function [Z, Zpattern, L, D, U, P, Q, stats] = sparseinv (A)
%SPARSEINV computes the sparse inverse subset of a real sparse square matrix A.
% This function is typically much faster than computing all of inv(A).
% [Z, Zpattern, L, D, U, P, Q, stats] = sparseinv (A)
% Z is a subset of the inverse a sparse matrix A of full rank. On output, if
% Zpattern(i,j)=1, it means that Z(i,j) has been computed. That is, the norm
% of (Zpattern .* (Z – inv (A))) will be small.
% Method: The permuted matrix C = P*A*Q is first factorized into C =
% (L+I)*D*(U+I) where D is diagonal, L+I is lower triangular with unit
% diagonal, and U+I is upper triangular with unit diagonal (I = speye (n)). If
% A is symmetric and positive definite, then a Cholesky factorization is used
% (in which case P=Q’ and L=U’, and Z will include all diagonal entries of
% inv(A)). Next, the entries in the inverse of C that correspond to nonzero
% values in Zpattern are found via Takahashi’s method. Zpattern is the
% symbolic Cholesky factorization of C+C’, so it includes all entries in L+U
% and its transpose.
% stats is an optional struct containing statistics on the factorization.
% Example:
% load west0479
% A = west0479 ;
% [Z, Zpattern] = sparseinv (A) ;
% S = inv (A) ;
% err = norm (Zpattern .* (Z – S), 1) / norm (S, 1)
% See also inv, lu, chol.
% Copyright 2011, Timothy A. Davis,
get_stats = (nargout > 7) ;
if (get_stats)
t1 = tic ;
% check inputs
if (~issparse (A))
error (‘A must be sparse’) ;
[m n] = size (A) ;
if (m ~= n)
error (‘A must be square’) ;
if (~isreal (A))
error (‘complex matrices not supported’) ;
% construct the factorization: C = P*A*Q = (L+I)*D*(U+I)
p = 1 ;
if (all (diag (A)) > 0 && nnz (A-A’) == 0)
[L,p,Q] = chol (A, ‘lower’) ;
if (p == 0)
% Cholesky worked.
P = Q’ ;
d = diag (L) ;
L = tril (L / diag (d), -1) ;
U = L’ ;
d = d.^2 ;
D = diag (d) ;
% Cholesky failed, or wasn’t attempted. Use LU instead.
[L,U,P,Q] = lu (A) ;
d = diag (U) ;
if (any (d == 0))
error (‘A must be full-rank’) ;
D = diag (d) ;
U = triu (D \ U, 1) ;
L = tril (L, -1) ;
d = full (d) ;
% find the symbolic Cholesky of C+C’
S = spones (P*A*Q) ;
[c,h,pa,po,R] = symbfact (S+S’) ;
clear h pa po
Zpattern = spones (R+R’) ;
clear R S
if (get_stats)
t1 = toc (t1) ;
t2 = tic ;
% compute the sparse inverse subset
[Z takflops] = sparseinv_mex (L, d, U’, Zpattern) ;
if (p == 0)
% Force Z to be symmetric. This is because sparseinv_mex does not
% exploit the symmetry in the factorization, but computes both upper and
% lower triangular parts of Z separately. The work for the Takahashi
% equations could be cut in half as a result.
Z = (Z + Z’) / 2 ;
% permute the result
Z = Q*Z*P ;
Zpattern = Q*Zpattern*P ;
% return stats, if requested
if (nargout > 7)
t2 = toc (t2) ;
if (p == 0)
stats.kind = ‘Cholesky’ ;
fl = 2*n + sum (c.^2) ;
stats.nnz_factors = sum (c) ;
stats.kind = ‘LU’ ;
Lnz = full (sum (spones (L))) ; % off diagonal nz in cols of L
Unz = full (sum (spones (U’)))’ ; % off diagonal nz in rows of U
fl = n + 2*Lnz*Unz + sum (Lnz) ;
stats.nnz_factors = nnz (L) + nnz (U) + n ;
stats.flops_factorization = fl ;
stats.flops_Takahashi = takflops ;
stats.time_factorization = t1 ;
stats.time_Takahashi = t2 ;