CSCC11 – Introduction to Machine Learning, Winter 2021, Assignment 4
B. Chan, S. Wei, D. Fleet
This is a test script for clustering methods.
import _pickle as pickle
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from functools import partial
from gmm import GMM
from kmeans import KMeans
def test_all(base_path, tests, test_method, visualize=False):
assert test_method in [‘kmeans’, ‘gmm’, ‘all’], f”Only support methods: {[‘kmeans’, ‘gmm’, ‘all’]}. Got: {test_method}”
run_experiment = partial(run_test, visualize=visualize, test_method=test_method)
for test in tests:
data_path = os.path.join(base_path, test)
assert os.path.isfile(data_path)
def run_test(data_path, test_method, visualize=False):
with open(data_path, “rb”) as f:
test_data = pickle.load(f)
kmeans_enabled = False
gmm_enabled = False
num_plots = 1
if test_method in [‘kmeans’, ‘all’]:
kmeans_labels = test_data[“kmeans_labels”].flatten()
kmeans_enabled = True
num_plots += 1
if test_method in [‘gmm’, ‘all’]:
gmm_labels = test_data[“gmm_labels”].flatten()
gmm_enabled = True
num_plots += 1
if visualize:
K = test_data[“init_centers”].shape[0]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(num_plots, 1, 1)
for cluster_i in range(K):
ax.scatter(test_data[‘data’][:, 0],
test_data[‘data’][:, 1])
ax.scatter(test_data[“gmm_centers”][:, 0], test_data[“gmm_centers”][:, 1], c=”black”)
ax.scatter(test_data[“kmeans_centers”][:, 0], test_data[“kmeans_centers”][:, 1], c=”black”, marker=”x”)
ax = fig.add_subplot(num_plots, 1, 2)
if kmeans_enabled:
for cluster_i in range(K):
ax.scatter(test_data[‘data’][kmeans_labels == cluster_i, 0],
test_data[‘data’][kmeans_labels == cluster_i, 1])
ax.scatter(test_data[“kmeans_centers”][:, 0], test_data[“kmeans_centers”][:, 1], c=”black”)
if gmm_enabled:
ax = fig.add_subplot(num_plots, 1, 3)
if gmm_enabled:
for cluster_i in range(K):
ax.scatter(test_data[‘data’][gmm_labels == cluster_i, 0],
test_data[‘data’][gmm_labels == cluster_i, 1])
ax.scatter(test_data[“gmm_centers”][:, 0], test_data[“gmm_centers”][:, 1], c=”black”)
def test_kmeans(test_data):
model = KMeans(test_data[“init_centers”])
labels = model.train(test_data[“data”])
assert np.allclose(model.centers, test_data[“kmeans_centers”])
assert np.allclose(labels, test_data[“kmeans_labels”])
def test_gmm(test_data):
model = GMM(test_data[“init_centers”])
labels = model.train(test_data[“data”])
assert np.allclose(model.centers, test_data[“gmm_centers”])
assert np.allclose(model.covariances, test_data[“gmm_covariances”])
assert np.allclose(model.mixture_proportions, test_data[“gmm_mixture_proportions”])
assert np.allclose(labels, test_data[“gmm_labels”])
if __name__ == “__main__”:
base_path = “../data/”
tests = [f”test_{i}.pkl” for i in range(1, 6)]
# Test methods: kmeans, gmm, all
test_method = “kmeans”
# Whether or not to visualize clusters
visualize = True
test_all(base_path, tests, test_method, visualize)