CS计算机代考程序代写 using System;

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace IntervalTrees
// Interfaces used for an Interval Tree

public interface IContainer
void MakeEmpty(); // Reset to empty
bool Empty(); // Return true if empty; false otherwise
int Size(); // Return size


public interface ISearchable : IContainer
void Add(Interval period); // Add the interval to the interval tree
void Remove(Interval period); // Remove the interval from the interval tree
bool Contains(Interval period); // Return true if interval found; false otherwise

// Augmented method
Interval Overlap(Interval period); // Return an interval (if any) that overlaps with the given interval


public class Interval : IComparable
public int Low { get; set; } // Start of interval
public int High { get; set; } // End of interval

// Constructor
public Interval(int low, int high)
Low = low;
High = high;

// CompareTo (from IComparable)
// Returns -ve if Low of the current interval < Low of the given interval // or [ Low of the current interval = Low of the given interval and // High of the current interval < High of the given interval ] // Returns 0 if Low and High are same for both intervals // Returns +ve otherwise public int CompareTo(object obj) { Interval other = (Interval)obj; if (other != null) { if (Low == other.Low) return High - other.High; else return Low - other.Low; } else return +1; } // ToString (from Object class) // Returns a string representation of an instance of Interval public override string ToString() { return "(" + Low + "," + High + ")"; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Node class for an Interval Tree public class Node { private static Random R = new Random(); // Read/write properties public Interval Period { get; set; } public int Priority { get; set; } // Randomly generated public int MaxHigh { get; set; } // Augmented information (day) public Node Left { get; set; } public Node Right { get; set; } // Node constructor public Node(Interval period) { Period = period; // Given interval Priority = R.Next(10, 100); MaxHigh = Period.High; // Augmented data Left = Right = null; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation: Treap class IntervalTree : ISearchable { private Node Root; // Reference to the root of the Treap // Constructor IntervalTree // Creates an empty Interval Tree // Time complexity: O(1) public IntervalTree() { MakeEmpty(); } // CalcMax // Updates MaxHigh of subtree rooted at p (if necessary) to: // max(p.Period.High, p.Left.MaxHigh, p.Right.MaxHigh) // Time complexity: O(1) private void CalcMax(Node p) { p.MaxHigh = p.Period.High; if (p.Left != null) if (p.Left.MaxHigh > p.MaxHigh)
p.MaxHigh = p.Left.MaxHigh;

if (p.Right != null)
if (p.Right.MaxHigh > p.MaxHigh)
p.MaxHigh = p.Right.MaxHigh;

// LeftRotate
// Performs a left rotation around the given root
// Time complexity: O(1)

private Node LeftRotate(Node root)
Node temp = root.Right;
root.Right = temp.Left;
temp.Left = root;
return temp;

// RightRotate
// Performs a right rotation around the given root
// Time complexity: O(1)

private Node RightRotate(Node root)
Node temp = root.Left;
root.Left = temp.Right;
temp.Right = root;
return temp;

// Public Add
// Inserts the given period into the Interval Tree
// Calls Private Add to carry out the actual insertion
// Expected time complexity: O(log n)

public void Add(Interval period)
Root = Add(period, Root);

// Add
// Inserts period into the Interval Tree and returns a reference to the root
// Intervals are ordered by Low and secondarily by High
// Duplicate periods are not inserted
// Expected time complexity: O(log n)

private Node Add(Interval period, Node root)
int cmp; // Result of a comparison

if (root == null)
return new Node(period);
cmp = period.CompareTo(root.Period);
if (cmp > 0)
root.Right = Add(period, root.Right); // Move right
if (root.Right.Priority > root.Priority) // Rotate left (if necessary)
root = LeftRotate(root);
CalcMax(root.Left); // Update MaxHigh for the left child
else if (cmp < 0) { root.Left = Add(period, root.Left); // Move left if (root.Left.Priority > root.Priority) // Rotate right (if necessary)
root = RightRotate(root);
CalcMax(root.Right); // Update MaxHigh for the right child
CalcMax(root); // (Re)calculate MaxHigh for the (new) root
return root;

// Public Remove
// Removes the given period from the Interval Tree
// Calls Private Remove to carry out the actual removal
// Expected time complexity: O(log n)

public void Remove(Interval period)
Root = Remove(period, Root);

