classdef KalmanFilterSLAMSystem < minislam.slam.VehicleSLAMSystem % This is a very minimal Kalman filter; its purpose is to let me do % some debugging and comparison. It is not fully featured. properties(Access = protected) % Kalman filter mean xEst; PEst; % Kalman filter covariance xPred; PPred; % Store of the mean and covariance values for the vehicle timeStore; xEstStore; PEstStore; end methods(Access = public) function this = KalmanFilterSLAMSystem() this = this@minislam.slam.VehicleSLAMSystem(); this.xEstStore = NaN(3, 1); this.PEstStore = NaN(3, 1); this.xEst = NaN(3, 1); this.PEst = NaN(3, 3); end function [x,P] = robotEstimate(this) x = this.xEst(1:3); P = this.PEst(1:3, 1:3); end function [T, X, PX] = robotEstimateHistory(this) T = this.timeStore; X = this.xEstStore; PX = this.PEstStore; end function [x, P, landmarkIds] = landmarkEstimates(this) landmarkIds = []; x = NaN(2, 0); P = NaN(2, 2, 0); end function recommendation = recommendOptimization(this) recommendation = true; end function processEvents(this, events) % Handle the events processEvents@minislam.slam.VehicleSLAMSystem(this, events); % Store the estimate for the future this.timeStore(:, this.stepNumber) = this.currentTime; this.xEstStore(:, this.stepNumber) = this.xEst(1:3); this.PEstStore(:, this.stepNumber) = diag(this.PEst(1:3, 1:3)); end function optimize(~, ~) % Nothing to do end end methods(Access = protected) function handleInitialConditionEvent(this, event) this.xEst =; this.PEst = event.covariance; this.xPred = this.xEst; this.PPred = this.PEst; end function handleNoPrediction(this) this.xPred = this.xEst; this.PPred = this.PEst; end function handlePredictToTime(this, time, dT) % You will need to write the code to implement the process % model which: % 1. Computes this.xPred % 2. Computes the Jacobian % 3. Computes the process noise v = transpose(mvnrnd([0,0,0], this.uCov, 1)); Q = diag(v.^2); % Q: covariance of the nosie u = this.u; % wheel input psi_k = this.xEst(3); % heading from the state s_psi_k = sin(psi_k); c_psi_k = cos(psi_k); M_k = [c_psi_k , -s_psi_k , 0; s_psi_k, c_psi_k, 0; 0,0,1]; % next state prediction this.xPred = this.xEst+ dT*M_k*(u+v); this.xEst = this.xPred; % Jacobian matrix of state x Jx = [1, 0, -dT*s_psi_k*(u(1)+v(1)) - dT*v(2)*c_psi_k; 0, 1, dT*c_psi_k*(u(1)+v(1)) - dT*v(2)*s_psi_k 0, 0, 1]; % Jacobian matrix of noise v Jv = [dT*c_psi_k, -dT*s_psi_k, 0; dT*s_psi_k, dT*c_psi_k, 0; 0,0, dT]; F = Jx; B = Jv; % covariance prediction this.PPred = F*this.PEst*transpose(F)+ B*Q*transpose(B); this.PEst = this. PPred; end function handleGPSObservationEvent(this, event) % You will need to write the code to implement the fusing the % platform position estimate with a GPS measurement R = event.covariance; %2 by 2 matrix z =; % 2 by 1 vector x = this.xPred; % 3 by 1 vector P = this.PPred; % P is a 3 by 3 matrix % implementation of the update procedure % H is a 2 by 3 matrix that selects the first two items from x % ?? or -1 instead of 1 in the first row?? H = [1,0,0 0,1,0]; % based on the shape here, H should be a 2 by 3 matrix to change from a 3 by 1 vector to a 2 by 1 vector z_hat = H * x; r = z - z_hat; % r is a 2 by 1 vector C = P * transpose(H); % intermediate term; C is a 3 by 2 matrix S = H * C + R; % S is a 2 by 2 matrix W = C * inv(S); % W is a 3 by 2 matrix x = x + W * r % x is back to 3 P = P - W * S * transpose(W); % W * S * transpose(W) shape: 3*2 * 2*2 * 2*3 % update the estimate to the calculated this.xEst = x; this.PEst = P; end function handleLandmarkObservationEvent(this, event) error('Not supported; this should only be used to implement odometry and GPS') end end end