM model using EM algorithm.

NOTE: This method updates self.centers, self.covariances, and self.mixture_proportions

– train_X (ndarray (shape: (N, D))): A NxD matrix consisting N D-dimensional input data.
– max_iterations (int): Maximum number of iterations.

– labels (ndarray (shape: (N, 1))): A N-column vector consisting N labels of input data.
assert len(train_X.shape) == 2 and train_X.shape[1] == self.D, f”train_X should be a NxD matrix. Got: {train_X.shape}”
assert max_iterations > 0, f”max_iterations must be positive. Got: {max_iterations}”
N = train_X.shape[0]

e_step = partial(self._e_step, train_X=train_X)
m_step = partial(self._m_step, train_X=train_X)

labels = np.empty(shape=(N, 1), dtype=np.long)
for _ in range(max_iterations):
old_labels = labels
# E-Step
probability_matrix = e_step()

# Reassign labels
labels = np.argmax(probability_matrix, axis=1).reshape((N, 1))

# Check convergence
if np.allclose(old_labels, labels):

# M-Step
self.centers, self.covariances, self.mixture_proportions = m_step(probability_matrix=probability_matrix)

return labels