// Remove
// Removes the given period from the Interval Tree
// Nothing is performed if the period is not found
// Expected time complexity: O(log n)

private Node Remove(Interval period, Node root)
int cmp; // Result of a comparison

if (root == null) // Item not found
return null;
cmp = period.CompareTo(root.Period);
if (cmp < 0) root.Left = Remove(period, root.Left); // Move left else if (cmp > 0)
root.Right = Remove(period, root.Right); // Move right
else if (cmp == 0) // Item found
// Case: Two children
// Rotate the child with the higher priority to the given root
if (root.Left != null && root.Right != null)
if (root.Left.Priority > root.Right.Priority)
root = RightRotate(root);
root = LeftRotate(root);

// Case: One child
// Rotate the left child to the given root
else if (root.Left != null)
root = RightRotate(root);
// OR
// Rotate the right child to the given root
else if (root.Right != null)
root = LeftRotate(root);

// Case: No children (i.e. a leaf node)
// Snip off the leaf node containing item
return null;

// Recursively move item down the Treap
root = Remove(period, root);
CalcMax(root); // (Re)calculate MaxHigh for the (new) root)
return root;

// Contains
// Returns true if the given item is found in the Interval Tree; false otherwise
// Expected time complexity: O(log n)

public bool Contains(Interval period)
Node curr = Root;
int cmp;

while (curr != null)
cmp = period.CompareTo(curr.Period);
if (cmp == 0) // Found
return true;
else if (cmp < 0) curr = curr.Left; // Move left else curr = curr.Right; // Move right } return false; } // Overlap // Returns an interval that overlaps with the given period; otherwise (0,0) // Expected time complexity: O(log n) public Interval Overlap(Interval period) { Node curr = Root; while ((curr != null) && (curr.Period.Low > period.High || period.Low > curr.Period.High)) // No overlap
if ((curr.Left != null) && (period.Low <= curr.Left.MaxHigh)) curr = curr.Left; else curr = curr.Right; } if (curr != null) return curr.Period; else return new Interval(0, 0); // Default interval (no overlap) } // MakeEmpty // Creates an empty Interval Tree public void MakeEmpty() { Root = null; } // Empty // Returns true if the Interval Tree is empty; false otherwise public bool Empty() { return Root == null; } // Public Size // Returns the number of items in the Interval Tree // Calls Private Size to carry out the actual calculation // Time complexity: O(n) public int Size() { return Size(Root); } // Size // Returns the number of items in the given Interval Tree // Time complexity: O(n) private int Size(Node root) { if (root == null) return 0; else return 1 + Size(root.Left) + Size(root.Right); } // Public Height // Returns the height of the Interval Tree // Calls Private Height to carry out the actual calculation // Time complexity: O(n) public int Height() { return Height(Root); } // Private Height // Returns the height of the given Treap // Time complexity: O(n) private int Height(Node root) { if (root == null) return -1; // By default for an empty Treap else return 1 + Math.Max(Height(root.Left), Height(root.Right)); } // Public Print // Prints out the items of the Interval Tree inorder // Calls Private Print to carry out the actual print public void Print() { Print(Root, 0); } // Print // Inorder traversal of the Interval Tree // Time complexity: O(n) private void Print(Node root, int index) { if (root != null) { Print(root.Right, index + 9); Console.WriteLine(new String(' ', index) + root.Period + " " + root.MaxHigh); Print(root.Left, index + 9); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- public class Program { static Random V = new Random(); static void Main(string[] args) { IntervalTree B = new IntervalTree(); Interval p, q; int low, high; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { low = V.Next(10, 91); // Low = [10..90] high = low + V.Next(0, 10); // Intervals of length 0 to 9 B.Add(new Interval(low, high)); // Add random intervals } B.Print(); do { // Read in an interval string s = Console.ReadLine(); string[] values = s.Split(' '); low = int.Parse(values[0]); high = int.Parse(values[1]); if (low == 0) break; p = new Interval(low, high); q = B.Overlap(p); if (q != null) { Console.WriteLine(q.ToString()); B.Remove(q); } B.Print(); } while (true); Console.ReadLine(); } } }